Avatar of Kissu
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 655 (0.18 / day)
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    1. Kissu 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I'm back from my mini-Rp hiatus! Gonna go through the reams I missed and start getting back into it :)
9 yrs ago
I'm on a hiatus atm due to work related issues. I'll be back and running next week.
9 yrs ago
Procrastination has appeared. It's the killer. Do not die.
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9 yrs ago
Now's not the time to be dead!
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9 yrs ago
T5 is the butts.
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22 y/o Welsh gal living it up in the big city with my SO and two beautiful cats. Hobbies include gaming, creative writing, baking and dank memes. Oh and RPing too I guess.

I can't say I've been with RPG for terribly long, but I hope you enjoy what my writing style has to offer. Cheers!

Most Recent Posts

Sunday 26th April 2015: Time Unknown

Leiko Hamada: Enchanted Woodlands- Grand Stage

The woman before her...she changed.

Leiko had barely been aware of the strange beings that shielded her from the oncoming vines, her eyes fixed on her aggressor with a look of numb shock. Its skin peeled away, exposing thick, gnarled bark and long, blood-red claws that sprouted from its fingertips. Every aspect of her graceful beauty had been twisted, revealing the darkness and cruelty behind her visage. But nothing struck her more than the cold, wicked smile that spread across the creature's lips as she sent endless vines at Rui and the others in an effort to tear them apart.

She didn't know what to do. Frozen in place, she helplessly watched as Rui, Noboru, Kami and the other boy raised their weapons boldly against the forceful gale. They were going to fight it. But how? She seemed so strong, so vicious in her onslaught. If they stayed...would they end up dying just to save her?

No. Leiko didn't want anyone to die, especially not like this. She wanted to raise her voice, tell them to leave and save themselves, but she couldn't. It was if she didn't have to strength to form words anymore.

That creature had truly taken over.

"Come on, now. Won't anyone save me from myself?" The Shadow crowed, cackling all the while as she threw another burst of fierce wind at the Persona Users. "The audience is just dying for some action!"
Sunday 26th April 2015: Time Unknown

Leiko Hamada: Enchanted Woodlands

"Are you quite done snivelling, little girl?" The forest creature sneered, watching Leiko's quivering form with a note of disgust. "Come on now, there's no need to cry. I thought you were supposed to be stronger than that."

"H-How..."The whole situation beggared belief. Everything about that...thing before her mirrored her own features, from her facial expressions to the subtle tones in her voice. And yet there was something so wrong with her that it made Leiko sick merely to look at her. Her cold, yellow-gold eyes, the cynical smile that pressed her full lips...

This was some kind of cruel joke, it had to be. There was no other way, the very thought of considering her as anything but an impersonator was insane. And yet...

"What...do you want?" Leiko managed to muster all her confidence into that one sentence, her eyes looking up to meet the imposter's unwillingly. "Who put you up to this? Was it them? The cult?" Just the thought of her kidnappers made her blood boil. "If it is, I swear..."

"Ooh, the big bad men must be so scared of brave little Leiko!" The creature suddenly broke into a peal of laughter, causing Leiko to gape her mouth open like a fish. "Surely you must be kidding? What good are you on your own? You can't survive a day by yourself, let alone take them on. Face the truth, little girl."

"How...how dare you!" Leiko cried, her face twisted in outrage as something within her started to break. "You don't even know me!"

"Oh heavens me, aren't we listening? You are me." The faerie-like being gave a condescending tut and a waggle of her finger. " I know everything that goes through that vapid head of yours. The fantasies you dream, the people you care about, your true passion..."

"W-What? Shut up! Shut up!" Leiko screamed, shaking her head as she tried to disentangle herself from the venomous words that crept into her mind.

"Oh my, stop being so dramatic!" The other Leiko grinned, a theatrical gasp quickly following suit as Rui and the others finally arrived on the scene. "Oh look! We finally have an audience! Now this can be called a true performance!"

"It's okay Leiko we're here..."

"Shinichi...?" Leiko peered out through her fingers as Rui, Noboru and an unfamiliar boy arrived before them, relief and terror flooding through her every being. "Wait, don't-"

"So nice to see you accepted our invitation, boys!" Other Leiko turned her head and beamed before them. "And we were just starting the performance too!" With a wink, the forest dweller turned back to focus on the cowering Leiko. "We always loved a good standing ovation. All that praise and attention we craved.."


"After that first taste of appreciation, popularity...we needed more. We needed to control the people that cared about us. If we held all the power, then they would always need us..." The other Leiko started to frown. "Of course, putting on airs was part of the role. And oh, how much of a chore it feels sometimes. Like that silly girl that always follows us around. She's like a fly we can't squash."

