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    1. ineffable 8 yrs ago
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furiously looking for a slice of life rp...
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RIP Carrie Fisher
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Whelp, here's where you learn a little bit about me whether you like it or not.

Hi! You can call me Effie or ineffable or basically whatever you'd like but welcome to my little corner of the guild! I've been here for about 5 years, starting on my adventure in roleplaying in a free roleplay and moving my way up towards more high casual roleplays, which is what I'm working on right now. You can find me a lot in Slice of Life roleplays and every so often in Fantasy or Sci-fi. As for a little bit about me: I love 80s era movies and music and play an inhumane amount of video games. I am also kind of low key addicted to Dungeons and Dragons and a total bookworm with a favoring towards contemporary fiction.

Hit me up to talk about everything and anything!

Not currently roleplaying, but if you have any interesting roleplays or 1x1s please do DM me! (I check back on the site a lot)


And welcome to where I store all of the stuff that I don't need but turn out to need anyway.

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Count me in, I’ll report if I’m too busy but hopefully I should be good to go!

Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)

Her heirloom would protect her in terms of the healing from the bites itself. Effects from vampire bites may be reduced but that's not the main point of the heirloom. I guess it would work best with werewolf bites. She won't feel as much pain and these bites will be able to heal quicker than normal.

As for vampy dad, I would say that she picked up on some things before he got bitten which leads her to believe that he had been turned into a vampire even though she didn't see it. Maybe a piece of correspondence between him and a vamp was left on his desk, and even though Evren doesn't want to believe that anything bad may have happened to her dad...it very well might've.
Here ya go! It took me mighty long but I think she turned out great, hopefully! @Lionhearted


Yay! Then can I reserve the spot? The CS should be sent to you pretty soon and I can discuss things over with you also in Discord :)

Head of the Hunters still free? I’m loving the concept of this RP!

An @Ejected and @ineffable Collaboration

It was around eight o'clock in the evening when Carter pulled into the driveway of the Fielders residence. He was tapping his fingers on the bottom of the steering wheel and bobbing his freshly styled head to the sounds of Jay-Z and Kanye West that were pumping loudly through the speakers of his cherry red Lexus. Halloween had always been a favorite holiday of Carter's; In fact, the older Carter grew, the closer Halloween got to dethroning Christmas as his favorite holiday. Ever since he found out the shocking truth about Santa Claus, Christmas slowly but surely began to lose its magic. Halloween, on the other hand, had many characteristics that made it such a unique and enjoyable day. From the spooky decorations, to the costumes, to the concept of Trick-or-Treating as a whole, Halloween was surely hard for Carter to hate. Due to this, it came as no surprise to anyone in Carter's household when he decided to go all out and get a bit creative with his Halloween costume. He'd gotten his suit custom made, had his hair cut into the necessary style, let his mother apply a bit of makeup, and had even spent a considerable amount of money on a brand new electric guitar to complete the ensemble. Now, he was more than ready to spend the rest of his Halloween night at Kavi Salvador's party.

After putting his car into park, Carter picked up his cell phone and sent a quick text message to Georgia Fielders, the girl who'd agreed to tag along with him to the party over school lunch. "I'm outside," the boy subconsciously spoke aloud as his fingers glided across his cell phone screen, "You ready to go?" Carter then tossed his phone back into its spot in the cup holder before taking those few minutes he'd have to wait for Georgia to arrive to touch up his hair and makeup in the mirror.

Georgie tidied up her suit jacket and pulled her tie tight before she admired herself in the mirror. Her hair was tucked up in a low bun and she’d drawn a mustache across the top of her upper lip. Along with the crisp white shirt she was wearing, the beautiful top hat that she’d won in a bidding war on Ebay against chappielover7, and the cane she’d borrowed from her grandpa, she was pretty happy with her choice of costume. She’d always loved Charlie Chaplin and her brother Roggie always did a spot on impression of the comedian. She applied a quick layer of mascara and grabbed her buzzing phone before she headed out of the door. Along the way out she sent a quick photo of her outfit to her family group chat and waved at Carter who she saw through the driver’s window of his car.

