Avatar of Kal of Krypton


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Forgive me if it takes me a while to get to my 1x1 replies right now. I'm having bad writer's block right now.
7 yrs ago
Heads up to everyone I RP with, it might be a bit before I reply. Things haven't been going so well for me.
7 yrs ago
I might just linger around today. I had a group project that lead to me having a panic attack. I probably won't be replying to anything tonight.
7 yrs ago
Will hopefully be replying to everything later tonight. I'm trying to get my homework done that I procrastinated on all weekend.
7 yrs ago
Snow day! Time to catch up on everything!


Kal | 28 | They/Them

I've been roleplaying for about 14 years on many different sites. I work full time for a fairly demanding job. I have irl responsibilities, so I am very sorry if I don't get a reply out right away.

Outside of that, my hobbies are sort of all over the place. I knit, crochet and cross stitch. I also play video games and read comic books. I also play DnD, well, was playing DnD but recently there's been some issues with getting the group together to play. Still, I love table tops and have been playing it for about 13 years. So, if you just want to hang around and talk about these kinds of things, I'm totally down.

Most Recent Posts

@Emuxe I'd be up for it! Shoot me a PM and we'll discuss plot.
Sorry, the only reason it says I can play a guy is for MxM pairings and that goes for all the plots there.
Still looking


Life was normal for Skylar, but like every great adventure things don't stay that way. Skylar was an average high school girl. She did well in school and helped out her single father with the house work. Her life was quiet, which for her had always been a good thing. She liked quiet. And with her being a senior and having to prepare for her own future, it helped to have a quiet life. Of course, like I said before, things don't just end there, it wouldn't make for a great story.

One day, Skylar ended up having some free time after school. She had planned to help a friend with some homework but instead the friend had left for home due to an emergency. That left the girl at the school with nothing much to do. She ended up spending that time outside. It was such a nice day out that she couldn't resist. Out of the corner of her eye she spots a very interesting looking rabbit just on the other side of the fence in the woods behind her school. She could have sworn she saw the rabbit wearing clothes, but it had moved so fast she hadn't been sure.

Skylar was compelled to get a closer look and quickly hops the fence to chase the rabbit down. While trying to look for it, she fell into a hole. A very deep and seemingly never ending hole. She hit her head hard on the way down and blacked out. Only to wake up in a very strange place. Well, at least she's pretty sure that her school's woods didn't have a clearing and such thick forestry. She didn't have much time to contemplate these changes. Not when she could hear a very deep and low growl of a beast nearby.

Luckly, the young girl is saved by someone. Her savior was odd and seemed to possess magical powers. This is where Skylar's life becomes a complicated mess. She learns that where she is, is Wonderland, and the only possible way she could have gotten here was by having Wonderlandian blood in her. It becomes even more apparent, that Skylar's mom was from Wonderland. Her mom used to be a guardian of Wonderland, and it was Skylar's birth right to take over that position and help make Wonderland a safe place. Unfortunately, this girl doesn't want that type of responsibility.

The people of Wonderland accept that Skylar shouldn't have to be pushed into a position and save a place she doesn't know. But, certainly by now the Queen of heart's rabbit has reported back and knows about Skylar. So, the savior from the forest is given the task to keep Skylar safe back home if anything were to happen.



Wonderland is divided into 5 kingdoms, the four suits (heart, diamond, spade and club) and the chess pieces (white and red) shared a kingdom. This is how Wonderland has always been. To help with keeping this land connected and peaceful, when the six kingdoms were first established, the appointed two impartial families to guard over Wonderland. These families appointed one person for the job. These roles soon came to be known as the Bandersnatch and the Jabberwocky. This job was always passed on to the first born child and continued until the previous Bandersnatch fell in love with a man from the other world and decided never to go back to Wonderland. These two guardians have amazing powers, magical and otherwise, they've always been trained from birth to fight.

So the guardians were picked, to begin with, for their very skilled abilities that was passed on through the generations. These families trained their children to fight, and most of the kids went off to become generals for many different kingdoms. So, the guardians became its own bloodline as well, being the first born child in each of the two families. They were never allowed to become royalty so marrying royalty was off limits and so was any sort of offer to become royalty. A guardian is always trained from the moment they can hold a wooden sword, they are usually seen as apprentices while they are young and when judged old enough, they will follow around their parent, who is the guardian, on missions and such. It is up to the guardian to deem when the child is ready to take over as guardian.

Their magical abilities differ, the Jabberwocky bloodline is known for their elemental magic such as being able to use fire, water, wind and the earth to their advantage. The Bandersnatch bloodline is known for more healing magic. Their weapon of choice can also differ, the Bandersnatch bloodline is mainly known for their sword skills, but the Jabberwocky bloodline has switched from many different weapons with being a major spell caster sometimes the Jabberwocky simply has a staff for focusing their magic, others have used a bow and arrow to use elemental arrows on an enemy and sometimes they prefer a sword.

The guardians have a much easier time travelling between worlds, being able to use any mirror they want as a way through. The key they possess is used as their way between the two worlds, along with transforming into their weapon when they need to transform into their guardian state. The key charm is what unlocks a lot of their potential for them and makes it the most valuable thing to them. Which is why it's usually worn as a necklace, or bracelet of some kind.

