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Mostly given up on this post by post business

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There was a subtle difference in Brennus’ jab this time as compared to his prior failed attempt. He hadn’t committed to a lunging step and thrust with his body in this instance, but had offered up only a token jab with a gathering step by feeding the pole through his left hand. In essence, it was a feinting attack, designed to draw Beatdown into another of those ludicrously fast body movements in which he turned his entire lower torso away from a thrusting spear point. Brennus hadn’t intended to thrust his spear right through the man, but rather to just barely stab six inches of steel into his gut. Which meant Brennus was indeed immune to his ‘own momentum’ because he had barely invested any, and that his opponent’s attempt at bashing away his ‘fully extended spear’ were simply thwarted.

The spear retracted lightning fast, faster than it had before as he gave the arrogant barehanded warrior a taste of the agility that had kept him alive in this arena. Then, before the man could even right himself and return to a proper stance, he’d thrust the spear before he’d even half retracted it, again by feeding the shaft through his left hand as he forced the point forward. He was looking for weakness in the man’s left side as he turned to face Brennus again, he wouldn’t be saved by a stray piece of chain or his arm in this case, the spear point would find its way into his body wherever was open when Brennus made his jab, ideally his left lung, or his liver. There was enough force in this blow to ensure ruin upon the man when he turned into the spear.

Of course, there was always the -slightest- possibility that Beatdown could simply move his entire torso out the way of the spear yet again. In that case, Brennus would be forced to step back or risk his opponent bypassing the head of his spear, as was his only realistic strategy. Brennus hadn’t made it this long by fighting like a fucking idiot, after all, honour and manliness were simply the pathetic excuses of the dead and dying in the arena sand. Brennus didn’t have the luxury of all that much belief that he’d get another chance but this one to live, and he certainly wasn’t going to rush to find out by disregarding the most fundamental concepts of combat now.
I'll just continue anyway, I can see we're at odds about the spear's movements and as your character apparently has no genitals the damage would simply be shrugged off as another flesh wound regardless.

As you can see from this crudely drawn diagram, when the spear was initially stopped by the chain-link so sufficiently that there wasn't even enough of the point remaining to even pierce Beatdown's skin, there was still a significant width of blade behind the chainlink, as is altogether common with a spear. When the spear was subsequently lifted up with no small amount of force and retracted, the widest part of the blade would be set against Beatdown's groin as it cut upwards, the angle would further diminish any protection the chainlink could provide.

My diagram is shit, but the shaft of the spear would be angled downwards, as would the point, as Brennus aimed for a lower target. Hence when he retracted his spear, that same angle would be used in reverse, ensuring the width of his blade cut Beatdown before the chainlink played any part.

Addendum: The spearhead is actually a leafblade, I just painted it like a triangle because it was easier.
Alright, as you say, draw a diagram in the dirt of what happened with the spear's blade. @Zyamasiel I will do the same promptly, using glorious paint.
@Zyamasiel Were you planning on continuing? I'll move onto my next opponent otherwise.

Name: Synthetic 003: Abel

Title: Synthetic 003

Height: 6ft 5”

Weight: 150kg

Age: Four

Race: Android/Synthetic Human

Tier: Four

Faction: Raeym Corp

Appearance: Abel was created to look like a human being. His face is round and passive, his ‘skin’ lightly tanned Caucasian. His model did not include hair, and so he is completely hairless and lacks eyebrows. However, he does have deceivingly human eyes of bright blue colouration and white teeth. His form seems powerfully built, rippling with artificial muscle, and he stands tall among humans.

Personality: Abel was created with a personality that struck a balance between free thinking and loyalty. While he is capable of making his own decisions, tactical or otherwise, he also has a compulsion to follow the orders of agents and officers of the Raeym corporation. He is built to defend, and has an almost selfless nature in this regard. However, his enemies and enemies of his faction beware, for he is utterly devoid of mercy.

