Avatar of Jon Y
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    1. Jon Y 9 yrs ago


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Sorry if my post is not up to standard, I just got back from holiday and the flight back has drained my brain of all common sense and intelligence.
Ionathan was just about to tell them about his encounter with Isabeau but Regina began to launch herself into a mixture of questioning and rambling, he was used to this sort of behaviour from criminals and reprobates who would try to bribe and worm there way out of an arrest but not from Regina. He was going to let her get it out of her system when Sakaala cut her off who then analysed the situation. Ionathan said nothing while Sakaala voiced her analysis, he was always brought up through his parents and through training to speak when spoken to.

"We need find the large man, then we can begin hunting for the source of this matter."
Giving a curt nod Ionathan looked at Sakaala’s sword, touching his own hip he knew he nor Emil had a weapon. He had received hand to hand training in both the army and the guard and had the confidence and the skill to take on any pleb but not Isabeau or Genevieve depending on who he would side with.
Looking round at Sakaala, Emil and Regina he hoped he would not come to blows with any of them.

“Very well, lead the way.”

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
"Did Regina say what this was all about?"

Ionathan shrugged his shoulders “I’m afraid not, but I doubt she would disturb everyone if it was some minor matter.”
Walking down the hallway Ionathan had to get something off his chest.
“Sir Erran, to avoid any misunderstanding I must say that although I try to live by the rules of chivalry as any knight would, I myself am not a knight , my title of Sir was awarded to me after the Waeldeshore incident, I took no vows to the state or to the crown, so please, just call me Ionathan”. He disliked using his title almost as much as he disliked people recognising the he was a half elf, in his view, he played a small role in the Waeldeshore incident, rallying the guard when the chain of command was broken and yet he got a title while others who contributed more got little more than a thank you.

Upon knocking on the door, it was soon opened by Sakaala. As he entered he saw Regina who probably walked in and sat on the bed without asking.
“I apologise for my halfling friend for her lack of etiquette, her boldness is not meant to irritate I assure you” Ionathan said giving a polite smile, slightly bowing his head in apology, he had expected nothing less from the Halfling who invaded people’s minds.

Turning to Regina he noticed that she was either day dreaming or in deep thought. Not knowing whether or not to grab her attention, Ionathan stood upright hands clasped behind his back and waited for her to acknowledge the presence of himself and Emil.

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
@The Harbinger of Ferocity So that my post is not ridiculously short, can I assume that Sakaala will open the door for Ionathan and Emil when they knock on her door?
now that she is trapped in Ionathan's room

I thought that if she wanted to leave she could climb out the window.
I'm sure a few spelling and grammar mistakes (probbably all made by me) may of been missed, but I'm afraid it's getting late over here in blighty and I can’t make databases with a tired mind so I'll try to edit out the mistakes tomorrow.
Entering his chambers, he looked around and observed the room. He suspected his room was just like the others which showed the generosity of the host. Walking across the room, he came to a wooden tub that was filled with steaming water. Just what he needed after a long journey.
With a heavy sigh, he unslung his pack and placed it inside the beds trunk. After stripping out of his armour and attachments he dipped into the bath which was at the perfect temperature.

The maid soon came in with some dinner and drink, she remained stoic even though Ionathan was in the bath tub. She arranged the table while engaged in some small talk. After a rubbing some herbal paste around his body and hair then rinsing it out he left the bath and began drying himself with some towels before dressing in a long black dressing gown that came down to his feet.

He was just tucking in to some smoked fish when he heard a small tapping at the window. Assuming it was some heavy rain decided to go back to his fish, but the tapping noise persisted, setting his fork aside he walked towards the windows. It was almost pitch black, his bath may have taken longer than he anticipated.
He opened the window and looked down. There was not an person to be found, he was about to close the windows when he turned his head to the right and found himself staring right into the eyes of Isabeau. He froze on the spot but realised that she hadn't attacked. He raised an eyebrow and decided to play it cool.

“If you’re here to kill me. Make it quick”

"Is that what she has told you then?" The rogue would have normally just let herself into his room, but considering she was the one under suspicion, she stayed her position, hoping he would invite her out of the rain.

"I suppose I shouldn't sound so surprised, I had suspected as much. But no, I have no intentions of harming you." A spark of warmth lit her face as she offered him a genuine smile. "It is good to see you though, it has been a while."

It had been so long since she had seen the group of them from Waeldeshore. She had imagined most of them to be dead, and was quite happy to see that Ionathan at least had survived the brutal years. If she could somehow gain his trust, she knew the rest would soon fall into place.

With a sigh of and smile of relief he opened the window further to allow her in "It sure has been a while, hasn't it” he said giving her a hand into his room, quietly shutting the window behind her.

He closed the curtains and began to whisper, if someone did overhear what they might speak of, he could easily be branded a traitor himself.

“You should know that Genevieve has become quite hostile towards you, she calls you the witching, which I'm sure is not meant as a compliment and has gathered all these people for the soul purpose of hunting you down and retrieving the relic"
He offered her a seat and looked at her with a knowing gaze “but I’m sure you knew that already”.

Looking down, he remembered that he was still just in his bath robe, quickly sitting himself down to mitigate his embarrassment he moved the food across the table towards her, gesturing that she was free to share the smoked fish that was by this time growing cold.

