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You know, I was just thinking of giving you a status. me and Luna have been working on it. Dont really know how soon it will be up. However, I do intend to perhaps write my time skip post tomorrow hopefully.

Glad you still home. Take care. Me and wolfi girl just gonna be punching each other lol


Time: Early Evening

Location: Caesonia Ball Room

Interaction: The Court

Mentions: Kadir Family.

The sea crossing was treacherous. But that was to be expected. The sea was a mercurial creature. A ship could have 100 uneventful crossings and then suddenly sink will all hands on board. Sacrifices had gone up to prevent such an outcome. The blood of goats and bulls had paid for the safety of the Kadir family. Despite rough waters, the gods must have accepted the gifts as not one life was lost. Being cooped up in ship with his siblings had taxed Amir. There were only so many spaces one could seek solace. Especially as laden as the ships had been. Not only with gifts but also with necessary provisions the royals would need during their stay at court. Everything from clothing to cooking ingredients to books and even pet food.

When they had finally moored, the first sight of the port city had been a mixture of awe and confusion. This Northerner city was much different than Genasea. Definitely not to Amir’s liking. Closer to the piers, the houses were little more than shanties. Not surprising, the poor were as present as the wind or the sun. The richer part of the city however were lavish. The houses sporting gates to keep the rabble out and fancy trimmings. Some even had guards at their gates.

The Sultan’ second child assumed that the castle would be just as lavish. He was no disappointed. The Northern powers had invited them to court. Why this was, he could only guess. Perhaps it was because they wanted to begin a sort of relationship with Alidasht. Usually, these sort of relations was not out of the solidarity. No doubt there was a hidden meaning. For now, Amir would play the part of guest. Step through the double doors and the game would begin. The doors opened.

The Alidasht contingent's entrance was lavish. Each phase of the entrance planned out and with a purpose. The dancing ladies with the petals were a symbol of peace. Laying down petals allowed the Sultan's feet to touch purified soil and visual representation that where the Sultan went so did his land. As intimidating as the armed guards that followed might be, it was actually a sign of respect towards the hosts. This meant that the Alidashti considered them strong and worthy of being considered a threat. It would have been quite disrespectful, at least to a native of Alidasht, if a noble arrived unarmed and unguarded. It meant that the host was considered weak and thus posed no danger. The number of guards was also symbolic. The more of them there were the greater the respect but it also was to be a hint as to the power that was being commanded. Two score armed warriors, hooded turbans with silvery chain mail, and scimitars on their hips, red tipped spears and golden shields strapped to their backs with silken pants the same color as the turbans lined either side of the dancing floor making a safe corridor for the Kadir family to enter.

What an entrance it was. The planaquin of the Sultan was the tip of the arrow like formation. His brother the Vizer followed a step behind on Raif Kadir’s right with the Lady Mayat and Young Munir on his own right. Layla was on the Sultan’s left, a place of honor reserved for the eldest child. Amir himself was left of her and finally Nahir completed the procession. At its tail came servants with lavish gifts to be presented to the hosts as was the custom in Alishdat. Furs, oils, perfume, spices, and more ported in great cedar boxes awaited the Sultan’s pleasure.

In comparison to the bright colors of dancers, soldiers, and some of his siblings, Amir sported a black thick woolen bisht embroidered with gold. Beneath that he sported an ebony high colared Dashiki with golden accents and same colored linen pants. His riding boots, with pointed silver spurs which jingled as he walked, completed his outfit. For accessories he had his two Kopesh and daggers which peeked every now and then from his Bisht with every step like shy, deadly children. His hair was pulled back into a half pony tail that fell to past his shoulders. His raven black hair shiny and well conditioned. A few golden hair clasps would adorn his head to keep any stray hair from falling into his face.

In comparison to his siblings, Mayat for once who was drawing attentions and gasps from men and women alike thanks to her revealing garb, Amir’s own was subdued. Despite his younger sisters jape that she was going to take the burden of being the center of attention, it was actually because of his simplistic garb that he perhaps stood out more. A dark shadow amidst the sea of color and exotic airs given out by the whole procession. Only a fool or blind person would not find Mayat and the others alluring. Especially with some of them sporting their “pets”.

