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    1. Noctemys 1 yr ago
    2. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 7 yrs ago


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"You can embrace who you are or hang on to what you were, but you can't do both."
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Off for the night. Later.
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Has he already been to hell and back? He didn't remember. But the thought managed to send a twinge of pain through his chest. He didn't want go back if he was already top side. But smoking was his own way of dealing. Just like she had her herbs. "Can't help that, you know."

His gaze slid from her, shifting to the sight. Ample auras interspersed the air. Its fluctuation of constantly moving energy filled the entire space like a dense fog.

Di's energies flowed with her apparition, she mentioned something to Rue. But on a touchy subject with Marie, her auras sparked.

Then Di went off to the humans, unseen.

Ravus crossed his arms, Marie may have handled things well enough. Her auras told a different story. Energy pressed around the offered cup, silent tension at the sight of her disturbed garden.

The girl's own aqua-hued auras wrapped around her body, as though she were drawing inward. Her hand reached for the cup and she managed a small smile, she spoke softly but the tension had definitely transfered. Well, not like the kid knew any better.

"I-I hope you don't mind..." Freya held up the few sprigs she'd gathered, "I'm sorry. I should've asked first." The tea cup shook in her hand. She bit her lip and averted her gaze, then stepped back and quietly sampled the tea. Here she went on her first day and already she blundered it with the landlady. If she kept this up she'd get kicked out and then where'd she be? She wasn't going back home to her parents, heck no. Not happening. She lifted the sprigs and smelled them, there wasn't anything like this back home.

Then she peeked up, "Is it okay if I could help make up for this?" Gardening or even cleaning, whatever she could to compensate.

Another tenant popped a good question, one she hasn't thought of asking herself. Where exactly were they going to be staying in? Was there something about the house she hadn't been told about? Either way, this was it. No matter what came, she had to make it work.


I'm glad it made sense! For a while i felt like i was rambling.
If the object is damaged then the demon may at first feel pain due to the binding being broken however that will subside; the pull of hell will call to them which they can resist if they will if they have enough energy which they can gather via their emotion meals. This means they would be able to roam around earth unbound.
The demons gain power by devouring emotions, however to move a rank up this takes huge amounts of feeding. The easiest way of being moved up a rank is by receiving a blessing from a greater demon.

Ah, receiving a rank from a higher up might be difficult. I have just a few more Q's:

    β€’ What's a feeding like for a demon? How do they know when they've fed? Their senses aren't like people. How long is a typical feeding? (They're your demons and the lore is your in-world verse)
    β€’ Do they require direct contact or just being around the human feeling such emotion?
    β€’ Will the human know they're being used as a conduit?
    β€’ Does it make the human tire in any way?

Thank you for answering my questions and I apologize if they're too many. Since I'm portraying a demon who already would know this I'd like to be as accurate to the portrayal as possible. ^^

Di's icy glare would most likely send a demon shitting himself. But Ravus didn't give her any sign it affected him. At her leave he sighed heavily, his head tilted upward. Letting in people for the sake of keeping the place running had a shit ton of risks. The wrong idiots discovering the place's little secret just might ruin figuring out heads or tails on their situation. This curse had to be broken or changed somehow. They were here for some damn reason. Bound to this one property like ghosts. But letting a human have control was also a stupid move and maybe the house was safer. No one could control the house except the property owner. What happens when a demon is kicked out of a property they're bound to? Do they end up in hell? Or Purgatory?

Who could he ask?

At the edges of his hearing, he picked up Di's cries. She may put on a brave face, but she was just as conflicted.

He rolled his eyes at Rueni's complaints. Letting humans into a demon-haunted house was already madness on its own. The only way to really blow things up to 11 is them finding out. As long as they didn't know there wouldn't be any problems. But demons are corruptive little shits by nature something's bound to happen.

He looked up then, his vision slipping and whoa, the collection of charged energy in this room alone was enough to give him a headache. Even if the humans weren't fully aware of the demons they'd feel it inherently this place wasn't right.

Even Marie's auras tinged with sadness and he wasn't sure if it was her picking up on that fact or she was thinking about her past again.

