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Added some clarifying words to the Chilling Howl ability. But Fubuki is done.

I didn't mean it to be guaranteed, I figured the strength of the mirror creature would determine if it worked and how much. Similar to if I created a fireball power and said it did explosive AOE damage. The enemy could still dodge it, or resist fire, or save for half damage like in dnd.

So in this case, the enemy could plug their ears if they know it's coming, or have resistance to fear effects, or have a strong enough will to not be scared anyways. It's more of a Soule Energy infused intimidation tactic.

I intended it to basically encourage enemies to fight other targets since it only weakens attacks against him, so that he can have his 1v1 predator-prey hunt. Or, against a weak enemy create a combo where he Predators them, Howls to stop their movement, and then Shatters with a sure-hit since they can't dodge.

As for the prey freezing effect, I set the objectively weaker condition so that you as the GM get the say of if this enemy is decidedly weaker, as in there is no feasible way already that it wins against Fubuki. So really, it's basically just a get this minion out of my way combo.

Should finish my character by tomorrow, going with Cold/War since Baph is going with Heat/Order. But I wanted to run my ideas for my Artes by you before I finished.

  • Predation: Targets a single enemy and marks them with a small icicle growing on their shoulder or closest facsimile to one. Fubuki's Mirror Artes are more effective against his chosen prey.
  • Chilling Howl: Those who hear the howl become fearful of Fubuki, weakening their attacks against him. If his chosen prey hears and is objectively weaker than him, they may become frozen in place out of fear.
  • Shatter: Channels a large amount of Cold Soule Energy into an all-or-nothing melee attack. Hit or Miss, Artes can no longer be used until Fubuki rests. This leaves him with only his basic bites, claws, and kicks to defend himself.
@Baphomini I'm between Cold/War and Dark/Order at this point. Let me know if you're going Heat/Order or not because that would lock out Dark/Order since I'm aiming to avoid duplicates with my character.
Decided my favorite Inclination for each Element:


As you can see, I like characters with a lot of inner conflict.

@EchoWolff Can I get an example of what constitutes a small ability so that I can make sure I'm staying in scale?
@Girlie Go Boom @Baphomini

Let me know if you guys have an immediate desire for a particular Element or Inclination, I don't know what I want yet so I can avoid choosing the same one as you two if you already have ideas.
I'm good too.
I'm interested if you'll have me.

Just a heads up, I've been off this website for around 6 years. I'm fairly confident in my writing abilities to still participate in Casual, but I may be ignorant to any etiquette that's come about in recent times.
Sadly, yes. It doesn't seem that we're going to get them though.
@bloonewb@AnneLynch@Lotrix Molick@Compulsive86

By the way, all your characters are great and can be added to the character tab if you'd like.

Sorry for the inactivity, we're just waiting on @Avanhelsing or one other person to show up so we can have six. Two groups of three.
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