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  • Old Guild Username: MMGiru
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    1. MMGiru 10 yrs ago


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If ever I happen to disappear, it's my own issues at play.

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@Peik Ah, I apologize, and thank you for the second 'dog' being 'dawg'. Editing now.
When Baladas called the then skull-crushed daedra a 'good boy', Ungimros considered pointing out that the creature was not actually a wolf, but decided this was a philosophical argument. Also, walking corpses were trying to murder them. Ungimros' next slaying was a draugr with sword and shield. The creature was sure to block any arrows he sent at the usual places, but the Bosmer knew a few others that mercenaries and wildlife were familiar with. An arrow went through the draugr's knees, and suddenly Ungimros was a lot less concerned about all the angry corpses. He knew he could deal with his share, and he even had enough time to make a profit. Holding out a hand to the now-slowed draugr, he reached into that space between planes, and looked for the thing's soul. It was able to take two shambling steps before Ungimros made a connection, and another two while he tied an aetherial tether to his satchel's contents. The creature was almost upon him when he'd finally drawn his bow, and when it raised its sword and forgot about shielding, Ungimros put an arrow into its mouth. He thought he heard the steel head hit a tomb wall behind, but other noise was drowned out by the draugr's soul ripping from it as it fell limp beside Ungimros.

By the time the soul finished transferring to his satchel, Ungimros heard a grave voice calling the rest of the corpses away in a language the hunter didn't know, let alone understand. The arrogance and assurance were obvious though. It reminded Ungimros of all the chieftans, nobles, royals, or family heads he'd met or heard of, as well as many Altmer. This seemed somehow more valid though, as all the confidence he'd built in the heat of combat melted off him. Still, he appreciated one of the Dunmer talking back to it.

"Are you antagonizing the undead mage voice?" Ungimros asked Venym, smirking a bit. Generally he would've taken that role upon himself - had he spoken the language. He appreciated the gesture, and decided he liked this Dunmer best.

Post-battle, Ungimros' broken arrowhead was moved to his right satchel, set beside the gem he'd trapped a draugr in. That alone would fetch him something, but he suspected at this point that the spooky voice implied greater treasures than previously anticipated. In any event, it would prove interesting, which was really all there was.
@Hank Wouldn't be 'koaal' rather than 'kos'? I might've misunderstood.

Either way, that's badass and I totally support it. I have a sort of Darkest Dungeon vibe here, with the fear and confidence mechanics.
My response proved less elegant than I might've liked. I suppose that's my bingeing tendency at work.
Underground wasn't the norm for Ungimros or anyone else he'd grown up with, and enormous, intricate tombs would have been an absurdity in Valenwood, where Bosmer were fed to people, beasts, plants, or fungi, and most others met the same fate. Burial in stone struck Ungimros as selfish and fearful; primitive. This had no value to those still living.

The tomb's air was stale, and mildly noxious. Nothing green to breathe anew, and nothing red to breathe the old; it had simply filtered through stone, and dust, and root, and corpse. Sound acted unnaturally with no sky above the ceiling, and no windows in the walls. Light could only ever come from their group, and the only things that could react were their predators. Everything was wrong.

But, the Imperial had imagined coin here, and Ungimros had agreed, along with everyone else. So here he was, with his bow already drawn when corpses began to walk out of stone caskets. Backing into a circle to fight was a thing Ungimros had never needed to do before, and he bumped into someone - a Dunmer, he thought - while they moved into the formation. He heard Merci call for space, which struck him as a bit rich, given the circumstances, but knew he needed some also. To that end, Ungimros elected to call on his only friend.

Using his bow hand to hold an arrow he'd already knocked, he held out his then-free hand. He made his fingers reach into a place that was not the crypt; nor indeed Nirn or even Mundus. He could feel something like the humid, electrified air just before a storm, and feel wind. Finally, he found a patch of fur, and grabbed hold, communicating only an emotional need for violence. His hand performed the motions despite visibly being still in the tomb, only a blue glow to indicate it was not.

A bubbling, rumbling sound stemmed from his hand, but sounded far away at the same time. Some small amount of blue-purple light danced on his arm, the magelight above them keeping its influence small. The Bosmer shoved his ensorcelled hand out in front of him, and a sound between cracking, popping, and tearing heralded a spectral wolf between Ungimros and a few walking corpses.

Not wasting any time, both Ungimros and the wolf-shaped daedra attacked. The wolf worked at the legs of a draugr, snapping and barking to taunt it, and trying to bite its knees out when it missed with a greatsword. The sap elf loosed an arrow between another draugr's faintly glowing eyes, and grinned, until he realized the corpse found the arrow merely a stunning annoyance.