Surely, she didn't mean..."She's my best friend! Don't talk about her like that!" Leiko trembled, her eyes flitting nervously at Rui and the other and then back to her imposter. She couldn't just let her spout these poisonous lies...

Oh my...was that genuine pain I heard just now? Oooh, see, that's why we're the greatest actress in Warakuma!" The second Leiko applauded raucously. "Such an elaborate fantasy... a loyal to the end best friend, a doting fiancé, crowds of appreciative fans..." She sighed dreamily. "It's like the perfect fantasy made reality, don't you think? It's all we ever wanted...without them, we're nothing..."

She made Leiko sound so weak, so needy that it made her stomach churn. She was more than that. She was the President, the most popular girl in school, she didn't need fantasies...

"It's the perfect scenario right now, isn't it? Strong, brave males coming to rescue you from deep in the woods...", Other Leiko sighed loftily, glancing over at the others. " Drama, suspense, that thrill of being saved...It's just like a fairytale. But now we get to actually live in one..." Her nails slowly raked against the bark of a nearby tree wistfully.
"But I don't want to pretend any longer. Were the world mine, I would make them all grovel before me, like the rest. They wouldn't be able to breathe without my existence..."

"No!" Leiko yelled, her thoughts in pieces as she crumpled to her knees. "Stop it! Stop lying!"

"You're the one lying to yourself, Leiko!" The other Leiko's voice started to crackle in anger. "Why are you still pretending? Wake up and take responsibility for once! You're a weak, selfish, insecure little girl who craves to be acknowledged. It's pathetic." Her head tilted to the side in a condescending manner. "But that makes two of us, I suppose. I mean, after all you are me."

"NO!" Leiko was lost to all thought and reason, her insecurities dragged out to the fore as a vicious wind started to bluster through the dead, barren trees that encircled them. "You're wrong! Everything you're saying is a lie! You...are not me!"

A strange glint appeared in the eyes of her doppelganger, and not long after, Leiko felt her arms and legs bind together with thick, ropey vines that ensnared her body and pulled her away from the others. Totally bound, the high school girl watched helplessly at what would unfold next.
Kissu's presence is required.

Also Hierophant confirmed as open.

Expect a post tomorrow.
Posted. Unless otherwise stated, assume that all conscious SeeD are now on the train. I would have set up some interaction but honestly, I'm absolutely shattered from work and I couldn't bring myself to write anymore. So thank you and goodnight.
"Scared? I thought you were nearly dead!" Mei responded hysterically, her face betraying the hurt and worry she had carried with her the past 24 hours. "I mean...they said you wouldn't wake up for at least a few weeks, maybe a lot more. I thought that I'd never-"

Mei stopped herself mid-sentence, shaking her head vigorously to break herself out of her emotional state before focusing quickly on Kein, in an attempt to regain her professional composure. "Umm, Mr Marx, sir? I heard that Mr Duncan and the others have already made their way to the station. I wanted to inform him that the Faction would like me to accompany the team, as a representative of our cause. It was supposed to be Tyler, but..." Her gaze drifted over to where her unconscious brother was resting. "I will be going in his stead. I hope that won't be a problem?"

"Not as far as I'm concerned," Kein shrugged, following Mei's gaze over to her brother before giving her a warm smile. "We'll do everything we can for him, that I can promise. And your name is Mei, right? We haven't been properly introduced." Kein extended his hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Kein. Nice to meet you."

"Oh! Nice to meet you too!" Mei smiled, giving Kein's hand a quick shake before glancing over at Syrus. "Umm...I'm really glad you're okay, too, you know? You wouldn't believe how worried I was..."

Deciding not to elaborate further, she looked over at both SeeD's with a determined glint in her eye. "Well then. We have a train to catch!"

With a rather insistent Syrus accompanying them, Mei, Kein and a couple of other SeeD stragglers joined them on their way towards the train station. Fortunately, the train was still on the platform, meaning that they would be able to board the same train as Duncan and the others, or at least they would have assumed, until they were rudely halted at the barriers by two stern faced Galbadian soldiers.

"Tickets and identification, please." One of them spoke in a lazy drawl, his lips curving with relish as he looked over the small ragtag group. "New security measures. Can't be too careful."

"Yeah, what with them rumours of SeeD terrorist activity..." The other one grumbled in agreement, outstretching a hand to receive their papers. "Under strict orders, you see."

"Umm..." Mei's expression grew tentative as she looked over at the others. Would their IDs be covered for such a scenario? Galbadian security checks were pretty thorough.

