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Hello there!

I'm looking for some M/M roleplays, preferably with a solid plot, romance and a healthy amount of NSFW content as well <.<

I've had cravings for a few specific plots and themes for a while now, and I'll tell you about them in a bit. First let me introduce my way of roleplaying and what I'm looking for in a partner, so we can see if we'll be a good fit!

- I write several paragraphs in my replies. Usually my word count falls between 500-1000 words, but I can go over that as well if given enough to reply to. I personally don't get much out of one-liners or replies with just a few sentences, so I wish you'll be able to write more than one paragraph as well.

- I like to chat and plot with my writing partners so we both know where the story is going. We don't need to plan every little detail and a little spontaneity is always welcome, but chatting about what's going to happen and coming up with little scenarios is also what also keeps me motivated about the story as a whole.

- As we plot and plan, I really want to hear your ideas as well! Us both contributing to the story and its plot would be preferred, because it's both of our story after all. Similarly, I think it's important for both of us to bring the story and scenes forward when we write, instead of one always following the other's lead. Although of course in some scenes being more reactive is also needed!

- I write in 3rd person only. Past or present tense are both fine with me, but I'm more used to past tense.

- If there's something I suggest or write in a reply that you don't like, I wish you'll tell me. I'll do the same for you. Fun stories come out of proper communication, after all.

- Lastly, when you DM me, I wish you don't just ask "wanna rp?". I don't get anything out of that to show me we'd be a good match for writing together. Instead you can for example tell me what plot you were most interested in and why or if you had an idea of your own you'd like to introduce to me.

Anyway, that's pretty much it! I'm very open to your ideas as well, so don't be shy to bring them forward.

I'll list a few of my favorite themes and things that can be included in the plot, although of course not all of them will fit every story.

- Fantasy historical settings (Renaissance, medieval, Victorian/Regency, Ancient Rome/Greece to name a few. And "fantasy" because I'm not a stickler for 100% historical accuracy)

- Romance and lots of fluffy moments

- But honestly, also angst and heartbreak and all the good dark stuff that'll make the fluffy moments even better afterwards

- Drama and plot twists are my jam

- Supernatural themes, everything from vampires to werewolves to gods or demons is welcomed

- I'm always up for including mpreg, but it's not a mandatory thing by any means

- A/B/O dynamics and/or very prominent Dom/sub dynamics

- Crossdressing (by my character) and effeminate looks. Again, this will only work in some plots and not others, but I love to include it so please let me know if you're not into it.

These are just a few of the things I enjoy in stories, but I hope we'll include at least a few of them ^^

I should also mention at this point that I only play the sub/bottom character in M/M pairings.

And then, last but not least, we have a few plot ideas that have been living rent free in my head for a while now. If none of these catch your interest, but you think we'd be a good match, let me know what you had in mind!

1) Your character (YC) is a young, but immensely powerful warlord who has conquered many lands and committed atrocities he doesn't think he'll be able to come back from. His latest conquest is a small, but wealthy nation that my character (MC) is the youngest prince of. YC plans to execute the royal family to secure his own rule over the land, but before he can get to MC, a loyal court mage cast a spell - or perhaps a curse - on YC to ensure the survival of the royal bloodline. The spell is fairly simple; it connects two souls together, YC can now feel MC's joy, sadness, fear and anger, but worse than that for YC... if MC dies, YC does too. Not only does YC have to keep the young prince safe, MC is now his biggest weakness if anyone were to find out about the extent of the spell. Trying to find a way to break it proves more difficult than expected, but when the time comes, does YC really want to rid himself of MC anymore?

2) Everyone knows the vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies, right? And they have been, for centuries, for as long as anyone can remember. But now, to survive the increasing amount of hunters coming after their packs, enclaves and families, the two must work together. To be able to trust each other, an official alliance must be made - and what better way to seal it than to bond two of them together and unite the opposing sides into one family? YC and MC are the unwilling sides of this arranged marriage, and the very first time they meet is at the wedding altar.

3) MC is an Archangel, powerful and respected. That is, until he makes a mistake that he's punished for by stripping him of the bulk of his powers and sent back to Earth as a lowly guardian angel until he can prove he's worthy of his title again. YC is a high ranking demon who occasionally amuses himself by coming up to the mortal realm and corrupting the sweet angels sent there to watch over humans. YC spots MC, not knowing who he is, and sees in him the next prey. Only, corrupting an angel with so little power has never been this difficult before and YC's interest in MC is further piqued. Perhaps MC's chance of proving himself is to purify a demon's soul?

