Avatar of ManoftheNorth
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ManoftheNorth
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1136 (0.30 / day)
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    1. ManoftheNorth 10 yrs ago


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Grendrick could feel it, it was like an empowering jolt through his body. It was at that moment that Cragshield had leaped from Grednrick's back and was on the move. The tiny Dwarf's resolve was powerful and it was inspiring for most to watch. However to Grendrick it was more business than anything, all he cared for was the fact that they had set the Commander of the Skaven off balance. This was the time to act for both of them.

Cragshield was pressed to close the breach, and Grendrick was going to make good use of it before it became a wall. The mighty wolf launched off his right foot and put all of his weight into a forward slam. His large body connected with the Skaven Commander and kept moving, he forced his power against the rat and ran. They duo shoving through Skaven units before Grendrick finally halted and used the momentum to throw the Skaven Commander deep into the tunnels past the breach, then the wolf turned with words to his Party.

"Go! Fight through this, and Siph will lead you though the other breach! Find the Wolf in the Rat's Nest." His words were simple at first, but the last of them had a lost meaning to the group up until those who saw him watched his next action.

Grendrick once more took off on all fours, darting into the darkness of the tunnels just before Cragshield closed up the breach. It was this that Grendrick had spoken of in hi words. He was no longer united with his party. It was now him and the Skaven Commander in the dark of the Tunnels, in the lingering depths of Skaven territory. It was here though, that Grendrick could feel himself and not have to worry about anything. This was by far the place where he could get Her out of his mind.

"Now you foul wretched Vermin! I will kill you!" Grendrick roared out to his foe in the darkness of the tunnel, all around them was nothing but stone, loose rubble, and the eerie dripping of water inside the bleak depths. Vision was limited, for most.. but Grendrick wasn't most. His eyesight quickly adjusted and the visuals of the terrain were accented by growing hue of gentle orange, this was refracted light from much further down the tunnel, it was Grendrick's primal eyes giving him a sort of low-light vision. It was just enough to make out his foe too, but that was needed to find him. Grendrick could smell the rat the whole. The Commander was no more than several feet away on the ground with a small stalagmite running through his left calf.

"Kill me? I will walk out of these tunnels with your pelt, mutt." The Skaven Commander rebutted without hesitation. All the while he had ripped his leg up off the Stalagmite and then raised to his feet. His adrenaline was pumping furiously and his leg was being planted on the ground without so much as a scowl to it. His poise was unfaltering before even a beast such as Grendrick, and he raised his hands and readied his body for a fight.

"My Pelt? My fur will only do one thing.." The Wolf coiled his body in as he raised his body upwards, his arms tightened against his chest and his head raised up high and leaned back, before the wolf lashed his arms outward and he gave a deathly stare through the darkness to his foe. "...Bathe in your Blood!"

Grendrick lunged forward towards his foe and cleared the few feet with ease. The Wolf brought his right hand hand to punch directly against the Skaven's head, but the Skaven Commander skillfully brought up his left arm to catch the blow, the pair then tried to counter with jabs to the gullet, only to find their fists connecting against one another. It was at this moment a split-second pause happened between them as they stared at the anger they gave one another, it built up for a moment before the Skaven Commander tried to peel back his right hand and throw a right cross against Grendrick's snout, but the Wolf was too eager for it and that was the Skaven's unknowing fault. Grendrick latched his powerful jaws against the Skaven's hand and crushed down while snarling the whole time. The Skaven's right hand quickly began to crumble and break internally, leaving only fragments and pieces to sit within the flesh. However the Skaven quickly utilized his left hand to throw three jabs to the side of Grendrick's head, this caught the Wolf off-guard for only a moment before Grendrick released the hand and then quickly stabbed his hands into the belt of the Skaven. It was here he utilized a weakness. Grendrick's strength was unmeasured to many degrees, and the mighty wolf quickly began to pry and pull. Before the Skaven could even react it's breastplate had been torn from it's body and slung down the tunnel, and then the Skaven could only cough up blood as Grendrick's right hand pierced the skin of the Skaven, but it wasn't over.

Grendrick felt a slight sting outside of his own adrenaline, the tickle of metal, in his left side just under his ribs. There sat a rather unique Obsidian dagger the Skaven kept hidden, and it had been shoved into Grendrick's left side four times, during the time Grendrick had ran the Skaven through with his claws. They had both injured one another with lasting wounds, and yet they both refused to give up as they both began to fight against the other's weapon. The Skaven gripped at Grendrick's arm and tried to push out while holding the blade into his side, and Grendrick was ringing his left hand around the wrist of the Skaven and cutting at it's arm with his claws to try and pry the blade out. Neither could get much head-way at first, but Grendrick would not be over-powered so easily and he refused to die to such vermin. Grendrick immediately latched his fangs into the neck of the Skaven and he tore away, shredding skin and muscle alike as well as clipping the Skaven's left juggular.

The Rat cried out in pain as it released Grendrick and reached for it's neck, and this was Grendrick's moment as he quickly made a bit of distance between him and his opponent and then unleashed a flurry of attacks, he swung his long arms with arcing razor claws to cleave against the Rat. The Rat was helpless for a moment and while it seemed it would be over quickly, the Rat wasn't ready to die either for it pushed against the odds of Grendrick and the Rat raised it's arms to withstand the attacks and then it quickly tucked itself down and rolled to left, avoiding the last few attacks from the wolf and putting them once again at a fair distance apart, outside of each other's reach.

