Avatar of ilovepapa
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 49 (0.02 / day)
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    1. ilovepapa 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I just want to say that I am happy that I recently broke my own promise to myself and actually looked at all this Fallout 76 stuff, cause I almost made the mistake of buying it.
5 yrs ago
Shapeless self promotion / Hope people like superhero themed stuff roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
How are character sheets on the decline? I understand it being possible to not have a real sheet for something like a slice of life sort of thing, but for one with any sort of combat?
6 yrs ago
Perhaps this whole Mahz thing is like in DBZ? We need to gather the Dragon Balls so we can bring him back from wherever he is, even if that is death itself.
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Interested if there if still room for me.
MamaFang sighed as she listened to the two mercanaries speak, it was just like back when this was just a game, she wondered if people could speak without being called out like this was still modern warfare xbox. "Now now, children I am sure you both are veeery dangerous people, and lets get this out of the way as well while we are at it. Yes, you fucked eachother's mothers, you both have a 'third leg', and are the scariest people in the room. Now that that is over, the adults are talking sweeties." Now that MamaFang made her position very clear, punctuated by a barely muffled laugh from TinyFang behind her, and a hand that suddenly moved to snatch Parks up by the collar and casually senf the tiny boy flying away from MamaFang, she continued. "I understand how some people would find this world more appealing than the previous, but you fail to realize that with the combinations of the guilds here, there is literally no reason to be hiring you two. Sure it would make things go slightly faster, but like our resident table goblin said, I am quite sure we can find people who are more capable for the same prices. Now if you wish to stop brining up being paid for literally nothing, I myself would happily provide a reward for any guildless folks who help out.

MamaFang sighed again, rubbing her forehead. "That being said, if I hear another word from anybody about anything even vaugely resembling payment before the details for the issues at hand are yet to even be confirmed, I am banning everyone not in my guild from my hall after curb stomping anybody with their mouth open. IF there is going to be payment, I would imagine it would be in the form of a reward, AFTER the job is completed in some form. If the choice is left up to me I would pay you only what I found you to be worth to us, and not a peice more... Or am I the only person in this room who actually has experience playing this game as anything other than a dammed roleplaynig forum? I refuse to pay anybody anything if they plan on leaving the job half finished, or sitting in the background doing nothing. There is a reason quests pay when they are completed, as do jobs in the real world, you do not get paid for doing nothing!"

MF had gone from speaking to yelling in the span of a minute or two, a combination of factors spanning this previous month finally catching up to her as she spoke. Silencing the hall with her stature and bellowing voice, a few of the older kids looked at eachother and worked on getting the others ready and out of the hall, TinyFang now moving to an empty seat next to her mother, who was now red faced and seething, her peircing glare daring anybody to speak out of turn. "Now I thank you all for enjoying the meal, but over the last month a few things seem to have been forgotten by you people. This is a game. You are not some holy church. You are not some magical king. You are not a mercanary, you are all just a bunch of losers who logged into Elder Tale at the wrong time. Just because this WAS a game does not mean that hurting others is ok. PvP was one thing when we could not feel what was happening. If we are to ignore playerkillers unless it profits us, why step in for kidnapping, human traffiking, or worse? I mean, it is a 'Game' after all right? Nobody ACTUALLY gets hurt, right? No, this is no more a game than real life was, not anymore."
"Well all in all I agree with the girl who is looking for a one way ticket to the respawn temple. Seriously what are your parents teaching you? And you Parks, I am really not sure how much HP your little king shtick gives you but I am 100% sure I could more than likely half hit you if I were to backhand you right now, out of my chair." MamaFang sighed as she walked out of the kitchens and into the room. Unlike normal, MF was not currently wearing her armor, instead she wore a set of simple black trousers and a thin cotton shirt that hugged her shape.

"We need to make the roads safe, it's no good if we can't move without being ambushed by some unknown amount of monsters and player killers. It just makes no sense to me, all in all we need to stop bickering and actually try to solve some of these problems instead of immediately treating this world as real and taking advantage of it. Do none of you want to go back home?" MamaFang sighed as she slid into her chair, no longer caring if anybody else was sitting in it.

