Avatar of Keileon
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  • Posts: 55 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Keileon 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Arguing amongst yourselves is not helping you look good to outsiders


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Availability until Saturday the 20th:

Tuesday: Night
Wednesday: Should be available late afternoon to night
Thursday: Night
Friday: Evening and night
Saturday: Late afternoon to night

Timezone: Central Daylight Time

I also have another roleplaying commitment right now but it shouldn't affect me too heavily.
Humans were never good at taking care of their older, unused structures, leaving them abandoned to be worn away by the elements. Why even build such temporary structures that wouldn't ever stand without regular maintenance? Paint wore off; rain waterlogged old wood to swell and rot it, especially in the midwest where spring and summer could be absolutely miserable, humid months filled with high heat and heavy thunderstorms. The fact that this old barn still existed was nothing short of a miracle. Even the machines were likely nonfunctional, simply sitting in the open, their internal workings rusted and stiff from disuse.

It was a wonder even the wheat was still alive.

A boy walked through the crops, looking out over a golden expanse that was ever so dull to his eyes. His attire was strange, out of place for the location and time- brassy, golden metallic armor that fit his form perfectly, as if made to his exact measurements. Spiked shoulders, clawed gauntlets, and an open-faced helm that looked distinctly like the horned crown of a dragon- most of his body was covered in this dazzling armor, the only open spaces being his face and the palms of his hands. Of course, the boy's armor hid his "normal" clothing- underneath was fairly standard, casual attire, a comfortably fitting t-shirt and a pair of old jeans. The only part of his outfit it didn't hide was his bow and quiver, probably for ease of access.

... Boring place, don't you think? Jason thought casually, almost conversationally. A voice answered him.

Try not to get complacent, a different voice thought back, seeming stern, but even it had an undercurrent of excited anticipation. We cannot know what else is coming. Even boring can be useful.

"Right you are," Jason muttered, this time aloud. He gave the wheat field another cursory glance- he was of course on the side of the road where the field was smaller, the road in front of him and the barn and farmland behind. Past the road was the seemingly-infinite wheat, itself unremarkable and boring, but also affording little cover aside from the wheat himself. Here, at least, there were strategic hiding spots, but Jason did not foresee having to use them. Finish this quickly, easily- that was his goal. No use spending more than a few minutes of his life on the rabble when he could be out facing more worthy enemies.

The Shapeshifter gave a light sigh, tilting his head upwards with is eyes closed as he breathed for a moment.

Wheat had such an interesting smell.

Let's get started.
<Snipped quote by Keileon>

If only the world was as black and white as the situation you just made reference to.

As I said, I haven't been paying much attention to the drama because there really isn't any point to it. I'm just going off the information I do know because I happened to be paying attention here or on Discord.
@Everett I see. I can respect that. I just feel like it's a shame that people are leaving mainly because- as far as I can gather- a judge went rogue and started telling people things he wasn't supposed to.

Good luck with your other threads~
After some discussion I'm going to respect my teams wishes and bow out of the tournament. I'll get in on another one somewhere down the line. I'm still open to brawls in the arena though or other Rp's.

I mean absolutely no disrespect and don't want to cause an argument to start up again, but this confuses me a little and if I don't ask it'll keep bugging me.

Admittedly I haven't been paying the closest attention to the latest shitstorm but this comes off as you essentially saying "I don't mind being in this tournament but my team doesn't want me to participate so I won't". Am I misunderstanding or something? I honestly and truly don't see why, in a 1v1 tournament setting, someone can't/shouldn't participate in something just because the rest of their team/faction doesn't want anything to do with it.

Again, no disrespect or argument. Just curious.
While I'm all for healthy, vigorous debate and all, I'm gonna have to call for an end to the name calling and stuff. The big mods let me police this place how I see fit, which is usually to let you all sort it out.

Thank you, god damn.
Moebious/Devil obviously is MENTALLY impaired.

And ad hominem is obviously helpful
@Keileon Eh. The only real difference there is whether or not you're drawing upon energy from within yourself or from external sources. But I've seen Mana used to describe living energy in nature as well as within the body and vice versa. That's why I say these words are LITERALLY interchangeable at the drop of a hat, boils down to nothing more than personal preference in terms of which labels one likes better.

Yeah, it just depends on the setting. There are some where Mana and Prana are both different things in the universe, some where one exists but not the other, and some where they're the same thing. Creative liberties and all. Kind of interesting, but it means these settings can be tricky to mix which is what I was getting at.
Mana/MP/etc doesn't usually equate Spirit/Ki/Prana/other "life" energies in most settings, I think. They're similar but highly distinct from each other. (and Ether/Aether can be another thing entirely, depending)

But either way it's good that TZDL doesn't inherently specify any of this and leaves it to the players. Mixing concepts from different universes/settings/communities is a messy business and why I avoided it for Jason.
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