Avatar of merrrrideth
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    1. merrrrideth 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current When life throws surprises at you, freak out because life has great aim and just hit you square in the face.
9 yrs ago
Surprise family visit! Will be back on Sunday.


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Darla Ann

I really enjoyed people, I truly did, but to get stuck with THE Pierre Athene, number one douchebag of D.C. and now this loud girl Mckenzie, it was almost too much for my head wound to handle. As the other girl prattled on, I tried some of the meditation breathing techniques to try to calm my now pounding head. They didn't work. Instead, I reached into my bag and pulled out my migraine medication, swallowing the pill down with a gulp of water. "Mckenzie? Are you the one that sent off the flare, or are there more people? My dad," I looked sideways at Pierre and grimaced, "had been hoping there might be some army guys around, here to save the day."

Again, my pocket buzzed. And buzzed. And buzzed. Incredulous, I pulled the phone from my pocket. "FULL BATTERY, PLEASE UNPLUG" flashed across the screen. "Stupid thing's broken," I grumbled under my breath.
Suzanne "Suzy" Peters

Pouring rain... Down in droves. Crashing, crashing into me. Drowning me. The sky laughing, the sky crying. And I was so close...

Suzy woke with a start from the nightmare she had been having just moments before. She stifled the sob that was about to slip past her lips. After calming down, she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room was lovely and reminded her parent's home, though this place was a little less flashy (her mother had made sure no room was without some shimmer or sparkle or glitter). As Suzy swung her legs out from under the blanket, she noticed the bandage that covered a large gash across her thigh. 'That's right... I made it to the manor last night, but I was swept up in the storm.'

Suzy had been heading to Sinclair Manor on business. The law firm she worked for had recently received a crypitc letter from the estate, and because no one else had been willing to deliver a formal inquiry to the manor, Suzy had volunteered to go. Any experience in the field, even as a messenger, was beyond valuable for the young woman. The rains had started as Suzy was winding her way up the drive. The taxi she had taken refused to make the trip all the way to the manor, and so Suzy had been forced to walk the rest of the way. The gravel had began to wash away rather quickly, and it had taken the poor girl with it. A rather large rock had given her the nasty gash on her thigh, ripping her dress in the process. Suzy was able to pick herself back up, and after a quick search for her luggage, she was struggling up the drive once more. When she had finally reached the door, she had been told the manor's rules, which she quickly forgot because of exhaustion, and was escorted to a room.

Limping to the water basin in the corner of the room, Suzy began to clean herself up. She wanted to look presentable when she headed down the stairs and into the dining room. Luckily, her luggage had survived the storm with barely a drop seeping into the inside. The young woman donned one of her simpler dresses, brushed out and styled her hair, grabbed the letter the law firm had received, and then headed out of the room and down the stairs. Once in the main hall, Suzy could see a man and a woman. They didn't appear to be a part of the household staff, but she approached the pair anyway. "Were you also caught in the storm? I thought no one ever ventured to this place without reason."
I made a weirdo for it! She gets shit for being commie scum and everything!

I love your weirdo... Just saying.
Anton Bonheur - Chef

Anton wearily wiped at his eyes as he walked into kitchen in the servants quarters. He had been awake when the unfortunate travelers were forced to come knocking on the manor's large doors. The raging storm had woken Anton hours before, and unable to fall back asleep, he had been watching the winds whip the surrounding trees when one by one people started straggling towards the manor. Alarmed, Anton had hurried to wake Kest to notify him of the poor lost souls. The night had turned into a wet mess, and the foyer would need a good scrubbing.

As Anton walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by the smell of breakfast. He smiled to himself. Grabbing a piece of toast and some bacon, he headed towards the main hall and then the dining room. "You're up to it again, Kest? Trying to steal my job," Anton said as he entered the dining room. He smiled to the butler and clapped him on the back. "Do you know when the storm will lighten up enough for travel to town? We'll be needing to get a grocery delivery after the crowd that showed up last night. How many would you say there were? I think I'm going to make scones for them, before the peaches go bad." Anton was careful not to drop any crumbs from his breakfast, and once he had finished, he began to help Kest tidy up the room.
Also, much stomach sickness. So short post. Many apologies. :(
Darla Ann

I let out a laugh. And then another. I had noticed the placement of this guy's- Pierre's- eyes as I helped him up, and as he had started to lecture me, everything clicked back into place. The fog from my head lifted, though the wound still bled. The panicked knot in my chest untied. This complete asshole had been a godsend. "I'm not assisting in any rescue missions, and judging by the change in scenery, no one is sending any rescue teams." I nodded towards the new mountains in the distance. As I began to pull tissues from my backpack, I continued talking, "Don't let my attire confuse you, I'm not a park ranger." I paused to place the tissues on my wound and put my hat on to keep them in place. "Washington D.C. is pretty overrated... And nobody is important now. Didn't all of the dead bodies and lava clue you in on that? But since you are a live body, and my head is finally working again, it's nice to meet you Pierre. I'm Darla Ann, not that you particularly cared. I gather you also saw the flare? Could be the 'army men' you're hoping to see, but I doubt that." I did indeed doubt that there would be any rescue parties thrown together so soon. It had been only a few hours since the Cracking, not nearly enough time for any group to reorganize. Certainly Yellow Stone wasn't hit the worst as the super volcano had remained silent. "So Mr. Athene, I guess we have a few options. 1) I let you live in your important fantasy world and hunt down the army men or 2) you take it down a notch and we head towards the flare together? And when I say take it down a notch, I also mean your eyes can move up a bit." I said the last part a little more aggressively than I had wanted to.

At that moment, I felt a warm buzz in my pocket. Not wanting to remove my gaze from Pierre and appear like I was backing down, I ignored the buzz that had emitted from my phone. The thing was probably just dying as I had forgotten to charge it last night and it would no doubt be hunting for service in vain.
Also this is the creature that was talking to Nathan:

It's the magical liopleurodon!
A collaboration with [@merrrideth] and @GingerBoi123 featuring Edith and Dominique

Would you believe me if I said we had thirty GECKs? But all but one only have seeds for radishes in them.
Oh noes, I have caused so much confusion! It was suppose to be... Pierre. Since we both were heading from Roosevelt Lodge. But, if you would prefer that to not be the case, I could rework that.
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