4) A reality where soulmates exist is not always a pretty one. MC, the son of a duke, has been anxious about meeting his soulmate for all his life. He knows his father will separate them if his soulmate turns out to be someone... not desirable. But one day a wealthy, highly regarded noble arrives to the royal court and MC finally meets his soulmate. YC is, although surprisingly a man, perfect in every other way MC could've hoped for. Even his father approves of the polite gentleman who seemed to have come out of nowhere, and for a moment everything is perfect. Until MC begins to realize YC is not all that he seems to be and eventually YC is forced to admit he's not really a noble at all. He was the valet of one who died during their travels, and YC took his name and wealth to search for his own soulmate. Should they try to hide this from everyone else at court, or run away together?

5) MC is a university student majoring in history, and when he's on vacation he stumbles upon a strange formation. The next time he opens his eyes, everything looks different. And when he finally comes across the next town, the people are dressed oddly, the houses look primal and, MC realizes, it's as though he's stepped back in time over a thousand years. MC is the one who stands out from the crowd and because of his oddness, he's taken to the leader of the region, the jarl - a viking warrior with big ambitions, YC. Thanks to his interest and studies of history, MC is able to accurately predict several events that come to pass just as he said, leading the vikings to believe he's either a seer or a minor god: YC believes he will be unbeatable if MC stays by his side, while MC is trying his best to find a way back to his time before anyone realizes he's a fraud.
Hey there!

I'm looking for new roleplay partners for a specific craving of mine.

I'd love myself some gender-bending plots, with my character going from male to female. Now, I don't particularly get excited about it if it's planned by my character beforehand or if he consents to it initially - I'd love for it to be a shock to him. A shock that slowly starts turning into "hey, I actually kinda like this", that is. I don't want him to be eternally miserable in his new body, after all.

If this is something you think would be interesting to you, read on!

A few rules and guidelines I have for roleplays:

- I don't do one-liners. A decent reply for me is anything from approximately 500 words up to around 1500 words per reply. Of course the length of the replies depends on the scene we're writing and such, but generally speaking I'd prefer for replies not to go much under 500 words.

- I enjoy planning and plotting ahead. It keeps me excited about the roleplay and wanting to write more. We don't need to plan out every little detail and tiny thing if you don't want to, but I tend to get bored of roleplays easily if there is no planning and ooc talk at all. I also like to know where the roleplay is going, so I know we both agree on what's happening.

- When you reach out to me, tell me something more than "wanna rp?". I won't know unless you let me know what you'd like to write with me, if you have any ideas of your own for it and such.

- Which kind of leads me to my next point: I hope you'll also bring forward your ideas and thoughts, instead of just letting me do all the planning by myself. And in the rp itself, I would very much hope to see both of us take the story forward rather than one of us always carrying the story into the next scene and one only responding to what the other wrote in their post. Be also proactive, instead of only reactive.

- Lastly, I do appreciate proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. I'm not a grammar nazi and mistakes happen to everyone, but some effort would be preferable so the reply is actually nice to read.

Now, as I already said, the main theme I'm looking for is gender-bending. But I do enjoy mixing in other themes in as well. Some such include:

- Romance
- Fantasy
- Enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers
- Drama (and lots of it)
- Supernatural elements
- Historical settings
- D/s dynamics

Of course, this list isn't all-inclusive. I'm likely to be open to most suggestions you have!

As for smut: yes please. I would very much prefer a healthy balance of smut and plot, so it's not only one or the other. I also have an f-list here, if you want to take a look!

I'd love to hear about some of the things you'd like to include in the roleplay as well, and about your limits so we're on the same page about it. As for the change in gender, it can be instantaneous or it can be slower. I quite enjoy the thought of MC turning more feminine by the day, until he's fully a female. Of course, some plots work better with an instantaneous change however.

Now, I have some plot ideas. You can read them below or pitch me your own idea. When you do contact me, please do so by sending me a PM ^^

(MC = my character, YC = your character)

1) The barbarian army has invaded MC's (the crown prince) kingdom, YC leading them as the one intending to take the throne. With the former royal family beloved by the people, YC knows he'll face opposition and unnecessary bloodshed without a proper claim to the throne and with no princesses in the royal family, YC decides to make MC his wife and queen instead with the help of his mage.

2) MC broke YC's sister's heart and after a messy break up, YC has agreed to help his sister get back at MC. What was supposed to be at worst a cruel prank and perhaps, at best, a lesson to MC turns into something of an unexpected jumble of feelings for both of them.

3) Our characters were best friends since childhood, and MC always had an unrequited crush on YC. He thought he'd gotten over it, at least when his own sister married YC. Those old feelings may make things difficult when MC finds himself accidentally switching bodies with his sister.