Amir's steps were measured, firm and sure. He moved effortlessly, each step propelling him along. Impassive, inevitable as certain as death that comes to all mortals. His back was straight, long hours in the saddle making him retain his riding posture even when not astride a horse. With each step, his raven ringlet locks bounced ever so slightly. The golden accents on it catching the lighting the hall and reflecting it with a glint. This same glint was seen in his honey colored eyes speckled with gold. These same eyes scanned the room without turning his head. There was no animosity in the stare but it was not an amicable one either. It was merely taking in information of his surroundings. It was as if he was scanning the terrain while riding, how he had looked out on the waves on the voyage north, or looking at goats grazing.

The second son's face was neutral, reveling nothing of this inner thoughts as he surveyed all before him. To any onlooker, it seemed like his face was carved out of the sandstone of Alidasht. Stones have no enmity towards people. They can be the strong walls that protect castles and homes. They could also be huge siege stones that fall from the sky to crush these same walls or people within them whiter they be man woman or child. His cinnamon skin pleasant to look at and looked warm even if his eyes were as devoid of warm as the Northern winters. His eyes fell momentarily on the faces of those gathered, committing the features to memory.

Amongst those gathered, he took note of lords and ladies. It was easy to see those who practiced the art of war, the bodies of the men well muscled. The ladies were a literal representation of the damsels written of in romance stories Kahrem had read and relayed to the family. The Royals of either country were evident to spot. Not only because of their place of honor but there was something in their eyes that echoed the same look his father and the Vizier had.

The second son's face was neutral, reveling nothing of this inner thoughts as he surveyed all before him. to any onlooker, it seemed like his face was carved out of the sandstone of Alidasht. Stones have no enmity towards people. They can be the strong walls that protect castles and homes. They could also be huge siege stones that fall from the sky to crush these same walls or people within them whether they be man woman or child. His cinnamon skin pleasant to look at and looked warm even if his eyes were as devoid of warm as the Northern winters. HIs eyes fell momentarily on the faces of those gathered, committing the features to memory.

He would dance the political dance if he must. Those gathered here could become allies. A smile could be as effective as a dagger to the throat. The old Amir would flash his smile openly and wide. Though just as a man with a brandished dagger, such actions cause mistrust. There was also a saying in Alidasht, “Never draw a dagger unless you mean to draw blood”.

As the Kadir family neared the throne, they palanquin stopped a reasonable distance for the other royals. That reasonable distance being a few steps to put them within weapon’s length. The second son rolled his eyes as Mayet had her tiger roar. Quite unnecessary in his eyes but he would not reprimand his younger sister as of yet. After all, keeping these Northerners guessing and awed by their mystery was necessary. Even the second born wanted to get this court necessities over before his other siblings did or said something untoward.

Amir followed his father’s example and showed respect to the Kings and Queens of Caesonia and Vanir by crossing his hands in front of him at eye level with wrists on top of each other and balled fists with thumbs towards the floor. He would finish the motion by placing his own forehead to his wrists though is eyes never closed or lost sight of those before him. Munir had tried to provoke him about showing respect. The youngest Kadir had received nothing more than a cold stare, a tight jaw and a raised eyebrow. Almost as if Amir had been looking at fecal matter left by his horse. The old Amir would have slapped the boy. The new Amir often regarded his siblings with a mixture of mistrust and sadness.

His promiscuous little brother would never understand that some time a little respect was necessary. Smiles led to smiles, which led to agreements. These led to alliances led to military strength. Military strength meant power. Power was absolute. Survivors often have the last laugh.

As he finished his bow, Amir could see from his peripheral vision that his younger siblings had once again made game of the proceedings. Munir and Mayet had barely even showed any decorum. No matter, their youth and frolic would one day end. Kahrem would have been sad at his prospect. The twin had been a bit more considerate of his younger siblings. Of all his family in fact. All Amir showed as a flash of emotion in his eyes before it was swallowed up into his stony face. No doubt there would be introductions that would be needed to be made. So he stood by waiting his turn.
Me and Luna will try to do a collab for our spar. After I guess we will both post our own time skip I am sure. but dont want to speak for Luna.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10 a.m.

