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Current Ok, so sorta back. Net still sketchy, but I can't resist roleplaying after being gone so long. XD
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6 yrs ago
In case anyone is wondering I am not officially back yet My internet situation is sketchy at the moment and I don't want to make promises of being back when I might vanish again due to circumstances.


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welcome to the party. ^.^
Any chance we could know more about the game's mechanics and lore to help with planning out our characters? Also, what level was the max, in what level range can we start off, do levels have a huge impact on combat effectiveness? Or is it more of a guideline with some minor perks unlocked that give an edge over lower levels, but ultimately player skill decides the outcome? This kind of stuff.

Starting from the top:
Game mechanics, I will not be working on heavily, for the obvious reason of they won't matter much once our characters are actually in the game, as everything will be different than it was in the actual game. As for lore, I like to leave that up to players, while yes I make my own, but it's limiting to players if the GM dictates all the lore. So, if there's anything more specific lore wise you'd like to know, feel free to ask.
One thing I can tell you about the game, is that alongside the in game events they have occasionally, the developers also host worldwide irl events, that can range from cosplay, art contests, to even random stuff like races in preset locations. The winners of these irl events get unique items, skills, or rarely races, that no other player can get. There's only four of these races, but essentially it's something I have in place in case someone wants a race other than those I have given.

Levels, do not exist. Otherwise I would have had it in the character sheet. Skills are obtained by going to a class trainer, or a skill trainer(they give skills unrelated to classes, like lock-picking and cooking), and each skill costs a certain amount of currency. There's over a hundred skills for each class, and as with the lore, I'm leaving this up to you guys, so long as you stick to what I have said in the class post. A barbarian won't be casting magic, a witch isn't going to be buffing defense, etc. As long as you obey the class presets, the limit is your imagination. The skill system, paying for skills with currency, was implemented as a risk-reward feature, you could just slowly save up working at a job, or farming minor creatures, but if you tackled bosses and such, you get a larger reward, and will have more skills as a result. But, you also have to balance buying skills with buying items such as health potions/food items(because hunger is a thing in the game).

So, with that, levels will not effect combat in the slightest, as they don't exist. Skills however, will. Of course, you could get away with having just the most basic skill for your weapon of choice, but then you won't be tackling bosses. So, it's always a good idea to have a good variety of skills.

@Genbor I am not a GM , but I am pretty sure levels wont matter very much .Its based on Log Horizon , most of its characters were max level ,so it probably would be the same here .Maybe if you want a low level character...
P.S And yes it would be nice to know about skills

It's not based on Log Horizon, it's inspired by it. ^.^

I am contemplating on having a character who has not reached max yet, somewhat higher than the mid tier, but if he'd be incredibly disadvantaged by it to the point that he'd be cut off from the "main party" activities -- if indeed there is such a thing -- due to his lower level then I might reconsider.

Well, there isn't really a 'max', but there are advanced players who have mastered a lot of their skills, and if it wasn't obvious in the first post, this will be focusing on advanced players, so I prefer we not have anyone less. Now, this isn't saying you can't, just that I prefer you don't.

I like the third option ,it would be fun to play a DnD campaign with an achievement based progression )

I have a suspicion that our game will be more about plot and RP than grinding for levels.

Our class will probably determine our characters' abilities ( who can sneak, cast magic , shoot etc)

But again I am not a GM ;)

For all we know our campaign might be an endless dungeon crawl XD

From the top:
-That would be a pain in the ass for me, because I would have to actually think of achievements and whatnot, or our characters would not be able to grow throughout the roleplay. Though, I'm sure it would be interesting, we're gonna stick to what I've said.
-Our rp will indeed be more about the plot than grinding for levels, as that's no fun, I've seen plenty of SAO roleplays, that died off simply because the GM had everyone start low level and have to actually level.
-Probably? That's pretty much a given, otherwise Classes wouldn't be a thing in the first place.
-This will in fact, not be an endless dungeon crawl...as entertaining as that would be. XD
Would it be possible for a character to stick to the initial class of choice instead of going into sub-classes? I'd be interested in playing a full Barbarian.

First, welcome! Glad ta have you aboard. :D

Second: Of course that's possible, in fact many players don't go into the sub-classes.

interested! I love log horizon so much better than SAO in my opinion!

Glad to have you! Log Horizon will always outshine SAO in every way! :D

This looks pretty cool. Count me interested

Yay. Welcome. :3

Informational Announcement

I forgot to address how equipment works, so I should probably do that. XD
So, first off, there's not really damage numbers. Weapons don't do 200% damage, or 550dps. They just do damage. If you have a skill that does 50dps, and you have an amazing sword, it's still gonna do 50dps. So what's the point of gear? Well, they can have enchantments, and while it is possible for there to be a damage boost, it's minuscule and rng, so most players find it a waste, going more for things like an enchantment of fire, which adds a small amount of guaranteed fire damage to every skill, or class specific enchantments such as one for a bow that would split arrows into multiple. Armor functions much the same, they don't have defense numbers, but will have either physical or magical resistance, that will lower damage by a small amount, but again most players don't bother looking at that, instead going for things that might increase their stealth/speed/etc. ^.^
Yay! Glad ta have you. ^.^
First off, let me say I know some of you might see this, and think it won't go anywhere because I'm an awful GM and both my other roleplays I tried to start up failed. But, this isn't like those times, I promise, I will be a good GM...or at least try to be! ^.^

Okay, so next off, this is heavily inspired by Log Horizon. It was one of my top favorite animes, and it touched on an interesting concept. So, I've been wanting to do something similar for a long time, and I know most people are more fans of the SAO side of this genre, but bare with me here, I promise you this will be greater than SAO!