4) Our characters have been married for less than a year, and already they find themselves in a marriage doomed to fail. MC is stressed and overworked, not taking well to the role society has dictated for him. YC is unhappy and frustrated with her role being always to stay home and take care of the house, cook for her husband and one day bear children. She finds a way to reverse their roles, and when it works much to her surprise it seems both of them will have to get used to something much different from before - and perhaps it saves their marriage, as well.

5) MC finds himself sucked into a game/TV-show, into the role of the female protagonist. YC is the supposed love interest. MC tries to figure how to return back to his own world, but in the end... will she want to?

6) MC used to bully YC through school. When they end up in the same university, YC decides he's had enough of it. After a particularly alcohol-infused party, MC wakes in YC's apartment with his body changed. And YC promises him a cure to turn him back to normal if he - now she - agrees to do everything YC asks of her for a fixed period of time. His intention is only to have some fun for himself and let MC taste his own medicine, but fate has a way of making plans more complicated than they need to be.
Hey there!

I'm looking for new roleplays with a M/M pairing, something with a plot and romance but also a heavy dose of smut.

I have a few ideas that we can also fix and tweak however we feel like.

First though, I have a few things I'd like to note:

- I don't do one-liners; I very rarely go below 500 words in my replies and I wish you can match this. I can go 1000+ words depending on how much you give me to reply to and what's going on in the scene.

- I like to plot and plan ahead; we don't need to plan every little detail if you're not into doing that, but I want to know where we're going with the story and that we're both on the same page about what's going to happen.

- I want us both to bring something to the story; even if we use my idea for the main plot, I want to hear your ideas and thoughts on the story progression. It's not "my story", but "our story" and I also wish you will be able to bring the story forward as well and be proactive with the scenes instead of only reacting to what I write.

- If there's something you're not really feeling in the story or if you're not a fan of an idea I present to you, tell me about it. That's it. We can fix these things if we communicate.

- I can't reply every day, and sometimes I might only reply once a week. I get busy with life sometimes, and I'm not fussy about my partner's reply times either.

- Lastly, I appreciate proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. I'm not a grammar nazi and mistakes happen to everyone, but it's nice to feel like my partner put at least some effort into the reply.

Anyway, with that out of the way, let's look a little closer at what I enjoy in a roleplay! Almost none of these things are 100% requirements in a roleplay for me, of course. But it'd be awesome if we can mix and match some of these themes and tropes.

- Romance (this one is a requirement)
- Drama (lots of it please)
- Enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers
- ABO dynamics
- Feminization/cross-dressing (my character)
- Forbidden love
- Historical settings (modern is also great though)
- D/s dynamics
- Dub-con scenes (as in my character might initially resist but his body is telling a whole different story. Especially my jam when paired with humiliation from actually liking something he's not 'supposed' to like)

That's just a quick peek at some of my faves. There are so many more though, so don't be shy to ask me if I'd be up for something.

Now, onto a few things related to smut in my roleplays:

- I only play a bottom/sub. I've tried playing a dom character and it's just a huge turn-off for me.

- I'm very open-minded on many things and kinks, so please ask me and I'll very likely be on board.

- Check out my f-list here. You see my limits there, but for faves and yes-es it's not a definite, complete list.

- Not directly related to smut, but I enjoy having my boys be feminine and cross-dressing - doesn't mean they're a maiden-in-distress who will cry at everything and anything. They have a well thought-out character and can be badass as well. I just honestly enjoy the aesthetic in my head more :p if you specifically don't want cross-dressing in the rp, let me know.

And that's everything important out of the way I suppose! Let's get on with it: I'll put my plot ideas below this and if any of them pique your interest, don't be shy to send me a DM! Also, feel free to pitch your own ideas if you think we'd match ^^

One last thing: I will not bother replying to "wanna rp?" messages! Give me something more, and let me know which plot you'd be interested in.

1) MC is the rich kid who used to bully YC through high school, and much to YC's horror they even ended up in the same university. When YC catches MC doing sexual favors for a teacher to get his grade up, he knows a whole new world of blackmail has just opened up to him.

2) MC and YC don't exactly get along. They've been working in the same FBI unit for a while now and their relationship has gone from indifferent to rolling eyes whenever the other speaks. That is, until they're forced into a situation where they need to pretend to be a couple during an undercover job.

3) (time period around 1700s) YC is a young sailor in between jobs, spending his time at a bustling port city while he looks for his next voyage. He meets the young and tantalizing, but oh-so-innocent MC. They fall head over heels in love, hard and fast. However, MC is the youngest and favored child of the governor - YC knows he will never get a permission to marry MC as a poor sailor. Soon, he is aboard a pirate ship on his way to make a wealth for himself with sweet promises and plans to come back a rich man and marry MC. And he does; it takes him ten long, difficult years but he sails back to the very same port a wealthy man - only to find his beloved engaged and to be married to someone else. After ten years apart, will the love and spark of passion they once held for each other still be there?

