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    1. ParagonX 8 yrs ago


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Name: Elliot Burrows

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Religion: Atheist

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Dunkin Donuts Crew Member

-Knows alot about fiction like manga, anime, comics, and such.

-He's very good at video games.

-Tolerant: He can tolerate shitty living conditions and abusive behaviors for others for long periods of time without showing any outward reaction.


Coward: Not very brave, and has always struggled with backing down and not standing up for himself.

Alcohol Abuse: Not an alcoholic, but he enjoys drinking alot of alcohol, and sometimes binges, is a borderline alcohol and may fully become one if he keeps drinking at the same rate.

Unhealthy: He's extremely unhealthy, on top of his drinking, he smokes often, eats unhealthy, rarely exercises, and lives a very sedentary life style spending most of his time on the computer or on his xbox.

Power: Body Insertion - He has the power to manipulate his body and others. He is capable of primarily using this power to put himself in the bodies of others, swap bodies with others, or cause others to swap bodies.

Personality: Elliot is extremely depressed, and suffers from social anxiety. He struggles in social situations unless he's been drinking in which he's able to make up for that and get rid of his near crippling anxiety. He's also depressed, and hates his life he's contemplated suicide but is too scared to go through with it. He blames God and the world for his problems, and has a grudge against anyone who's happy or who's had good fortune in life. He suffers from an inferiority complex, and often thinks others are better then him, and wants nothing more then to be other people to experience the good life. He has sick and twisted mind often fantasizing about of things of a dark violent and sexual nature mostly regarding other people. He tends to keep to himself besides drinking buddies, and has very little self esteem and wishes women liked him more, and that guys would be his real friends.

History: Elliot was born into a sad lifestlyle, and a lonely single kid to his overprotective parents who always restricted him and had dreams of him growing up to be a successful doctor or lawyer. In his younger days Elliot was a regular goofy kid, and somewhat annoying so he pissed off lots of kids but did okay. As he grew up his weirdness caught up with him he shared few interest of his peers preferring to read, and play video games. He was an overachiever in school until he was bullied for years for being smart, and often told by classmates to commit suicide for being a looser and being ugly. He grew more depressed and ended up trying to keep to himself and was harassed throughout high school. After graduating he managed to go to college with decent grades but no aspirations to follow his parents dreams. He pursued art as a major and when his parents found out they stopped financially supporting him. Aroumd this time he tried marijuana and embraced the high feeling an escape from his problems. However within his first few times smoking his dealer laced him with PCP For funm, and he had a nervous break-down, and ended up getting a DUI from driving on PCP And crashing into a van injuring a mother and her daughter on their way to a football game. He did time in jail where he was beaten up and abused as his parents didn't bail him out. The Judge took pity on him and gave him probation. He decided not to do drugs, but being a colle gedrop out with a criminal record didn't help. He made it through probation, and after that got introduced to alcohol the only thing that seemed to help him. He had a menial job at Mcdonalds for two years but ended up getting fired for coming to work blackout drunk. He ended up being homeless for a while until he got a job at Dunkin Donuts, and ended up in an abusive relationship wtih one of his co-workers Carrie a fairly unattractive woman with severe issues herself who took him in. With no other choice he lived with her and tolerated her abuse steadily drinking more and more while constantly thinking about either killing himself, or Carrie and everyone else he despised in his life.
@KiddAPPROVED bad ass character!
Harry Foltross - Atlanta, Georgia - The Ruins

It had been a rather uneventful flight not that he minded, he didn't care for social hour anyway. Besides he just wanted to catch some Z's, he was sure when he touched down they'd be pretty busy. The Primary reason the Coalition sent them here was to get the files back, that was a priority. But, he was much more interested in finding out potential superhumans and keeping tabs on them, maybe even making contact with them see if they were a threat.

