Avatar of MrOmega
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 80 (0.02 / day)
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    1. MrOmega 9 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current I hope everybody had a good Christmas. Here's hoping nothing else goes wrong during this last week of the year.
7 yrs ago
I should get an avatar again. Feeling like something Pokemon related because of Sun and Moon. But what one to get?
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Not much to say. I usually look at interest checks instead of making my own, and I prefer original works to fandom, though I do have some I wouldn't mind trying. I prefer casual, but I am willing to do advanced. My schedule can be erratic, but I'll try to let you know about stuff ahead of time if something delays me more than a day. I don't mind conversations, though I'm not good at starting them. Anyway, whoever you may be, I hope you're having a nice day/night.

Most Recent Posts

"It's alright if you're nervous." Drew said to Ling, standing up straight and speaking out loud to show a bit of solidarity. "Gods know that any sane being would be." It was a simple gesture, but he thought it would at least be worth something. Or he hoped so. "Anyway, I guess that means I'm next. Drew Hidalgo. Storms Adept." With that, he returned to silence and slumped back down. He said what was needed, time to let the others get their introductions out of the way.

He now tried to get a better handle on who was here. There was the Nightshade girl, who seemed different than the others he had run across. He could recognize Eve and Nataly from the courses teaching the basics of their element, though he was unsure if they'd remember him. Of course he recognized the Master, but the rest were all new to him. Some of them seemed interesting, but he was going to avoid making any sort of judgement about them without actually getting to know them. He used to do that during his earlier years at the academy, and he was trying to stop doing that to be a little more sociable.
So, just to be clear: is it just going to be vampire hunting or are there going to be other monsters? Either way, it sounds like fun. I'm interested.
It started. Yay!
"Do you think they have big monsters over there? Or maybe they ride robots instead. OH! What if they ride robot monsters? I mean, they obviously need something smaller than an airship to get around if they have to do something alone, and they're too advanced to just walk." The energetic voice of Fei Hidalgo was the only thing Drew could hear at this point. She was bouncing around and circling him as she asked question after question about Jurai. "Wait, I got it! Maybe they have wing! Y'know, like fake wing things they put on. That way they could fly instead of jut walk!"

Drew laughed softly and spoke to her in a calm tone. "Well, I'll find out. If they have wing suits or something like that, I'll be sure to bring some back to you." The pair walked slowly, since Drew was in no rush to get to his destination. He had plenty of time and he knew most of the academy like the back of his hand, so he knew he wouldn't be late. He stopped to get a quick bite to eat, though he had already finished his breakfast while Fei had only taken a few nibbles since she was so busy asking him questions.

This whole thing was still puzzling to the Hydromancer. Why ask for him? Sure, he had good grades and was friendly with the instructors, but he wasn't that extraordinary. His skill set was uneven compared to the average Elemental and he wasn't exactly known around the academy, except maybe as "that guy who sits at the side of the room". Maybe they heard about his recent attempt to get promoted to Weaver, but since he failed, that just made the decision stranger. Sure, Fei insisted it was because they knew what an awesome elemental he was, but there were better choices.

They got as close they were allowed to the airship before they had to depart. Drew hugged his sister, putting on a brave face for her. "Don't fall behind in your studies just because I'm not there to help you. I don't want to come back and discover you're failing." He said jokingly. He knew she'd be fine, this was mostly to try and leave on a happier note. For all he knew, he wasn't coming back at all. Something this important likely meant danger ahead. Still, with all the other mages joining him, he might just be able to get through this.

He walked ahead, turning back to wave one last time before he joined his fellow elementals. He was content to just stay in the back quietly, seeing just who was accompanying him. He could recognize at least one familiar face from class, though he didn't actually know who it was. He also recognized one of the Masters, but the rest were all new to him. He also could have sworn there were supposed to be more arrivals. He stepped aside so they could come in without running into him. He took a deep breath, waiting for something to happen.

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Well, this looks good. Count me among the interested.
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