Avatar of jog1118
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  • Posts: 39 (0.01 / day)
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    1. jog1118 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current same old, same old


39yo. male. works under an IT group. loves to play boardgames. relatively new to RP (whaaaat??? at your age??? hahaha)

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It could have been...or not. You really want to take away the excitement from the story? :)

A bus on a return trip passes by soon and elicits a sigh of relief from the two men.

The two get up on the bus and thankfully rest themselves from the heat of the afternoon sun.

Martin is unusually quiet. He looks at Griffin for a moment and says I don't feel so good..." and suddenly topples towards Griffin.

Martin is burning up with fever.
If feral doesnt post anything within the day, we can probably move on
"OUCH!!!" yelled Martin, as he scrambles back to his feet and frantically shakes of his beloved ants from his clothes.

"Jeez! These bullet ants live up to their name! I've got ant stings even in places the sun don't shine." Martin forces a smile even though he is sore from the ant bites.

He approaches Griffin and the new gal. "I've got what i wanted Griffin. I'll take care of the taming later." He raises the plastic bottle and shows the bullet ant inside together with some pieces of cracker, apparently meant to be the ant's supply of food.

He faces Narcissa and forced another smile. "Hi i'm Martin and this is Griffin. You here for the god-stuff too?"

@Feral @KatherinWinter
Guys...are the people in the hotel still on with the game? Just curious since most of you have been inactive for quite some time now ;)
"Pinholes...i've pre-made pinholes already to provide air to the ants while not big enough to let them out of the bottle" beamed Martin.

"Hey Griffin, this is a big place. Ok with you if we split up so we can cover more ground? Look for unusually big ants. What we're looking for are ants around 18–30 millimetres long and resemble stout, reddish-black, wingless wasps. asks Martin.

Martin suddenly stands from his seat and knocks loudly on the bus walls. The driver apparently understands and the bus slows down to a halt.

"C'mon! we're here." Martin gets off the bus and looks back to make sure Griffin follows.

A breathe of fresh, country air greets the two would-be gods. Open rice fields span their line of sight and a few mountains can be seen further to the horizon.

Martin pulls out an empty plastic water bottle from his bag and says "This bottle should do the trick...now let's find some ants"

Martin sits on one of the vacant seats at the back of the bus. He waves at Griffin as he boards the bus, sluggishly it seems. He takes some crackers from his bag and offers some to Griffin as the bus begins to move.

"It won't take long. Farmlands i saw is just 30 minutes tops from here. To be honest, capturing the ant would be child's play...but i don't have any idea on how to tame it. Guess i'll just have to cross the bridge when i get there" Martin says as he bites onto the crackers.

"Chill Griffin...what i meant with getting to know an anthill is that we go through the lot of 'em to get one of 'em. They're kinda into the whole one-for-all-all-for-one thing. Hey! There's a bus incoming. I bet this goes through the farmlands i mentioned...Let's go Griffin!"

Martin then just runs off for the bus and motions for Griffin to follow.
"Coincidentally, South America has one breed of ant considered one of the biggest. It's sting feels like being shot by a gun, hence it's name the Bullet Ant.

I remember passing some farmlands on the way here. That should be a perfect place to scout for some."
Martin briefs Griffin.

"Ants come in colonies, mind you. We're getting to know an entire anthill and not just one. warns Martin.
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