Avatar of Mimikyu
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    1. Mimikyu 8 yrs ago


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Everyone seems to think Mimikyu is a Pokemon that's too frail to fight. Well that's wrong! Fairy Ghost is strong!

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I find that time is only a problem when concentration spells are in use due to duration. I stick with 6 seconds a round that way 1 minute spells last 10 rounds (6 sec x 10 is 60 sec).
The light cantrip does indeed require the object to be touched. It's an odd choice for your first action, but I'm not stopping you. @lady athena


Neither of you need to post in order nor do you need to wait for me to post. Your actions will happen in order though and you're free to plan ahead to give each other help.

The Darkside is concentrating on his attack.
My action shall be to spend my movement circling to the rear of the Darkside and attack its feet with muh Dream Greatsword!

First Roll to hit: 16
Second Roll to hit: Cumulative 20

Damage Roll if hit: 14.

Please note: More details will come in character, this post is basically the logistics of it.

Don't forget to post the descriptive bit in character!
Using Light, Rolled a 7 followed by a 20

Something like this for the dice roll post?

Yes indeed!
So we need to say what we are doing in IC and roll here? Anything I am missing out? Do you want me to write out my reaction to the rod and events before the darkside appeared?
Just the action I am making in the fight?

(Is new to D&D on RPGuild)

That's a good question to fill the other in at the same time!

You post the description of your action in character in the IC thread, roll here in the OOC thread. You may write your reaction to the events unfolding prior to the darkside but remember, this place feels like a dream and its qualities separate it from the heavy realism of real life! Your best bet is to focus on the fight at hand and approach it in the way that you character would as if in a lucid dream.

The first to react, the one bound by the outsider's touch. Perhaps it is their influence that allows her to act even before darkness itself. But even with such speed of thought, does she know how to vanquish the creature before her with the tool at hand or the spells in mind?

As for the other two, it seems as though this moment of revelation is a reasonable cause for brief hesitation. They would have less an impact on the start of this battle compared to their fox friend. But battles aren't won through quick reactions alone.

The beast itself appears focused upon summoning the energy. Consequently strengthening, the flaming sphere of darkness reflected its magnitude of potency through visible waves of spacial distortion. Looking at that, this battle appears to be a dream like thing indeed! Yet the hearts of the trio were unwavering. Each held the tool in their hands to unlock their potential. This darkness before them is but the first obstacle to overcome with their hidden power.

[Describe your Actions]

Combat Rule. Instead posting after each person, the Initiative Count will tell me the order of everyone's actions. So once everyone posts again, I will describe the round in full. If you're going to make any attacks or require a roll, please do so in the OOC thread after you've made your post in this thread. Roll twice to account for surprise Advantages or Disadvantages.

TIP! Going first in combat is a huge advantage because you can interrupt monsters sometimes, depending on your described actions. Going after the monster is a disadvantage cause it's actions can interrupt yours. When you have the advantage find ways to work with your party in order to overcome the weaknesses of bad initiative roles!

Quick Reference Combat Actions!

@VKAllen@lady athena@DustyOldCrow

Light. Beaming from a surface above but gradually dimming with the depth of the ocean you now head-first sink into like a stone thrown from the shore. The radiance of the sky is all that you can see, its fading shine the transition from the waking world into a station for your timely departure into the next world. Glowing beneath you is that station, the Heart's home. Upon a pillar erect from the darkness below, the glass cover of your heart is this image made from your memories, your light, and your darkness. It remains stable under your landing. However, this story isn't about you alone.

Your Heart's Station tells the story of your past, present, and future. You are there among two others. These are the ones intertwined with you. These two people, your friends, are destined to play equal parts in your future and the future of all worlds.

Step forward. There's little time left to wait.

That's right. This isn't the final stop. It's only the first station of your heart.

Sibyll Ashworth, the dextrous youth with a sense of adventure. Youngest of all, you are depicted with one eye open and a hand stretched toward the center. A depiction of joy across your face brings hope to those who view your stain glass portrait.

Lucretia, the influencing youth with a primordial touch. Bound by a mysterious force you hand reaches toward the center but unopened in hesitation. A depiction of anxiety shrouding your brow brings worry to those who view your stain glass portrait.

Aellios, the one of awakened potential who seeks continued peace. Eldest among those of the chosen, your hand reaches towards the center but distance keeps you from reaching those around you. A depiction of focus formed from your gaze brings a feeling of determination to those who view your stain glass portrait.

