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    1. Mortalbean 10 yrs ago


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I'm often very busy even if I do appear online. Despite this I will always post at least once a day in all RPs I am currently in.

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@HylianRoseJust re-read my OP, posted it pretty late last night and I didn't realize that it wasn't that great. Want me to redo it or just run with it?
Also, how has your ankle been doing?
Ulysses bolted down the stairs of his apartment building, his every step causing the entire metal staircase to shake, resulting in a thunderous echo. As he flew past the front office an authoritative voice rang out from inside.

"Ulysses, get y'ur mail"

The voice was instantly familiar to Ulysses, it was none other than the building's general manager and Ulysses's land lord. His real name was Friedrich Brownstein, however most of the tenents got by just referring to him as "stein".

Ulysses quickly darted back into the main office. Stein was overall a diligent landlord and reasonable person but Ulysses knew better than to try his patience over even trivial matters.

"Stein, I'm in a rush, can't it wait?"

"It looks 'portant to me, got this weird black envelope for ya."

The slightly overweight man looked to be in his mid fourties. With far more dexterity than one would assume a man of his physique Stein picked something off his crowded, messy desk and offered it to Ulysses.

A black envelope could only mean one thing, although the timing was a bit off... Ulysses couldn't let himself get distracted this easily. Stuffing the letter in his pocket he bolted out the door.

It wasn't until Ulysses was nearly sprinting down the street towards his destination did it occur to him that the clothes he had hastily put on were his formal dress shirt and pants from work yesterday. For a one on one meeting with an old friend it wasn't the exact sort of aura he wished to exude. Surely she would be understanding.

Ulysses slowed down, this was the place. They had been meeting at Bernie's bar and grill for well over a year now, the food wasn't too great but it was cheap and they weren't too picky about people staying after they had finished their meals.

Ulysses glanced around, hopefully he hadn't been keeping her too long.
Do you have any particular desire to make the first post? If not I'll do it.
I'm just posting this to get something on paper, I'll be finishing and adding to it later and post when I'm done.

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:


American(non pacific-islander)



[Please attach a photographic image of yourself for our records]

Hair Color:

Eye Color:


6' 0"

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:
Object Dominance

Power Description:I can "animate" objects by giving them a command.

I can make any inanimate object do whatever I want it to. Mostly I play around and manipulate small things but I can get bigger objects to do what I want, but usually they are slower to do so. I've made pencils draw circles without me touching them, although they fell when I walked away. I don't really know much about the details of my power because I hardly use it. My mother always freaks when I do and it's too much trouble.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
From what I've played with it seems like I can only command objects I'm in direct contact with. Doing multiple objects or really complicated commands seems to slow down the objects a lot.

About You

Profession:Kentucky State Senator (Second District)
Does this family member live in the same household as you? Yes
Is this family member a mutant? No

Does this family member live in the same household as you? Yes
Is this family member a mutant? No

Profession:Technosoft COO
Does this family member live in the same household as you? No
Is this family member a mutant? No

Does this family member live in the same household as you? No
Is this family member a mutant? No

Personal Statement:


Holy shit, we absolutely have to arrange a fight at some point, even just to spar.

Edit:I would also be interested in being direct rivals or something to that effect if you're up for it.

My idea was that they can make objects do anything that a normal person would be able to do with them. There are no special properties of any kind given to objects simply because they are affected by the power. For sake of example a torch could be commanded to light itself on fire but wouldn't be able to unless an ordinary person would be able to see or sense fire or another method of setting itself on fire and the torch is able to reach the fire. Another thing I've thought of that would fit into this example would be that if an object is split into multiple parts each part will attempt to complete the order if able. However, each part counts as a different object for the "number" of objects being controlled. This also applies regardless of the size of the pieces. Going back to the torch example, if they told the torch to float across a room, set itself on fire and then return on the return trip each flake of ash from the torch would count as a separate object. This means that as the torch returned to the character it would start to slow down, then eventually start to fall although when it hit the ground it would continue to roll (Each piece of ash is effected by the same amount of force as the entire torch is, meaning that the flakes would still be floating toward the character). Eventually there would be enough ash that the power would fade. This would also effect any other objects that were being controlled at the same time.

By this principal fluids or items that are partially fluid (such as a melting steel bar) would be unable to be controlled for any period of time (I'm also going to count clothes and other fabrics to a lesser extent in this too or else it would be far too OP to simply tell someone's clothes to crush them).

Also, inanimate objects are dumb and a stickler for definitions. If a chair is supposed to "not let anyone sit on it" then someone could still use it as a footrest or lie on it. Before there are any arguments about the interpretation of orders, I think it would be best that the reasonable interpretation (as determined by the DMs) which is least beneficial to the character with the power should be used.

The rule about contact is also strict, they are not able to simply unlock doors by touching the knob as they are not actually touching the components of the lock. They are able however to force the knob to turn and maybe break the knob or lock. Similarly turning a gun into a floating sentry would require two different orders, one to make the casing of the gun hover and point at people, another to make the trigger pull itself.

This power lacks a single definitive weakness but I think the limitations I've outlined above are reasonable and allow for a multitude of different ways to overcome "dominated" objects.
Next power idea, imparting "will" into inanimate objects. For example, they could tell a door to only open for them or a knife to attack anyone but them. The power would be limited to only objects that they were in physical contact with when they imparted their will and it would diminish with time, distance, complexity of commands and number of objects commanded. (Going back to the door example, if they walked away from the door it would become easier to force open until after a certain distance it would simply stop resisting at all.)
That's very fair and doesn't impact my interest at all. I'm just trying to come up with a somewhat novel power.
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