4) MC is an undercover cop with a purpose to unmask the notorious mafia leader who no one has been able to identify before. YC is said mafia boss, but very careful not to be linked to the persona he has created around the leader, instead pretending to be working for the boss as well. MC gets close to YC in hopes of uncovering the face behind this mysterious name, but as their relationship blooms who will be the first to discover who the other is?

5) (historical setting) Once upon a time our characters were rivals by blood as the heirs of two influential noble families who despised each other, until MC and his family disappeared. Years later YC finds MC, forced to prostitution to make ends meet. Though he thought he might feel gleeful to see his former rival reduced to such, YC cannot help but feel responsible when he finds his own father is to blame for the fall of the formerly magnificent noble family. Will MC allow his pride to accept the help YC offers him?
So, hi!

So before we go into anything else; I'm looking for plots that center around or heavily involve my character being made to crossdress and being feminized by your character against his will - initially, that is. I do plan on having my boy start to enjoy it eventually. Before we go further into the ideas I had, I'd like to note a few things:

1) I don't do one-liners. I can go anything above 300-ish words, all the way up to around 1500 words depending on what my partner gives me and what they're comfortable with.

2) I would really appreciate it if you didn't just disappear after the plotting is done/after the first few replies. If you're no longer interested, tell me.

3) I'm not a fussy person regarding reply times, and definitely don't require daily replies (I can't reply daily either) but it would be appreciated if it didn't take you a week for every reply especially at the beginning stages of the roleplay. Also just generally if you need to take a longer break, I'd like it if you checked in every now and then to tell me you're still there and interested.

4) Decent grammar, spelling and punctuation. I don't want to feel like my partner isn't putting any effort into the replies. I certainly don't mind mistakes because those happen, and I'm not gonna come at you in PMs about your grammar not being 100% perfect, so no worries, but I appreciate some effort.

5) Lastly, when we roleplay, I think it's really important that we both contribute to the plot, ideas and continuity of the roleplay. In some scenes it's necessary to just follow your partner's lead, but if the scene feels like it's stuck and there's nothing more to do there, instead of just passively reacting to what I wrote it'd be nice if you also take the story forward into the next scene. I don't want to feel like I'm the only one dragging the story forward, when we could carry it out together.

Okay, so if you're still with me, we can move on to nicer things! First of all, I'm looking for a plot that's smut-heavy, but not only smut. I'd very much like for there to be a nice balance of plot and smut, some room for plot twists and character development and drama. I'm a sucker for drama, as I'm sure you'll find if you end up becoming a roleplay partner of mine :p

I'm very open to including all kinds of kinks and scenarios, so don't be shy to ask!

So, some themes and things I enjoy in my roleplays:

- D/s dynamics (generally, not only during sex)
- Feminization, both mentally and physically (as in my character's body and facial features becoming more "feminine" gradually)
- Forced crossdressing
- Role reversal/power dynamics shifting
- Humiliation
- Drama
- Romance (this is a requirement, I do want our characters to develop a romantic relationship regardless of how rocky the beginning of it might be)
- Dub-con (I'm not a fan of non-con, but dub-con where my character resists, but ends up enjoying it is right up my alley)
- Historical fantasy settings (thought I'm also more than open to modern)
- Mpreg and/or ABO dynamics (not a necessity of course, but I'd be more than happy if you wanted to include it)
- Dominant partners who don't need to be abusive to be in control

Not an exhaustive list by any means, just some things I especially enjoy in my roleplays. Also not everything on it needs to be included of course, aside from romance. Let's go on to the ideas I had, although if you have ideas of your own I'm more than happy to hear them out.

1) My character is the son of a high-ranking noble lord, used to getting what he wants. Your character is the adopted son of a lord much below my character's family's rank and my character knows he can get away with tormenting yours. Years of torment suddenly comes to an end however, when my character's father falls out of favour with the royal family, their wealth and title stripped away. As much as your character would have fun simply watching my character join the peasants in having to work for a living, he has something entirely more wicked in mind - something that will make up for the years of humiliation my character put yours through. And so he takes my character in, on the condition my character does whatever he's told.

2) Much in the same vein with the last idea, but modern setting. My character is a bully, your character his favourite target. After your character finds some damning material to blackmail mine with, threatening to ruin my character's reputation if he doesn't do exactly as told, it seems my character's life is about to be turned upside down.