“Anyway, I’m sure this wasn’t just a chance for a quick chat with an old companion, but before we go any further I must know, why did you steal the relic?”

She gracefully stepped into the room, lowering her hood once inside. She had aged, but not much. Her light green eyes sparkled in the candlelight as she moved towards the door. Pressing her ear to the dark wood, she listened carefully, for any movement on the other side.

Satisfied, she turned to face Ionathan. "When I had returned with the lot from the mountain, Genevieve had sent me on another quest, one to find the third and final key. It took me many years, many dead ends ... I had come across a group of people that were more than willing to help me in my quest and in allowing their aid, I learned things. When I returned, I noticed a great change in Lady Genevieve."

She crossed the room and rested in a nearby chair. "I went to speak with her about my concerns, my findings, and the more we spoke, the more possessive and hostile she became. That was when I realized, it was the relic that was making her behave this way ... The greed, the desire. She went to kill Jeltheor not out of some righteous rage, but out of greed. She wanted his power, and any information he had on the last key. That is why I stole it. I had hoped that her greed would subside, and when it didn't, I had to hide it. I knew it was only a matter of time before should would come out this way. But I had to do something until could figure out how to destroy it"

Ionathan rubbed his forehead with hand "you've put me in a very difficult position, if what you say is true were does that leave -”

"Come to Sakaala's room. Bring your student. Remain calm. I need your help."

Getting up slowly he walked towards the trunk and rummaged around for some casual clothes
“I’m sorry to cut this short, but I just got a message from Regina, she wants to meet me. You wouldn’t mind turning around, would you?”

Turning his back to Isabeau he stated to put on a green tunic and brown trousers “Regina still got a soft spot for you, she took the news about you turning traitor by slamming her fist against the wall”
Putting on some thick cotton socks he made his way towards Isabeau and gave her a warm smile “one last bit of advice for you, don’t engage Regina in combat, she will use everything in her power to bring you down”. He walked over to the door “Stay safe old friend.”

Opening the door just enough to get through he left Isabeau in his room. He wondered if he would next see her on the field of combat. He went to Emil's door and gave it a rap with his knuckles.

“Apologies for the intrusion, but Regina requests you presence in Sakaala's room, you can come with me if you like?”

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
I've got some free time this evening so expect a post from me in a few hours.
I may have gone a bit overboard with Ionathan’s flashback to the war, if you want me to change it I don’t mind.
"Truth be told, I think the offer almost too good, but perhaps I am not properly gauging the gravity of this task."

Sir Erran had accepted his introduction and replied in a way that was befitting of a knight.

Ionathan gave Erran a warm smile. "You show more wisdom then me when I was your age but a word of warning, do not fight her alone, your armour, weapons and skill are formidable but not infallible, I'm sure she has some tricks that we could blunder right into" Pausing for a moment he realised how he sounded like a nagging old master of arms.

"I'm probably underestimating your training, but if anyone has to die out of the two of us, I want it to be me".

He let Genevieve end the matter of reading minds, her explosion of rage did not surprise him, she had done this before the last time Regina tried to delve her mind back in Waeldeshore as she soon mentioned.

"My questioning of her motivation,"

"Is more a question of our own morality. Were we not to ask, even if she were to lie to us now, makes us little better than the same people you seem to hate, as there is obviously some reason to doubt their nobility."

Ionathan stood to give his cramping muscles some rest when Sakaala spoke words that hit Ionathan hard. In the war the point of the nobility of the opponent came across several times, it was never spoken but it was felt throughout war. Ionathan believed in what he was fighting for and he believed that he was in the right. But what of the families of the enemy? Do they feel the same believing their own truth? They must love their families as fiercely as we do.

Even in the mist of battle these thoughts could strike home. When you strike down a foe it would rarely be an instant kill due to their armour. In their dying moments, some would lash out with whatever strength they had left with hatred still in their eyes, others would beg for mercy and start crying out for help from anyone even praying to the gods.
The worst of all would be after battles, you could walk across some battlefields treading on nothing but corpses, you would feel victorious, proud, you had just vanquished your enemies just a few moments ago, slaughtering all who got in your way and yet at the same time you could hear the moaning from the dying and the stench of battle. In the past he had just stuck fingers in his ears and opted to ignore the fact that even though he claimed to have been good through his actions, he had caused much pain and suffering.

These were the thoughts that struck Ionathan at that moment, he stood as still as a statue, eyes glazed over as if he was staring at an object one thousand yards away.

It is getting late, and I would have my champions well rested and prepared. Should you all be in agreement with my terms, I have prepared rooms for each of you, I do hope they are to your liking. Your beds have already been turned down, and there are hot baths waiting for you in your personal quarters. If there is nothing else, my aid will escort you upstairs.”

The words that had been in the background now snapped him back. The offer of a nice warm bath felt like a divine blessing, it would be a good chance to relax and shave off the annoying stubble that had grown in the days it took him to get here.

Sakaala agreed to the "intent" of the quest, the wording she used puzzled him but if she was powerful as The Redd, then he would be pleased to have her fight alongside him any day.

Regina had just asked to talk to Genevieve privately which did not worry him, he had fought with both of them and felt a bond with them only made in battle.

"Have you any last questions for the lady?" Ionathan said, turning to Erran.

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
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