Avatar of kittyluna45


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4 mos ago
Current Will give replies Monday.
2 yrs ago
Will be out of town for the weekend, will be online when I can, will reply when I can. Back on Sunday.
3 yrs ago
Will be out of town for the weekend, and won't be online. Replies will come on Sunday later in the day.
4 yrs ago
*Blasts TNBC soundtrack and Spooky Scary Skeletons for the next month*
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4 yrs ago
*Incoherent scream of rage.*
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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Stella and Kata are known because y'know... Kata nearly killed the students when combined with Tobias, and Stella with the giant plants. >.>

So Elizabeth is with the group in the library, smart move.
Happy Holidays!! And Merry almost Christmas!!

Just a heads up, I will be out of town the 19th to the 3rd. I will have my lappy with me, but my parents like to keep us busy, so I won't be around too much.
Welcome back!!
Quick summary: everyone has powers and now you know it! Just now everyone tried to leave but they couldn't because of some weird loop that caused them to keep appearing at the school. Then there was a meeting in the gym and everyone found out the school is eating people.

Have them in the gym right now. Maybe have them say something to one of the other characters. Oh important to note. Ash has blue skin right now (she still hasn't figured out how to get rid of that) and some of the others have visible signs of their powers. For example in the last big meeting in the gym Kata showed off her power by almost drowning everyone (jk), and then controlling the water out of the building before they all got electrocuted.

It was fairly spectacular actually.

So, uh besides that, a few of the students have wandered off to check out their secrets that they have gotten from Amy as she died. They have found out that they are trapped there, after trying to leave and looping around and a now missing student said he felt some time fuckery. The headmistress admitted to knowing about the school eating kids, and some of the teachers are not happy about that, and have given the kids permission to investigate, but warn you should stick in groups of people. No being alone. Even if that hasn't helped anyone.
@kittyluna45 Was bumping the thread so Fei could find it easily. But now that I'm moving back to this site for my RP needs, the posts will be coming in plentifully ^^

Ah yay! Well thank you for bumping it and welcome back then (?)

Mebbe. Would you have Ellie and her OP Alchemy? ^__^

I believe we would.
Wait for it...



Did you guys have Ellie killed off yet? ^^;

Nope! Still wish to bring her along on our crazy adventure?!
@Luna The idea is open again if you're still interested.

Also, BUMP! Please PM me if you see anything that interests you or just wanna come up with an idea together!
*hipcheck bumps to the front*
Oh hey! Sorry for the delay D:
Stella Herbalem

The Library

Stella sighed a bit, wondering if it was a bad thing to be mentally cursing an already dead person. "Books here that logically shouldn't... Maybe if she had given that clue to someone that spent more time in a library that would be helpful... but god, I'm a plant girl! What can I do... what shouldn't belong here!" She sighed as she walked through the stacks, going to the one section of the library that she knew the best, the section on plants.

Stella always had an odd relationship with books. Since they were made from dead trees most of the time, she could still hear their almost silent cries of pain. It was mostly with newer books, since the pages were more likely to be fresh. The older they were, the books were more silent. Sometimes, this aspect of her 'gift' really did bother her.

Since the surge that day, the faint whisper was a bit louder than usual. She seemed to be still suffering the effects of the surge, and she was sure she wasn't the only one. She looked over a bit and saw that while Tobias was looking around he was sticking a bit close to her. She blushed and smiled to herself, thankful for not only him but for Zaylin as well. She doubted that she could have handled being alone in this library at the moment, while hearing the screams of death.

Stella finally found the botany section of the library and made a right turn into the stacks. She gently ran her hands along the books and closed her eyes for a moment. She then ran her hands along the books until... "Hello, what's this?" She felt an odd texture under her hand. It didn't feel like the bookbindings of the text books they used for school. It wasn't even plant as far as she could tell.

She pulled the book off the shelf and realized that the outside of the book was unmarked. There was no title, no author name, nothing to mark what felt like some sort of animal skin. The book looked and smelled old. As she flipped open, Stella blinked. She flipped through the book and realized that it was entirely in code. "I... I think I found what you mean Amy..." She opened the book and saw that there were intricate drawings of many plants. It was detailed, more detailed than a book this old should be, she guessed. The pages felt like they were also made of some sort of animal, so it had to be made before paper became the popular book making material.

Stella knew that she was never going to be able to decode this thing herself. She was fourteen for goodness sake! However, she had a feeling that she should hold onto this book, whatever it was, for now. She closed the book and held onto it before she set on to look further into the library.
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