Avatar of KiraVanhelsing


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I'm Batman...

I am just another run of the mill nerd who likes to kick ass and raise a few virtual zombies online. I like pirates, whales, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, necromancers and above all anything to do with the ocean. I am up for almost any kind of roleplay, with the aim to not make any grammatical errors or to BECOME THE OVERLORD OF SUPER POWER NEVER TO BE DEFEATED BECAUSE I AM SO UNDENIABLY AWESOME! Oh and did I also mention...

I'm Batman..

Haha...Yeah..MESSAGE ME! I'm fucking hilarious and always willing to try out new rp's!

Most Recent Posts

Harley tried to kick out once or twice at the dogs when Antonino interrupted her chirping. She jumped along with the dogs before she settled down on her chair, watching him and the dogs eat quietly. She remained quiet as he discussed what was to become of Freddie, and how her act of loyalty somehow, thank the gods, persuaded him to not sell her into prostitution. She deadpanned though at the mention of him owning her ass. She didn't like the idea of being owned any better than she liked the idea of Freddie being 'Fed to the Fishes' but she was grateful that this mob boss or whatever he was, was not going to hurt her or sell her to someone worse. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her head perked up when he offered food but warned her about the strawberries. She looked at her fingers then the dogs and shivered speaking quietly so as not to upset the dogs, "Jesus...Alright Princess. I won't touch your berries...What? Fine. Big Boss guy...Canneloni dude? What should I call ya, then?"

She gave him an awkward smile, truly trying to not be a smartass, but she couldn't help not teasing him. He oozed control, and poking, the man' so to speak just became habit overtime. She figured most girls just bobble-headed in front of him, telling him what he wanted to hear. You cant respect someone who kisses your ass, so she would let him know that she could hold her ground if necessary. That thought dropped cold when she thought about Bruno and the way he pulled her hair or the dogs eating their meat. She could play this with stupid pride or with her smarts. She bit her bottom lip, patronizing herself for being rude to someone who could basically end her miserable existence with a command to the hellhounds behind her. She had to be more careful. Again, fuck you Freddie for getting me into this mess! Antonino didn't seem to notice her inner struggle and started talking about racing. She began to listen intensely, her green eyes looking at him with deep interest. The thought of her racing to save her life sent a deep thrill through her. She imagined going up to the speeds she only dreamed she could go, and an wicked smile crawled up her lips. More money than she could ever imagine in a year! She bit her lip trying to hide her smile when he winked at her. She blushed, looking away from him. He was way to handsome for his own good. She snuck off her seat and walked over to the fridge taking him up on his suggestion, as he went back to his food. She took a breath then spoke up, trying to sound confident, "Believe me, I'm good." She paused looking at the handles of the fridge, "I may be shit at everything else, but I live when I'm in my car."

She shook her head then opened the fridge getting a look at what was inside. Her eyes widened in wonder as she looked over everything, "Oh. My. God. Look at all this food! There are so many options. Oh, I could eat this or...this or...OH IS THAT SPAGHETTI! Dear god! You even have steaks in here!"

She turned around, giving him a cautious look, "Can I really eat this?"

She waited for his response, then shot him a warm smile, as she grabbed down a container of spaghetti and popped it into the microwave before she began looking for a fork. When she found one she turned back to the boss, "So...I race. I earn back my money. If...If I win back what he or I owe, do you still have to kill Freddie?" She looked down at the ground then back up at Antonino, "Don't get me wrong, he's dead to me, and I will never love him the way I did...but he's..my only family."

The microwave beeped and she pulled out the spaghetti container and moved to sit at the farthest part of the island, before she reconsidered and moved to sit right in front of the boss, her fork digging into the spaghetti, before she spoke up, feeling slightly more relaxed then she should have been in this situation, "Also..umm...can I leave, or is this 'Mine' situation involvin' me stayin' 'ere? Cause I have a cat, Mr Pickles, who I feed."

She gave him a puppy dog smile, and then took a bite of spaghetti, her eyes shutting slightly in ecstasy. She finished her bite and licked some sauce off of her lips, "God, this is good. So much betta than PB and J or pizza. The sauce is sooo delicious! Who made this? It's amazing!"