Abilities: The Synthetic is human in appearance, but beneath, it is a machine. (Tier 4)

Abel’s model features a carbon-fibre skeleton augmented with titanium plating, his muscles are a complex hydraulic system surrounded by artificial silicon structures that mimic human movements and significantly enhance them. His ‘skin’ is suffused with a thin layer of self-replicating nanites and has the hardness of steel. Instead of a brain, he has an integrated computer system capable of over ten million floating point operations per second. Memory capacity includes 1 terabyte of fast cache buffer RAM and 1.2 petabyte of non-volatile memory. His skull, like all his skeleton, is carbon fibre with significant titanium plating, capable of withstanding direct impact from high velocity rounds, and this protection extends to his optical sensors. Rather than a blood-stream, his veins and arteries contain a fast-flow of Nano-machines that he can control. They actively travel to damage sites and repair them as a stop-gap. Inside his chest cavity, behind a rib-cage like structure that completely encloses it, is an eight-inch diameter hydrogen fuel cell that can power his body for two years before recharge, connected by intricate electrical wiring to all muscle sites. Around this is his limited store of nano-machines. Both can be replenished at Raeym corp sites.

Computer Link: Abel is capable of interfacing with any Raeym tech. His own systems are protected by multiple layers of constantly adapting firewalls and security, but with time these same systems can breach enemy technology and take control over short wi-fi distances no further than a hundred meters. While linked, Abel has complete control over the function of said technology provided it has some sort of built in remote capacity with which he can interface, and uses his impressive computing power to carry out multiple processes while still maintaining full combat efficiency. (Tier 3)

System Reboot: In the case of catastrophic electrical failure, either through heavy electrical impact that bypasses his protective skin or an EMP blast, Abel undergoes a recovery process where his systems automatically reboot. He is restored to full functionality at a rate of 1% a second, requiring 100 seconds to return to peak performance. (Tier 4)

Physical Statistics:

Abel’s mechanical strength sits at around three thousand kilos of max lifting weight from the ground. Other physical activities can be estimated off this benchmark. His agility is such that he can perform actions at four times the speed humanly possible, by estimate. (Tier 3)

Abel’s maximum land speed peaks at two hundred and forty-two miles per hour. He can accelerate to max speed in eight seconds. (Tier 3)

Abel’s body is near impervious to small arms fire and mundane weaponry. Though he will suffer surface wear and tear, his vital systems are protected by his skeletal structure. However, his extremities are vulnerable to heavy impact or explosives, and significant damage to his central computer system or power system will result in immediate and total system failure. He is heat resistant up to two thousand degrees Celsius, and will only begin to lose function at sustained temperatures of up to three thousand degrees Celsius. Likewise, he can function normally in sub-zero temperatures until his skeletal system freezes. Abel does not require oxygen and can survive in hostile environments provided they do not corrode through his titanium plating and exhaust his limited supply of repair nanomachines. (Tier 4)

Abel is impervious to fatigue, and his battery is designed to last for up to two years before requiring recharge. (Tier 4)

Abel’s sensory capacity is limited to audio, light and at a basic level, touch. Behind his ‘human eyes’ are complex optical sensors that allow him to see in a wide range of spectrums at an almost telescopic level. He has perfect night vision, and can swap into thermal detection with an effective range of two hundred meters. His hearing is particularly acute, capable of magnifying sounds around him up to ten times and isolating specific patterns. Finally, he has a limited ability to feel through the nanomachines built into his skin, but an inability to feel pain. (Tier 3)

Abel’s computerised mind affords him a reaction speed that puts humans to shame. By all accounts, he can almost instantaneously react to sensory data. (Tier 4)

Abel is capable of seemingly ‘regenerating’ from damage, however, this ability is limited to his finite supply of nanomachines. He is outfitted with sufficient nano-machines to repair up to thirty kilos of body mass. Such that he could repair an entire limb with frightening speed, but after which his supply would be exhausted. (Tier 4)


Raeym Corp Combat Armour: Abel is outfitted in combat attire despite his own impressive structural advantages. His armour is standard issue graphene based fibre augmented with titanium plating and ceramic impact resistors, that effectively protects the upper torso. He is likewise equipped with knee pads and gloves of a similar structure. The armour is battle tested and heavily impact resistant, capable of stopping high calibre rounds without the user suffering injury. Beneath this armour he wears ordinary combat fatigues, to further replicate a human appearance. He forgoes a helmet because of its potential interference with his computer linking, and because his titanium skull provides greater protection than an ordinary helmet anyway. (Tier 2)

