Avatar of Lunar
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 768 (0.25 / day)
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    1. Lunar 8 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Back on the grind, been a few years since I've been on here
5 yrs ago
It's hard to find time to pretend to be someone when regular life is already so hectic
7 yrs ago
You just entered *dramatic music plays* the bone zone.
7 yrs ago
A man is only as strong as his box
7 yrs ago
I just bought twenty dollars worth of junk food.


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Are pretty much all the characters from before still in the bar area? @Dark Light
I am back my friends! Sorry for being gone for so long, I hope my characters just sitting around havent been too annoying. Ill try too do something tomorrow.@Dark Light
Yeah, I agree so I fixed it up a bit. If it's still under developed I'd appreciate if you gave me specific things I need to go a bit more depth into or polish.

Name: Lesley

Age: 22 or so.

Gender: female.

Occupation: professional 'sacker'

Sexuality: heterosexual.

Nationality: Caucasian.

Race: human.

Karma: Neutral.

Faction Allegiance: none

Skills*: small guns, mele wepons, sneak, and repair.

Brief History: Sam was born and raised in a experimental and un finished military vault designed to specially train and recreate a military force in that area after the bombs fall. On Aprill 21'st the valt's systems began too fail and the life support systems went offline, trapping all inhabitants inside. After a few days of trying to get the vault door open the people in the vault began too died off until there were only a few left. It just so happened that Lesley and the few other survivors found some explosives in storage but due too the vault never being completely finished the structural integrity was diminishing, setting off these explosives could trap them in for good or worse kill them from debris. As a group they all decided they would blow the explosives against a week part of the door. Once the smoke cleared she found the door blown open just enough for her and the others to get out but as they thought the room wouldn't hold much longer.

The group of them all rushed through the opening to the outside she had heard so much about not having enough time to grab any equipment except the suits they were wearing and the knife one of the survivors had on their belt. As they rushed into the sunlight, there eyes in pain from the unwelcome beams of light. As the group finaly adjusted too the light they looked back at the collapsed cave opening and noticed the crushed body of a comrade and the faded yellow letters 145 on the blast door, there were three of them now, two of them girls. After that the group learned of the surface worlds imperfections and treacheries, slavers killed the only male of the group and attempted to capture Lesley and the other girl but they escaped from there grasp. Soon enough it was just her, the other girl turned into a ghoul and parted ways with Lesley. After being alone for so long she had too harden herself mentally, emotionally, and physically. She began trying too keep her kind, happy, and carting side buried beneath her armor but it sliped out sometimes.

Equipment: clothing and 'armor' from picture(s), gas mask, two katana's, a hatchet, as well as knives hidden around clothing. She carries a
I'm down for this.
I'm interested, do we have a cs?
@BCTheEntity@PaulHaynek yeah, I think I'm just gonna make my own race. Thanks for the effort though Entity.
@BCTheEntity ok, what is Nimb isn't an elf then? What if she was something that just looks like one and can still be a werewolf? And maybe she doesn't need to be a werewolf at all, I just said she shares a few features with what would normally be associated with werewolf's. I don't wanna be a rapie succubus, I just wanna be a physicaly axagerated Elf with hairy ears and feet god dam it.
@BCTheEntity Oh dam, I guess that's fine. Also, what do you mean by monsterazation of full elves? Are they still Elf like or are they really beasty? And I'll try not to overdue the whole rape thing.
I hope it's up to standards.


Name: Nimb

Weight: 145lbs

Height: 5.5ft

Build: slightly curvy and muscular.

Age: 23

Race: Beast Elf. A Beast Elf has the general appearance of an Elf but with long brown hair on their ears and feet with and a short, fluffy tail and claws on their fingers and toes as well sharp pointy teeth. Another apparent characteristic of a Beast Elf is their monstrous strength and incredible speed. A Beast Elf is like a kind of werwolf, except for a Beast Elf's transformation is triggered by an influx of emotion, and instead of turning into a wolf their Beast like characteristics and abilities are enhanced and exaggerated. An Beast Elf's scent is enhanced as well as their hearing. Their focus of attack is melee combat, mainly hand-to-hand as well as use of feet.

Magic/Abilities/Equipment: Nimb wears a really soft coat, strips of cloth on her hands, cheap shorts, and wrappings on her feet as well. Her race is naturally endowed with magic to reinforce their bones and muscles.

Personality: Nimb is a kind, caring, curious, helpful, and forgiving person. Thought she is slow to trusting people due to previous encounters with people in her life. (She also kinda talks funny)

Background: Nimb's parents were very pore and didn't care one bit for her. When she was 10 years old they sent her to live on her own. In the time that she was on her own she met a few people and made some friends, a few even thought her to fight and defend herself. After learning from her friends for a good amount of years she set out with a last goodbye to go make something of her self. In her journey she was captured by slavers and placed into shackles before clamping a tag into one of her ears. Her and another slave staged an escape before the slavers reached their destination, but on the way to freedom her new friend had be killed and only she escaped.

Ps: I like Papi
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