"Ah, 'c mon is this really an issue now?" He said and exhaled smoky breath. The cigarette in question nearly done. He hissed a curse and crushed the remainder in his palm before dropping it into the ash tray. He eyed Marie giving into her stressors, tsked, "That's how you get sick."

Freya waved her hand around, but that only stirred the dust already in the air. She ended up stepping out to the garden and that's where she allowed herself a chance to catch a breath. She glanced back, "I don't like sugar in mine, I'll just be out here awhile." She took to wondering around the gardens, seeing which herbs she could name while marveling at the ones that were new to her. Despite the dust, she could see herself spending much of her time out here while working. If they had internet. Would Marie mind if she had put up her own service?

Freya picked a mint leaf, touched with rain drops and sniffed at the fresh minty scent. Then went around and plucked up a few lavender sprigs. She could put them on her pillow and some clothes, freshen things up.

I kinda went off of what she gave us, and some myhtology I knew off hand about demons from different cultures.

I doubt most demons would know, because she actually spent time looking.

OK, so if Di knows and Ravus knows, do you think they would have tried to work the ritual on each other first before deciding only humans can perform it?
Ohh, that is interesting concept and makes sense. What happens if the object they're bound to is damaged? Is the demon affected? Also, do demons feed to get more powerful/rank up? I don't know if you already answered this. But I'll go back and look.

According to the info that we have, it would have to be the demons to instruct the humans to do the ritual. So, I'd assume that most demons would know.

Ok. That just means I have to rewrite what he knows. OK. I'll go do that.
Also, also, what artifact can they essentially tether/bind to? Anything or does it have to be specific ancient thing?
And is this spell a human-ritual specific spell?only humans can cast it? Why only humans? Because if that's not the case, then can't a demon just unbind and rebind to anything and essentially free himself?
Are angels gonna pop up soon? And will there be any lore on why demons are around in this timeline?
So the demons can have their essence bound to tokens/artifacts like Rumple and the dagger??
Would all demons know this? Because Rav has no idea about this.

Really, she shooed at him like a damned house fly. He shrugged and blew a ring of smoke because no, he wasn't backing outta this one. When they see him, they'd just think he was one 'em. Another disgruntled tenant with a penchant for lounging around virtually anywhere. "A bit too late." He indicated red head, covering her nose with the sleeve of her olive jacket. Her eyes widened and her booted feet skidded the dusted floor.

"Oh, h-hi." Freya lifted her foot, tucked in the loose shoe-lace.

He looked like he'd spent the night. His work shirt was undone around the neck and he had his feet up on the table. Where people eat. Rude.

He gestured a salute but didn't bother introducing himself. Rather, kept on smoking like a chimney. She frowned at the stench and sighed in relief when Marie opened the door that lead to a lively garden. "Thanks."

When loud thumps echoed from the hall she flinched and glanced back, "You guys okay?" There seemed to be more people coming in, she just wished her eyes weren't watering so she could properly interact. Not that there was much for her to say, do, wouldn't they all just end up heading into their respective rooms once the intros were over?
I would've loved to have RP'd with your character though, but if you're going maybe next time?
I will not be able to participate in this roleplay if it's going to be at this speed.
Sorry, have fun guys!

Its not that fast. Not much is happening except for introductions with the humans. As for the demons they can pop up at any time I think.
Was that right? He'd love to see her try. Dir, Di, made little difference. And who was scaring who? "You worry too much, D," He deflected her second attempt. Saw it coming. "Hell, between you and I, you're scarier." He chuckled then and dragged on the cigarette. Tea and normal drinks and not a single bottle of scotch or even bourbon around. Marie wasn't the type to go on alcohol runs. He could get a sucker to fetch him one. Now, who will it be?

He shook his head at Di's futile attempts, sneaking around just wasn't the demon way. "Just give in already, you know you want to." It was stupid to even try. Why she bothered was beyond him.

Freya pocketed the meds, she turned to their newest arrivals and offered a small wave. "Hey." She spoke up, her voice muffled behind the sleeve. Ah, the basement... Placement, rooms, what room was she getting? Well, Marie would give out the keys soon. She still had to get back online and.... Was there any WiFi here? She glanced at Marie, maybe she shouldn't ask that yet.
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