Fortunately, she didn't have to find out as she managed to catch the eye of a man in a purple uniform, her eyes giving him a subtle signal towards the checkpoint. The man responded with a curt nod and a stretch off the part of wall they were leaning on, before approaching the two soldiers with ease.

"No need for this faffing about. They're with me."

Both soldiers straightned and gave the purple soldier a look of utter disbelief. "You what?"

"You can't just-"

"You question my authority?" The higher classed soldier cut them to the quick with a note of consternation. "They're certainly not going to like hearing about this you know..."

"Uh! Right! Right you are, sir!" The guards replied hastily, fumbling with the sensor panel on the gates before the barrier snapped wide open for Mei and co. "Straight through, please!"

"Thanks," Mei mouthed at the man in purple before gesturing the others to follow her. Behind them, they could hear the guards swearing about 'bloody purples' and 'might as well be signposts for all it matters.' It was all Mei could do not to giggle aloud at their bitter remarks as she lead the way towards the train, but not before being stopped by Kein.

"What was that all about?" He asked in bemusement, looking back at the enigmatic man in purple, who had seemingly chosen to return to his lazy spot on the wall. "A contact?"

"Something like that," Mei shrugged her shoulders, a secretive smile forming on her lips as she chose not to honour any more of Kein's questions by simply sliding the train doors open for them to enter the car. Next order of business was rendezvousing with the others, but hey, at least they made it.
Work was shit today. Like the shittiest.

crimoar kissu

Anyway, I'll get cracking on that post.
I'll be moving Mei, Kein and Syrus on soon. Shiinen PMed me a while back so I know she's still interested, so I'll involve her with the transition too.

Just not today since I'm tired as all hell from my night shift and have done nothing but sleep and eat Chinese. So tomorrow then.
Sorry for not moving this on yet guys. I've been sick as a dog this past few days and I don't know when I'll be up to posting. Go ahead and post away for the train trip, take it as far as getting off on the stop before Deling City if you want. I'll try to post as soon as I'm able

Oh no. Get well soon Lennon!

In that case, I'll handle the transition to the train. Just focus on getting better kay?
-Sunday 26th May, 2015: Midday

Saya Ueno: Ueno Residence

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.


The monotonous sound of the clock hand clicking past each number filled the barren silence that consumed the young teenage girl as she sat in front of her desk, eyes gazing vacantly out of her window. An ugly purple bruise had blossomed on her right cheek, and red bags appeared under her eyes from excessive rubbing and lack of rest.

It had been five days since Leiko had gone missing.

Saya did what she could. She really did. She was found unconscious in a back alley by a neighbour and taken straight to hospital where she had stayed for three days. The police had interviewed her, and she tried to recount the incident as best she could. She'd estimated at least ten people had surrounded them that night, and they were all wearing strange robes. She couldn't see their faces, couldn't hear their voices or understand their intentions. They attacked her, left her for dead and taken Leiko somewhere. That was all she knew.

She could tell the police were disappointed with the amount of information she had to give, but their dissatisfaction was nothing compared to how she felt. She kept reliving the moment over and over in her head, kept seeing the look of horror and fear in Leiko's eyes before everything went dark...

"Dammit!" Why couldn't she remember? Why did she have to be such a useless, worthless piece of-

"Saya? Honey?" Her mother's concerned voice sounded from behind her close door, trepidation clearly evident in her tone. Everyone had been treating Saya like she was some kind of broken vase since she was discharged from the hospital. One touch and she would shatter. Maybe they were right.

"I'm fine. Sorry." Saya's response in turn was hollowed and lifeless, so different to the usual boundless energy she carried about her. She felt utterly helpless. Her best friend, the one who had dragged her from that dark part of her life...was gone.

And more than anything...she had felt relieved.

Relieved that at least it wasn't her.

Her stomach started to churn again, reminding her that she needed to eat, but she ignored the sharp pains in her abdomen and glanced over her modest amount of 'Get Well Soon' cards with a look of guilt. Quite a few of her friends had visited her in the hospital, but she couldn't look any of them in the eye. After all...it was her fault that Leiko was gone.

She heard her mother sigh softly from the crack of her door before leaving, which prompted Saya to slink back to her bed in a half-hearted attempt to fall asleep. It wasn't like she was in the mood to go out and do anything for Golden Week anyway. What was the point, knowing that Hama-chan was still missing?

"Please...please be okay..." Her prayers were hoarse and laced with doubt, but the will in her heart was as hard as granite. Leiko was the strongest person she knew. She had to come back. She needed her. They all did.