Alice did actually end up in Wonderland. She was a little girl who had lost her way and ended up in this place. The book does exist, but it was also written with only the child's perspective, so things got jumbled around and it ended up making the place sound a lot more strange than it actually was. Skylar is in no way related to Alice, there are actually quite a few people that are from the other world and have Wonderlandian blood.

The Checker Board kingdom, has always been ruled by two queens, the red and white queens. This region has always been about balance and compromise. This place is also a safe place for people that are running from the Queen of Hearts. So it’s a collection of people that are from all different kingdoms. Everything is usually vibrant in color, including the houses. The name Checker Board comes from the way the streets are laid, with red and white quartz. The only possible way to stand out in this place is if you decided to dress in all gray.

The Diamond Kingdom has the largest mines. Their main exports are jewelry, and metals. Most people work for the mines and it's an honor to work in the mines. The king and queen even work in the mines. These people are very hard working and are extremely loyal to their kingdom. Their houses and even their fashion revolve around gems and metals. Their homes look like giant crystals sticking out of the ground. Their clothing is either very metallic or has a shine like a well polished gem.

The Spade Kingdom is one of the most powerful kingdoms. They are very militaristic in nature, having the best of the best when it comes to their armed forces. Their weapons and armor are the finest ever made. Recently things have been a little shaky due to a shift in tradition. The Spade Kingdom has always been ruled by a king, but with the only heir to the thrown being a woman, they now have to understand that tradition doesn't mean everything. While this kingdom may seem much more intimidating there has never been much to worry about. This Kingdom also knows how to be diplomatic, and knows very well how to keep in the good graces of the other kingdoms.

The Club Kingdom is known as the animal kingdom. Their people all are born with features of animals. Like having the ears and tail of a cat, or the wings and antennae of a butterfly. Their region is mainly forestry, they live in houses that are built inside trees or even just blend in well with the nature around them. They are generally a very peaceful bunch and have been forever. Their King is the Blue Butterfly (being the blue caterpillar as a child) and his wife being a very beautiful Lunar Moth. This kingdom is very magical and beautiful to visit. Unfortunately for these civilians, if they ever travel to the other world, they become the animal of the features the have, though some have figured out the magic to transform back to their actual selves.

The Heart Kingdom was a once proud place filled with happy people and a place based off of tourism. Their whole culture was based of pleasure, which wasn't always seen as a good thing. Prostitution is legal there, casinos are big, and all kinds of drugs are put on the market. Of course, those were just some of their more serious attractions, they also had some of the most exclusive and best spas, and their entertainment ranged from absolutely mind blowing to dark and creepy. It wasn’t always an extremely excellent place to be by any means, it was rather gilded actually. There were only certain cities that people would visit, those cities had enough money to keep people working and making the places look nice. Other places had it rough. Now, nobody goes to The Heart Region because it is closed down and all decayed. With the corrupt queen in power the people in the region are stuck to suffer.



So, now that you've seen a bunch of the world and plot for this RP, I figured I'd talk a little about who I am and all that stuff. I've been roleplaying for about 7 years on many different sites. I'm 21 and in my last year of college. Which may lead to a ton of busy times, so I might be slow to reply when I'm not on vacation. I really didn't make my last year of college easy for myself. I'm in college for Software Engineering, and specifically hope to program my own video games for my job, but that's probably a far off dream. I do also have a part time job, I work at my college setting up Biology labs (Yeah, I set up dissection labs...it's pretty gross...). I usually do 1x1s and rarely will do small groups, I don't really like large group RPs. I love romance being in my roleplays and will do MxM, MxF and FxF. But, I'm not a fan of always being asked to play a dominant character or being asked to play the male in an MxF pairing. That doesn't mean I only play submissive characters, I actually prefer not to define a relationship by dominant and submissive characters. Anyway, if there's anymore you'd like to know about me, please ask!



  • I want to play Skylar. I'm looking for someone to play the savior/the Jabberwocky like character who can be either cheshire cat, dormouse, the march hare, tweedle dee and tweedle dum (If you really want to play two characters), the mad hatter or anyone else you'd like to suggest!
  • I want there to be romance between Skylar and the savior character. I'd also like this to be an FxM roleplay, so the character will probably have to be male.
  • I'd also like it if you'd help with making some background characters or some of the Wonderland cast, it's not really fun when I'm the one controlling all of them.
  • I'd like it if you could at least post 3 paragraphs, I usually post 3 to 5 and could go even more if I had the time and am really into the roleplay.
  • Please, be active, even if that's just a post once a week. Tell me if you're going to be gone for a while and I'll do the same. Please don't ditch me without a word, I put a lot of effort into the lore and story and wouldn't really be happy if my partner just disappears.
  • If you need more details about Wonderland or how the guardians work, please ask. I'd be super happy to explain.
  • If you are interested in playing the part of the savior please tell me something you find interesting about the plot or about the set up of Wonderland and give me a character sheet
  • Your character sheet by no means needs to look like mine, but I would like to see the same information in there
  • Please don't take control of my character and no god modding or meta gaming.
  • The two guardians are supposed to be a magical girl and a magical boy, so do expect like Sailor Moon type stuff.

The header texts were from this great place

@Riverbeak I'd definitely be up for either of those two pairings, so yeah send me a PM
@Adora Bell We can do it with fxf! Why don't you send me a PM and we can discuss everything, or if you prefer threads I can make us one.
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