3) My character is a prince, your character a warlord invading his kingdom. Once the king's army falls and your character seizes control of the throne that my character was once set to inherit, your character knows he needs the support of the nobility still loyal to the former prince in order to control the now discontent population of the kingdom. With his court magician's help, he begins to work on the prince to become a concubine of sorts, a lover if you will, to show the people and the other nobility that the new king is indeed worthy of their love and respect.

4) My character finds himself the victim of human trafficking, sent to a privately owned facility by his new owner to be trained into how the man wants my character to be. Your character is to be his handler/trainer, but as time passes, they find themselves tangled in a forbidden romance that, should it be discovered, could have devastating consequences. As time draws near to send my character back to his new owner, their only options are to take the risk and escape together or part forever.

5) The rebellion had been brewing below the surface for years now, and finally the flames erupted upon the kingdom. My character is a young noble lord, one of the very people the people are now hunting down. He's on the run when he runs into your character, a mercenary. Your character agrees to help mine cross the border into the safety of their neighbouring kingdom - where the rest of my character's family is already seeking refuge - when my character guarantees a sizeable reward. First, they must find a proper disguise for my character, and what better than for him to pretend to be your character's wife as they travel?

6) My character is the son of a lord, finding himself kidnapped and sold into slavery. Your character is a former slave who managed to escape and make a fortune for himself. He used to serve in my character's household, and happens to see my character in the slave markets. It seems the tables have turned.

7) My character tries to summon and bind a female demon to be his partner and grant his every wish, but something goes wrong and he gets your character instead. Being a much more powerful being than my character was prepared for, your character indeed takes my character as his partner, but not at all in the way my character was looking for.

8) Not an actual fleshed out idea, but I would love something where my character has (once again) been bullying your character, who suddenly/unexpectedly gets some kind of a position/power etc. that forces other people to do as he orders. And of course with this newly acquired position/power/whatever, your character wants to make my character into an example of what happens to people who cross him.

Anyway, those are just some ideas that I had, send me a PM if you find yourself at all interested! And like I said, I'd love to hear your ideas too ^^
So, hi!

So before we go into anything else; I'm looking for plots that center around or heavily involve my character being made to crossdress and being feminized by your character against his will - initially, that is. I do plan on having my boy start to enjoy it eventually. Before we go further into the ideas I had, I'd like to note a few things:

1) I don't do one-liners. I can go anything above 300-ish words, all the way up to around 1500 words depending on what my partner gives me and what they're comfortable with.

2) I would really appreciate it if you didn't just disappear after the plotting is done/after the first few replies. If you're no longer interested, tell me.

3) I'm not a fussy person regarding reply times, and definitely don't require daily replies (I can't reply daily either) but it would be appreciated if it didn't take you a week for every reply especially at the beginning stages of the roleplay. Also just generally if you need to take a longer break, I'd like it if you checked in every now and then to tell me you're still there and interested.

4) Decent grammar, spelling and punctuation. I don't want to feel like my partner isn't putting any effort into the replies. I certainly don't mind mistakes because those happen, and I'm not gonna come at you in PMs about your grammar not being 100% perfect, so no worries, but I appreciate some effort.

5) Lastly, when we roleplay, I think it's really important that we both contribute to the plot, ideas and continuity of the roleplay. In some scenes it's necessary to just follow your partner's lead, but if the scene feels like it's stuck and there's nothing more to do there, instead of just passively reacting to what I wrote it'd be nice if you also take the story forward into the next scene. I don't want to feel like I'm the only one dragging the story forward, when we could carry it out together.

Okay, so if you're still with me, we can move on to nicer things! First of all, I'm looking for a plot that's smut-heavy, but not only smut. I'd very much like for there to be a nice balance of plot and smut, some room for plot twists and character development and drama. I'm a sucker for drama, as I'm sure you'll find if you end up becoming a roleplay partner of mine :p

I'm very open to including all kinds of kinks and scenarios, so don't be shy to ask!

So, some themes and things I enjoy in my roleplays:

- D/s dynamics (generally, not only during sex)
- Feminization, both mentally and physically (as in my character's body and facial features becoming more "feminine" gradually)
- Forced crossdressing
- Role reversal/power dynamics shifting
- Humiliation
- Drama
- Romance (this is a requirement, I do want our characters to develop a romantic relationship regardless of how rocky the beginning of it might be)
- Dub-con (I'm not a fan of non-con, but dub-con where my character resists, but ends up enjoying it is right up my alley)
- Historical fantasy settings (thought I'm also more than open to modern)
- Mpreg (not a necessity of course, but I'd be more than happy if you wanted to include it)
- Dominant partners who don't need to be abusive to be in control

Not an exhaustive list by any means, just some things I especially enjoy in my roleplays. Also not everything on it needs to be included of course, aside from romance. Let's go on to the ideas I had, although if you have ideas of your own I'm more than happy to hear them out.