She ate with gusto, taking what she could, while she waited for him to answer. She hadn't eaten a meal like this for months, let alone meat that wasn't usually found on a pizza, and she wasn't missing her chance to eat as much of it as she could, if given the opportunity.
Very excited to see what hes gonna say! 😯😯😯😯
So uh...are you not into this or..because I didn't want to rush you but it's been like...two weeks? -.-
Stevie watched the boy come over to sit beside her, before whispering softly to him, "Hello again, fellow student. You should have heeded my advice. Now you have joined the pod people. I'm Stevie, by the way."

Suddenly Mr Paulson spoke up, "And what does the author mean when he says that, Stevie?"

Stevie turned, her eyes wide before she looked down at the book in front of her, "Uh...Well, it's Hemingway..so I assume something deep and brooding that effects our perspective of the world, and helps us get through hardships that form our everyday lives?"

Mr Paulson gave a wry smirk, then spoke evenly, "Good try. Now please pay attention and no talking in class."

She nodded then turned to the new guy, motioning a zipper over her lips. Class continued as usual until the bell rang signifying the next class. She stood up grabbing he books and winking at Minerva, "Enjoy Phys Ed."

Minerva just laughed, eyeing the new guy, "Enjoy teasing the new guy. Don't listen to a word she says by the way. Pathological liar. By babes."

Stevie stuck out her tongue then turned back to the new guy, "What's your next class? I'll make sure you get there in one piece."

She slung her binder shut then walked over to the door, "You coming?"

As soon as she heard the door click open, she wiped her eyes and looked over her shoulder to see Antonino looking over at her. Surprisingly, the first thing he did was apologize for Bruno locking the door and suggesting that she follow him for food. She eyed the dogs wearily, not sure if they were dangerous or not. He assured her they weren't and then gave her a warm smile that made her heart stop for a few minutes. God he was attractive, in a dark mysterious evil type of way. Trouble. Major trouble. Guys don’t look at her like that, which only signified he was trying to catch her off guard. She took in a breath then scooted off the bed, her expression hard, as she walked quietly to the door, peering out at him. He continued down the hallway turning the corner, not looking back, probably assuming she would follow. She did, slowly, keeping her distance as they made it to the large expensive kitchen. It was clean and filled with high-end kitchen appliances. She made her way to the island sitting down on the farthest seat, as she stared at the marble in front of her, trying to think about how to say what she wanted to say.

She placed her arms on the table and spoke up, “I..I don’t know where Freddie is. Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell ya eitha. Even if he is the biggest cunt brotha in the world. I can’t even…”

She ran her fingers through her hair trying to calm down, “I also ain’t sleeping with anyone, for money eitha! That bein’ said I know you need your money...which..uh. How much do you need?”

When he told her she let out a soft, “Fuck...I wasn’t expecting...that much. My apartment won’t even cover that…”

She looked up at him, her mouth moving as if to form words then stopping as she tried to get to the point, “I uh...I don’t have too many skills, but um...the one I think would be most useful to you..is...um...I can drive. Now I know all I do is uh...deliver pizza’s but I am the fastest in the city. I promis ya. I almost got a pepperoni and spinach to a guy in southside in under 9 minutes, around mid-traffic, and if you think any driva can do that, you would be surprised! So if you perchance need...what? It’s not funny. HEY! HEY! I’m at least trying to negotiate, asshole! You think it’s easy sittin’ ere’ tryin to offer somethin, because someone sold ya. Not only someone, but...but a brotha! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I RAISED THAT BASTARD!!”

Suddenly the dogs started barking, and Harley climbed up her seat as they came up to her growling, “Hey..Hey...I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t of raised my voice. Nice doggies. I love dogs! I swear!”
Harley stood oblivious to the reactions in the room when she handed over the briefcase, only raising her guard when ‘the big boss’ started to speak about how her brother insulted him. She frowned, speaking in a light calming tone, “Already forgotten! Promise.”

