Avatar of LissaLu
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    1. LissaLu 8 yrs ago


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Just a casual roleplayer who likes many genres. Sometimes, I get bored or busy, so please forgive me.

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I'm gonna give up on this until a few more of my RPs go quiet. Too many on the go already...

Okay, I'll be sure to let you know if there are still spots open or not.
Sam Harding

(Ignore the scary raider gear, this was the closest pic of her I could find)

Full Name: Samantha Lee Harding
Nickname(s): Sam
Age: 20

Character Appearance: Sam is a small young woman with an athletic build, green eyes, and dark blonde hair kept in a choppy pixie cut (shorter hair means there's less for the zombies to grab) that used to be better kept, but it's hard to be well groomed in this sort of situation. She has very light freckles across her cheeks, nose, and shoulders, but they're starting to fade due to the lack of sun. She's only 5'3" and thin which makes her very hard to grab, but she's not super resistant to the cold due as a result. Since her hair is short, she wears beanies and hats of all sorts to keep her ears from freezing off. Though beggars can't be choosers in this sort of situation, she prefers to wear multiple light layers that hug her body as not to slow her down on excursions (leggings under jeans, shirt under sweater under coat, ect.).

She's a very skilled junker due to working as a mechanic as her dad and she can use the parts she finds to make make-shift tools, or weapons. She's also fast thanks to participating in sprints and hurdles throughout Middle and High school.
A tool kit to take apart cars and bikes, a hiking backpack, flashlight, sleeping bag, mess kit, sleeping bag, duct tape, Costco-size bag of jerky, fishing wire, a hook, Swiss army knife, a spare set of clothes, a lighter.
Heavy monkey wrench, compound bow and arrows, compact semi-auto pistol

Character Bio & Backstory: Sam is the youngest of four with three older brothers. Her mother died during childbirth leaving her father to raise the four of them on their own; now her dad was a good man, but he also only had learned how to raise sons from that point on, so he raised her like he raised the rest of them. Her hair would tangle easy when it was longer so he kept it short, he didn't know how to pick out clothes for little girls so he dressed her the same way he did her brothers and gave her their hand-me-downs to save money, she played with action figures rather than Barbies. By the time she was old enough to make her own decisions, she was so used to the way things were that she didn't really care to make changes. Try as her dad might to get Sam in to football like his other kids, the only sports she was interested in was Track and archery, so he took her to those meets instead and she got relatively decent in them. Surprisingly, her dad was not into fishing, but her eldest brother Tony was,so he'd take her out on trips when he'd return from college. It was around Middle school where Sam's father realized that having her help around in the shop was far more fruitful than any of his sons due to her small stature and dexterous hands. Eventually she got so used to helping around that it just became a job for her, he started paying her when she was sixteen and she's stayed there ever since, putting off college until she thought of something she wanted to do more.

The infection took them by surprise; since they lived in a rural area, the news spread slower. Someone that they thought was sick and needed help ended up biting and infecting her father. She was saved when a fellow co-worker shot her father, but she was terribly shocked by the sight. The two traveled together for a while, hitting up both of their places and grabbing supplies. Eventually the man showed his true colors by taking advantage of her vulnerability and raping her. That night when she recovered, she caught him off guard and knocked him out cold by hitting him over the head. She then stole his gun and share of the supplies and basically left him for dead, leaving him only some rations and a knife to defend himself.

Weapon use: Doesn't know how to use the gun she stole very well
Build/Size: Prone to Hypothermia with prolonged exposure to the cold due to how thin she is
Pettyness: Doesn't like sharing with people she doesn't like
Food: Can cook (technically) but nothing she makes ever tastes good
Personality: She can be a huge dick sometimes and is too stubborn to apologize without prompting
Build/size: She's fast and nimble and nearly impossible to catch due to her small stature and hurdle experience
Good with hands: Not only is she good at building and taking things apart, but she can also untie near impossible knows, grab things out of tight spaces, and do shadow puppet shows to keep people entertained.
Food Gathering: She can hunt silently with her bow and arrow, and has gone ice fishing before.
Kept Secret or Hidden Agenda: Sam is absolutely terrified to tell anyone that she has more than a sneaking suspicion that she might be pregnant. She missed her period and has had morning sickness on more than one occasion. If her group knows that she's going to become virtually useless in a couple of months as well as provide yet another mouth to feed, they might exile her or attempt to force her to abort it through violence.