1) My character is the son of a high-ranking noble lord, used to getting what he wants. Your character is the adopted son of a lord much below my character's family's rank and my character knows he can get away with tormenting yours. Years of torment suddenly comes to an end however, when my character's father falls out of favour with the royal family, their wealth and title stripped away. As much as your character would have fun simply watching my character join the peasants in having to work for a living, he has something entirely more wicked in mind - something that will make up for the years of humiliation my character put yours through. And so he takes my character in, on the condition my character does whatever he's told.

2) Much in the same vein with the last idea, but modern setting. My character is a bully, your character his favourite target. After your character finds some damning material to blackmail mine with, threatening to ruin my character's reputation if he doesn't do exactly as told, it seems my character's life is about to be turned upside down.

3) My character is a prince, your character a warlord invading his kingdom. Once the king's army falls and your character seizes control of the throne that my character was once set to inherit, your character knows he needs the support of the nobility still loyal to the former prince in order to control the now discontent population of the kingdom. With his court magician's help, he begins to work on the prince to become a concubine of sorts, a lover if you will, to show the people and the other nobility that the new king is indeed worthy of their love and respect.

4) My character finds himself the victim of human trafficking, sent to a privately owned facility by his new owner to be trained into how the man wants my character to be. Your character is to be his handler/trainer, but as time passes, they find themselves tangled in a forbidden romance that, should it be discovered, could have devastating consequences. As time draws near to send my character back to his new owner, their only options are to take the risk and escape together or part forever.

5) The rebellion had been brewing below the surface for years now, and finally the flames erupted upon the kingdom. My character is a young noble lord, one of the very people the people are now hunting down. He's on the run when he runs into your character, a mercenary. Your character agrees to help mine cross the border into the safety of their neighbouring kingdom - where the rest of my character's family is already seeking refuge - when my character guarantees a sizeable reward. First, they must find a proper disguise for my character, and what better than for him to pretend to be your character's wife as they travel?

6) My character is the son of a lord, finding himself kidnapped and sold into slavery. Your character is a former slave who managed to escape and make a fortune for himself. He used to serve in my character's household, and happens to see my character in the slave markets. It seems the tables have turned.

7) My character tries to summon and bind a female demon to be his partner and grant his every wish, but something goes wrong and he gets your character instead. Being a much more powerful being than my character was prepared for, your character indeed takes my character as his partner, but not at all in the way my character was looking for.

8) Not an actual fleshed out idea, but I would love something where my character has (once again) been bullying your character, who suddenly/unexpectedly gets some kind of a position/power etc. that forces other people to do as he orders. And of course with this newly acquired position/power/whatever, your character wants to make my character into an example of what happens to people who cross him.

Anyway, those are just some ideas that I had, send me a PM if you find yourself at all interested! And like I said, I'd love to hear your ideas too ^^

I'm looking for some new roleplays now that I have more time on my hands! ^^

I had some very specific cravings and I'm hoping you'll find some of them interesting. I'm always open to suggestions and ideas though, so don't be shy to ask me if you think we'd be a good match and you want to do something different. I'm looking for dominant female characters.

Anyway, I'll start off by telling you what I like in a roleplay:

- Long replies. I don't usually go much under approx. 300 words and I hope you won't either. I can go as long as you want though.

- 3rd person style only

- Historical fantasy settings (Not to worry if you're not into historical, I also do modern settings. I'm also not a huge stickler for absolute historical accuracy as long as the feeling is there, which is why I prefer fantasy)

- Fantasy in general

- Drama - lots of drama

- But also fluff and cutesy moments

Well, that's the condensed list of the main things I'm looking for. I usually reply a couple of times a week at least, although sometimes it might be more or less depending on the situation and how much stuff I have going on in real life.

As for smut, yes please. I'm very much looking for a roleplay with sex as a part of it, but I don't want a roleplay that's only focused on sex. Those tend to get boring for me rather quickly.

So, as the title of this thread suggests, I'm looking for plots with femdom themes, with me playing the submissive part. If you wanted to do an F/F pairing, I'm looking for them to involve gender-bending (as in MC starts as a male as is turned into a female). I have a few ideas for plots that we could do:

MC = my character, YC = your character
All of these plots can be either just M/F femdom centered, or F/F where MC is turned into a female unless otherwise stated.

Anyway, these are some very rough ideas I had! They're open to expanding on, tweaking and fixing however we like. Send me a PM if you find yourself at all interested! ^^
Hello my fellow roleplayers!

