Avatar of lady horatio
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.07 / day)
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    1. lady horatio 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Sorry I haven't been on in a few days, guys! I'm feeling sick, so going to retire, but will hopefully have time after work tomorrow.
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7 yrs ago
Plans for today: clean, reply to Guild messages, work on belated Christmas gift. Repeat. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
7 yrs ago
Ah, 3a.m. We meet again. My sleep schedule's become really screwy, and it's messing with my ability to keep up with things. I promise I'm keeping a running tally of my PMs; responses may just be slow.
7 yrs ago
Today's agenda: 30 minutes of cleaning, 20 minutes of crochet/reading/Guild time; repeat until either house looks less terrifying or it is dark outside.
7 yrs ago
Yesterday, was dispirited because my interest check wasn't getting any hits. Today, bumped it and came back to three messages, TWO of them referencing The Princess Bride. [delighted cackling]
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This bio is a work-in-progress! For now, here are the basics:
  • Marcie
  • 29
  • Hamlet fixation
  • Lover of all things fantastic, supernatural, and just plain cool
  • Sucker for character-driven stories
  • Terrible at plot, but always happy to brainstorm
  • And, most importantly: very friendly, so please say hi!

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by polyatomicbeing>

@lady horatio your character is approved! feel free to move her over :)

Ahhh, thank you! I'll pop her over to the characters' tab and try to come up with a CS for Philip soon, too, since princes are very much in the minority.

Also, having skimmed over the other CS's, I love that we wound up with two oddball gingers. xD
@amorphical, I’m at work and can’t write a long reply, but had to tell you that when I saw this, I started CACKLING with delight.
Hello! Y'all still have room for another princess? (With a possible guest appearance from her big brother later?) I am totally coming up with this on the spot, so constructive criticism is more than welcome! I wrote a more secluded princess from a very small kingdom; they try to keep out of everybody's way and have never had much desire to expand their borders. When the invitation came, it was honestly a surprise (and was likely meant for her brother, who is not allowed to attend, as he is the only member of the family physically incapable of keeping his head down).

-gentle prod to put this very old check back on Guild radar-
Hey, @Mokley, no worries—I'm sorry things didn't work out, because you set up a really fun, cool world, and I was super interested to see where things would go, but I understand that Life Happens. Running a game is a lot of work! Thank you for the effort you did put into it, and thanks for letting us know that you're going to have to put a pin in this thing for now.

For what it's worth, and only if it's something you'd be interested in, I would absolutely be in if you ever decided to give this game another shot. :)
Many, many apologies friends! My week did not let up like I wanted it to, and stress made me cranky and blocked for a while. Jill's post is now up, and @Not Fishing, she's got some things to say to Gary as soon as @Mokley has the Sheriff assure Jill in some way about her phone. I have been worrying about when and how to bring that up since they left the crime scene. xD
Jill was pale and still as she took in the pictures. "Shit got weird," she'd told the man with the knife. Apparently, weird was not so weird here. The photos would have made for incredibly detailed fantasy art, if she didn't already know how plausible they were.

The old man's yelling made her wince, further jangling her already-jangled nerves. She met the eyes of the incredibly self-possessed man next to her and swallowed, gripping the armrests of her chair for support. She nodded her agreement, then remembered the water cooler she'd spotted on her way in the door. Holding up one hand, she spoke to both the man and the sheriff: "Would you excuse me just a moment?"

Wishing it weren't so conspicuous, she reached into the appropriate pocket and palmed the prescription bottle tucked inside. She ducked out of the room and tried her best to be invisible as she grabbed a cup, filled it with water, and downed it with half a pill—not a strong enough dose to make her listless, but enough to calm the tremors that kept threatening to turn to full-on shakes.

"Sorry," she murmured as she returned, even though a voice in her head—Bobby's, it was definitely Bobby's voice—said, "You have nothing to apologize for."

She moved to join the man—whose name she still didn't know; wasn't it strange the sheriff hadn't asked for their ID?—and then froze. Her ID. One hand went automatically to her back pocket, where her phone should have been.

But it wasn't. It was still on the floor of the bathroom, where she'd dropped it. Or was it? She glanced toward the sheriff, trying not to look too alarmed. "My phone," she said. "I dropped it in the bathroom. It's got my ID in the case, and my credit cards—" She stopped, took a breath. There was a baggie with emergency cash in her duffel, but that was a temporary patch to a much bigger problem. "Are there any officers still at the scene? Can someone get it for me, or take me back for it?"
I'm still here! I had gone quiet because I talked with Mokes and didn't want to do too much with Jill until I knew if Gary and/or Akira might still be around for her to interact with. I'm working up against a deadline I'm behind on, but if I can't post tonight, I'll do it tomorrow!
This looks like it could be fun! I'm not much of a science whiz, but I'm assuming you'd need a good range of skills for such a long-term and isolated mission… So would an astronaut who's a trained mental health counselor have a role to play on this team? :)
Jill felt something cold run right through her.

She'd been in town for, what? An hour? Two? And she was being summoned to the police station with a story no sane person would believe. All the cities she'd drifted through since leaving home, and she'd never so much as sneezed in a police officer's direction.

She trailed obediently after the sheriff, but glanced around to make sure that her unnamed rescuer was following suit. She barely knew him, but she still knew him better than anyone else here. At the very least, they could corroborate each other's stories.

The redheaded woman, she didn't recognize, though her voice was familiar. Jill felt her throat close in the face of the stranger's grief, convinced before she opened her mouth that she was going to say the wrong thing. Heart pinching, she explained, "Whatever happened, I was stuck in the bathroom for most of it. I was the one yelling." She swallowed. "You…you were the one trying to help me, weren't you?"
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