Avatar of Lemmings
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 16 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Lemmings 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current "Time's up, let's do this." - Leeroy Jenkins
8 yrs ago
My spirit animal is a potato... a really lazy potato.


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There are not many secluded in areas in the heart of The City. Trade continues through all hours as cars and people hurry along the streets all in trying to move as fast as possible. This leaves few roads ever unused but there are a few and one of these houses The Oblivion. Many nightclubs dot The City, most offering something unique in the form of stimulants but what the proprietor of The Oblivion offers is something so simple none of the others can even compete: A good time.

Within this unassuming, nameless building that squats in the city with peeling white paint is the club proper. In the dark hours of the night it's one central room bursts into activity as first a staff of manipulators and generators arrived. They have all been specifically chosen to be able to work together to produce the right amount of light, sound, and clean air, to make an entire night fully enjoyable. A few hours after this is when the first patrons start arriving and a few hours after that a small band of people will meet to change the face of The City forever.

Around the main floor, sheltered in the walls, are alcoves for people to sit, eat, drink, laugh, and relax from the outside world. A place truly separate from the mundanities of the rest of the city. In one of these areas a young man, his face obscured by the hood of his red jacket being pulled low over his face, sits and waits. He is as far from the door as possible while still being able to see it. At some point people are going to come through there, he doesn't know what they look like and they probably won't know what he looks like but there is nothing for it but to wait.
One last hopeful bump…
Awesome! One brought in by what may in fact be divinity and another who was trying to escape cold weather! I'd like to see who else joins by the end of today but we can start in a smaller group and see who we pick up along the way
It started in an online forum, much like this one, in a world much like this one. A cry went up. A cry for change. A plea for help. Then it happened and one by one people started to wake up...

Three weeks ago:

"...Ministry Of Information... utterly destroyed..."
"...no survivors..."

"...response will be swift"

"...cause and perpetrator unknown..."
"... government in disarray..."

Two weeks ago:

username:Salamander -> heard they were looking to reset up that ministry that exploded a while back... might consider applying for work.
username:Xx_grilling_xX -> No chnce in h3ll! Those guys are way shady
username:Salamander -> why tho? Good jobs are hard to come by
username:Xx_grilling_xX -> Ppl want you to believe that it was a freak thing, rmember wut how they originally thought someone was behind it? Well they would just strike the new one again.
username:Dark_Wreath -> What? Like a Fire Generator? Even if someone had that much power there is a no way he could pack that much punch withuot taking himself out.
username:Jilted -> IT CULD BE A SHE!
username:Dark_Wreath -> Yeah I guess but still...
username:Xx_grilling_xX -> With a Manipulator though?
username:Dark_Wreath -> Even more unlikely! 2 people w power like that? I rate a 6 w Fire Generation, couldnt even come close
username:Salamander -> Woah a 6?!?!
username:Dark_Wreath -> Yip ;P
username:Xx_grilling_xX -> He's prob lying
username:Jilted -> Well I'm a 7 with Lightning Manipulation, the average is only 5.
username:Salamander -> WHAAAT?! I thought it was like 4. Im only a 3 with Fire Manipulation ToT
username:Xx_grilling_xX -> LOL, n00b
username:Jilted -> Anyway so Salamander, are you gonna take the job?
username:Salamander -> Probably, interview is tomorrow and they're only looking for ppl to fill the temp spots in the temp HQ.
username:Jilted -> Well good luck
username:Xx_grilling_xX ->... and that was the last they ever saw of him *woooooo*

username:Salamander -> I need help, whoever is there please they've been lying to us all and I found out and now people are after me please, if anyone is there please please please. The Oblivion, tomorrow night. I just want things to

Hello Potential Roleplaying comrades! I am Lemmings and this is jackass my Roleplay. It takes place in a world much like our own, in fact for most practical purposes it is. The people populating it however are a little different. Everyone, from the moment they are born, possess one of two possible abilities to varying degrees. They are either a Manipulator (someone who can manipulate and control a specific element but not create) or a Generator (the opposite of what I said earlier). For the most part this is inconsequential. Sure there are unique novelties tailored to this sort of thing like arenas or action movies but overall there is not much call to use these abilities. Although that said some jobs specifically look for them. Like Firefighters who are Fire Manipulators or Water Generators.

So magnets, how do they work? Beats the !#$% out of me but here's how these abilities work:

Manipulators: People with this ability have an extrasensory connection to their element. The stronger they are the more they can move, the faster they can move it, and the further they can reach with it. As said earlier they cannot create it and nor can they destroy it but they shape and alter it quite drastically as long as it retains its essential essence. Also note that the source of their element can be anything, not just a generator with the same element.

Generators: People who can create their element. This can be quite drastic when it comes to seemingly solid materials and the truth is its not understood very well but theories seem to suggest that the element is carried in minor traces within all the cells of their body and then released on demand. Which then leaves the less solid things unexplained... Their handicap of not being able to manipulate their element often leads to them simply ignoring their ability as it just becomes too risky sometimes.

Oh also if you read above, and I really hope you did because you're really pretty and love it when people are really pretty and can read, you noticed there are measurements of ability. It doesn't really have an end value, it's a bit like the Richter scale where you will rarely see scores above 8 and almost none at 10. There are a few notable people with those sort of abilities though and they are feared. Because Earth shaking explosions and planet-wide floods can be notoriously bad for your health.

So the actual RP, well it will be fairly structured with me mostly guiding the plot as well as playing crucial NPCs. You're role is to play people who read the above. Perhaps you are regulars on the forum or maybe know a friend who read it but read it you did and now your curiosity is peaked. A pity what they say curiosity does to cats... hopefully your characters will be made of sterner stuff because yes, death is possible.

