Avatar of ManoftheNorth
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ManoftheNorth
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1136 (0.30 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ManoftheNorth 10 yrs ago


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It has been, good I assume? I actually just came back to the guild about a month ago myself after my having to deal with life shit roughly 9 nine months back.

Templar, the Gm here, will look over you CS soon. I have looked over it and I don't see anything wrong with it. You will have to excuse Temp as he gets busy at times though.

I would love to see you around more and posting regularly! Especially in this rp!
"Azalore.. the land of peace and harmony. A place where cities and towns thrive upon such traits. However times have changed and in this instance the world is being set anew with a path of uncertainty and chaos. Cities are being felled, Kingdoms are being toppled, and those we once looked too are now turning on us all at once."

Azalore is a land of wonderment, beauty, and grace. It has marvels and wonders that would make the gods themselves look in awe of their own creation a second time-over. But even in beauty there comes danger, and this is often a natural danger, as beasts still inhabit the lands and beings of otherworldly forces are spawned seemingly from all manner of ways. This combined with the nature of sentient races eventually gave birth to fighting and war, and over time strife had a common-place in Azalorian life, but it was this trait of Old Azalore that bore us our greatest achievements..

Chosen of the Aegis.

Those warriors and women, Knight and Mage alike, any who proved themselves skilled and worthy of notice, those who gained achievement under the whisper of their name.. They were chosen by the Gods for their achievements and granted an Aegis of Honor. These Chosen became the Guardians of Azalore and all it's people. The Guardians protected every town and kingdom, they took stopped their wars and they ended the fights. They were often given thrones and made Lords of the Lands, others did their duty until Azalore knew only peace and they went to slumber. Chosen grew dormant in meditation or great sleep upon their thrones and in the solitary crevices of the world where they may rest peacefully themselves.

However they have awoken, and now they seek to wreak havoc. The Chosen have been corrupted through their Aegis, a force unknown to Azalore has touched the very Hearts of Azalore and turned them against us.. no one is safe from the power of a twisted Chosen.

Howdy! As it goes this will be a rather gritty, grim-dark, fantasy Rp in which the players participate as adventurers and warriors who are nowhere near the level of a Chosen, but must ascend to the duty of helping protect the Lands against the new threat. This Rp will have perma-death as a possibility, and it will not be nice to the players. It will also feature some Dark Souls-esque mechanics.

"Azalore needs the help of you, you few who truly stand against the odds. However, who are you in the end? Adventurers? Travelers? You aren't much to look at honestly..." - The Caretaker

As it goes, the Rp will take place at the climax of the corruption. It has been slowly developing for a couple years and now the Chosen have risen up and have began an onslaught. Only a few have actually left their solace and have been ravaging the land. These few are the immediate threat, but to reach them alone will not be an easy task. They are wide-spread and they affect the world around them in the worst of ways. It will be up to the players and their beginning adventurers of characters to stop them, as players progress they will grow in character and strength. However they may also die or become mortally wounded, as this is a Grim-Dark Rp.

The location in which you will start is:


Silvershire is a Human origin Kingdom, and it's king was just assassinated by a group believed to be under the command of a corrupted Chosen. Our Players will be already collected at Silvershire's most infamous tavern, the Bloodied Wolf, and it is here that they will be met with an employer. A man who has secretly meddled in their affairs to ensure that no matter what they did, they ended up at this location at this very moment. This man will reveal himself once the rises to the full of the sky, and it is in this ramshackle town that the adventures across Azalore will begin, for the better.. or the worse.

Appearance:(Picture Preferred)




Misc:(Place anything here that you feel didn't belong in the others, and you want to note.)

-No Godmodding
-No Power-playing
-No Bad stereotypes
-No Angsty Stereotypes
-Be respectful
-Please keep in mind, a balanced party is always the most powerful party.


