Avatar of MrFoxNews
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    1. MrFoxNews 10 yrs ago


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"Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning." - Rommel
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"Bread would never betray me like that." - Fox


Always tired all the time.
I have a habit of joining rp's that never start.

Most Recent Posts

Duck you going Lancia again?

If so will we once again be sharing our ancestry? (From this great empire you've recently created I presume?)
Oh, is it time for Corustaria to try and become the King of the Seas again?

Numburg will of course do all that it can to assist monetarily.. with strings attached of course.

What up Commodore long time no see.
Stelicar System, Hocklyn Frontier

Balial smirked, his sharp Eldar features becoming smug as he imagined the surprise of the Hocklyn crew as they were ripped from the 'safety' of their vessel and flung into the void. What a wonderful surprise to discover the transfer logs of a fully loaded convoy aboard the pitifully supplied fuel station.

With only one destroyer capable of a formidable defense he turned to the nearby comms officer.

"Open comm frequencies, time to deliver our demands."

The leering figure of the comm officer tapped a few commands into his pulsing control panel before signaling to his leader.

Finch tapped a control rune upon his throne.

He did not know the Hocklyn native tongue so instead decided to use Terran basic as it was easily translatable.

"Greetings upon you people of Hocklyn. I am Belial Lord of Balor and Lieutenant to The Tyrant of Badeb. In exchange for your lives you will one at a time dock and exit your vessels leaving all cargo aboard. If you refuse these terms you will be boarded. You have 5 minutes to decide."

The vessel with which Balial commanded the small fleet powered to life it's leize xenos design appeared as if a bulky blade cut through the darkness itself.

Several other dark vessels powered to life their deep purple engines propelling them towards the convoy.

Balial briefly considered what a Hocklyn might taste like but decided it would have to wait for a more suitable time.
Sorry I've been so slow to post I'm notoriously bad at getting them out on regular intervals. I'm off work tomorrow so I'll be sure to put some time into pirating.
I like the new avatar and title mate.
I've got a 2000+ point Nid army for tabletop.

And they were the very first faction I roleplayed as in keyguys string of roleplays.
I need thy interstellar supply convoys to make a wrong turn.

As the emperor once said "Do it!"

@Zadubadabu considering they're a warrior culture I suspect that a male who proves himself in battle might gain some standing?
He'll listen or he'll find that his rp dies pretty quickly.

This isn't some sort or dictatorship that I've signed on for, if we want to discuss cupcakes in ooc we should be able to.

steer clear of straight spam but discussions not directly related to the rp should be fine.

Don't go power mad duck, chatzy isn't ideal for everyone you know.
@duck55223 lighten up mate :/ they're just having some fun.

@WilsonTurner since willy seems to have disappeared I'm considering raiding something of yours. Would you mind throwing a small note about a convoy or something of the sort which I can prey on in deep space?
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