Avatar of Kanami
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  • Posts: 56 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Kanami 10 yrs ago


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Welcome young sacrifice, your fate is now sealed! xD
Come away from that nasty gloomy forum, and become an insignificant grain of sand in our homely sandbox.
Though I recommend you keep away from the free-section, a kid peed his pants there not too long ago.
While the forum and it's members have dwindled from our luxury beach resort days, there's more than a few shiny shells scattered here and there, so you're bound to find something worth taking home with you.

Just remember, swim inbetween the two flag poles!
Don't want no silly sharks chasing you down and nomming your fingers off~
Haha, well I re-registered shortly after the forum came back up, but the severe lack of features and crappiness of the place scared me away. More importantly I'm a backstabbing disloyal bitch and went off to find greener pastures after a few weeks of boredom xD So yeah, long story short; I rejoined... but never really around. (My last post was 12 months ago apparently xD)
Hello indeed~
Have to admit that I didn't really expect to see so many familiar faces on here after the wipe/lack of updates.
Though for some reason I did expect to see Rodey still creeping around on here. xD

Sort of been buzzing around on a few other forums recently, but I sort of got banned after picking one too many fights xD Figured I'd poke my head in here, and... yeah, well I'm sitting here in this thread now.
Story of my life~

@Mazoy's character
Clearly the character spent their entire childhood watching Bleach... or Naruto.
Probably Naruto since they're dead and in hell.
Hmmm participation I can offer, commitment however is conditional...
So I'll take a look at a few more characters before gracing you all with my presence~

.... Okay, most of you probably don't know who I am, or have forgotten...
Namely looking at the psycho, the dead-thing, and of course the guy who I strongly associate with Touhou and AMV's xD
Fiddler said And if they learned to control it, they could be either animal or human. Such as being able to transform into either a car or a human, or even in-between.

I've got a few questions

Firstly, is this set in a specific country? It sort of looks like a mix of Japan and Korea based on the names you provided.

Secondly, would it be possible to play a non-combatant?
You mentioned how all weapons had to be close range, but would something more supportive (Like Rise) be acceptable? Just asking since I'm not really looking forward to the idea of ten people whacking a shadow with a close range weapon
Sounds interesting!

I won't commit myself to participation just yet, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on this to see how things go.
In terms of information, I'd probably like to learn a bit about possible complications? Or will this be more a sandbox type thing with a village?
Uhh, I actually won't answer that. xD
I've decided that there isn't enough interest for this RP.
I originally started this because there was nothing I liked, but over the past few days two new Persona/SMT RP's have popped up. For anyone interested I refer you there.

Shin Megami Tensei/Persona (Judeline)

Persona 5: A City Lost (World Traveler)
Hello Crate
Thanks for expressing interest. I'm glad to see that this idea hasn't totally died yet.

Regarding previously acquired injuries it won't heal them.
When a magatama is ingested it will take a blueprint of your body and memorize it. From that point on, any injury you sustain will try and recover itself to the point the magatama was ingested. This allows for the growing of missing limbs and the absence of ghastly scars.

If you'd like to include pre-ingestion healing. (Eg; A blind person being able to see for the first time) that can be included in the RP through other means).
Hmm not even sure if this will be taking off now xD
I sort of had to vanish (and am still vanished) since I've got an assignment that's due Sunday that I'd barely touched. Haven't received any CS's yet. Though that might be because I went poof xD
I don't mind you using Arthur, though I should clarify that Excalibur (or whatever sword) doesn't have any powers. Not until you get your second magatama which will be a fair way into the RP at least anyway.
Sorry about the lack of response, I'll reply now.

A magatama can basically be anything. There is no list to choose from. I do prefer people to use mythical/historical figures, but you can go with something more broad like a Goblin, Yeti, Vampire etc and take traits from that. if you want to customize your own mythical figure.... I'm open to discussion, but it probably won't work.

None of your characters have ingested Magatama at the beginning of the RP. That'll happen in the first few visits to Rebirth. At the start of the RP your character would just be a typical student with no special powers, that's suddenly been thrown into a strange world.

A traditional weapon can be anything. An axe, sword, chair, dynamite, bottle of ketchup, or a pen.
A traditional weapon can be anything, and can be used as a weapon (stab) or it's traditional use (writing on paper). It however won't have any abilities out it's original use. Also keep in mind that a sword is a lot more efficient as a weapon than a pen. Your pen can break, and if it breaks it disappears and can't be summoned again for a set period of time. (Resummoned pen is fixed, not broken).

It depends on the weapon of choice, but I would not classify a chainsaw as a sword.
The ability to summon the 'object' is a trait a character receives once they've ingested a magatama. As such, none of the characters will have their weapon initially.
The objects can be summoned out of thin air, and be unsummoned as well.
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