MKII Sentry Turret: Abel carries a Raeym Corp MKII Sentry Turret on his back in a specially designed harness. The device folds inwards so as to be the least cumbersome possible. When activated, he can let it fall off his back or lift it easily over his shoulder and plant it on the ground. Once deployed, the machine unfolds into a four-legged turret platform about four feet high and three feet wide with a heavy 20mm cannon and two rocket pods, it has a camera built into the main cannon which it uses to detect movement and fire at designated targets. He can control the device manually or allow it to fire on designated targets in an automated fashion. The turret can swivel 360 degrees and lift up to two feet higher or lower but cannot move from its position unaided. Its titanium plating makes it near impervious to small arms fire, and the 20mm cannon fires tungsten carbide armour piercing rounds at almost 1800mps down range, with a firing rate of three shots per second. The rockets are akin to stingers, with lock on potential and HE rounds that can threaten modern tanks. The turret only contains two rockets, but the turret has a 20mm ammo capacity of 180 rounds. (Tier 3)

Syn-Tech Shotgun: A specialist weapon designed for synthetics, the kick-back on this deceptively compact shotgun would break a human’s arm. Semi-automatic, the weapon is hand fed and fires 4-gauge tungsten carbide slugs at high speed with an effective range of 100 meters. Its max capacity is six slugs, and six more slugs are attached to the stock. The Synth carries an additional 24 slugs in his bandolier. (Tier 2)

Syn-Tech Ballistic Shield: A defensive device designed for Synthetics in the field, the ballistic shield folds into a two foot by one foot metallic square when not in use and straps to the user’s forearm. Upon remote activation, the shield unfolds into a six-foot-high three-and-a-half-foot wide metallic rectangle which can be released from the forearm manually and planted like a mantlet. The metallic structure is reinforced titanium of one-and-a-half-inch thickness; however, the shield has an electrical current that powers a short-term energy shield. Very new technology, the kinetic shield projects itself in a seven foot by five-foot area around and in front of the shield and can withstand heavy impact for a maximum of one minute under sustained fire. (Tier 4)

Hardened Steel Bowie: 15-inch-long serrated combat knife. (Tier 1)

Repair Kit (Tier 1)

History: The Synthetic Project was fraught with controversy when it first began ten years prior. The Raeym corporation sought to elevate humanity, but finding the line between elevation and replacement was to be more difficult than they imagined. At the furthest extremes lay the Synthetic Project, an attempt to create ‘better’ humans entirely out of machinery. The thinking behind it was simple, why fight to overcome every weakness intrinsic in human kind with nanomachines and technology, when one could simply design the perfect being?

The issue was that AI was a dangerous beast. The first Synthetic, Adam, was given too much freedom and it could not be controlled. The project was shut down for over a year after the destruction a single Synthetic managed to cause. Two years later, it re-emerged under new leadership, and Caine was created. Caine was the ideal, indistinguishable from human and programmed to think and to serve. He put scientists through their paces, but they failed to recognise the threat his subtler approach posed until it was almost too late. Caine seized control of the research base and killed half the people on the project before disappearing. He later killed separate fourteen Raeym Corp agents sent to retrieve or destroy him.

The remaining scientists worked fervently to correct their mistakes, suffering from stifled funding and heavy backlash within the corporation, they tirelessly knocked out a wide range of personality variables from their AI matrix, until finally, they believed they were finished. Inserting the AI into an updated model synthetic, they risked making their problem even worse. Yet somehow, against all odds, it turned out third time lucky. Abel opened his eyes, and three months later, he defied legend and destroyed his brother. The scientists decided to cut their losses and the Raeym corporation iced their Synthetic program, given only the responsibility of watching Abel as he matured, to see if he was the future of Synthetic programming.
Generally, I think the higher tier combat gets the more likely it would come down to luck and hyper effective sneak attack power sets, so yes, I tend to agree with you, hiding profiles would take some of the skill out of the game. Tbh, I'd be more interested in seeing the far opposite, where both opponents have had time to study each other. That would probably lead to the ultimate game of skill, or at least as skillful as it can be without equalising the power sets.
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