These are the three images on that glass face.

Here you feel the strength of your hearts together. You do not see your friends in this place but you know in your gut that they are always with you. It's always been like that. The same feeling pulls you forward. Their hearts are moving on without you. Don't hesitate.

The first step causes your heart to bridge the gap to the next station. The glass circle bearing your picture is connected to a higher platform by a wide, winding path made from colored panes of glass. Each step is as solid as the last. No fear is felt as the strength of your heart is reinforced by the strength of the others.

Reaching the second station, the hue of this station is blue. It's a calming but melancholic color. Ahead on the same station is an odd door, transparent but its opacity a gradient growing weaker with the height of the door. Upon inspection this door cannot be opened as your hand reaches right through it when you try to touch it.

Before you can reach the next station, you must first come to understand that your heart has a great potential but some aspect of yourself must be given up in order to strengthen your heart for the battles to come.

Rumbling comes from all around, beacons of soft light cast beams upon three identical pedestals. Upon them are the tools for shaping your unlocked power.

The power of the Warrior, the Dream Sword: a promise of great strength, the mark of courage, but the bringer of destruction.

The power of the Guardian, the Dream Shield: a promise of protection, the mark of tenacity, but the bringer of solitude.

The power of the Mystic, the Dream Rod: a promise of enlightenment, the mark of wisdom, but the bringer of reckonings.

It is here that your have chosen the path you will follow. In all it appears that two of the hearts have chosen to wield the Dream Sword while the final has chosen the Dream Rod. Without the guardian, it can be surmised that what's to come shall perhaps be too ferocious for the hearts of those destined to bear in their future.

Upon choosing the power to sacrifice, the pedestals sink partially into the station. The tools for shaping your potential vanish except for the one chosen. You now carry that item in your hand. It's perfect for your hand, as if made to be held by you. In the near future you will come to understand the effect of these tools.

The door becomes solid as your flesh. It can be opened. It's now too late to turn the clock back and choose another tool.

It is the key that opens this door. Indeed it opens with the blinding light of the ones who the keyblade chose.

This is the final station.

Its hue is burned red with passion of the heart. The door behind you is gone but this is the final station. The deepest part of your heart. Beside you are your friends. You see each other in this dream of your heart.

You are connected. The unspoken words pierce your minds at once. Protect the hearts of your friends; destruction of one shall bring down the others.

Behind each of you a light glows brightly, forcing you to cast a dark shadow at the center of the station. It darkens and then a black liquid pools at it center, ripples from outside in. In the blink of an eye it grows, taller and taller until a huge monster appears.

The closer you are to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

The creature brings its hands to its hollowed chest a flame of darkness begins to fester with ever greater intensity in the stabilizing form of a sphere.

[Roll Initiative]

@DustyOldCrow@lady athena@VKAllen
The fun begins tomorrow!

@VKAllen@DustyOldCrow@lady athena

Just some quick info about how I typically run forum rps!

1. Instead of needing to roll an ability check when there's no pressure for time (such as needing to break down a door but nothing is forcing you to do it quickly) you have the option to forgo the roll and to use your relevant stat instead. (so having a 17 in STR lets you use 17 for the check!)

2. Even if you fail a roll to get past an obstacle I will have you "succeed with a twist" or "fail but the story continues." There will never be a situation where you're stuck doing the same roll over and over.

3. This is a cooperative game! Helping each other happens so easily! When you help someone you give them an advantage on their next roll! Or you may encounter Trinity Marks which require all three of you to be present!

4. Combat isn't always the answer! You still gain XP for doing wonderfully in social interactions! But beware! Some NPCs can't be persuaded, intimidated, or deceived with just rolls of the die.

I hope that you'll have as much fun as I will!
@lady athena

I think I'm going to restructure how the Keyblades are going to affect your classes. Instead of replacing the archetype it will be its own thing that grows as you complete story things. But you still get to say how it'll grow through two important choices!

What power will you embrace and what power will you give up?

Powers: The Warrior, The Guardian, The Mystic.

I'm adding this to the template!
@VKAllen@Lady Athena

Paladin woo!

Half-Kitsune Swordmage is interesting. It seems like it'll be doing a great deal of damage and I'll let it play out as intended.

Can I have you both move on over to the topic?


The character tab is open for you both to post completed characters. If ou have any questions please post in the ooc tab!

We can begin on Wednesday when all three characters are complete!
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