So, I'm looking for some story driven plots with smut included. I'll tell you a little more about what kind of themes and such I'm looking for specifically in a bit, but first I have a few requirements:

- I don't do one-liners. I write a minimum of approximately 400 words, so I hope you can keep up with that (I can go 1000+ words as well, so feel free to write as much as you want)

- Plot is a must. Roleplays that centre mainly around sex tend to get boring quickly.

- Decent grammar, punctuation and spelling. Mistakes and such are fine, but I do like to have a partner who puts some effort into their replies.

- Original characters only. I'm also not going to play any celebrity as my 'character'. I don't mind face-claims, but I'd really prefer if they weren't that famous and widely known celebrities (like Katy Perry, Chris Evans, Johnny Depp etc. whose face everyone knows)

- I'm looking for dominant/top partners (during sex scenes), as playing the dominant role is very uncomfortable for me. I know not everyone likes to have clear cut "roles", but sorry, I only play submissive/bottom characters. That does not mean they're "oh no I'll just stand here and cry and blush and do nothing useful" characters btw.

It's also worth noting that I might not always have the energy to reply every week. Sometimes I can get you several posts per day, more often than not I can reply at least 3-4 times a week, but sometimes it might take me a week or so to write a reply (this also depends on the length of replies). Feel free to poke me if I take more than 5 days without contacting you though!

Anyway, if you feel like you check off the above mentioned requirements and are still interested, let's get down to business!

I'm looking for long-term roleplays, mostly in historical/historical fantasy settings. I can do modern settings as well, but I'd really prefer historical. However, if you have some plot ideas that only work in a modern setting, feel free to pitch them to me anyway :)

Some things that I enjoy in my roleplays:

- Romance

- Drama (and lots of it)

- Arranged marriages

- Role reversal (for example bullied char turning into the one with all the power over the bully)

- Supernatural themes (werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters etc. are all fine by me)

- Historical settings (Medieval, Renaissance, Ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt, Victorian and Regency are my favourites)

- Fake relationships

- Fantasy

- A/B/O dynamics and cross-dressing (of course not mandatory, but if you're into either or even both I'd be very happy about it :p )

Also note before we go into the plots: While I try to go for a certain amount of historical accuracy, it's not the most important thing for me. As long as the feeling and atmosphere of the era is there, I'm good. Also I do like to keep things simple with gay pairings, so my preference for historical settings is that homophobia simply isn't a thing in the world.

Some plot ideas I had:

1) Set in the mid-1800s, right in the middle of Victorian era London, the streets are run by a vicious gang whose leader is the most ruthless criminal mind London has yet seen. They operate on every level of the society, having infiltrated the high society just as the slums of Whitechapel and Spitalfields. They have their fingers in every pocket and control many industries within the ever growing London area, and although some gangs have tried to resist them, any rivalling gangs are eliminated. The rest have to pay a share of their profits to be allowed to operate. However, lately there have been whispers of another gang operating without their permission, a gang committed to not only making profit for themselves, but to help and improve the living conditions of those living in the squalor of the London slums. A gang that's slowly growing in the shadows - a gang the people support. My character (MC) is a young man of humble origins, not wealthy or educated beyond the ability to read, write and count, but street smart enough to keep his head low and his name under the radar. If it were to be revealed he is the leader of this new emerging gang, he knows he'd have a target on his back. His gang has been gaining momentum, support and success lately - MC wants to help the people whose lives aren't seen as worthy of help by those with the means to do so. And if crime is the only way to do it, then it'll have to do. Your character (YC) is one of the higher ranking members of the dominant gang (or if you want, YC could also just be their "business partner" of sorts), already having accumulated wealth and status despite his young age. YC is bored. He is contacted by the leader of the gang to look into this new emerging gang and try to identify the leader - and he's more than happy to. It's been a while since he had anything interesting to do. YC takes an interest in MC and in an impulsive moment decides not to report back when he finds out MC is the leader they've been looking for, instead partnering up secretly with him to see how events will unfold. Where YC was only looking for entertainment, and MC was looking for a business partnership and inside help to get ahead, they find something else that might complicate their futures. Are those feelings I see ahead?

2) Alternative Victorian London street gang plot. MC is the cherished - and sheltered - younger sibling of a gang leader. YC is a high ranking member of their rival gang. By chance they meet, and without knowing who the other is they find themselves getting along. When YC finds out who MC is, he realizes it's a perfect opportunity to extort MC's brother, but finds himself hesitant to use MC for such purposes, having come to enjoy MC's company. It doesn't take long for the leader of YC's gang to find out who YC has been seeing secretly though and orders YC to bring MC in so they can 'question' him for information and use him against MC's brother. While YC manages to convince them not to outright hurt MC, they keep him captive and become increasingly frustrated when MC refuses to speak - only, YC realizes, it's not that he refuses. MC simply knows near nothing about the gang. MC has been placed under YC's care - to make sure he doesn't escape or contact his brother - and with their time spent together they only grow closer. Eventually YC will have to make the choice between MC or the gang.