TinyFang stood behind her, watching the table with a steely gaze, she had followed her mother in and kept silent the whole time, this was a time for adults to speak... adults and kids barely out of their teens it seemed. Her mother was right, they needed to at least thin the amount of monsters on the road before doing much else, even the player killers could wait until the roads were cleared out.
Today was a mess, not only was she having to cook for a larger number but several guild heads had chosen her hall out of all places to set up shop for whatever horrid excuse they were surely ready to lie to her with. All in all most of her time spent in the game since the whole expansion business was spent watching over her guild. " Mama, I think we got the... the err. " The small dwarven girl went pale, her cheeks going pink as she failed to pronounce the dish. " Honey, it's Pitepalt, and if it's ready go send it out with some of the older kids and MissGrump. " The girl nodded in response, her voice echoing in the back rooms and gently out into the main hall as within a surprisingly short amount of time a group of 5 came out carrying plates and dishes, readying the table with practiced ease as a Dwarven woman with thin grey hair tied back into a bun shuffled along carrying a pot.

" Pitepalt, for those of you uneducated little monsters around here, it's a swedish dish originally. Down to it's basics it's a breakfast dumpling whose dough is made of potato and is stuffed with such things as pork, and in Mama's case cheese as well. It served with butter or jam, as well as milk. "

The old woman commanded an air of respect in the same way your grandmother would always be obeyed at the dinner table. As the nearby chairs filled, other more american dishes quickly came out for those who wished something else. Pancakes, oatmeal, fruits, MamaFang was expecting company and nothing would be too much. It also served as a way to show off her guild hall, as it was slightly larger than normal, allowing for the massive central hall to function as a giant dining room.

Upon beginning the serving of the Pitepalt the old woman raised her head, allowing a single eye to glare violently at Parks. "Child I really don't know who you think you are sitting in Mama's chair. If SHE won't whup you I will." With that she grunted, not waiting for a response as the room slowly began filling itself, the main table being left for the guests and MamaFang as the side tables easily filled themselves. The room echoed with laughter and talk already, and was host to a range of levels now, most who belonged to The Fang Family being under level 40, with the higher levels and ages scattered across the room keeping an eye on everything and helping prepare and deliver the food. Yes The Fang Family was surely as it's name implied.

Ikelos 'Ike' Eve



Why fight when you can laugh? Why work when you can sleep? Ike is not the picture of "Vampiric Royalty" not by far, but he is in fact a pureblood of house Eve. In his youth he was an obedient little boy, doing everything he was told and learning all he would. In time though, came his current mindset. The more he learned about the world, the more he really did hate it. The world was fully of greedy, hate filled people be they vampire or human. Everyone worked for their own goals, no matter their outward appearance. Despite pessimistic and overall "Fuck it" attitude for life, he is a very friendly young man who loves to see people around him having fun and forgetting for once in their lives ( or their undeath ) forgetting the troubles of the world. He is slow to get moving, and extremely difficult to anger, but once he is moving he is a terror to behold.

Though he grew up in a household that seemed hellbent on staying neutral in most any decision until the very end, this did not mean that Ike was not subject to people who would try to push their ideals onto him. Like all who grow up in the Houses, Ike was given a very formal education that included being trained in weaponry and combat. Though he disliked fighting, he was found to be extremely effective at hand to hand combat due to him being naturally quicker than most vampires he found himself fighting. Due to this, he was gifted a pair of Silver and Steel Brass Knuckles that he keeps on himself whenever possible.

Unexpectedly, many find him to be a good example of a Young Eve, always trying to keep neutral, constantly diffusing situations and often being the final say in many situations. He already has begun to enjoy his time at the Academy, albeit mostly because he has somebody to talk to who is not a servant of some kind or contantly looking down on him because of his youth.

-Sexual Orientation-

Reading (Fiction/Romance Novels)

Loud noises
Being the center of attention

Dozing off
(Sleep has become a near art form for Ike, and he tends to easily find himself capable of sleep when he is feeling overwhelmed, almost like a self defense mechanism.)

Joke the pain away
(outwardly calm and smiling, calmly telling the world to go fuck itself. Ike actually worries quite a bit, he often pushes away his worries and tries to forget them with a good laugh.)


6 people, got us a party here. Dibs on Healer? Lol.
Interested, seen a fair bit of the anime but I agree with @Denny we need a bit of a plot. While Slice of Life sort of stuff is great, an actual goal would help keep things together.

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