Avatar of NoriNatsuko
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9 (0.00 / day)
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    1. NoriNatsuko 7 yrs ago


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Used to be an avid Roleplayer but got distraced with the Standard IRL things.

Back to dabble and find cool people who can spell and string together cohesive sentances and in turn make wordy paragraphs and eventually develop full potential for some good stories!

Feel free to PM me with any ideas. Typically down for 1x1's with simple concepts that we can develop as the rp progresses. Extensive gaming knowledge so I'm not opposed to throw in a little fallout or Dead Space themed concepts :D

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Elises stern composure crumpled as the man before her seemed to become lost in his own internal panic. It took her a moment to determine the cause for this concern, that was when she saw the thin fracture lines begin to spiderweb out on the glass door. Lowering her weapon she watched him pace for a moment before he wedged open a door and awkwardly kicked a flailing corpse in her direction. He clearly had no interest in her opinion on the matter and she had contemplated giving him grief but instead bit back the comment and shifted the revolver into her left hand, stepping down a heavily clad steel toe boot on the corpses shoulder. It writhed beneath her, dark clotted blood and intestines seeping out of the missing portion of it's side. She shivered and reached down, slipping the dagger out from her boot, arching it above her head and slamming it down into the creatures forehead. It's movements ceased and she wiggled the dagger back and forth to release it from the bone as more congealed blood began to ooze from the gash she had created in its pallid face.

Before straightening up she wiped each side of the blade on the zombies dirty guards uniform, ridding it of most of the grime. She kept the blade in her right hand but holstered the gun she'd still had held in her left hand. As she rose she caught a glimpse of a bloodstained face smearing itself against the inside glass window and her heart skipped a beat out of panic, but seconds later the shutters dropped down heavily and the lobby became encased in darkness, the ebb of the moonlight now blockaded from their view. Only the dim emergency lights flickered further back towards the hallways.

His voice startled her, as she had almost already forgotten his presence, and even more so the sound of an actual human being. Blinking a few times before her eyes became further accustomed to the darkness she looked towards him after he had finished perusing the security office and stepped back into the lobby. "Drake?" She seemed to contemplate for a moment and then actually laughed, a small smile edging on her lips. "Well Drake, it sounds like you don't play well with others." This statement was said both with teased sarcasm and actual depth. It was a concern she had most certainly, but it would take time to actually determine that. Without allowing much time in between she carried on "My name is Elise. I was searching for my sister, she lived here. She's not here though, there was a note she left. I guess I should be grateful." Her voice kept a rather stern, yet apathetic tone.

"Well Drake, it doesn't look like anyone will be using that exit anymore, come on, follow me." Without hesitation she started back off towards the service stairwell, having faith that he would follow her she didn't slow her pace until they were four flights up and back at the condo she had came from. She pushed open the door, and stepped inside, leaving it open for him to follow her. The kitchen was to the immediate left as soon as you entered, Elise had stacked some supplies there, food and bottled water she had casually lifted from some of the rooms. There was a living room in the main area as well. It was small, a bookshelf, a non-functioning tv, a worn out leather couch. At the back of the room, the balcony door was cast open as she had forgotten to close it in her haste. The drones of the dead still collecting at the front of the condominium doors below them echoing into the room. A cool breeze also seeping through the open door.

"Welcome to my temporary home number I don't even know." She grinned, her sarcasm thick this time. Even though there hadn't been much conversing she was disturbed by how much she was already enjoying having another living being in the same vicinty as herself. She stepped over to the couch and dropped down against it with a sigh. Casting her arm out in front of her she pointed to two closed doors. The first "Bathroom - Non functioning ; running water isn't working how you would want it to". Scrolling her pointed finger to the left, the second of the two doors "Bedroom. If you're tired...Be my guest."

Her thoughts had drifted away from her, recalling before the infection. Flashes of her fathers grizzly beard as they stomped through the foliage on one of their routine hunting trips. The memory brought a gentle smile to her lips, recalling the crisp autumn air, the sound of..


