Avatar of makarov
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: makarov
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1595 (0.42 / day)
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    1. makarov 10 yrs ago


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Leon had waited patiently which was rather hard for him since every second felt longer then normal. He wasn't to surprised when the first two hadn't noticed him, he often moved so fast that other people didn't even see him at all. When the other guy spoke to him he seemed to be in a really high spirit, "Well thanks man, means a lot, super hungry." Leon made his way to the table and sat down next to the guy, "So the suits didn't tell me to much about this place...is...is everyone like me?" He waved his hand so fast that his arm disappeared, "I only ask cause I don't wanna freak em out ya know?" When the caretaker spoke Leon smiled, "Hey there nice to meet ya Ms S."

@KatherinWinter@Polaris North
Leon sat in the back of the car with the man who was supposed to bring him to this orphanage, some government guy with dark glasses and not much to say. Leon had been talking the poor guys ear off with barely even time to take a breath. The man had only ever replied with grunts and nods to anything Leon had to say. When the car pulled up he stepped out and grabbed his bag and made it to the porch in a flash of motion. there was someone already standing there, two people in fact, so Leon decided to greet them, "Hey there, Name's Leon, nice to meet you, here to stay."
Name: Leon Triton

Age: 17

Power: Super Speed, Leon is fast, and that's an understatment. Leon has never reached his max speed but hes broken the sound barrier before and he fears if he pushes it to hard he could dematerialize or travel through time. He can vibrate his own molecules at such a speed that he can phase through solid objects, however he rarely does it because of the extreme physical strain it puts on him.


Leon had always been the kind of guy to run from his problems, before his powers developed he was an orphan kid living on the streets in the city, he was bullied and beaten and treated like trash but his heart was always in the right place and he never blamed people for the way they treated him. he discovered what he was when a bus lost control and came careening into a crowded park full of children. Leon had to do something and time slowed down around him, Leon didn't quite understand at first but he didn't ask questions and saved the kids and the people in the bus. Soon after Leon was contacted by the orphanage and offered a place to live and learn about his powers and Leon agreed.

changed his name since there's already a Leo lol
Name: Leon Triton

Age: 17

Power: Super Speed, Leon is fast, and that's an understatment. Leon has never reached his max speed but hes broken the sound barrier before and he fears if he pushes it to hard he could dematerialize or travel through time. He can vibrate his own molecules at such a speed that he can phase through solid objects, however he rarely does it because of the extreme physical strain it puts on him.


Leon had always been the kind of guy to run from his problems, before his powers developed he was an orphan kid living on the streets in the city, he was bullied and beaten and treated like trash but his heart was always in the right place and he never blamed people for the way they treated him. he discovered what he was when a bus lost control and came careening into a crowded park full of children. Leon had to do something and time slowed down around him, Leon didn't quite understand at first but he didn't ask questions and saved the kids and the people in the bus. Soon after Leon was contacted by the orphanage and offered a place to live and learn about his powers and Leon agreed.
Cassandra leaned back slightly, thinking. She shifted, feeling like she was nothing but a child compared to Alec. "I don't know whether you're luckier then I. I never knew.'not until a little while ago." she said, biting into her sandwich. "but I figure what is, is. I can't change who I am, but I'll be damn sure I won't let what I am change me. You shouldn't either. We just...need to learn control" she said, thinking on that, wondering if it was possible, but knowing she would try to make it so. "still, today hasn't been worse then the first day of elementary school!" Cassandra let out a genuine laugh@makarov

Alec nodded softly, his eyes were a bright crystal blue, "I've only ever used it on my own once...i was 7...my cat was about to be run over by a car...and i willed the Frost to stop the truck..." Alec looked at her and nibbled his Sub softly, "Ice exploded from the ground and speared the truck straight up through the engine...I saved Mittens that day...But I've never been able to do it again...only when I'm afraid." He smiled when she laughed, and it was then he realized just how beautiful she was and he started to blush a bit, "You have...a beautiful laugh..."
I would like to reserve a spot in this please.
so how is everyone doing this fine evening?
Cassandra gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile, and nodded. She led the way to somewhere that had no people, figuring that the whole school didn't need to know what she was going to say. "I very nearly lost control, too. Something about Miss Oliva's tone just made me think what would happen if I did, and I knew I couldn't live with myself if it happened. You're not alone. You stopped, and that's all that matters" she hesitated, staring at her gloved hand, before getting out her sandwich. "I'm one too. Except more hot, then cold" she managed a smile as if her pathetic attempt at a joke was funnier then it was."please don't be sad. Please?"

Alec looked at her and blushed a tiny bit when she smiled, he had to admit she was very pretty. His eyes softened as she spoke letting her know that she was getting through to him. "Miss Olivia must have known about us..." Alec pulled out a minicooler from his bag and pulled out a big sub, "I felt your aura...and my...other side...defended me because I was afraid...It's been this way since I was very small...my adopted parents say that my mother was a demon from high in the snowy mountains..."
I'm still on board.
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