Alexander Wright




Alexander is a bit of a stoic heart, but a quiet mind. He doesn't really get emotional anymore, due to years in his career and personal choice. However he isn't the type to be a downer or a sorrow-filled heart. He just finds it easier to be intellectual and simplistic over complicated and emotional in his job. He values the concept of hard-work, justice, and professional attitudes when working, but isn't afraid to let loose a little bit here and there when it is truly time to feel a sense of happiness.

Alexander has worked as a member of the Belwyn Police Department for nearly forty years, as he chose this life young and has stuck with it for decades now. He started out as a simple police academy graduate and made his way into the job position of a recruit. He eventually began to climb the ladder before reaching detective, and commander of the K-9 Unit. This was great for Alexander, but many on the force still felt uneasy and disliked Alexander, due to his magic and the reason why he was such an efficient officer. A man capable of such magics would normally be pulled to the underworld of Belwyn, but Alexander chose to put his abilities to use stopping such actions, for he despised the criminal underbelly of Belwyn.

Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:
Belwyn PD Detective Unit and K-9 Unit

Outside of his clothes, he keeps on him a cane at all times.

Alexander is a Druid, with the ability to shape shift into four basic animals: a Wolf, a Bear, a Hawk, and an Otter. Alexander also retains other magical powers of his druidic power such as lightning and weather and the forces of nature, but he scarcely uses such powers.

Justice, a good Hunt, and the feeling of protecting those around him.




Somewhere between 21 and 35


Believed to be Human



Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:
He associates with no one other than himself

A unique hand-crafted bat-like cudgel with nails in it, and a straight bladed dagger

None to speak of.

The particular way people break.
Xi found himself questioning the basis of all things present in this moment. The Halion was continuing to go off on her belief the Qari was the culprit, and yet the Halion only furthered making herself look worse.

"Listen to me, Halion. You speak of accusation, yet you sit and talk of these people like they are food, and by all means that makes you look like the worst one of the bunch. You speak like you are outside the law, and you are superior. All you are is a short-life spanned montrosity with a miss-firing synaptic nerve ending in your greel-nut of a brain." Xi spoke, rather rapidly and with great anger towards the Halion before the Stag forcibly raised his right leg and kicked the Halion's arm from the Qari female and then stepped to follow the Halion a few steps back with Xi's shotgun pressed firmly to the chin of the Halion. While the Halion claimed their power armor was 'impenetrable' an Alrick-Vork Class II could propel a round through a wall made of their armor, so going through the helm would have been easy work. Especially since the round that Xi used was a tranq round, yielding the neural dampener he spoke of early.

"You will sit, on the other side of the vessel from the Qari, and buckle yourself in. We are going to land on Icarus I and you will silence this until we land and steady ourselves. We are in dire shape, and we don't have time for this so listen to what you are told and you might manage to survive." Xi pressed the Halion around to the seats opposite the Qari while retaining the weapon-hold on the Halion, and once she was buckled in Xi quickly stepped to the human engineer who fixed the AI.

"You can pilot, yes? I believe you seem more adept at such things than myself. You shall fly us t Icarus I, and with you piloting and work withe Ai I am sure we will survive. The pilot's seat is yours, Miss." Xi spoke quickly to the human female, his weapon having been holstered for a moment as he ushered her to the pilot's seat, before he buckled himself in with the rest of the occupants.

"It is time we all buckle and prepare to land, we will be making what I imagine will be a less than clean re-entry."
Jake is Accepted. @Warborn123
@Remipa Awesome!!! Long time no see!

I am very excited to see you interested in this!
Xi looked deeply into the eyes of the accused Qari, and then back to the blade-held Halion. His thoughts raced for a moment before pushed off from the pilot seat's backrest and he stepped over to the Halion. His hands were pressed to this helmet and the small release of air proceeded as he lifted the helmet from his head. Immediately Xi's head was enveloped in a thick light as his mask formed and large antlers began to phase into light with owl feathers hanging from them. His form took a more forceful stance as he leaned into the Halion and peered into the helmet of the Halion.

