Avatar of Lyrax
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    1. Lyrax 8 yrs ago


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The Old World did reach a level of modern technology. What remains in the wasteland is mostly scrap, but can be put together to be useful.

That being said, there are vehicles in the wasteland, but they're basically a hodgepodge of other vehicles. Kinda of like death traps. In the sense of a actual tank, I think that might be a bit over doing it, but a heavily modified car would work fine (Think Mad Max)! Though these cares are very rare. The most stable mode of transportation are animals, and the Eden Trains to the gardens. Tanks and other military level vehicles would of belong to Eden, so they would go to great lengths to recover the scraps to get it working again.

Metal is a good conduit for ruins, but you need to be an enchanter to activate it. Enchanters have a certain external energy that helps trigger the rune's magical potential. The spoken bit of it simply instructs the rune what to do.

Eden is also all about restoring and preserving the old world.

For an Engineering character, it's absolutely possible! Scraping together what they can in the Wastelands to survive. Using and modifying old world technology would be a really fun character to have! Kind of like a junk rat.
There was a rumble of thunder in the distance. Morwen gripped her coin purse tightly. "O-Oh. Right...Sorry. I'll...I'll be quick." She returned the squeeze of her hand.

She bit her lower lips, the flower dress was beautiful. There was a matching shirt as well. She reached up and felt the fabric, it was a light airy material. The dress and shirt were cool to the touch and felt soft. It felt expensive, unnecessary. Morgen wouldn't be able to see it anyways. There were matching pants and shirts near by. These were colorless, unflattering, but sturdy garments. Meant for those that work outdoors. The man grumbled, "Are you going to stare all day, or pick something?" He snarled.

"Sorry..." Morwen moved and picked the sturdier outfits. They would last longer and be more useful in the long run. She paid quickly, having more then enough for food at the inn. She placed the outfits in Morgen's bag. "We can just take a bath and such tomorrow, at home. Lets...Lets get some food." She led Morgen away, "Besides, we can even give the rest to Mom and Dad!"

There was a crack of lightening. Morwen sped up to get to the inn in time. Shoppers and storekeepers alike hurried away to the safety of their own homes. Morwen kept her head up this time. Their parents sold wood, they would be in a market like this to sell their goods. Yet, she didn't recognize one. Maybe they had a good day and packed up early! Morwen grinned, tomorrow, tomorrow this journey will be over.

Rain fell heavy right as the twins got into the inn. Morwen sat her brother down. "We'll get dressed tomorrow, we can eat food now." She looked around, "Smell anything good?"
“Oh! Oh right!” Morwen sat up and tapped her forehead, “Sorry, I...I didn’t even consider that. Sorry.” She rose from the bed to stand by her brother.

The air was still sticky. Morwen could almost feel the electricity in the air, the rain would come in a matter of hours. The elder twin looked to her brother, the shabby clothes, the dirtied hair and face. She then caught her reflection in the mirror, she looked much of the same, her hair longer and knotted from days of mistreatment. Morwen knew Mom and Dad raised them better than this. “We have a few cores left.” She stated, “Let's go to the market before it closes, get some of those end of the day deals. New outfits, a brush, some soap. We have to look presentable.”

A quick pat to her side confirmed that she still had the pouch. She grabbed Morgen’s hand, heading quickly to the market. It had been a long time since Morwen was this excited. She and her brother beelined it to the stall with the clothing earlier. They still had the dresses up. Colorful ones, printed ones, long and short ones. Morwen bite her lower lip in excitement. “Morgen...Morgen. Should we match? Should we choose similar colors? There’s so many choices.” She said in a hushed whisper, "I like the red flowered one. You could wear red...or...um-"

“Pick quickly. We’re closing soon.” The man snapped as he interrupted Morwen's babbling. He was younger then the inn keeper, but his eyes were shrewd. He eyed the two filthy twins. Clearly already agitated with the last minute customers. Morwen nodding quickly. “R-Right.” She looked to her brother expectantly.
A small wave of relief came over the older twin. Only three coins, compared to the last inn this was a steal. No over charging for the dog, or having s brother, or some version of an age charge. An honest inn so close to home, that was a good sign. Was trade finally good again? Did the money their parents got from selling her and her brother get them to survive the oncoming winter? Maybe they were at the market right now!

