Avatar of Metadude
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 489 (0.18 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. Metadude 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I'd like to roll to seduce that T-Rex
6 yrs ago
Evil Dead taught me not to trust tree's
1 like
6 yrs ago
It doesn't have Lizardmen making out with Human women, 0/10
1 like
7 yrs ago
Da-na na, na, na. Another one in the trash. Another one goes and another one dies, another one in the trash.
7 yrs ago
"I can smell you."-Morgan Freeman, hunting his Prey


27yrs old, Male.

Content level
I don't do Human x Human because I roleplay to get AWAY from normalcy, not recreate it.

Have you ever
Ever felt like this?
How strange things happen
Are you going round the twist?

Most Recent Posts

@IRLCleric - Unfortunately all motivation for this has died due to people saying they'd join, and then nothing

If you or anyone else wants to use this stuff for their own rp, they can
A bump
@Fetzen -

Wolf is right, a Drow may as well be a Dark Elf so that's fine with me, same as Gargoyle and Mutated Human.
Although, the mutant would still be considered Human depending on just how deformed they are, in which case they'd be classed as a monster if it's too much XD

I meant it more in the sense if you had a race option not listed, to ask me, and then I'd let you know yes or no

Can either be set during the ME1, ME2, ME3, or Andromeda timelines.
Can be set just after their timeline too - however for Mass Effect 3, the ending is Refusal, and the Reapers get shit stomped.

RP can either be more slice of life, or plot centric. Or, just NSFW if preferred *shrugs*
This thread isn't very pretty, because no one messages me anyway, so this feels more like a fallback log when I rp with friends XD

I don't have any plot threads written up, but that's due to the timelines above.

Race Pairings
Bold is my preferred choice, but can play either

M Human or Geth x F Krogan
M Krogan or Geth x F Quarian or F Human
Reaper x ??? (This is a joke)
Now we just need one more player :) two is preferred, but one will do
A bumperoo

I hope so, but only you have bothered posting
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