Avatar of Laduguer
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    1. Laduguer 9 yrs ago
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Sorry, been a busy end of the year for me. I'll try to get a post out this weekend, latest early next week. Would be good to get this back into a more regular schedule so I'll try my best.
Same here.
Gate was a young boy, not long after his 14th birthday. It was the dark season in Taranis Prime, and the night-time temperatures had already dropped well below freezing. If you spent the entire season indoors, you would go mad from cabin fever, especially in the overcrowded hab complexes of the mid-hive. The best way to shake off the dark season blues was an evening stroll along one of the open air promenades with your family. These were some of the fondest moments of Gate's young life. The many coloured lights of the commerce arcades, the smell of hundreds of street kitchens preparing local food, the groups of young heirs from uphive and strange off-worlders. He was safe amongst his siblings and under the watchful eyes of his hulking father, free to explore a night-time world of childish excitement.

Occasionally, however, Gate's parents would be otherwise occupied and he would instead venture out with only the company of a few of his siblings. This time was one such occasion, and Gate was walking through the streets at the end of the evening to return to his parent's complex. The streets were beginning to empty at this time of day, as the shops and markets closed and there was little reason to be outside. As Gate walked he forgot to look where he was going, and ended up colliding with a man walking in the opposite direction and sending a bottle the man was holding shattering upon the ground. The man had the look of a vagrant, and immediately turned on Gate in anger. Rather than taking the man's side, passersby immediately assumed that - because of his appearance - the man was some thief or lunatic attacking the young Gate. Gate made no effort to be honest; he let the gathering crowd assume the man was an attacker and revelled in the privilege imparted even by his modest social status. This was an important formative moment in Gate's life. There was no feeling more reassuring than knowing society was on your side. You could look upon the less fortunate through a glass screen and never have to know their fate.


As lasfire blew white-hot pockets in the ruined buildings, Gate wondered if this is how that unassuming vagrant had felt. The other penal legionnaires trying to blow his head off weren't interested in his side of the story. The officials from Redemption didn't bother to differentiate him from the next legionnaire, regardless of how much more valuable an asset he might be or how harmless his crimes may have been.

The deafening percussion of a grenade blast thudded from nearby as Octavia and Tigranes made their manoeuvre. The blast triggered some additional memory, a continuation of the scene. Gate remembered that whilst the crowd did not care for the life of the vagrant, the vagrant stood his ground and pressed the truth on them anyway. They didn't listen - the vagrant was arrested and might have even ended up on a penal world like Redemption - but there was nevertheless something admirable in the futile defiance of the vagrant. At any other time Gate might have found it a pathetic sentiment, but in this situation is stirred something inside of him. Grabbing his lascarbine, he drew in breath sharply and fired it blindly over the top of his cover.
Actus was a naked eye, a simple entity of vision floating in a dark and smothered cosmos, comfortable in its closeness. He could see little in the gloom, but felt somehow glad of it; like a child hiding under their blanket, he was master in this hidden realm and the beyond could not harm him. However, slowly but relentlessly, the veil of this place was being stripped away. The first rays of a terrible sunrise were beginning to shine on the blanket and invade, rendering it no longer secure but rather transparent and pathetic. Through this now transparent veil, Actus could begin to make out the shadows of shapes moving on the other side. These shapes moved like a monstrous pantomine, nauseating in their outlines and in motions suggesting some horrific, cyclopean dance. A terrible fear set in as Actus realized that the illusion of his private cosmos was lost forever, and that he would never be able to hide from the knowledge of those monstrous shapes that danced above him.

Then, moist heat. Slight nausea. A ferrous taste in his dry mouth. He had fallen asleep in his cot-seat inside the small unmarked transport bearing him on the last leg of his journey. He felt relieved that his nightmare was not a reality, but not as relieved as he would have liked. It had been a recurring feature of his sleep recently, and whilst he was not taken to the primitive belief that dreams somehow held cosmic significance, the regularity of this one was beginning to upset some superstitious animal part of his mind.

This fear was perhaps was being exasperated by the already highly unusual nature of the last few weeks. Actus had lived a regimented and very routine life for decades, and he was still reeling from such a dramatic break to that routine. Suddenly, he was thrown into this dark and clandestine world that smelled strongly of incense. He still did not truly know what he was being recruited for, or how his fledgling algorithm would be put to use. He knew the Ordo Malleus was real - a mere myth would not be so heavily censored across so many Imperial records - and that they were somehow involved with monitoring classified and dangerous warp phenomena, but beyond that he had very little idea about what their actual function was. All of this created a strange aire of fantasy and mystery that made everything that happened to him seem ominous.

That was not to say he was not excited or honoured by this opportunity. This was undoubtedly the greatest career opportunity he had ever been presented, and it would mean taking on a range of new data processing tasks under the supervision of new directors with exciting new operating protocols. He would be eager to begin this work, and get this disturbing interim period over with... if it weren't for the terrible suspicion that this strange lifestyle was only a taste of what was to come.

The intercom seamlessly announced in servitor-tones that arrival was imminent.
I wish there were more books on them. I would love literature on their founding, the Titan Legions, Marian Civil War, etc.

There's a book written about the Martian Civil War during the Horus Heresy. It's called Mechanicum by Graham McNeill.

Anyway yeah, seems like a tech-priest is a great niche to fill in any Inquisitorial retinue.
My character is a Sage / Calculus Logi type, with an algorithm that's good at predicting where daemons are going to pop up. I think Jbcool is away for a few days now so I guess he'll sort out our characters in one fell swoop when he's back.
Half way through writing my character here.
I'm down for it.

Cool beans, I must admit that I only put up this year old concept (since the first attempt) out of a 40k-induced madness; I don't suppose anyone would be interested in forming the retinue of an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor?

I'm not going to up and change everything, but I am weighing up this RP - one I think it certainly more open ended - and the other, that would be more like the Eisenhorn books, far more character focused and probably more detailed, gritty and grimdank. Just curious.

Sounds equally up my street. I do love me some Inquisition.
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