Ungimros reached into his quiver to find a particularly marked shaft, took it, knocked it, and aimed. A broadheaded glass arrow fwip'd into a draugr that was closing on the Bosmer, and sailed through the creature's neck, piercing its spine. It fell forward and snapped the shaft under its weight. Ungimros cursed the inevitable cost of refletching and reattaching that head, but made a mental note to retrieve it.

When he looked to his spectral wolf, he saw the beast had successfully severed a knee and grounded its own enemy, but now had two rotten hands around its half-substantial head. When a magically filtered but still fleshy crunch came from the wolf's head, the beast's light blue form dissipated back into whatever its home plane was. Satisfied the draugr was slowed enough to ignore, Ungimros returned his attention to the one with an arrow in its head, which was shambling towards him. No time to knock an arrow.

Suddenly, there was firelight in the room, and the druagr turned to see it. Ungimros did not. He pulled his glass broadhead from the other corpse's kneck, cutting his hand in the process, and put the broken arrow through the draugr's spine, same as it had gone before. The corpse fell, backward this time.
Made a post I didn't think would be too distracting. I really had wanted to get him out of that tree.
Shortly before the crow arrived, Ungimros heard a man in armor fall, some distance away. Other elves may have forgotten how to use their pointed ears, but a Valenwood Boishe like Ungimros hadn't. When Blackbird finally entered the clearing, Ungimros could see and hear surprising composure from the Nord. Briefly, he wondered if someone else had fallen, and wondered if the crow's betrayal had come so soon. It did not seem plausible, but was easy enough to check.

While someone else was busy responding to Blackbird, Ungimros dropped from his maple, landing a few feet from the Altmer, Aenyarin. When he'd landed though, his eyes were on Blackbird, and ultimately to the small, brown lines scattered on his person. Pine needles weren't falling in this season, and being on the ground was how a person accumulated dead ones. Ungimros smirked directly at Blackbird, before turning to the Altmer he'd landed beside.

"Very hospitable, the Nordic people. Isn't that right, friend?" This he asked knowing they two would likely only ever feel enmity towards one another for the length of their association, but that most Nords of this country had it for both of them.
As promised, edited to correct my assumption.
Made a couple of what seemed like logical assumptions to me, but that doesn't mean they were, and I can of course edit on demand.

That'd work for my signature, really.
"Quiet at night, too," called a voice from above the two men, after one had commented on the dark glade. A strung bow hung by said string on a branch, of a branch, of a healthily sized maple. On a lower, thicker branch, could be seen a pair of feet and ankles, laid casually, pointed away from the maple's trunk.

"If there's anything moving in there, it only moves in there," Ungimros concluded. He spelled a weapon into his hand, and was disappointed to find it a new style of throwing dagger, rather than an arrow. He was still having communicative difficulties with whatever realm of Oblivion his conjurations were sourced from, and had evidently once again failed to properly demand an arrow.

His previous night had consisted primarily of failing to hit several very annoyed slaughterfish with daggers conjured and thrown to pass time. Reaching the tomb quickly had been imperative, given word had managed to spread across the mountains. The trip would only serve to make Ungimros and the rest of his newfound party colder and poorer if some other group cleaned the place out before them. As such, he'd arrived in Falkreath almost a week before the rest of the group planned to, scouted the area, and made sure no one was taking their spoils.

His initial expedition consisted of familiarizing himself with the routes of a few streams that fed into Ilinalta, as well as the oldest trees around, and the various dens of local bears and trolls. By the time Ungimros had settled down and dined on a slaughterfish the first night, he'd managed to collate a decent mental map of the area, which was more useful than the directions they'd been given. By then, he understood how this place had gone unplundered. It did not have the ostentation he'd heard about in other Nordic barrows, there was no trail for even a tracker to follow, and it had been placed in a fairly unremarkable spot.

The rest of his week was mostly scaring local children back to their homes with a 'ghost wolf', antagonizing a troll, making dinner with a lone, racist bandit, and pondering on who among the ancient Nords merited such a discrete burial. He lacked the relevant education though, and his curiosity was mild enough to be easily swept aside by the new arrivals. Even now, before much of a response to Ungimros' words could occur, a High Rock accent seeped through the fog. He stood on his branch with a hiss declaring this his first stretch since waking.

"Look for the big maple," Ungimros called in the appropriate direction, after looking around the tree trunk to see a distant light. He imagined that even if she was as ignorant of plantlife as the stereotypes permeating his homeland suggested, she could follow a voice.
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