The Enforcer moved to open the case then handed it over to his boss. She noted that a small handwritten note was inside and figured that it was possibly some high-level information or perhaps an address to some money. Either of which she didn’t care. However, the way the boss was looking at it she could tell it wasn’t good. She took a step back, about ready to ask to leave when suddenly Corleonesi let her know exactly what it said. As the man spoke, her smile and heart dropped to the floor. She listened quietly, her breath hitching as she began to shake her head. Freddie wouldn’t do that. Not her Freddie. He had stolen from her and on a few occasions blackmailed her into helping him, but he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn't go that far. She basically raised him. She was the only family he had left. Harley took a step towards the note when Antonino stood up and walked up to her. She took a step back, trying to keep an eye on him, when he walked behind her grabbing her hair roughly, telling her that if this was some sort of scam she would be in deep shit. She shivered, his tall form intimidating her. She wasn't a meek type though and a certain defensive edge came over her as she tugged her body away from him.

She turned reaching up to touch her hair as she gave a glare at the boss, before turning to look at Ms. Holloway who seemed to be reading out her faults one by one. She finally started to speak up, anger brewing up through her, “HEY! I…”

Suddenly she was caught off, by Antonino who implied she couldn’t pay off her debts the same way, that she assumed those girls out there did. Now she was really getting pissed. She spoke up harshly, her voice confident in the room, “I am not a fuckin’ whore!”

No one seemed to admonish she had said anything. After Antonino drank his scotch, he spoke to her directly, letting her know she was going to get some time to evaluate her situation, and if she chooses to run away from the situation, big boy behind her was going to make her regret it. She turned around to look at the big guy behind her with a raised eyebrow, before turning back to Antonino, her green eyes boring into him as he made claim to her ownership. This was bullshit. She didn’t deserve this. She sacrificed everything for her brother and now she was OWNED by some asshole, mind you a handsome asshole, who was considering setting her up for a life of prostitution. She grit her teeth, intense rage glistening behind her expression as she clenched her fists, her words cold as she raised her chin slightly, taking a step towards the desk. “I have a feeling not enough people tell you off MR BIG BOSS MAN or whomever you are!, but let me make MYSELF clear. I belong to no one!”

Suddenly Bruno grabbed her hair and basically half dragged her out of the room. She resisted at first, kicking at the desk then the door as she was pulled out of the room. She groaned painfully, as she moved into the hall then up some stairs. She growled at the big lug pulling her, “I can walk on my own, asshole! OUCH!”

Suddenly she was pushed through a door, her body falling forward into a guest room. When she regained her balance she turned around to see the big man shutting the door. She listened to the door lock and pulled up her chin, sinking to her knees as she let her real emotions move over her. The realization of the betrayal really didn’t come into focus until she heard the lock and with it, she let out a harsh sob, tears broke through her expression and began to run down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe it. She really couldn’t! She had raised Freddie since their mother passed. She had given up friendships, lovers, and most of all college to make sure her family was taken care of and now she was being sold up the river to these people, she had never even heard of. Now she was being forced to make a decision to let these people kill her brother, if she had any clue where he is, or figure out a way to pay a debt she didn’t even incur. Blood debt. She rocked slowly, falling back onto her butt, as she ran her fingers through her hair. She went over all the money she had in the bank, the possibility of living out of shelters, and giving up her...car. Anger and pain seared through her, as a fresh crop of tears washed over her.

She let go for a while, just sobbing into her hands when she realized she had to stop. She didn’t have time to cry. They might be watching her now on a camera, and the thought of them seeing her this weak, made her feel even worse. She covered her mouth, trying to settle herself down. She breathed in slowly before slapping her cheek, and closed her eyes. She stood up slowly, rubbing her forehead as she moved over to the bed sitting on it. This was a mess. A HUGE FUCKING MESS! She spoke to herself alone, “You are an idiot, Harley. Soon as he gave you that look, you should have ran for the fuckin’ hills. What am I going to do? What the hell am I going to do!”

----------------------Some time later.

