Avatar of Jackdaw
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  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 209 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Jackdaw 6 yrs ago
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I like Star Wars.

Most Recent Posts


I understand the link in the original post may have expired! Please find above a new link, which will definitely give you access to the Discord channel.
Star Wars 77

As you are probably aware, the Star Wars Saga came to an end last December with the release of The Rise of Skywalker. Controversial and divisive as that movie was, it left the audience with a very interesting question – what happens next?

There is no lore on the era following Episode IX, and the movie doesn’t offer much in the way of hints as to the galaxy’s future. This leaves us with an opportunity to see new and exciting stories emerge and redefine the Star Wars universe. I was looking forward to seeing how the creative minds behind Star Wars would approach the situation, but with Project Luminous – the multimedia project that serves as the next stage of Star Wars storytelling – having been announced as oriented toward pre-Episode I content, exploration of the post-Episode IX era seems far off.

With that in mind, I had an idea.

This project, Star Wars 77, is set 77 years after the events of Episode IX (that number chosen as a reference to the 1977 theatrical release of the original Star Wars). As it says in the thread title, this is a post-Episode IX sandbox worldbuilding and roleplaying project. I would like to collaboratively develop a new face of the Star Wars galaxy with you and then dive into it through a play-by-post roleplaying adventure. I don't have much in the way of predetermined notions as to the direction this will take, and we have a ton of freedom to explore and develop a story however we like, which together should make this a pretty different and fun project.

If you’re interested, feel free to click the below listed Discord link and join the tema.


Thank you,
Almost thought Khulbe might be good for this, but it seems the Hutts themselves were not invited!

My firstborn and favorite child, Z. Zattius Blackbark, will be appearing in this RP.
“I’ll have my team move on that information as soon as we have it in hand,” Leto said.

That was his role. Building connections, communicating, gathering intelligence, providing operational security. The security team, in the casually understood sense, meant men with blasters that protected the Senator when things went wrong. It was by Leto’s efforts, though, that they were largely superfluous. The best way to keep someone from getting killed is by avoiding situations that get people killed.

“Does your team need our support on this matter with Dras Don? We have people to spare.”
Character Creation

Please use the basic Edge of the Empire rules for character creation, unmodified, and kindly create a sheet for your character through this website: swsheets.com/c. Post your character sheet in this thread after creation.
Star Wars: The Outer Rim


Five years have passed since the Battle of Endor. A New Republic has risen, and the Empire is a shadow of its former self. As the heroes of the Rebellion work to establish this new government and the Empire wars with itself in an effort to resolve a crisis of succession, the Outer Rim is left lawless. Local planetary authorities, newly established sector capitals of the New Republic, isolated Imperial strongholds, and criminal kingpins vie for control of the galaxy's outlying worlds. It is a landscape ripe for exploitation by smugglers, bounty hunters, pirates, rogues and scoundrels alike. Not unlike yourself, as it were.

Welcome to the Outer Rim.

Unlike my other project, Sector Force Daalang, this is a sandbox oriented game where you will take on the role of a scoundrel making his or her way in the galaxy in the tumultuous aftermath of the Empire's collapse. You and your fellow crewmates are free to explore the galaxy, take jobs, carry out missions, and generally go on adventures.

You'll be starting off with your own ship, some unscrupulous underworld contacts, and in the middle of your first job. My aim for the campaign as a whole is for it to draw inspiration from Pirates of the Caribbean, complete with adversarial pirates, mystical compasses, cursed treasures, space krakens, colonies, mysterious planets, and encounters with the law, as well as from other media like The Mandalorian, Shadowrun, and more.

Join the Discord if you'd like more information: discord.gg/juFQXMZ
bless this character sheet fam.

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