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Krayzikk said
Good news, everyone!Kaithas and I are nearing completion of our collab, but I can't remember for the life of me what cache it was recommended we go for.Anyone remember?

Oh, and if I can't get back on, the suggested cache (I think I made) was one of the top right ones in the orange area. Lower half of orange range is above ground, top half is underground in the mountain. Co-GM's know what Grimm's in that territory, but you can prolly guess from some of Lucy's post, just gonna tell you that numbers are most definitely not on your side for this one. XP
Sorry I've been absent, got a couple weeks long temp job making bins (Giant hoppers for feeding livestock that the call bins, rather). It's left me pretty drained, hadn't had much energy to write stuffsies for roleplaying, and I've another week to go. I'm'ma try to get back on here during next week as well, in case things need to be moved along, but I apologize if I can't. Co-GM's can do stuff, and if anything regarding my characters needs to be done and I'm not available, I give tentative permission for peeps to God-mod to keep the story moving. I've got some planny plans for 'em, but the only one that'd prolly matter would be Naomi wanting to either split from Pascale temporarily or go with her to the ravine to find her friends, as she'd wanna check on 'em after the Unicorn ran 'em off in that direction. But she might do that before or after her own team meets up, the timing can be for whatever fits best.

Again, I'm'ma try to log on, though the job takes a lot outta me (Money's good, but my bod's built for playing vidya gaemz and making sarcastic comments, not manual labor. XD). But, at the very least, I'll be sure to get back on more frequently when my temp work's done. :P I know things have been moving slow, sorry 'bout that, we should be moving along when things are settled, I guess.

EDIT: Oh, and I gotta cold just, like, two days before I started the job, so double trouble. Also why I haven't had much energy to get on the comp and write, sorry. >~< Kinda annoyed, 'cuz I had to run almost three miles to the new office location of the temp agency to take a drug test to actually get the job, then I get blasted with a cold outta nowhere, I did not have a good start to last week. XP
Alrighty, try to collab with Reaper on a post, I think Lucy said he wanted to wait for you guys before moving forward. And, Lucy, you still wanna have Orion/Arara's cache? Or can I push 'em along too?
Check the "Team BestFemmeFatale" PM you have, third page. :P
Roxas, mind checking the pad for our collab? Since people were having trouble progressing it, I wrote a bit of a framework for people to finagle with. :P Feel free to change/add things to it, it's just to get people started is all.

And is Lupus still in the hospital? Not-suras can still post Lyn, or mehbeh Smith, him, and I could do a small collab and leave room for KK to do stuff in their own post. :/ Addie/Ollie collab's almost done, Rawr just had to finish changing/adding parts for Addie. :P
Alrighty, just wondering, people still checking in? Just give an "I'm here" post, so we know you're still in. Sorry for the slowness of the roleplay as of late, guess peeps got things to do, hopefully that'll change soon. >~<
Ah, that's alright, Reaps. Just try to collab with Ice when you can, so the fight scene can be uber good. :P

And I don't think the pad's been given up on, people just weren't on it. It wasn't working right on my end, but seems to be up now, dunno if anyone else had problems with it. :/
Guh, maybe someone should check on Kray and Kait, see if they're still alive (I know Asurarusa said that Kait's been on Skype, but they need to post on here too. XP). And PD's back up for the Sayuri/Reya/Grizel/Morella thingie. :P And He-who-must-not-be-named-Asurassssssssss should post sum Lyn too, Lupus can post some KK after they land. But the thread has been kinda dead, guess that answered Smith's question on the target of the killing word... (:O
I can't, *gasp* ...your name is a killing word...
Hey, Kray, gonna get that Alistair/Kiora post up? You should prolly send 'em up with Rygar, in the top right part of the map. Rygar's there at the mo', but he might have other things to deal with in a bit, so the Ants will be kinda lonely. XP

Also, Asuras, do you mind, I dunno, getting Lyn down with the Beowolves? Crashing a Nevermore on the edge of the forest shouldn't be too difficult, and Pascale needs sum healin'.
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