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    1. Jpp188 9 yrs ago
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Current The spam bots got me like -_-
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Ever just start doing the Halo CE chanting at your friends when they mention it. xD
8 yrs ago
Сука Блять or riot
9 yrs ago
I kind of feeling like betraying some peeps on a RP, its just my nature :)


Just a dude that like to RP

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Ok guys were back on. @Jpp188 I don't mind if you (or anyone else really) come up with stuff for us to interact with (i.e. the two guys about to enter the South Bay Hangar-boy are they going to regret that) but give me a mention in the OOC first. That said, you guys can look forward to an inventory section (weapons & ships etc.) in the thread header in the next couple days. I'll just mention again that I'm most active during the week (Monday-Friday).

Ya, after I posted it I realized we still had another to reach the bay, It was my bad, from now on I will announce them.
@Jpp188Will the Germans be a concern latter in the story, though.
Without America there's roughly fifty-fifty chance they win WW2 and come for the USA.
Though with USA split up perhaps they don't bother much aside from maybe supporting one of the factions.

Sorry I didn't get back to you until now, had no internet for the weekend. But depending on the people who join, the european powers will support their faction members, which Germany will declare on Poland in September of 1939 so the countries in the states will have about 8 months to prepare before WW2 starts. Countries can stay neutral, but based on chance, Germany may decide to come into the states. And for the US, they will be staying neutral unless attacked by a faction, kinda their whole thing in this timeline.

It is not the program that is the problem, I just don't want to get rid of the borders on accident because I only have a mouse pad to use

If you want I can make the map for you, All I need to know is what color you would like and the states. If not then use the Bucket tool, that's my bad I meant to say bucket before but said paint, that should preserve the borders of the states.

Is it okay if I outline my territory? I can't exactly color iron well with a mouse pad ^~^

I used pixlr.com and used the paint tool, it made it pretty easy for me on my laptop. Just download the picture from tinypic and then upload it to pixlr

I am very interested in this!

This is very unhistorical rather than ahistorical, but I'll watch it for now and see what comes of it.

This seems like an interesting concept I suppose I'll throw in an interest.

The full post is up, read up on the mechanics and go ahead and make a country if you are still interested, if you get less people then expected, then I guess we can make larger countries but I could add europe into the RP.
The Great Cession

If you don’t want to read everything about the mechanics, (Not suggested) I will highlight all of the must need info.

The Year is 1938, Europe is on the verge of war, one of the most horrific in history. The United States remains neutral. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt has taken steps to isolate the US from the rest of europe and it’s affairs. The States don’t all agree with what FDR has done to stay out of the war. Many German Americans are outraged, so are French Americans and British Americans, the list goes on. That is where it started. Strikes start to drag the already great depressed economy even further down the rabbit hole of debt.

November 9th 1938 in Germany,
Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass. Germans harass Jewish people and their belongings by assaulting and destroying their businesses. The Authorities watch on as people violently outlash. The United States Government watches on as well.

November 12th 1938 in the US,
FDR issues the Watching Eye Act. This establishes a new branch in the government, the National Neutrality Administration, its goal is to maintain Neutrality between the United States and foreign nations. This angers more Americans who saw Kristallnacht as a time of need for many in europe.

December 10th 1938 in the US,
A Riot breaks out in Atlanta, Georgia. The riot is caused by the lack of involvement in europe. This is one of many, riots start to spread throughout America, demanding change. FDR makes a public announcement proclaiming he is working on something to appeal to everyone. The air settles for the moment.

December 13th 1938 in the US,
FDR announces his new act, the National Integrity Act. It did the exact opposite of what the people wanted. After the Supreme Court started to review the Watching Eye Act, FDR started coming up with this an act to advance his power in the government. And with the overwhelming support from congress, FDR abolishes the supreme court with the act. It also gave him direct control over the military and gave the police complete control over the civilians. FDR also shifted the NNA’s focus from neutrality to public dissent.

December 20th 1938 in the US
The NNA issues a warning to FDR that one of the states has had a secret meeting with its local government officials. FDR announced later that day that any States found trying to plot against the overthrowing of the government, will be occupied by the military which FDR has built up.