Moving closer to the vehicle she rounded it to reach the shotgun seat and climbed in, smiling at Carter’s costume as she did so. Man was that great, Georgie even spotted the guitar in the back. Too bad she didn’t bring her camera, she was sure that Carter would’ve made for a pretty photoshoot. ”Thanks for picking me up! My friends don’t usually show up to these sorts of things. They just take a picture of their costume and go trick treating like 5 year olds. Not that I have a problem with that but just...well, it’s a party and I’d like to go. It was nice of you to invite me along for the ride there.” Georgie confessed and shrugged. ”Your outfit is great though!”

Carter couldn't help but crack a smile as Georgie spoke, and it was when she mentioned trick-or-treating that he reached around to the back of his seat and pulled out a large plastic bag full of candy. "Nothing wrong with embracing your inner 5 year old sometimes," the young man said as he sat the bag in her lap and shifted his car in reverse, "I made my rounds before I came to pick you up. You won't believe how much candy these old, rich couples give out." Soon, they were on their way to the Salvador residence; as usual, Carter sped down the road without a care in the world. "I like your costume too, by the way. Charlie Chaplin... that's pretty creative."

Georgie’s eyes widened as she looked at the bag of candy, her hands reaching almost of their own accord towards the goodies.
”I absolutely aspire to be you one day, you know that, Carter?” She reached a hand into the bag and closed her eyes. Georgie had always liked surprises, especially ones involving candy. Her fingers slipped around a small box and she brought it out. Nerds! She loved them...well, she loved all candy. As she opened the box and poured some out in her hand she sneaked a peek at Carter. He looked so happy, so carefree. She guessed that they were alike in that way. She’d heard things about him, of course, but maybe she didn’t want to believe it. She was all for having fun but if it turned dangerous, she’d much rather stay away. Knocking herself out of her thoughts she responded to Carter: ”Thank you! I love Charlie Chaplin, he never ceases to make me laugh.” Georgie smiled as she remembered back to her childhood, when she’d sat on the couch between her brothers and watched as her parents smiled at them as they laughed, imitated good ol’ Chaplin and threw popcorn at each other. But that was gone. Georgie’s smile slipped off her face if only for an instant before she shook out another handful of Nerds and offered them to Carter. ”Want some?”

"Nah, I actually think I've had more than enough candy for tonight," Carter said, shaking his head and letting out a brief chuckle. Although Carter mostly had his attention focused on the road, he certainly hadn't missed the way Georgie's smile had momentarily faltered; after a quick internal debate, Carter decided that he'd try to figure out exactly what was going on in that head of hers. "Seems like you spaced out for a sec, though. Something on your mind?"

Georgie tossed the Nerds into her own mouth instead and stared out the side window at the road going by them. “Ah, it’s nothing...It’s probably just nostalgia.” Georgie brushed off his question. Though glad that he had cared enough to ask her (and quite surprised that he’d noticed something was wrong) she didn’t want to talk about it to anyone yet...she never did. Georgie remained silent, something unlike of her to do and waited for Carter to do something, anything at all to distract her.

Not wanting to pry any further, Carter simply accepted her answer, nodded his head and continued his drive down the road. They were just a little ways away from the Salvador residence when the sudden silence began to bother him; It was when Carter decided to turn the radio back on that this silence ceased. Soon after, the sound of Michael Jackson's voice filled the air, and his all too familiar tune began to play through the car speakers. Almost instantly, Carter began to smile and tap his fingers along to the beat. He paused to say, "looks like everyone's in the Halloween spirit tonight," before finally giving in and singing with the music. Though being very off-key, Carter grinned even wider and turned up the volume; he only stopped singing to take a quick peek at his passenger, his eyes practically prompting her to sing along.

Georgie realized how awkward it all was but couldn’t bring herself to speak. Her shy side didn’t come out often, but when it did she was brought almost always to great embarrassment because of it. Suddenly the familiar beginning tones of Thriller spilled out of the car’s speakers and Georgie felt a grin creeping across her face. She’d used to dance to this as a kid and embarrassingly so. In fact, she was pretty sure there was a hometape of the concert she’d done for her class back then. She started to tap her foot to the beat before she turned to catch Carter’s eyes and his comment. Shaking her head, Georgie couldn’t resist the urge to sing along, finally giving into temptation and belting out the song lyrics with Carter. Somewhere between the pauses in the song she managed to slip in a quiet ”Thank you, Carter”

Soon, the pair had arrived at their destination; Carter parked his car on the side of the road, only finally cutting the engine when the song had finished playing. "It's really no problem," the boy said as he leaned over and grabbed his guitar from the back seat. And after one final glance in his mirror, Carter turned to Georgie with a wide grin plastered across his face, and said, "Now, you ready to go get this party startled?"