Location: River Port Beach-Slime Day-Bath House

Interactions: @kazemitsu Kharne,

Mentions: @potter Saoirse Rue, @Helo Bowyn, @princess AnnyaEris & Raven @Tae @FunnyGuy Kaleb

Equipment: Wooden Mallet

Amas: 899

As he stood in line, the dwarf solider replayed in his mind what he had done wrong. How had it turned out that he had so grievously alienated a new member of the company so rapidly and with such efficiency? Kaleb did not seem like a naturally aggressive person which made the sudden wall that risen between Arn and him more formidable than the Tri Murum of his own Ironhold. That was saying something as the walled fortress city was one of the wonders of Avalia.

Arn’s stocky legs moved heavily as his reddish brown haired head hung low. As a dwarf, his line of sight was already below many people. His current downcast mood made him seem even smaller. More like a shaggy stone than an actual humanoid. Kaleb’s mistrusting glare still burned into his mind. There was accusation in the elf’s eyes. A chill went down the spine of the medic. Had he been a regular dwarf, he would have cussed the elf, hefted his hammer and proceeded to exterminate more slimes as carefree as the hulking lizard man, Kharne.
As it was, the young soldier was also worried he had given the dragon born a bad impression of himself too. However it was meant, the dwarf could not help but feel that the hulking slime slayer had basically scolded both he and Kaleb like one would do quarreling children. A touch of shame could be felt on his cheeks as his turn to turn in the cores for payment came close. Kaleb had capitalized on having the last word as Arn moved away shouting after the dwarf that only a pint of drink could help forgive.

This was actually a good sign. Dwarves did not drink with other people unless they trusted them. By drink, one meant flagon upon flagon of ale or spirits until the room began to spin. If this is what the elf mean then perhaps there was a chance yet. This lifted the medic’s spirits some to the point that when it was his turn to exchange the cores, he was polite and speaking again to the pretty racoon demi human that attended the stall.

Somehow he began to drift towards Kharne, Kaleb and the demi human Ishmael. It was impossible to lose sight of the giant lizard man so it was easy to always know where the group was. The dwarf himself lagged a few steps behind. “I am the damn baggage train….” He muttered to himself. The trio in front of him were the real force where he was the almost forgotten beasts of burden that followed any army
They all made their way to one of the sponsoring places to get cleaned up. There was no doubt that the locales would offar services that would remove as much coins that had been earned as possible. Massages, hot stones, rejuvenating mud, etc. No doubt with hiked up prices. Arn was not interested in any of these added amenities. After all, a hot bath was already far and beyond what one received in the frontier.

As a matter of fact, there was a saying that the only difference between a deployed legionnaire and yak is that the yak smells better. Often times, only a freezing plunge in a glacial lake or river run off could be achieved. Remembering this, Arn felt ashamed that he could enjoy such lavish pampering while his brothers and sisters endured the cold norther climate.

The soldier heard Kaleb boast his kill count. Arn himself had only achieved 59 cores. Mainly because after his interaction with the elf, his hammer arm had felt sluggish and the fire in his heart had been no more than a kindling. Kharne did not seem to have had any problem becoming the bane of the slimes.

Any who had witnessed the slime ooze falling off him when he first made his way to the chasing tents had no doubts that he was perhaps the highest earner. The dragon born had been so avid at dispatching slimes that he basically became the un official ambassador for the Slime Day festivities. No doubt the organizers would invite him for the following year. If the war had not destroyed River Port…the dwarf thought darkly.

The solider looked around at the smiling faces of all the participants. How many of these faces would be solemn in death he wondered. His eyes then scanned that of the eclectic group that followed Princess Annya and he wondered the same. He gave a sigh. War and death were never too far apart. His cheeks reddened as he felt horrible that he had such dreary thoughts on such a lovely day. Especially as the group made their way to the lounging half of the group which had stayed on the beach.

His eyes could not help but catch just how lovely all the ladies were. He quickly averted his eyes and seemed to cross his gaze with Bowyn. The lad had mentioned wanting to fight in the war against the dark elves. Arn gave him a sad look as he wished that the white haired fairy would not be one of the ones that paid the price of peace. The soldier could not help but shift his gaze to Rue which seemed to be having fun. Her smile made his resolve to protect them all in any way he could cement.

The clang of armor as it thumped to the ground made the dwarf start, being wrenched from his dark thoughts. Kharne, the victorious smile killer, set his armor down and then made his way to the baths. Arn, the donkey’s tail, mumbled an apology and request to be excused to the lounging ladies and followed the trio.

