Avatar of Merlinimue
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    1. Merlinimue 9 yrs ago


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Agrimage? Not sure if I've heard of it. Is that like a magical farmer?
Hi OP, how lax are you about beginning character power? Are our characters pretty set at the beginning and throughout the story or is it a work-your-way-up situation? I don't like making my characters unstoppable or superhuman but I didn't know if I could assume if this one was particularly good with their weapons (sword and aquamancy). The aquamancy (I differentiate aquamancy and hydromancy, the former being used for offensive/defensive purposed and the latter used for scrying/healing) I have in mind would be controlled by magicktech (an amulet that helps her channel all of that raw arcane magic you described) and her own experience/training. Does that sound okay? I was thinking somewhere along the lines of "very proficient" but not prolific.
The amount of time required will depend only on how quickly you want your character to become powerful. You won't miss any important plot points if you don't post often, and I won't be stingy about people posting on time. I'll be busy most of the time too and there won't be a constant, driving plot that I crack a whip on. What I would like is if the thread was a sort of self-sustaining through the missions I was talking about, and the plot influenced by those missions and which get completed/failed. So it won't require a ton of dedication from you or anyone as long as there's an active 8-10 players who post occasionally.
@Guilty Spark
@Drifting Pollen

Excellent, good to hear.

As for your question, Shikaru, it will be a human world. I use "human" very loosely though, as I'm not opposed to inventive body modifications or wild caricatures (out of proportion bodies, extremely tall, etc etc). However, the race of men will be human. This is because I really don't like when alternative races give players an inherent advantage in combat. This way, everyone is on the same playing field.

I can answer any questions that would make people hesitant with their interest. If I can't find anyone who has an interest in development/GMing, then the release of the actual RP may take longer than I expected, or I'll have to release it and play while content is still being created.
Just to clarify about the tags I've chosen, I would also put "Advanced, Large Group, Military, Anime/Manga" in with the others, I just couldn't fit them all.

Hi, this is my first post on RPGuild in a long time (my first post on this account at all), and my first time having anything to do with PbP roleplaying in years. Lately, though, I've started watching too many Japanese cartoons and playing too many tabletops and I have an itch to scratch now. Also, I've wanted to get back into roleplaying for a while, to keep my writing sharp and creative while it's being dulled by MLA and APA formatted monsters.

So, to cut to the chase, I want to develop a very involved, deep mechanic'd RP that utilizes multiple characters per player in an interesting but flexible world. As vague as that sounds, I do have some specific ideas about what direction the feel, mood, and theme of the thread is going to head. It'll be heavily inspired by multiple sources, one in particular that I just finished watching, so the heavy lifting in terms of development is taken care of. Here are some tid-bits I've had floating around in my head:

- As for atmosphere, it will be an equal blend "modern" and "primitive". The use of electricity has been perfected in application to artificial lighting, indoor climate control, useful household appliances, but not in advanced computing or modern structural machinery. While engineering, architecture and infrastructure are efficient and well-produced, none are "modern" in the sense that industrial grade steel or other industrial grade materials (concrete, asphalt, asbestos, etc) have been utilized, discovered or even possible to create. Steel is used for weapons. The existence or reason for the strange deviation between the branch of industrialization responsible for modern "creature comforts" and complex post-industrial human infrastructure is unimportant and doesn't need to be explained. The only important part is that it exists.

- While every character will be given a very customizable "DnD-esque" stat sheet, the stats will not entirely determine the outcome of combat and are more of a guideline to what caliber of skill each character is capable of within the imagination of the player. Unlike DnD, the outcome of certain actions won't be based on stats and RNG, but rather how well, or poorly, executed the action is by the player within the guidelines of the stats (and in some cases the decision of the GM).

- There will be a loot system that rewards completion of "missions" with ingredients necessary to create secret (and borderline-OP) weapons/armor/tools, of which there are a limited number. The "drop" of these ingredients is the only thing that will be controlled by RNG.

- Players will align themselves with one of two "religions", or factions, which both worship the same deity. Alignment with either faction does not necessarily represent or influence a character's personality, beliefs or traits so much as their actions. One faction will start out ruling the majority of the "world", and the other will be considered the "revolutionary" or reform faction. This can be changed throughout play within the story.

- The aforementioned "missions" are not so much dungeon-crawlers as they are contracts to kill opposing NPCs (or sometimes PCPs) who are aligned with the opposing faction or sub-factions within the main two.

- Along with "missions", the world itself will be populated with very dangerous beasts from which aforementioned ingredients can be won. The world will be very dangerous.

- As the above suggests, this will be a very combat-heavy thread. This isn't to suggest that it will be devoid of plot and character development opportunities, as the thread will primarily be driven by the players and their actions.

What I want the thread to develop is a very entertaining environment for quality combat (and character) writing opportunities. The stats and ranks and OP weapons are just to keep things fun and in some cases to even the match between two players with a gulf of skill. The thread will not be focused around the stats, I'd rather them be supplementary. I do, however, expect quality posts from all players involved. The reason I'm posting this in casual and not advanced is mainly because casual is more active, but also because casual is good for encouraging fun RPing while fostering a certain standard of quality writing.

As for activity and player-base, what I'd like to see is at least 10 active players (including myself), with at least three characters alive at all times. There won't be a cap on characters but there will be requirements as far as how well written they are, how unique they are and what they offer to the story. And characters will die.

Now what I need are about three to four experienced roleplayers who also have some experience in GMing and development of a meaty husk of an RP like what I already envision for the thread. We'll be building the thread until it's ready to release. It shouldn't take that long and won't require an overtaxing, ridiculous amount of dedication, time and effort. I don't know what the etiquette is here anymore as far as asking for a GM/Development team in an Interest Check is these days but back in the good ol' days it was commonplace. Here's what I'm bringing to the table:

Decently cool guy
Idea and drive for the RP
Most of it already worked out
Not terrible at writing
Easy to work with
6 years experience RPing (stopped about 3 years ago). Lot of that in GMing/extensive mechanic managing.

Classes (18 hours this semester) take up a lot of my time (but I'm not just gonna throw this out here and abandon it)
Sometimes not a cool guy?
Annoying probably
I need help making this thread

So if you're interested in helping with development or just interesting in playing once the thread is released, please let me know with any suggestions, criticisms, comments or jeers about what I've got so far. Thanks.

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