Morwen kept her face passive, she hurriedly scooped the remaining cores into her bag. She took the key, "Thank you." She bowed her head to the elder inn keeper.

The door creaked loudly as it was pushed open. The room was basic. A bed, a desk, a chair and a small opening in the wall that could be called a window. Morwen dropped her things and tested out the bed. It was a shoddy four post bed, the mattress a flimsy sack filled with hay and the pillow was missing. There was a thin blanket folded on top. Morwen giggled. She let go of Morgen's hand and flopped on top of the bed.

She rolled to her back to stare at the rickety ceiling. "Morgen." The twin sat up quickly, "Morgen we're almost home!" She giggled again, "Just one more day, then, bam. I can finally show you what Mom's flower garden looks like!"
Morwen jumped at the immediate shouting, she gulped, letting Morgen talk a moment. She scanned the room, hunching her shoulders and gripping the edges of her dress. She took a shuddering breath, reaching a hand into her a sewn pocket slowly and producing a coin purse. It was frankensteined like her dress, various patterns and fabrics tied together with a ratty piece of thread-bare rope. Only this time, there was a color theme. She had seem to taking a liking to the color green. All the fabrics ha da splash of the verdant degree to it.

She held onto Morgen as she moved closer, only he could feel that she was trembling. It’s always this way with the first interaction in a new outpost. The innkeepers were normally the gossip of the outposts, the ones who know the regulars and the wary of newcomers. They already made a commotion. If the Miraclum was truly following them. This innkeeper could remember them, the black dog, the patchworked outfits. They stood out too much. The short walk to the counter was filled with heart-pounding, worst-case scenarios. Torture, recapture, death, those were just some of the scenes going on in her head.

A clink of her coin purse on the desk ended those thoughts, at least for now. Morwen looked up to the aging innkeeper. The twins eyes were a little too big for her sunken face, hair wild and frizzed from her days in the elements and lips chapped. She huffed, “Do you have vacancy?” Her voice did not waiver, but only spoke loud enough for the innkeeper to hear. She gripped tightly to her brother’s hand.
Morwen wiped away a bead of sweat from her forehead, her other hand holding Morgen’s. The air was heavy with the prospect of rain. The market itself swarmed around the two, adding to the intoxicating heat of the storm. Morwen took a slow breath, it ending in a harsh cough as dirt was kicked up from the travelers ahead of her. She reached over and wiped the sweat from her brother’s forehead as well.

While the twins moved swiftly to the Inn at the end of the rode. Morwen paused to stare into a particular stand. Clothing aligned the rickety wooden walls, they were bright, clean, and stood out in the dusty market. Morwen let out a soft sigh, “Morgen, we…” She looked to her brother, “I think we can afford new clothing. And a hot dinner. We have to look good for our parents.” She squeezed his hand again, grinning a bit now. The chance to get new clothing, it made Morwen’s heart raced a moment. She moved quickly away, other expenses needed to be handle.

Morwen kept her head down, only to glance up when a sign caught her attention. A circle with an M painted in read, and a harsh “x” was carved into it all.The twin swallowed hard, the red of the sign didn’t quite look like paint. She squeezed her brother's hand tightly “Keep your head down.” She whispered softly, “Close your eyes. It’s one of those towns.”

The market ended abruptly, a small barely kept courtyard is what signified the Inn was near. The inn, was a glorified wooden shake. Made of a combination of petrified wood and actually lumber, it looked like it would fall apart in a good bit of wind. Morwen raised an eyebrow. She lead the two inside.

Yay! Lets do this!
roleplayerguild.com/topics/135707-ruin.. Here is the link to the Ic board!
Welcome. Please leave your soul by the door, it is not necessary here.

Already sold it to an MMO
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