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    1. Nighthawk3291 9 yrs ago


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Streak darted through the city streets weaving between the stand still traffic that flooded the roads. The sounds of beeping horns became distant just as soon as they were heard. Within seconds he was at the Park gates. He entered. Central Park looked different since the last time he was here. It used to be one of the darkest places in the whole of Veridian. With drug addiction and anti social crimes being a central hotspot in the park. This time it was different. No homeless people swigging from brown paper bags pushing shopping trolleys, no gangs of teenagers littering the pavements. No rapists prowling in the bushes. Instead the park looked pretty well kept. Pleasant flowers and bushes filled the areas within the high fences. Nature was showing at its best. "Kadabra would of loved it here" Streak thought as he now came to a halt at the meeting point.

Maybe nobody would turn up. But yet again, maybe people would. He hoped so. This was going to be a tough task if he was having to do it alone. If only the parks pleasantness could spill out on to the streets. From what he had seen so far, the park was the nicest place in the city. Whoever was responsible for making the park a beautiful place definitely had the right idea of the goodness the city needed.

The huge red flower he could see was by far the biggest flower he had seen. It's colour was so bright. It's huge leaves embedded into the ground. The petals were a perfect shape. He moved around to see it from all angles. It was then that he seen her.

A young girl sat in the centre of the flower. He skin a pale green colour. Her hair a beautiful blonde which contrasted with the red of the flower. Yes the girl was green, but there was something about her that made Streak attracted to her for some reason. She had a rare kind of beauty. He kept that part to himself. He was doubtful that even his best chat up lines would work on this girl. She was clearly here for the same reason he was. To join forces. He approached the flower and girl.

"Hi, I'm Streak. And you are?".........
Sorry guys it hasn't died have just been mega busy at work. I have posted in the IC now
Streak continued to wave at the on looking audience as he basked in his own glory. He was back. And what an impression he has made already. He hadn't even tackled any thugs yet and already he was the city saviour once more. It felt great to be back but the hole inside of him still lingered in the back of his mind. As he stood with his ego soaking in all the euphoria of his return, he couldn't help but think about his team mates. Nighthawk was like a brother to him, even if he did have fun annoying him. He missed his mysterious nature. How he would walk off without saying a word. Nighthawk never was a man for conversation. Unlike Kadabra, oh how he missed her. Her innocent smile. Childish personality and the was she seen good in everyone and everything. Kadabra had powers he had never encountered before but those powers definitely saved his life that day.

He wondered what dimension she was in at this moment in time. He pictured her skipping along swinging her brown bag "Basket" in a candy filled land with bright flowers and rainbows. His mind suddenly switching to the chaos and destruction as the Crusaders watchtower crumbled before his eyes. That was the end of his friends. Or so he thought. He knew from that moment as the dust kicked up from the ground as the tower collapsed that The Crusaders was no more and that a definitive hole would form a void in his day to day life. He had to get away. Take a vacation and rethink things. He knew where to go. He would go to London and visit his ballerina girlfriend that he met at a film premiere 5 years ago. She always understood Matthew. Knew how to comfort him and take away his arrogance.

It was while he was away that he decided to return to Veridian and start the team again. With new people. Bringing a breathe of fresh air back to the city. Now here he was with the medias eyes on him. Now was the time.

" I am Reforming The Crusaders. We all lost some good people that day. Some who will never be replaced. However, I am calling any Meta Human out there who wants to kick the back side of evil to step forward and join me on a brand new Crusade! I will be in the centre of Veridian Central Park in....well.... 1 minute and 34 seconds flat. I will stay there until the sun goes down, or at least until I think I am wasting my time. Any person who believes they can bring back our city. Meet me there and let's get this party started!"

At this moment, Streak took off with a high velocity. Kicking up litter and dust into the air and sending the mayors tie slapping over his shoulder. The crowd cheered once more. But louder than before. People were hugging each other and crying. The belief was back. Or at least it was for now.
I will try and create a picture for you
@urukhai you characters have been accepted mate. Any pictures to accompany your CS?
Quality mate
I've been waiting for someone to do a hero with cryokinesis powers!!! Zero is accepted!! You can post in the IC straight away mate! Well done and welcome on board! Have you got a picture for the character or do you need one?
The guys who have had their characters accepted you are free to join the story whenever you wish. I won't write the next bit until you guys bring your characters in
Any news from the guys who were interested in joining originally?
@CallMeMisterSmith There is plenty of space left so don't panic. Cant wait to read your CS
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