Harley lay on the bed quietly, her eyes boring down at a window, wishing she could just jump out of it into the streets below. The sky was now fully dark, but the city sounds still blared just outside her window. After looking through the guest room in curiosity, going through drawers and the closet she decided to just lie down and wait for someone to come get her. She held a pillow up to her chest, holding it tight as she began to prepare herself mentally for what was coming. She had an offer to suggest, but she knew a guy like him had to be convinced of a good deal. She had to sell her skills and be smart. It was a mistake telling him off like that. She would have to real in her temper if she was going to survive this, and that was the goal inevitably. Survival. At any costs. She would get out of this though. She had to. So for now, her fears just barely below the surface, she waited for the unknown.
Harley stood outside of the large building, the smell of cheap perfume, cigarettes, and booze filling her nostrils. She shivered, turning to look at her car wondering if perhaps she should just drive home. She was about to do that when a beautiful girl with soft blonde hair and blue eyes came up to her, "Hey gorgeous. Name's Candy. You want to play honey? The other girls don't do women, but I ain't restricted by what's in your pants."

Harley raised an eyebrow, "Uh..nah. I'm good, but..Thanks? I guess. Um. I'm actually here to see Mr...Corleonesi. I have something for him."

The girl raised her own eyebrows, "You want to see the boss?" ,she tried to restrain a laugh, "Alright. Not his usual type, but follow me."

Harley turned to look at her car resisting following her for a minute before she turned back to look at her, "You coming?"

She bit her lip, then nodded walking into the joint. The main room was large with various circular red couches and curtains filling the area. Scantily clad women in various sexy costumes walked around with trays of booze, food and 'toys' available for the occupants. Harley felt way out of her depth, wishing she was at home watching Star Wars with her cat, 'Pickles'. Suddenly they exited into a back room and headed through a corridor towards a large black door. Two large men, who seemed to be of Italian descent stood in front of it. They looked at Candy then at Harley with cocky smiles. Candy smacked one beneath the chin whilst turning to the other one, "Girl wants to see the boss. Says she has something for him!"

Harley waved awkwardly at them from behind Harley, before they opened the door. One of the men smacked Candy in the butt before they entered into a lavish rose red office where a gorgeous lady sat behind a desk. Candy smiled at the woman, "I have a girl for the boss, Madame."

Miss Holloway stood up and came around the desk looking down at Harley with questioning eyes, "We weren't expecting any girls tonight."

Candy was about to speak when Harley perked up, her accent highlighting her words, "Uh..Yeah sorry. My brother Freddie, was supposed to show up, but he sent me instead. I have a case for Mr. Corleonesi! Something about a debt or somethin.."

She gulped as Miss Holloway looked her up and down, "Ahh...Raise your arms."

Harley did as she was told, before Miss Holloway proceeded to feel her arms, torso and legs, her nails lingering in certain spots. Harley shivered, about to speak up when the seductress before her pulled away moving to the door. She knocked once, before opening the door and walking in. Harley turned to Candy and gave her a soft, "Thanks" before she entered the room.

She held the case in front of her, rubbing her nose as she walked into the dark room. Her eyes immediately focused on the man behind the large oak desk. He was handsome. Like dangerously good looking. She tried to remain confident, but the obvious attention of the room was on her and that was unsettling. She assumed the guy was the man she was looking for. She stared at him, awkwardly overamiling as a brief silence ensued. Miss Holloway broke the silence by speaking up, "Freddie's attache. Apparently."

Harley spoke up, giving a large awkward smile, "Sista actually. I ahh.. I'm Harley! I just came to drop off a case. This case, actually..H..Here."

She took a few steps forward and placed it on the table in front of the handsome boss before taking a step back, "It should settle, everything...Freddie says. I mean...that's what he tells me. I just got off shift at Mario's Pizza so I am a little beat right now."

She rubbed her hair, gulping nervously as she let out a small scared giggle, waiting for the guy in front of her to say something.
"You were late! Flyer says 10 minutes or pizza is free?"

Harley stared blankly at the balding and overweight gentleman with slight annoyance, "Sir. Yous called at exactly 9:35. I took the downtown route and still made it here in under 8 minutes. That is what one might call a fuckin' miracle. Myself. I call it pure bonefide talent. Now give me the money you owe, so I can get back in enough time to clock out and go home."

