Avatar of Nyrheals
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    1. Nyrheals 8 yrs ago


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Hello! My name is Nyr, and I'm just kind of a small-town roleplayer. I use roleplay as a way to get away from the cramped life of being a full time student and I find it rather enjoyable since I'm a part time author. There's not a lot that I won't rp, but most of the times you'll catch me floating around the fantasy threads and what not. Y'all can pm me for my skype info, other than that just shoot me an email at roleplaymessage@gmail.com !

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The brine of the sea felt like a blessing to Jane. She hung half-way over the deck, letting the wind rip her hair loose from it's braid and, if anyone looked close enough, they'd be able to see the barest hints of a smile turning the corners of her ruby lips up. However, that joy quickly turned to frustration as the fog started rolling in. She pushed herself away from the rotting wood of the deck and turned on her heel, storming up towards the bow of the ship. She planted her hand on her hip as she glared at the person controlling her ship.

"Mind explaining why we are headed directly into the center of this wretched fog? I told you to steer clear of anything that might harm the ship!" She snapped, slapping her crewman upside the head none to gently. He started stammering, wringing his hands a bit before gesturing.

"The fog is all around us, m'lady. There was no going around it or avoiding it!" The nervous gentleman squeaked out an answer and Jane sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. This day couldn't get any worse...could it? She could feel a migraine coming on, so she rubbed her temples and shook her head.

"Very well. If anything happens to my ship, I will have your hide for it." She warned before heading to her quarters, plopping down in her well-worn chair with a sigh. It was supposed to be a simple Journey from Ireland to the Americas, but no. They had been going in circles for days, it seemed. She rested her forehead on her arms, sighing a bit. Maybe she just needed a nap. Without a second thought, the captain slipped into an uneasy slumber, rocked to peace by the gentle swaying of the ship.


"Captain! Miss! We gotta go now! There's land up ahead and the sea is none to happy behind us!" Jane woke with a start as her helmsman burst into her quarters. She was about to protest when the ship suddenly jerked, throwing her over her desk and onto her back with a thud. She groaned, jumping to her feet and holding herself steady for a moment before grabbed her rucksack, throwing things in it that she might need before strapping her gun and her sword to her belt.

"You're bloody incompetent. Let's go, than, and we'll wait out this storm." She shoved passed the baffled helmsman and made her way to the row boat. Sure enough, there was land ahead and a storm behind. She clambered into the row boat, along with her crewman, and they were lowered into the ocean. Once the row boat was one the beach, she got out and looked around.

"Very well. You! Helmsman! Gather a party and send them out to see if there's any immediate threats." She pinched the bridge of her nose again, sighing. This is going to be a long storm. While the party was gathered and set off, she started gathering materials for a make shift shelter. It was weird. Despite there being a raging storm out on the ocean, the air above the island seemed calm. She shook it off, chalking it up to weird ocean patterns before constructing her little run-down lean-to.

"I'm going to lay down, and anyone who wakes me is going to be sorry." She warned before crawling into the shelter, throwing her bag under her and using it like a pillow. She barely remembered to unstrap her sword and gun before passing out, drifting off once more into a restless sleep. Without the ocean to rock her, she felt unstable on the land.
Character Application and Example:





Main form of defense:

Other (anything I might need to know, etc.)

Name: Janine "Jane" Aussenberg

Age: 35

Appearance: 5'3", long auburn hair usually pulled into a loose braid, green eyes that usually seem distant, loose-fitting white tshirt accompanied by a pair of black pants.

Personality: Hardened by her past and the sea, Jane does not let people get close to her easily. Those who do, might notice that she is not as cold as she seems. She loves the sea above all else, and has spent most of her life on the decks of her ship. She stole her first ship off of the British Navy, and for that she earned a great respect among her peers.

Main form of defense: Supposedly her gun and her sword, but in reality she is a magic user and only uses it in times of dire need since magic has been outlawed.

Other (anything I might need to know, etc.): N/A
Come one, come all! Come see the eighth wonder of the world- Bal'gruun Isle! What goes in, doesn't come out. What comes out isn't as it seems. Who lives in the castle at the peak of the only mountain on this mist-shrouded island? What sort of whimsical, enchanting beings inhabit the shores and the jungles that litter the isle's planes? Only one way to find out, so come join me! Bal'gruun Isle is a place where anything goes, so anyone is allowed to join. There are a few rules just to keep this place in ship shape, but I wouldn't worry to much about the rules. Just kick back, relax, and try not to let the shadows get ya!

I will start us off with the first post, but here is a little bit of information regarding the RP:

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