The locales seemed to have been more than prepared to receive such a big crow, Tents had been erected that housed huge tubs that would accommodate ten or so people. In the ante room of the tents, one could remove their clothing and place it in bags for washing. Some undergarments were provided which fit the dwarf a big too tight but too long too falling past his knees.

Stocky as he was, his arms and chest were muscled. Calluses from years of wearing armor adorned his neck, shoulders, back and sternum. A nice patch of curly hair hung like a pelt from his chest. Scars crisscrossed his body. Not like tortured person but as befit a person who has seen combat for decades.

Arn settled himself into the tub opposite of Kharne holding his reddish beard with delicate hands making sure that it did not touch the water. Not that the hot water or the dissolving slime remains would truly hurt it but the dwarf could not go against millennia of pride in the facial hair.

Not knowing if the question regarding the enjoyment of the Slime Day was directed at anybody in particular and needing to give off a better impression than he obviously had, the medic volunteered an answer. “Yes, I was not aware that such an event existed. Though truth be told, my old drill sergeant would scoff at the idea that untrained people would swing mallets indiscriminately. He would probably say, ‘all your gonna do swinging your weapon around is cool off on a hot day. I prefer a cold drink me self’.” A slight smile appeared on Arn’s face as he remembered fondly the bastard of a drill sergeant. The man had survived plenty of battles and seen many of his friends die. This made him an excellent master at arms but a poor empath.

Looking around to those in his company he said, “I know we did no have much time to talk during the breakfast introductions. I am Arn Thurson. A medic in the Stone Shield legion of my Ironhold homeland. I hope I may be of service to Princess Anny and you all.” His voice was firm enough but his heart was not. He had never truly introduced himself other than when reporting in. Usually this was achieved by stating name, rank, and purpose. Though that may not be as well received outside of Legion jurisdiction.


lol I was just amassing possible spells or shields so I could have a central place to come look at them. I thank you for giving me an overview and heads up though. Some of these were going to be based on level as you mentioned. Regarding the light and dark I was thinking that IF I a ever allowed a demon shield or something similar, that decay could be one of the negative side effects. I could learn light spells from Auriel probably.

Regarding the time skip and learning. No, honestly, I feel one or two spells at the most he could learn and maybe one shield, the slime one probably as I am sure even in the sewers of the city there are plenty of slimes.

Do you need me to post prior to time skip if so, I would probably post until like sunday or something.
Some spells and shields

Air Shot: Produces a ball of magical water which flies rapidly towards the target.[13]
Tornado: Produces a tornado to blow away the targets.[21]
Anti-Tornado: Cancels out the Tornado spell.[22]
Wind: Summons a strong gust of wind.[23]
Wing Blow: Throws a fist of air at the target which can knock them off balance.[24]
Wing Cutter/Wind Cutter: Shoots a blade of wind at the target.[25]


Light: Produces a ball of bright light to illuminate surroundings.[29]

Light Shield: Produces a shield of light to defend the target.[30]

Decay: Causes the target's cells to degrade and wounds to fester.[26]

Heal: Repairs physical wounds on the target.[31]

Wind God Armor: Engulfs the caster in defensive wind magic like an armor consisting of blades of wind. Enemies who then hit the caster will be cut by these wind blades.[33]
Unnamed Flight Technique: The user can utilize wind magic to allow them to fly. However, this is incredibly difficult.[33]

Accel Boost: Gives the target a short but powerful speed boost.[34]
Anti-Bind: Removes the blind conditions from the targets.[12]
Anti-Aura: Nullifies the effects of the hero-exclusive Aura spell.[16]
Boost: Improves the speed of the target.[35]
Burst: The effects of this buff spell is unknown.[10]
Guard: Buffs the defense of the target.[36]
Magic: Improves the magical abilities of the target.[19]
Power: Improves the physical abilities of the target.[37]
Speed: Buffs the speed of the target.[38]
Speed Down: De-buffs the speed of the target.[38]

Aura: A powerful, well-rounded buff spell which affects all of the target's stats. Exclusive to the Legendary Shield.[40]

Slime Shield
Light Shield
Holy shield
@Whoami Stay safe please.
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