Also this is one of those times that a healthy background in bureaucracy can be as potent as skill in fighting although if this adventure is to be successful people skilled in both will be needed. The more diverse the more likely you are to get to the bottom of this... whatever it is.

Who's in?

??????????? - Classified.
@Chaotic Chao And just like that, I feel like a much wiser man. Thank you for this gift of bountiful knowledge. I shall impart upon you the greatest gift I have to offer: A PM. Admittedly only so-so on the greatness scale but you know... it's something.
@Lemmings Hi, welcome. Even though you've been here for like 15 days already.

And you like Marvel and DC? We're going to be good buddies, I can already see that. ^.^

And I may possibly eat your soul, but you don't need to worry about that. *Lenny face*

I'd love to do a Marvel or DC roleplay with you.

Likewise, a marvel/dc RP sound great. And you must tell me more of this "Lenny Face" of which you don't-quite-speak.
Okay so before I being I should probably start with the most disappointing thing: LEMMINGS DO NOT ROAR!

Hi, I'm Lemmings pleased to meet you and stuff and this *gestures grandly at a mostly empty topic/thread/thing* is my interest check. Welcome.

So a bit about me:
>Oh man do you
>Ever get asked to write
>Something about yourself and as soon as you do you
>Hey! These bullet points are really ann-

*beep beep, take 2, and action!*

Yo yo yo! Wassup in the hizzous my chums


*One replacement Lemmings later*

Hello! I am Lemmings. Great to be here. Honestly I am still really new to the site. I joined ages back when a friend of mine asked me too and it's just been sitting on my to-do list however it's time has come and here I am and there you are and we are all here together. So you know what this means.

Orgy. Orgy for days. Roleplays!!

This is my official 1x1 thread to find wonderful people, possibly you being one of them but hey, you do you, so that I may entrap them and drag them kicking and screaming back to my lair of monstrosities from dimensions unfathomable by your puny mortal mind rainbows and happiness!

Boy this strike-through thing is fun!

Onto the important stuff! Roleplaying with me.

I'm pretty chill so I don't have many rules. I do like a good world rich with lore and diverse characters however I really loath wading through five or more paragraphs of exposition and bleh to get to the gooey center of you fleshy corpse. *cough*
My main rule is no unnecessary cliches. Don't get me wrong, they definitely have their place (that is why they are cliches I guess) just not with the main characters who I really like to be characters rather than archetypes if you follow what I am saying so far without getting sick of this unending execrable run-on sentence that should have stopped ages ago. Oh look, it finally did. Yay.

Damn, all this rambling and I still have yet to reach the stuff you actually give a crap about.

Fandoms: (see? I can sometimes just stop and go straight into the- I'm doing it again. Sorry.)

Actually this is going to be hard. I love gaming, movies, comics (Marvel for the heroes and anti-heroes, DC for the villains), books, anime, arbitrary series, vague concepts, those dreams you have moments before a myoclonic jerk snaps you back into reality, and stuff. I'm going to put down a couple of things I am quite keen to do an RP on but if there is something you have in mind please approach me with it. Chances are high enough that it is actually kind of sad that I have heard of it before.

Sorry, I have to say this because it is super important, I only play as OCs. You can do a canon character if you like, more power to you, but for me I only do OCs. Except for Deadpool. I'll do Deadpool.

Fairy Tail
Blue Exorcist
Bongou Stray Dogs
Boku No (not what you are thinking) Hero Academia (unless you were thinking that)

Dresden Files
Alex Verus
Ms Pergegrines Home For Peculiar Children
Harry Potter
His Dark Materials (Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass, those ones.)
Like, any of Robin Hobb's books set in The Realm of the Elderlings

MCU and general MU
Same with DC

Pen and Paper/video(pc) Games:
Conspiracy X
Dungeons & Dragons
Mass Effect
Final Fantasy
Elder Scrolls (I have played Every. Single. One. Even those ones.)
Aveyond (if you know these games I will literally be gobsmacked. Googling is cheating.)
Warhammer 40K

Stuff that has transcended a single medium kind of like Hello Kitty:
Star Wars
Crap I swear I had more
That last one was not an option. Please do not choose it!

Whooo... that part is over. What I would really like to do is get some original plots up and I definitely will because I have loads but in the meantime here are some vague themes and things I like to do:

Fuedal/Sengoku Japan
History in general come to think of it
Anthro and Furry type settings
Like a lot of stuff.

I will have you know that not only am I creative and patient, but I am also (detestably) friendly! At least nobody complains that I am not. Any more...

Also my fancy has been totally tickled, by you in fact. Are you still open to doing another RP? I would really like to do the Demon in Disguise one. That seems to have potential for a great deal of uh... stuff.

A day like any other but with one crucial difference... Lemmings.

So yeah that is I. Me. The One And Only. Yours Truly. Other, more humble titles and name things.

I'm fairly new to this whole shtick but I enjoy writing and isn't that really all that matters? Serious question, because I might have that confused with thumbs again. Actually I am pretty sure I do. Thumbs are that matter. No wait...

Sorry, moving on from that slight existential crisis I would just like to say I, Lemmings, am super pumped to be here. You all seem like such lovely people so, like, that's a thing. A pretty cool thing all in all.

Anyway, I enjoy avoiding long walks on the beach behind the dim light of my computer screen as I play computer games throughout the night. And anime. And books. And movies. And board games. And pen and paper RPGs. You get the gist of it. I am one of those.

Oh and I guess you want to know what I like to RP. So do I. At the moment it's pretty much everything although there are a couple of things I wont do. Like ones that are boring.

Bye 0_o
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