Avatar of Krein
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Krein
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    1. Krein 10 yrs ago


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You guys in need of another member? I wouldn't mind joining another Yugioh RP again.
Ah, it's been months since we last killed humans. I'm still impressed by the fact you have no qualms for killing your own kind; that was always a characteristic of yours even from the start!

"There's no deep philosophy behind it, I just detest 'humans' like these."

Abaddon licked some of the blood off his claws as he admired his handiwork. So much blood spilt in mere minutes, but this was honestly a basic form of the real carnage he could create. He would have liked to more thoroughly feast on some of the bodies, and though no one was around in the immediate area, he could tell something was off. He felt... watched.

"Oh for fuck's sa-"

Shiro fired his shot, and not even a second later Abaddon's body had been dispersed into shadow and strange, black ooze. He wasn't dead though, evidenced by the dark materials gathering together in one place as Abaddon reconstituted his form. He snarled in anger, that was one major blow that left him with quite the headache. Now that he knew where the shot had come from though...

"You are a grade A asshole, you know that?"

Shiro would be surprised to hear those ring in his ears, especially now that Abaddon was floating directly in front him. With a tendril, Abaddon quickly knocked the impressive weapon off the building and immediately followed up with a powerful backhanded strike to the face. His attack had been infused with the crimson energy, giving it more power and a bit of an explosive force upon contact. Whatever armor the sniper was wearing would likely take a good part of the damage, but hopefully it would be rendered less effective due to the magic it was exposed to.

He appears to be a metahuman.

"Sucks," Abaddon said as he perched himself on the edge of the building. "I usually like to have a little more fun with my foes if that's the case, but seeing as how we have other arrangements, I'll have to make this quick!"

Stretching out his right arm, Abaddon fired a stream of the Devourer's Wrath towards Shiro. The magic surged forth quickly, and should it connect with its target, it would effectively leave behind a fatal hole in his body...

@Krein Thass is over at the hotel.

Alright. Also, my IC post asking where he was was still in character. It was supposed to be a prompt for you to be able to do something :p. It's fine though xD.

Hope you don't mind my character attacking yours. If you want, I can undo it. However, any time Shiro attempts to interact with someone they seem to leave, so I decided to have him go be proactive.

I don't mind, I know from past experience that being ignored IC is boring and sucks.
With so much of this place's depths left unexplored and its secrets uncovered, Abaddon hadn't planned to return to his home realm of Earth any time soon. However, if Thasseldar was calling out to him for help, he knew things must have been serious over there. Wasting no time, Abaddon slashed at the empty space in front of him to create a point of entry into Sheol, and from there he began the process of crossing over into Earth.

The Realmswalker did not say where to meet him exactly.

"I'm aware, but at the very least we'll end up in the same city he's hanging out in... Davenport City huh? We've been there a couple of times in the past, major hotspot for all sorts of metahuman and supernatural activity."

As the spiral of energy continued to shoot into the dark atmosphere above, Abaddon caught glimpses of both a cult and a criminal organization meeting together in secrecy. They appeared to be conducting some sort of ceremony...? No, a ritual.

Ha! The fools hope to add demons to their numbers!

It was always an interesting thing to see two such distinct groups team up, but not entirely unheard of. Sometimes these kinds of organizations would join up with cults to try an increase their hold in the city, and sometimes the cults would throw in demonic summons into the mix to further ensure their goals. Typically wasn't a good idea to do that when the organization members were around; their inexperience in dealing with such forces always made them easy prey for the summons.

"We'll make it fair, let's just treat all of them as prey!"

The ritual provided an excellent point of entry into Davenport, and with just a thought, Abaddon broke through and appeared in the center of their summoning circle. Everyone present stepped back in horror, particularly the cultists. They had specific spirits in mind to summon, and this... this was definitely not one of those spirits.

"Hi!" All six of Abaddon's tendrils shot out in different directions to skewer the surrounding criminals.. The organization members began to either run away or fire at him in terror, but the bullets pretty much just seemed to sink into his body with no effect. A slash here to disembowel, or a snap of his jaws to behead, Abaddon quickly made a massacre of the group. The only ones who survived were those smart enough to run seconds after they saw him. Normally he would have chased them, but Abaddon had more pressing matters at hand.

Where was Thasseldar?

Abaddon would find him eventually, or maybe Thasseldar would find him first.

(I hope those cult and organization members were just random NPCs to pick off. I'm really sorry if I screwed something up! If I did I'll be happy to edit my entire post to fix it!)
Crap sorry lol. Might as well edit it xD. But yeah, same question.
Let me guess, I mentioned the wrong member?
Hey @ArenaSnow, I just read about your realmswalker character and thought it might be cool for he and Abaddon to have some history. It doesn't have to be anything major, it can just be something as simple like the two having previously worked (or fought) together on some mission since they can both travel to other realms. It would also give my character a better reason to arrive late in the RP; he was off elsewhere, but was called to Davenport by Thasseldar to help out in whatever's going on.

Cake? Tres Leches is the shit.

Awesome, I'll post the sheet onto the CS tabs now.

Cake? Tres Leches is the shit.
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