Harry groaned Solomon was their most valuable agent, and yet the superiors didn't fully trust him. "Look kiddo, I can't lie people in the group are scared, I mean your exactly the thing we wanted but just..so much is unknown. There's other people with powers, Atlanta is one of the three cities in the Us we've deemed have the most reported superhuman activity. I can't say I know everything about you, but your the only powered person on our side, and your MY agent regardless of what The superiors say there not the ones going on missions doing all the foot work that's us, soldiers." Harry said as they got off the plane and into the vehicle the organization had provided for them. After popping open the trunk and getting their stuff inside he slammed it shut and pulled off.

He explained the situation between their agent Zane Colch who died getting information about the alien tech, and the superhuman project away from them, and how they needed to get the information back before the CIA did.

"It's already bad enough we gave god knows how many random people powers, probably alerted the aliens that we fucked up their search team, and did untold amounts of damage, but if the CIA gets ahold of all this it's gonna be a shit storm. We're going to the house that was destroyed today, police, and bomb squad searched it up and down and found no evidence of anything...explosive..I'm guessing powers had something to do with it..Luckily it dosen't seem like anyone's dead, but then again if were dealing with powers who knows what the fuck happened." Harry was frustrated, this was insane, but he knew what he was getting into the minute they were dealing with an alien threat.

"So basically were gonna look over the explosion site we know things the cops, hell the feds dont know. But also this is between you and me, like I said there's probably some other people with powers in town. I think we ought to see if we can find any of them while were in town, see if any of them might be willing to work with us, keep some tabs on some who seem harmless or not getting into much trouble, and maybe neutralizing some who prove to be dangerous...to have powers if you catch my drift..but first we need to keep the CIA out of this." He said as they pulled into the neighorhood where the house once was and saw yellow tape everywhere. Luckily they had top notch government ID, but no cops were present on the scene.

"Alright let's see what we can find out, can you use that power of yours to find anything out" Harry inquired as he got out the car shutting the door behind him.

Jace Williams - Atlanta, Georgia - His condo to Ebony's apartment

Jace was feeling excellent, and he'd made sure to bring all his stuff up. Marijuana, weapons, and cash. He'd separated the weed into vacuum sealed bags he purchased, then sprayed some air freshener. After that was done he stashed the guns in his closet, and put the money on his own safe.

He had so much adrenaline from his heist, and turned on the news to relax, while he grabbed his lighter and his laptop. He used the lighter to spark a marijuana blunt he rolled, and relaxed as he inhaled the narcotic smoke. "Ah...now this is what I'm talking about, way better then any strong drink." He decided as he relaxed in his couch, and pulled up some research on his laptop. Phase one of his new life was semi-complete, he wasn't rich but he didn't need to be. He had enough money to enjoy himself, and pay his bills, more weed then he could smoke or afford to buy with the money he legally had obtained, and plenty of kick ass guns.

The other things he wanted weren't things he could buy with money or at least not with a-lot of money. He wanted to put his family back together, make amends with people he wronged, and seek vengeance on those who did him wrong. He had a list of people he sought to go after, and had been gathering information about them long before he had powers but now he actually had the means to do something about them without suffering any major consequences himself.

As he took another drawl of his cigar he looked over the information he gathered. MY PO yeah I'm gonna fuck her up, stupid bitch put me in prison she going get hers fo sho. Hmm..Ebony..yeah you fucked up big time snitching on my brotha..all cuz you got caught up with a zip..hope you enjoying GA state while you can. Officer Laura..Longfield...the bitch who busted Ebony and Devon X for you too. Judge Adams..tryna give my bro an extra seven years for not snitching Imma enjoy breaking your neck. Aaand..Carlos...Lamons..Carlos... His blood boiled at the name, the cartel member who'd assassinated his oldest brother over a dispute that revolved around 50 dollars. Pointless death but it was only to prove a point, and Jace had a point to prove. He was the only one whose whereabouts he wasn't sure, but with the money he had he was sure he could purchase the information one way or another.