Her eyes bolted open at full alert. The sound was too real to have been reminisced. It took a moment for her to register what the sound truly was, that was when she heard a scream and the wails of the dead. Her stomach knotted as she dashed to the concrete slab at the edge of the balcony and peered below just in time to set her sights on the scene below. A hoard was clustered around a squirming dark mass on the ground. She instinctively turned to look away as the sounds of the screams turned into gargled moans. It was terrifying just how quickly the dead could appear en-mass. As her sights shifted away from the violent affair she saw a second figure, tall and shrouded in darkness. She squinted to try and make out what was unfolding. It was then that she saw the glint of a blade reflecting the moonlight, could it be? Someone was alive? The figure side stepped and disappeared under the archway below her.The hoard had given up on their fallen victim and started lumbering towards the buildings entrance; their snarls echoing across the dark void below.

Panicked and exhilarated she stood frozen, listening to the slam of angry bloodied fists against glass. Her body was tense, yet shaking all over. She ran back inside and to the apartment door. She slowly reached out for the knob and hesitated. She knew it was best to not get involved. She had seen this happen before, but always at a distance. Her throat was dry, her body numb. She flicked the lock and swung open the door, being careful to cautiously and quietly close it behind her. She hadn’t checked out every room on this floor. She had been too tired and lucked out finding one without inhabitants, living or dead. She made her way to the end of the hall, the way she had originally come up, through the service stairwell. As she creaked open the door and edged her way in, the dim emergency lights flickering overhead cast eerie shadows throughout the stairwell.

She made her way down and once on the ground level could already hear the angry pounding and shrieks coming from the lobby. She braced her hands against the stairwell door and swallowed heavily, moistening her lips with her tongue. ‘You can do this…’ she hissed under her breath, as she reached and unclasped the revolver from her holster. She slowly pushed aside the door and slid out into the main level. The lobby was around the corner. The aggressive banging and wailing came into full effect now and her entire body shuddered. As she slowly edged her way out towards the lobby she stole a glance around the corner. Indeed, there was a man, beating on the inner glass doors. It was difficult to make out any features and again she hesitated. Was he infected? Was he violent?

She stepped out into the darkness of the lobby, now standing in the center, staring at the figure between the doors who now had his back to her. Unsure of how to approach the situation, she took a few paces forward as her thoughts raced and the endless warning from what seemed like ages ago played on repeat drumming in her mind. Slowly, softly, in the moonlit lobby she called out to the figure “H-hello?” As the figure spun back to look at her, she could see him frantically calling out but was unable to discern what he was saying. Shook from her fears she bolted to the door and released the latch and the doors flew inward as did the man tumbling to the floor. She was so shaken she simply stood there for a moment before the wails of the dead outside spooked her enough to thrust the doors back closed and re-engage the latch. Turning back to look towards him she took several steps away from his figure and held up her gun, leveled appropriately with his head, a stern expression set across her features.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?"
Thanks!! Sorry for the delay :) I also updated something in the characters section to set the background a bit and put up the bio's even though I see you already listed yours.

Thanks again.
Brief scenic overlay: It is a cool late summer evening, a set of moderately tall condominiums stand out against the local suburban looking area. The town isn't over sized or heavily populated, but large enough that it had all your modern day ammenities and conveniences. Grocery stores, a school, a church, a mall, the local walmart. Of course in times like these, being somewhere with an average hustle and bustle of normal city life wasn't exactly ideal. A series of subway systems also ran through below the town, once filled with agitated commuters, now no one dare venture into it's dark depths.

Frederick (Drake) Rezin

Elise (Ellie) Kain

Elise stood on the balcony of the condominium. The cool breeze tousled her long blonde hair as cerulean eyes scanned the complex below. It was dark and quiet. Moonlight ebbing from the sky above softly illuminating the courtyard. She was rather tall and slender, her frame thin and wiry. The fact that she had sparsely eaten anything in some time may have attributed to that. She wore loose fitted black sweat pants and thick black steel toed combat boots that concealed a well used dagger. A thin sullied white tank top hung off her left shoulder, the lower portion rippling in the wind. She took a final long haul off the crumpled cigarette dangling between her lips before pinching the filter between her fingers and glancing around. It was times like these that reminded her of the simpler days, she pitched it off the balcony and sighed.