As Saya's head flopped back against the pillow, a streak of yellow caught her eye. Blinking a bit, the girl reached over and fished her phone from the crevice in between the bed and the wall, before looking down at the strap dangling from the device. The name 'Leiko' had been embroidered into the fabric, along with the phrase 'Best Friends' adorned on the other side.

It was the last thing Saya had given her. And it was so childish. How could she even dare to call herself her best friend, when she failed to save her? What good was she, holed up in her den, watching the days pass as her friend's life hung so delicately in the balance?

Saya was never one to give up without a fight. Leiko had always made fun of that aspect of Saya's personality, calling her foolish or naive.

And she wasn't going to give up now. Not on her.

"Hang in there Hama-chan...", she whispered, thumbing the phone strap fondly before reaching for her coat and looking once more towards the window.

This time, she was going to be there for Leiko, no matter what.

Leiko Hamada: ????

It smelled...nice. That was the first sensation Leiko was aware of as her eyes started to flutter open, the smell of earth and pollen drifting through her nose. Her vision was still hazy from her slumber, but as her head started to lift up from the flowerbed, she became more acutely aware of the sprouting bulbs and sprawling roots at her feet. She was in...a forest? But it was too... breathtaking to be the same woods near Warakuma. Too full of life and colour and vastless beauty...

Leiko shook her head to dispel the cobwebs in her own mind and reminded herself of her situation. She had been attacked by those strange hooded figures, she had seen them strike Saya down and then-

"Saya!" Leiko cried out as she suddenly remembered her friend suffer a painful blow from one of those figures, the memory prompting her to look around wildly for any sign of her closest friend, but all she was greeted with was an endlessly dense thicket of trees from all directions.

Wherever she was, it seemed that Leiko was a long way from Warakuma.

"Hello?" Leiko called out to the unsettling silence of the woods, her voice echoing aloft amongst the trees. No response. Perfect. So she had been dumped in some strange woodlands, with no sight of her friends or any other kind of life. Well, maybe there was a small blessing in that fact. At least the perpetrators weren't in sight, and she appeared to be in one piece.

"I need to get out of here...", Leiko whispered to herself, unease creeping in at her predicament as she took a step out of the flowerbed that had cradled her. She didn't know why, but there was something unsettling about this place, beneath the tranquility and delicate beauty. Was it because she was alone? Scared?

No, of course not. She'd find her way back, and then she would report straight to the police. She would find Saya, and then she would make sure those guys paid...

First things first. Would she get reception here? Her hand slid down to her breast pocket to find her phone, but a quiet, strong voice stopped her immediately in her tracks.

"Swift as a shadow, short as any dream..."

Leiko recognised the words instantly. How could she not, when she picked the very same Shakespearean verse for auditions that year? But what really caught her attention was the voice who spoke them. The delivery of the words were strange, almost...detached and lonesome, like a lament. And that voice...was hers.

Leiko could feel her eyes widen at the recognition, her body trembling from the shock of hearing her own inflections as the voice continued to perform. Who was that? Was someone pulling a trick on her?

There was only one way to find out. Sensible plans of escape long forgotten, Leiko gave chase into the thicket, leaves and branches snapping under her heels as she listened fervently for the voice that mirrored her own. She could feel the brambles snag at her sweater and cobwebs tangle in her hair, but she didn't stop. And the voice grew ever clearer until-

"So quick bright things come to confusion..."

The smell of rot reached Leiko's nose as she stepped into a clearing, decay and barren waste laying at her feet. This place was different to the rest of the woods, so disjointed and repulsive. Leiko wanted more than anything to turn heel and return to the flowing rivers and flowers and bountiful nature. Not...this.

What changed her mind however, was the sight of a regal figure, sitting crosslegged on a throne of gnarled branches and twigs. Her hair was long , cascading in caramel rivelets down past her shoulders, and a wreath of flowers crowned her head. Her fingers were long and elegant, every curve a mark of feminine perfection. Only her pointed, elven ears and golden eyes betrayed that the woman before her was far from human.

What truly caused Leiko to balk was the most noticeable feature of all.

"Hello, Leiko. Or rather, me?" The woman laughed unsettlingly, Leiko's face frozen into a look of utter disbelief and horror. " How foolish to greet oneself so openly. Did you enjoy my soliloquy?"

Leiko's scream was loud enough to rumble through the earth, drowned only by the crackling laughter of the creature before her.
I'm pretty much ready. I'm gonna whip up a post tonight after my bro's birthday to start moving the Shadow Leiko train.
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