"You will stay your blade. If this Qari is the culprit, designating this time as the time to fight would only strand us all in space, as we don't have the time for this absurd course of action. You understand me Halion? I have in the spacial home for one-hundred and twenty-two years, and you will respect my understanding of actions. Now stay your blade, or I will be forced to submit you to fifty CCs of hyper-neural damper aminos. Which will leave you subdued for far longer than you would like, cutthroat. This is your only option, before I have to forcibly intervene."

Xi spoke, firmly, continually, and with pressure on the Halion. Xi might have been from a peaceful race, but he was no less a Guardian and a Protector of all people.
"You might able to fool these weak and lesser aliens with your words Qari, but I don't believe that you were on vacation out in the middle of nowhere, if we were on some intergalactic crews then why am I here?" She asked the woman the question." I caught you in your lies Qari scum, we Halions may seem like barbarians, but we aren't fools."

Xi felt the pressure of the situation rise almost instantly. Normally this was just expected tensions between races and yet in this moment it was far more. It was wasted energy, unnecessary fuel for fighting, and unbelievable idiocy. This put Xi in a spot he didn't want to find himself so soon. He admitted her took up a sort of leadership by trying to help everyone, but that was merely his nature and age at work, and now he had to solidify that position if he wanted to get them all to safety.

"Enough." Xi's voice was deep naturally, but now it seemed to reverberate off the walls and carried a more forceful tone than before. "You will stay your blade, Halion. You will all stay your hands." Xi stood from the console and he looked about the pod with his helmet still sunk around his head. "We are on a life boat. We are in space, and the AI has just come back online. We have to make a choice, the choice is how we are going to survive. We don't have time to worry of the matters of lying or not. We are here together, and I will not lose any of you to in-fighting or to the faults of those around us." Xi spoke sternly, he meant every word he said, and yet he made sure to make eye contact with every conscious member of the pod.

"Sir." The AI chimed to life at the end of Xi's words and the male turned to the projection display. "The Planets are here, and this is the information. We will need to hurry, we don't have much time left." The AI spoke with urgency and Xi quickly turned back to the pod.

Daedalus I
Planet surface 85% liquid water, marine lifeforms present, minimal terrestrial lifeforms, landmass mostly tropical but minimal mineral ore present on land, mostly below waterlevel. Average Day Temp: 93°F/Night Temp: 67°F. Frequent rain with hurricane season once a year.

Minos Labyri I
Thick clouded atmosphere, highly dangerous lightening storms closer to surface, 20lbs heavier gravitational pull, thick atmosphere creates low light enviornment, perpetual twilight, cold climate, 82% land over surface. average amount of terrestrial lifeforms, consistent temp of 27°F. Minimal marine lifeforms, weather is frequent flurries, blizzards, and freezing winds. Sentient lifeforms present, tribal civilization.

Icarus I
Arid planet, thin atmosphere, gravitational pull 50lbs lighter, arid rocky flatlands, scattered oasises, large patches of sand dunes, single ocean low in marine life, predatory terrestrial life, Day Temp: 96°F/Night Temp: 45°F, monthy sandstorms, yearly rain season lasting 1 month with scattered light showers of low volume. scattered abandoned mining colonies

Daedalus II
Universal Tropical Biome, highly diverse ecosystem, high concentration of vegetation across planet surface, foliage hypergrowth capable of enveloping most structures in weeks. high humidity, frequent heavy rainfall, average day temp 93 night temp 77, numerous lakes and rivers across planet surface, mountainous regions frequent landslides.

"I am stating this bluntly and for your awareness. I am putting my hand to the notion of landing on Icarus I. The presence of abandoned Mining Colonies is a higher chance of a way off the planet, no matter the risk. The other planets could offer options themselves, but as it stands Icarus I is our best option. Now, who will stand by my decision?" Xi spoke firmly and with command once more, almost as if it was natural for him.
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