You're here! I've always wanted to do an RP with you again one day :)

Location: The Island (room and meeting hall) ♡
Interacting with: @Tootsiepop@GhostMami@Hoekage@QueenNugget

Irene woke up, her own silky straight hair knotted within her fist. Slowly untangling her legs from the constrictive duvet she swung herself out of bed and stretched, yawning in the sunlight that filtered in the semi opaque thin curtains. Turning back to the bed and fluffing out the pillows, she straightened out the duvet and sighed before her stomach rumbled in hunger. Irene chuckled at herself. She'd need a proper breakfast but she was too tired to go downstairs, opting instead to call for room service and shuffling over to the phone on the bedside table to do so, rubbing her face with her other hand as she dialled the front counter.

"Hello? Oh hi! Good morning...I'd like to order in room service...Yes, I'm calling from room 320...I'd like to order some pancakes please and a fruit salad?...Would you also mind bringing me an insubordinate amount of maple syrup?...You would? Thank you so much! Goodbye!" Irene hung up on the phone and went to the bathroom, quickly hopping into the icy cold shower and freshening herself up as she waited for the food to arrive. When it finally did she gave a small hurrah, wrapped in the hotel's comfy bathrobe before tucking into the fantastically fluffy pancakes which she doused in piles of syrup, occasionally dropping a fruit into the puddle of sugar she'd made on her plate. As she finished up with breakfast she went to apply makeup, a slick of pink lipstick finishing her look before she pulled on a simple but sweet white gown and diamond earrings. She straightened out her hair as she called her parents.

"Hello? The voice of her dad reached her ears and Irene smiled widely.

"Hi daddy! I was just going to tell you that I'll be entering the meeting soon."

"Ah, of course! I almost forgot!" Her dad laughed on the other line and Irene had to smile at the warmness of it, she'd missed it. Though of course, she knew what he said were all lies. He wouldn't forget. He had sent her instead of him and her mom, seemingly mysterious in the way he'd gone about it. It had seemed important so Irene hadn't wanted to go but at the insistence of her lovely parents she'd packed up her bags and gotten on the plan to this heavenly paradise, quite unaware of what was heading for her.

"Well, I guess that's all. I hope you and mom are doing well! As soon as I land back in New York I'll head over, okay?"

"Of course darling, we love you too." Her dad spoke softly and the phone clicked off as Irene gathered up her handbag and quickly exited her room, too excited to wait.

~ ❤ ~

Irene took a seat at the nearest table and raised her glass of water to her lips as she listened to the vampires speak, giving a tiny giggle at the entertainment that the boys had provided in arriving late and unruly. Also, gosh, did Kasania look beautiful. Irene wished she could look that regal and confident one day. Finally, the king started his speech and Irene leaned back in her chair to listen, all a bit in awe of what was going on.

As he went on, Irene started to fiddle with the pearl bracelet on her wrist. She was screwed, to put it lightly. Her whole life had been supported by her parents, she'd never really had to do anything and she also didn't have to step a foot into much of the vampire world. Unlike the other purebloods she'd been almost a complete unknown. Merely a name but not much of a face or story to attach it to. She'd heard people talking about her before but all they'd said was that she was a secretive person and apparently a great dancer, they hadn't known that she was removed from much of the vampire world because on some level she feared their evil. Some of them, you could just feel it radiating from. Like him, she glanced over to Emiliano quickly before she averted her eyes. There was no way that Irene could ever find an alliance or make a house of her own. She was simply too weak to do so. But she did have her ideals in mind and she did want those to be enacted. With her as the lead, well she wasn't too sure about that yet, but for now it seemed like she had to do at least something.

She heard the chair scraping from a table next to her and saw a girl get up, walking on over to the group of boys and Kasania who had entered earlier, and feeling somewhat not like herself she also followed her over to the group. She knew them of course, from past appearances and quick onceovers she'd done whenever she was in their presence on behalf of her parents but she was pretty sure that they may not recognise her. However, she had a feeling that in a few minutes they were about to know exactly who Irene Artois was.
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