Avatar of lunarius
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 37 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. lunarius 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I hope the new year is treating you all well!
1 like
5 yrs ago
Happy Merrymass and Merry Happymass to all my new friends here at the guild :)
5 yrs ago
Made a new friend today! I brought home a betta fish and he's beautiful. Thanks to the adorable little girl who was there when I picked him out, his name is Bite. :D
6 yrs ago
It’s almost December, and I keep thinking it’s still February. I think my internal calendar is broken. xD
6 yrs ago
bonjour mes amies !


I'm an artist, a student, a crafter, and an avid reader. I love fantasy, sci-fi, horror and all sorts of permutations of the former. I'm quite literate, I can be very picky, and it's true that I can be somewhat high-maintenance when it comes to GMing or Playing.

I'm learning French, and though I only speak a little now I study every day. Je ne parle qu'un peu français, mais je étudie tous les jours !

I use Discord and will give out my username as is necessary. :)

I am CST/GMT -6, if that helps anyone.

I am available basically all the time for text games; for live sessions I can only do Thursday afternoon to late evening.


* I'd rather play with a group; Solo games just don't hold that much interest for me on a site like this one.
* I'm not interested in Sandbox games, truth be told. I like set goals and a story constantly in motion with room for player-made subplots.
* I'm not interested in Freeform games, either.
* I'm interested in Classes, not classless or build-your-own systems. Nothing against them, but they're typically not for me.
* I prefer mature GMs and players, and prefer both to be very literate. I'll lose interest quickly, otherwise.
* Mature games with mature themes appeal to me. I like the wider pool of choices and enjoy the fact that I don't have to worry about moderating my character's language--or my own descriptive tendencies in gritty/grim scenarios.
* I'm not fond of political intrigue; I just don't have the head for it, I'm sorry.
* Combat is great, but not every ten minutes, you know? :D War games are also out.
* I like for guidelines and houserules to be as clear as possible.
* I appreciate patient and respectful GMs; I give what I get.

Most Recent Posts

I'm sorry, but I've pretty much lost interest at this point. I'll clear out Leila from the character area, and sorry for potentially wasting anyone's time.

Take care! I look forward to gaming with you guys in the future. :)
Any thoughts on when we'll be starting?
I'm looking forward to seeing how our characters come together and interact; so far it looks like a really interesting group. :)
The previous game unfortunately fell through, so I am still looking! :)

Here's the information from the original post so you don't have to go hunting:

Hi there! I'm looking for a group of about 1-2 other players and a GM to run the adventure. Probably goes without saying on a place like this, but I prefer a good 70/30 roleplay/combat mix. Exploration would be my primary interest in a game like this, along with character interaction and growth. I would be looking to play a ranger-rogue type of character for this game. Ideally this game would be all text based, with no live sessions to worry about scheduling, with everyone expected to post once a day.

Please let me know if you have an interest in being our GM, or a fellow player! :)
Hello! Finally got her wrote up; if there are errors, spots that are unclear, or just details that lack let me know as I'm glad to keep refining until she fits your world. :)

@Blu I've been working on mine intermittently, but work has gotten in the way. Holidays mean nothing to freelance. xD
Interested. :)
@SovietWine Currently we're all full, but we can let you know if there's an opening. :)
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