January 2nd 1939 in the US
8 States (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia) leave the union, the Soviet Union declares that the States are under their protection that any hostile attempts made by the union will be an act of war against the USSR as well. This was only the beginning. The US moved troops to California, Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey before any other states could leave.
Over the next 3 months the 34 non occupied states followed suit. The US in shambles, FDR declares himself temporary ruler of the whole government, backed by congress.

January 5th 1939 The States organize into their own countries of:

Hey guys, welcome to my Roleplay. This Roleplay will be about the crumbling US and the states that left the union. I would like to have like 5 or six people who would play as the new countries that form from the states. You have 42 states to choose from, the amount of states per country depends on how many people want to play, split evenly by resources.

Please make your countries to this template, states are first come first serve, but the rules are as follows: You must have a connecting country, you may not skip around to random states. based on Interest please pick 8 states each. If not all are taken, either the US gets them or they can be divided among the players.
Im almost done, It will be up either tonight or early tomorrow, thanks for being patient.

"Come on fella's what'll it be? You looking for a job?"

"Why yes I am looking for a job, I am Azir L'thotos. I am just your average man and nothing else," Дуака looked into the human's eyes. There was fear, no doubt, but something else stuck out in his emotions. Determination, for what ever reason, Erek, he assumed, was determined to get a crew together and complete this job. This coupled with the need of a job made Дуака come to a rather quick decision

"Im in, under one condition. When this is over, I get another offer on the next one, The name's Дуака. Дуака stated with a smile and a quick laugh. He forgot that even in his condition, a small social cue like a laugh can calm an entire group down. As for the C'lok, Azir, he seemed to look over Дуака quite carefully. Kind of like he was a walking myth. A woman who had been watching the group since he arrived, walked carefully over to them and said,
"Hey, I'm here for the job."

This is quite a party, Дуака thought to himself. A noise outside caught his attention, Дуака heard the sound of sprinting footsteps coming from outside the shipyard. He looked around and saw a security camera looking at him and the group from atop a security checkpoint tower. Damn!, Дуака put his finger to his mouth and gestured for the group to be quiet, he shadowed and moved to a darker area in the yard. He pulled out his silenced pistol that was stuffed inside his cloak. He barely got the gun out in time for the two men in dark coats to walk into the room.
Name: Дуака (Pronounced Du-a-ka) Can be spelled in english: Duaka
Race: Previously Human, was turned into what is now called the Тень (based on their Russian Heritage) by the Ygar.


Дуака slipped his hood up as soon as he left the passenger ship. Wouldn't want anyone to panic he thought. It's hard, when you are a shadow freak, to live in society normally, but he wasn't normal. Especially now that he had taken this job. Who knows how long it would be, how many thing he would see and do. He noticed it in the corner of his eye. A man in a dark coat was looking at him and speaking to his watch. Дуака turned around toward the shuttle. Another man in the same style of coat was standing in the crowd, watching him. Дуака flipped back around and walked faster. He took out his data pad and typed in the address on the post, it would lead him to a shipyard housing the ship they were taking. The Sweet Anne. It reminded him of Анна back home. He hoped that this ship would be as sweet as his Anna.

Дуака reached an alleyway and turned the corner. Time to lose his tail. Дуака shadowed and watched the entrance to the dark side street. And on cue two men peaked around the corner, gave a quick swear and started sprinting down the alley, right past Дуака. As soon as they were past him a ways, he unshadowed and took out his data pad, right up this way was the shipyard. Дуака twisted his way through the alleys to avoid the cameras on the streets and eventually found the back entrance to the shipyard. The words South Bay Hangar were on the door. This would be the place. Дуака walked through the door and head someone talking. He shadowed as he slowly snuck up to watch. A man was urinating on a huge hunk of scrap metal parts."Hey! Stop doing that to the ship, treat it with respect or I will shoot you!," someone yelled. Ship? Oh, the scrap metal was the ship. So much for "Sweet". Oh well, it's a man offering him a job, hard to come by these days. He unshadowed and strolled up to the group of men standing next to the ship. The man reliving himself almost jumped off the planet when he saw Дуака.

"Do you have a problem, sir?"
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