The sound of shoes scraping on cement drew her attention to a man - well not quite a man anymore; shambling below. The irony of his hand clutching a leash, the bottom of the lead bloodied and dragging across the ground as he shuffled along. Her fingers idly grazed against the pistol at her side, absentmindedly, as she watched in silence. A questionable smile played at the corner of her lips, even though the deepening sense of fear and constant tensing pressure of her situation played endlessly on her mind. ‘Where was there even left to go?’ The smile faded and she pushed herself back from the balcony. Reaching into her pocket she felt for the small cardboard box. Tugging it out she sighed exasperatedly as she shook it and realized it was empty. No cigarettes, barely any ammo, no place to go. She slumped back against the cement wall and stared out into an abysmal sea of stars.
Brief scenic overlay: It is a cool late summer evening, a set of moderately tall condominiums stand out against the local suburban looking area. The town isn't over sized or heavily populated, but large enough that it had all your modern day ammenities and conveniences. Grocery stores, a school, a church, a mall, the local walmart. Of course in times like these, being somewhere with an average hustle and bustle of normal city life wasn't exactly ideal. A series of subway systems also ran through below the town, once filled with agitated commuters, now no one dare venture into it's dark depths.

Frederick (Drake) Rezin

Elise (Ellie) Kain

Brief scenic overlay: It is a cool late summer evening, a set of moderately tall condominiums stand out against the local suburban looking area. The town isn't over sized or heavily populated, but large enough that it had all your modern day ammenities and conveniences. Grocery stores, a school, a church, a mall, the local walmart. Of course in times like these, being somewhere with an average hustle and bustle of normal city life wasn't exactly ideal. A series of subway systems also ran through below the town, once filled with agitated commuters, now no one dare venture into it's dark depths.

Frederick (Drake) Rezin

Elise (Ellie) Kain

Ohi there. This is a semi repost as I feel my original thread wasn't in the right section so apologies if you're reading this for a second time. I'm looking preferably for a male to start up some general rps with. I'm not opposed to having more than one rp going on at a time, so feel free to PM me and we can flesh out the details.

My general idea would revolve around either post apocalyptic style zombie theme - Suriving in the ruins of a city, having the characters meet up and take it from there.

Alternate idea is a crime story, something along the lines of a detective trying to track down a serial killer but falling for a key witness in the process - I feel like I would want this one to involve some form of paranormal background as well. But again, open to suggestions and in this scenario willing to play either the cop or the alternate character.

In either story I'd prefer to dabble in mature and romantic themes when they become relevant to the plot. Anyway! If this isn't too ridiculous or vauge, please feel free to PM me if interested, more than willing to toy with either concept so we can come up with something fun.

When working on characters - I like to have their summary first, age, appearance, personality, weaponry, ect. In regards to my RP style, I can type a lot (with maxiumum detail) or a little, but prefer to be somewhere inbetween. Anyway! Yeah PM me xP

ps. No god-modes, no infinate ammo or invulnerability. Cuz that's just lame :D
Also open to other concepts more revolving around a game but with OCs. I'm thinking along the lines of dead space, fallout, fear, res evil, ect.

Tend to prefer playing female role but not opposed to switching it up depending on the storyline.

I haven't been on here in ages, but I've started writing again and figured why not come back here and help get my creativity flowing again with some other smart and wordy individuals. I'm looking for either a guy for a 1v1 or a small group of whoever. I'm not opposed to having more than one rp going on at a time, so feel free to PM me and we can flesh out the details.

My general idea would revolve around either post apocalyptic style zombie theme - Suriving in the ruins of a city, having the characters meet up and take it from there.

Alternate idea is a crime story, something along the lines of a detective trying to track down a serial killer but falling for a key witness in the process - I feel like I would want this one to involve some form of paranormal background as well. But again, open to suggestions and in this scenario willing to play either the cop or the alternate character.

In either story I'd prefer to dabble in mature and romantic themes when they become relevant to the plot. Anyway! If this isn't too ridiculous or vauge, please feel free to PM me if interested, more than willing to toy with either concept so we can come up with something fun.

When working on characters - I like to have their summary first, age, appearance, personality, weaponry, ect. In regards to my RP style, I can type a lot (with maxiumum detail) or a little, but prefer to be somewhere inbetween. Anyway! Yeah PM me xP

ps. No god-modes, no infinate ammo or invulnerability. Cuz that's just lame :D

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