"Filthy Dog! I use your fur as a loincloth!" The Skaven Commander screeched out in pain and anger at Grendrick as he panted and scowled. The Rat couldn't help but grunt and squeal in moments of pain as his injuries over-rid the adrenaline.

"Foul Mouse! You will make a great snack!" Grendrick roared back at the Skaven in anger and dominance, his own wounds very much evident and writhing in pain, but Grendrick would have to push past it, if he planned to face his enemy, and survive to reach reality once again.
@Thinslayer After having read through all of what I have missed in the OOC just now... You CAN'T AND WON'T do anything to make it right between me and you.

The nerve of saying it is MY fault, because I seemingly just don't want to post, is utter garbage. I am a caretaker to two disabled parents, I am a caretaker to two family Dogs, I am a man who has work to do around the house almost daily, and then I enjoy some time to myself that doesn't include writing. The time I get to myself is spotty, unscheduled, and usually me skipping an hour or two of sleep.

So you wanna know what Thin? Fuck. You.

Secondly! Let's talk about this Rp. I won't go over the EXTREME lack of story or lore, and the effects it has on motivation to write. What I am gonna talk about is the Power-playing. The Good ole-power-playin'!

Do you even know what it is? I will tell you!

Power-playing is when one player forcibly takes control of another players character, and writes for them in their own post. I.e. All the times your Gm posts force other players to due certain actions, or all the Dialogue you have written for them. I consider this a sin among Gm'ers. You don't power-play as a roleplayer in the first place.

Now before anyway says something! There very much is a difference between posts such as these:

"The Guy grabbed the girl, to move her and save her from the Arrow." - Not powerplay.

"The Guy yelled to the girl to move out of the way. The Girl then proceeded to due a paragraphs worth of actions that were written by someone other than her player." -Power-playing.

^ This particular brand of shitflakes is the reason I am not fond of your cereal. But to add to it, your sour milk of an attitude about everything, just because you don't get your way of someone making a post every single day, makes for a shitty breakfast.

@Thinslayer People. Have. Lives.

Quite frankly, the Rp is of my lesser level of concerns. Over the past three days, this timeline of which you make out to be a tragedy, I have been taking care of my dog who had a seizure and has been keeping me on edge for the past couple of days. Then on top of that I was made single, so yeah, posting wasn't a priority for me.

Get over the posting deal, Thin. I noticed you had an issue with before I joined. People have lives, and we can't make you feel special and post, we have more important things for now.
@ineffable I really wish everyone would stop assuming I am angry.

Merely because I voice my opinion with clear notion of who I believe is it at fault, or for what reasons I am speaking up, doesn't mean I am angry. I am merely a blunt and honest man. I don't hold back my views and words. It doesn't mean I am angry. I explain my logic in length, my views are made with elaborations. I am merely someone who doesn't quit speaking just because others feel it is mean, or rude.

I don't commonly believe in holding back the truth, or one's opinions. I will always speak up about how I feel about anything. I was excited for this rp when I first read about it, and I was happy to have been able to join it. However those circumstances don't stop me from voicing my views and and opinions on topics that rise.

To be fair, I was merely asking my initial question about the setting, to get a reply from Thin about the setting in better explanation. You say I am angry, but by all appearances you seem the one disgruntled with my speaking and seem irritated.
Let me be frank. I am not be any means denoting him as a person, or as a Gm altogether. But I avidly voice logic. As I have stated before. Generally, it is common knowledge for people to KNOW the setting of the Rp. As it goes, everything about this Rp says it is a classic Fantasy setting.

There is no previous knowledge, no statements, no reveals, no OOC ellaboration of this being a Pseudo-Sci-Fi/Fantasy setting. It doesn't even note at it being Post-Sci-Fi Fantasy traversal. All it says is that it is fantasy. Now, while to SOME of you it may not seem like a huge deal. Some of us join Rps looking for a specific thing, and I don't commonly join an rp understanding it to be one thing with the given knowledge, only to be told and have it explained otherwise once I am in the Rp.

I didn't come into this with the mentality of Nano-machines, and pseudo-magical technology. I came into it for some good, traditional, fantasy. However, it seems I was mistaken, and I say I because apperantly me pointing out that this is truly @Thinslayer 's fault, seems unreasonable to you. That is of course your opinion.

By all means, I respect you for such, but I will say. A "great Gm" would do well to fully explain the world and the setting, and the mechanics of an Rp before throwing their players into it. Knowledge is power, and this Rp seems a little on the weak end right now.
Ummm. I hate to be that guy... but I came into this Rp mostly due to the fact your initial description of this Rp was "Generic" fantasy..

Yet.. that doesn't seem the case?
@Darkwatck01 I am calm, my friend. I prefer to point corrections to people. Because you are yet again, making an assumption. Rather than asking me, what the Compass is, or how it works. You merely force you assumption onto it, in an attempt to make your point seem more valid.

Now I say not with anger, but with logic. Next time, ask someone something, rather than assume. The Compass is a magical artifact, not a spell, and it doesn't consume my Character's mana.
@Darkwatck01 Oh? Considering the Animate Object spell is a rather low cost spell in the first place, combined with my character's inherently broader mana pool than most, the spell is rather easy for him. It honestly uses next to nothing in his regards. The only real factor for him is that he chooses not to bring more than two things into animation at any one time. He believes it takes away from the true spotlight: Himself.

Also, might I ask a question: To what regards do you expect to know the inner-workings of my character? Did I somehow unknowingly send you an elaborate breakdown of him without remembering?
@Thinslayer A post by your's truly to intrigue and to prepare.
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