The Plot:
The MMORPG Estaria was widely received as a huge hit. It wasn’t anything overly special, it wasn’t VR or anything like that. But it gave players a feeling of immersion. They felt connected to the game. For the longest time, players did their best, some participated in large scale PVP events, others in raid dungeons with their guilds. Of course, with such a popular game it required expansions. Having two previous very successful ones. But, now a much more anticipated one was teased. Some of the players having worked side-by-side with the developers to make a lot of the content. However, on the day of the release, things went terribly wrong. Everyone who logged onto the game with the new expansion experienced a flash of light. Waking up later inside the game world. How they got there was a mystery, but it was the reality. The top guilds got together and devised rules. The first being that everyone who wished to go out of the cities must first make sure they actually know *how* to fight, the second being that any newbies who wished to tackle the first boss must take at the very least a single advanced player with them, incase anything goes wrong.
A week into the event, and everyone seemed to be doing well. People were still adjusting, learning to live beside the npcs(who were actually very offended at being called such), and learning to survive in this new world. Sure plenty wished they could find a way back, but learning to survive was more important. But things would not continue to go so well, as a group that had left for the beginner dungeon had returned beat and bruised, without the three advanced players that had left with them. The details are unknown, the beginners too shocked to share. So a bounty went up, posted by the Stellar Knights, as it was their members who went missing, to scout the area and if possible rescue their members.

So, there are multiple types of classes.
You have your base class, then you can change to a subclass. Then there are 'legendary' subclasses, and essentially they're just more badass versions. I'll be limiting these. Mythical Subclass is GM npc's for plot purposes only.

Now we get to go into races, and they actually impact how you're seen in the game, both by npcs and fellow players, though fellow players might be less biased than npcs.

This game has special jobs, where your character can earn currency in ways other than slaughtering poor defenseless creatures, should they be pansies and find it too cruel, or simply need some extra cash for that shiny new sword to slaughter innocent creatures with. :D

Now, if you're interested, you can start a character as soon as you'd like, as I have a skeleton sheet ready for you! See, I told you I'd be a better GM! I'm more prepared than I ever am at this stage! You're free to edit however you like, so long as you include everything I ask for. :D

And with all that out of the way: If you're interested, but not really sure about anything, feel free to ask questions. I don't bite...usually. :D

Even with her Bisharp pointing out her unnecessary panic, Pastel still hadn't completely calmed, partially because she was embarrassed of her reaction. Though, one of the others in the room had tried to help comfort her, by placing a hand on her shoulder which made her jump. Though the voice that followed was familiar, belonging to Sinnis. They came from the same region, and both had high standings, so they had met each other on multiple occasions. He specifically mentioned a commercial they did together, which in all honesty Pastel couldn't remember, having done so many commercials. Still, it was helpful to know someone amongst the strangers. "Oh...well, I'll do my best to be of as much help as I can!"
Being tasked with saving the world was a bit much, but really how much harder could it be than performing on a stage in front of so many people? She wanted to ask how they were supposed to go about the task, after all you can't have a good performance without a plan, but before she could do so, the room seemed to shatter. It didn't take but a second for panic to return to her face, as she returned Sylla and sharps to their pokeballs, before clinging to Riley. Having a psychic pokemon sure was useful in situations like this, though she probably looked rather stupid clinging to the raichu for dear life once they had returned to the ground. To be honest, she didn't fully trust that they were actually on the ground this time, considering the last one shattered and this one too looked unfamiliar to her.


Well, this certainly sounded entertaining. A group of strangers traveling together to save the world, sounded so much like a fairy tail. One that she had no interest in, well until one of the others brought up a good point: If the world were to perish, she wouldn't be able to have any fun, and she certainly couldn't trust these people to the task. Well, that was that then. "Well, I suppose since you were nice enough to help me out of a precarious situation, it's only fair I return the favor."
When the room broke away, her expression was one of enjoyment. The man had asked them to save the world, and then seemed like he was going to drop them? Clearly this mysterious fellow was more appealing than she had first thought. The looks on the others, especially the pink haired girl who desperately clung to her raichu were precious. Moments later, safely teleported to a field. Of course, it was to be expected, they wouldn't be expected to survive a free fall when they were supposedly the last hope of the world.
"Well, this is certainly a beautiful view, but what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" It would have been helpful if they had been giving some form of direction, and she would have to make a mental note to return the thoughtfulness to their mysterious benefactor when next they met.

nice. I have no further questions...for now. :3

Can he only heal limbs? You referred to him as a healer of sorts, but it seems more like he's a last resort type of deal, if he can only replace limbs.

For example, take this scenario:

*in the midst of combat, one of the heroes takes a bullet to the arm*
Can he heal that wound, or is he gonna offer to chop off the entire arm and give them his? XD

That sounds....Creepy....and awesome... But, does the leg(for examples sake) 'shift' to fit whoever's it's attached to? Or if your character's legs are four inches taller, is the other person suddenly gonna be off balanced? Which, honestly, would be hilarious XD
Whoops, accidentally pressed 'hide' on the zero post. Haha! I forgot I was a Co-GM at this.

I was like, 'Ooh button' *click* 'Ohhhh, whoops'

speaking of that fancy title.

Makes her cutest puppy-dog eyes at @AngelofOctober
when do I get reinstated? :p
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