3) The social season of 1817 (Regency era) is about to begin. The British aristocracy arrive from their mansions and chateaus to the bustling city of London, to socialise, attend balls and musicales and dinner parties, make new business opportunities and most importantly, introduce the charming new debutantes to high society. MC's family expects him to finally marry after years of putting it off. MC is expected to be betrothed by the end of the social season and MC's looks, family's wealth and status ensures a flock of willing prospects, but he isn't keen on the idea of settling down. YC is in much a similar situation himself, finding himself faced with a choice of marriage or losing his inheritance. They are both among the most eligible bachelors, and that status brings with it bloodthirsty mamas and hopeful prospects. Meeting by chance, our characters enter into a faked courtship to regain some peace from the advances of others and to have their families lay off the pressure, at least buying them enough time for each to device a plan of how to untangle themselves from the ropes of impending marriage. Mutual benefit soon turns into friendship and before either realise it, feelings have formed. Still thinking the other does not wish to marry however, they keep their feelings to themselves, but to their horror their families go over their heads and the date of their marriage is agreed upon. Can they convince their families to cancel the wedding, or must they enter into a marriage that the other doesn't want - right? (Of course this plot is open to many side plots, from other suitors entering the scenario, to jealous ex-lovers making an appearance)

4) In Ancient Greece, among the mortal humans lived those who were descendants from gods. Half-human, half-god, the demi-gods are capable of incredible feats no normal human could dream of. In the time of the Peloponnesian War, Sparta has found one in their midst - YC. Sparta is winning largely thanks to YC's gift of leadership and fighting prowess and Athens dispatches MC, their best assassin, to deal with him. Upon arrival to Sparta, it becomes evident immediately that MC only has one shot at this; if the assassination fails and MC is drawn into a fight with YC, he knows he'll fail the mission and lose his life. MC determines the best way to go about it is to get close to YC and once his trust is won, strike when his guard is down. They become friends, and immediately YC's lover is suspicious of MC - the lover needs to go. MC frames YC's lover for a crime she/he certainly did not commit and now with free access to YC, MC seduces him. What he never really counted on was growing feelings for YC himself. That wasn't supposed to happen. Now with feelings involved, MC needs to make a decision: will he stay, switch sides and hope YC does not find out who he is and all that he's done, will he complete his mission and return home as if nothing had happened between them... or will he escape, and leave both of them heartbroken and himself without a place to call home?

5) In the modern world, traveling has become excessively easy, and MC takes advantage of it. It's summer vacation from university and he's traveling around Europe. While visiting his ancestral country he wanders into an old site of the Norse gods and either by a stroke of fate or incredible bad luck, he's transported through time to the time of Vikings. He's soon caught by men who seem to think he's someone else and bring him to their jarl. It turns out MC looks exactly like the son of the jarl, who has run away on the eve of his wedding. No one believes MC when he tries to explain he is not who they were looking for and he's brought back to the husband-to-be; YC. How is he going to survive in this time, married to a man he's only just met, mistaken for the son of a jarl with no clue how anything works. How will he get back home?... Will he get back home at all?

6) Once upon a time our characters were teenagers in love. They had their whole lives planned out, how they'd marry and live together until death do them apart. Then, one day, YC disappeared. Eventually MC came to believe YC had abandoned him, and things only went downhill from there. Upon MC's father's death it was revealed there was nothing left for him to inherit - his father had gambled everything away - and not even with a roof over his head MC was made to survive on his own. He tried everything from theft to selling flowers, but eventually he was forced to work at a whorehouse to earn a living. The only thing he was lucky with was that he was picked up by a whorehouse tending to the needs of the upper class gentlemen; it meant more money and better treatment. YC, on his end, never had meant to abandon MC. He had been sent away to live with his sickly, but wealthy uncle without the chance to say goodbyes. And when he had come back after his uncle's death, MC was already gone. YC's uncle left his entire wealth and all his properties to YC, making him now a truly wealthy man. 10 years has passed since they last saw each other, and YC has a lovely fiancée on his arm now - one YC does not love, but she is lovely none the less - and an empty, lonely hole in his soul. During a weak moment, he visits a whorehouse to momentarily fill that loneliness. That's when he meets someone he thought he would never again see in his life. Has the once bright flame between them been snuffed out by time and the hardships of life, or has it simply waited in cinders to burst into full flame again?

Feel free to suggest your own plots to me as well if you want to ^^ And send me a PM if you find yourself interested!
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