Additional information:
  • Whether be a strength or weakness, Sam will always try to spare the person in question and will have trouble shooting them if they're turning into a zombie. If someone is caught stealing from them, Sam'll suggest a punishment rather than exile or death. She knows she needs to be stronger in her resolve, and she's trying, but she can't help being so forgiving.
  • She absolutely no longer trusts flirts, especially guys with perverted tendencies.
  • Sam hopes that her brothers are still out there somewhere, and would try to find them if they weren't in different states entirely.
  • She's only good at fighting from a distance, her strength is limited.
Rem exhaled the breath she was holding when the newest member didn't seem to mind his tail being stroked. Being so antsy was't really like her all that much, she imagined it was the nerves of being with so many people she did not know. The fact that the group was large signified that the task would be more difficult that the letter implied.

"No wonder they're paying so much." Rem muttered under her breath, "there's a possibility some of us might not come back."

Once again there was a sound that rattled her from a distance, causing her canine ear to pop up for a moment, jostling her hood a little.

"Bullshit, now let me through or you will meet your fucking end on my sword!"

Rem's breath hitched in her throat as the movement happened, glad that no one was interested enough in her to be looking her way at the moment. There was a chance someone caught it out of the corner of their eye, but for now there were more pressing matters to attend to. She approached Polaris and tugged on his sleeve, looking up at him.

"Hey, Mr. Boss-Man, there seems to be a disturbance at the gate. Maybe you should check that out?"
@Pirouette Feel free to PM me your secret or hidden agenda when you think of one.

What are you looking for in a picture? Real or anime?

Either is fine, anything that looks even remotely close to your character is fine by me.
Can I drop a CS in here?

Please feel free.

What are we looking at for character limits?

Character limits as in how many characters are allowed in the RP, how many characters are you allowed to have, or how OP is your character allowed to be?
I'll answer the last one because I need to think on the other two. Obviously, you're not allowed to have any powers, and I'd prefer for there not to be any murder loving psychopaths because there's no way the other people would let someone like that in their shelter. The quality of gear is all dependent on your background within reason; for example, if you're from the military, you're likely to have better guns and greater skill with them, but you can't have a tank, mini-nuke, or any heavy duty weapons that would be attached to a copter or anything. You could have a background in pyrotechnics and know how to make explosions, or a background in survival and know how to make traps, find food, and last in the snow longer.

Basically, strong skill sets and weapons are fine within reason.

Dead of Winter is a pretty awesome board game. Will there be similar mechanics to the board game or is this RP purely story-driven?

Regardless, I'm in. I'll get a character up as soon as I finish up writing a CS for another RP I'm in.

It'll be a little bit like the board game. I'll probably set up crisis's that the characters have to work together to solve, but I don't think I'd want the traitor mechanic because that could get a little messy.
@ViolentViolet Oh, you're right. You're smart.

@LokiLeo789, @Pirouette, @SheriffLlama, @DeathXtheXTree, @MechonRaptor, @Polaris North, @Mag Lev
Feel free to make characters whenever.
Oh! Also please post your characters here instead of in the characters tab so I can approve them first!
The Dead of Winter

You never really thought this would happen, it still doesn't seem real. Zombies were only supposed to be in movies and video games, right? Well you supposed you were wrong about that. The infection hit mid-November, and there was mass panic, naturally. People were dying in the streets and turned into those...those things. People who couldn't find it in them to kill what used to be their loved ones were the first to go and got gunned down like the rest. It's late December now, and you're basically snowed in to an abandoned factory with people you barely know and you're not sure you can trust because it was the only available safe place. It seems that only people with questionable morals remain, and you're not sure what that says about yourself. Not all hope is lost because there's a few spots you can hit up for resources around the town, but there's zombies everywhere and you know you'll freeze to death if you stay outside too long. You'll have to learn to work together with these suspicious strangers that may or may not have hidden agendas of their own.

So, I know this is a pretty typical zombie survival RP, but I was still itching to do one anyway. Now I must warn you, this isn't going to be a very action heavy story; while there will be fight scenes, I would like this to focus more on the psychological elements that a survival setting has, dealing with relationship and discourse between the characters because they're a bunch of strangers who are forced to live together in a perilous situation.

In order to add a layer of depth to the story, I added that all characters have a secret they're hiding from the rest of the party or a secret agenda. Maybe your character is a convicted felon who shot her husband for cheating on her, or maybe you've been stockpiling some of the supplies that everyone's been collecting in order to make sure you're well taken care of or so you can make a run for it if you need to.

The border line is the people who have survived this long might not be "bad people", but they're sure to have questionable morals.

I'm going to make the OOC thread now and I'll link it when I'm done.

Here it is:http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/143486-dead-of-winter/ooc#post-3891496
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