He gave a greasy smile and grabbed the door, "You was late, cutie! I'm not paying, and you can tell your boss that if he wants his money, he should send a guy who knows how to drive in time."

Harley grit her teeth, "You son of a..."

Suddenly the door was shut in her face and she clenched her fists, rage bubbling just below the surface. Motherfuckin' scumbag! A minimum wage for fucking this.

She let out a breath before she turned heading down the apartment stairs out into the streets, kicking a garbage can over as she made her way to her car. It was a rusty black Camaro, but she loved it more than anything in the world. She had wasted two years worth of savings for it, and she treated it like it was her pride and joy. She slammed her hands onto the wheel still fuming. Now Fario is going to take that out of my paycheck. Shit. I'm gonna be late on rent. AGAIN! It's just my night!

She took in a breath then started the car making her way back to the pizza shop. After arriving, she explained the situation to the boss only to hear her wages would be shortened. AGAIN! She just nodded then headed back to the locker room, pulling off her red and yellow visor and blouse, replacing it with an Iron Maiden T-shirt, leather jacket, and her backpack. She kept on her jeans and black converse all-stars before heading out into the front room of the joint. She had almost made it to the door when she noticed Freddie sitting in a corner. She turned to look at him, noting his tall thin form. He was handsome with roughed brown hair, green eyes, and light stubble. His puppy dog expression was lit up by the neon 'OPEN' light shining over her face, and she knew that this visit could only mean one thing. Trouble. A small silence grew until he opened his mouth and she pushed the door open, "NO Freddie!"

She headed out into the parking lot moving over to her car when he was caught up to her, "I haven't even asked you yet! Come on..Sis..."

She stopped, "So you are gonna ask me somethin'. You've been gone for a month, Freddie. Look...I don't have any money. I don't have any savings. I sold Ma's apartment. I ain't got nothin'. Okay."

He bit his bottom lip, placing down a black case he was holding, "Look. I'm not here ta ask for money. It's nothin' like that. I'm clean. I promise. No more drugs. Look at my eyes. Clean."

Harley looked away then looked up at him, noting that he didn't look like he was on anything. He was a king of liars and she had been burned multiple times, "Then what do you want?"

He leaned down grabbing his case, "I just need you to deliver this. Just bring this case over to an address and then that's it. Last thing I will ever ask of you. Promise."

She looked at the case, shaking her head, "Of course. It's always one more favor with you. Why can't you take it yaself?"

He gave her a charming smirk, "Cause. I slept with this guy's sista alright! I owe him some money...and if I show up there to give it to him, he is going to kick me ass. Yous tougha then me. Plus he won't do anything to you."

Harley groaned, "I can't believe I'm even considerin' this. You always do shit like this Fred! When the hell are you going to grow up. I CAN'T KEEP DOIN' THIS SHIT FOR YOU!"

He grabbed her hand and stared at her with soft eyes, "Harley. Please. I really do mean it this time. You've been like a second mom to me, and I know you've done everything you could to try for me. I appreciate it and I love you more than anyone. This is the last thing...Really."

Harley stared at him, taken aback by his honesty, "Fred...I."

He gave her the case then pulled her into a hug, "I need you to do this for me...I love you alright." He pulled back and gave her a napkin, "Here. These are the instructions. Go to this address and give the case to this guy. Make sure he opens the case in front of you, and get confirmation that he agree's to tha deal. Okay?"

Harley lifted up her hand and placed it on his cheek, "Al..Alright, but this is it, Freddie. Alright. No more after this."

He kissed her hand then pulled away, "I promise. Love ya Harls..."

She shook her head, "Love ya Fred."

She headed to her car with the case thrown into the seat beside her. She turned to look at her brother, who seemed to be holding something back, his expression soft, only cracking into tears when she had driven off to her destination and a whole new world, she never knew existed.
Name: Harley Hartford (Lol...She will joke about this later.)
Age: 29

Likes: Cars, Books(Particularly Sci-Fi), Shoes, music from the '80s and bad boys (unfortunately).
Dislikes: Tomatoes, Country music, horror films, and her brother's various drug addictions.
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