Something on the news caught his attention, and he raised an eyebrow. The Drug House he tore apart, apparently someone had reluctantly called the police after the incident. Multiple Atlanta Police Officers were on the screen, drugs, and guns were being put in evidence, and the bodies of the various dealers he killed were being carried out of the room.

"As you guys can see, this is a gruesome horrific scene in downtown Atlanta. Apparently some gang violence on a whole other level, there's two men with human sized holes in their chest, and all fifteen of the dead men reportedly have ties with the Atlanta drug scene. Police are investigating the incident, and trying to get to the bottom of what rival faction might be responsible for this gruesome killing. Financial motivation is suspected as no amounts of money have been found, except some in the pockets of the deceased criminals, but plenty of drugs have been left behind as well as weapons,now in other news..a local mom is reporting her daughter has been missing for the past two days. Parents say the last time she was seen.."

Jace was pissed about one thing, he couldn't drive the car anymore. Luckily after he moved the stuff to his apartment he wisely moved the car, even though he definitely liked it. He didn't want to get jammed up or get heat on him from a car considering all the things he made off with.

After he finished smoking he decided to message an old friend of his who'd made lots of money producing music. He had about four or five cars, and he he'd sold a car to people who gained some money in questionable ways before. "Yeah..this is prob the best bet Imma need something good." He was reading his messages as his friend was texting him some of the cars he had but had some reluctance that Jace had enough money to afford them. Jace was about to get irritated, but he wasn't known for swimming in cash so he managed to keep calm for once. After texting back and forth they agreed to make a transaction. 20 grand for the title to his black and red mustang, although he'd have to get his own insurance. Hmm not bad not bad..I need me one of them shits..this going be the last fucking time I ever need to Uber anywhere.

Jace went to his stash of stolen money, and counted enough 100 dollar bills till he had 20,000 dollars, then stuffed it in a bag that he stuffed into his nike sweat pants. He changed into a plain white T Shirt, and made sure to pocket his mask too just in case he needed to handle anything. Once he made sure he had everything he needed, he used his app to call up and uber and left his place after locking the door.

No one from his life knew where he live, and he didn't plan on telling anyone at least for now. He didn't plan on cutting out everyone from his past, but he knew how greed worked especially when you were in need. He was feeling optimistic as he made his way down the stairs, and his phone buzzed. Taking it out assuming it was his Uber he saw it was PO and just rolled his eyes as he pressed the red button on his iPhone ignoring her again. He'd have to deal with her soon as she was getting on his nerves, but he had other plans to attend too as he saw a nissan pull up and roll the window down.

"You Jace Williams?" The Driver asked looking at the man.

"Yeah man, let's go." Jace hopped in the back-seat of the car, and relaxed. He popped some headphones into his ear, and turned on some music as a sign that he didn't want to discuss anything with his driver as of now.

It wasn't long before Jace was sitting in the front seat of his mustang grinning from ear to ear. Something he could only dream about when he was a teenager was a reality now. Still thoughts of his family were in the back of his head, Devon rotting away in jail, Tamara trying to make it as a lawyer, his auntie trying her best to house them and support them, and of course his mother who did everything to help raise the family after their "dad" abandoned them.

"Fuck him" He thought aloud as he connected his phone to the Bluetooth so he could play his own music rather then listen to the radio. He used his phone to pull up some information he e-mailed himself while he was on his laptop. "Ebony...Ebony..Ebony...I told you karma was a bitch, and you finna get slapped." He smirked as he started up his car and put her location in the GPS. "This will be fun." He muttered aloud as he revved the engine then headed towards the college apartment she currently resided at.
Ebony was just glad to be back at her place after the hellish day she had. She was so happy that Chris let her go home early, she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle work after what happened. People whipping out guns, watching a man get killed, thinking it was the dealer's accomplices whom she got put into prison a couple months ago, she'd been paranoid ever since that happened.

She was on the verge of having a panic attack at the cafe earlier but now she was calmed down and made sure her phone was charged. Fuck a party, I just need to chill I'm not trying to get into nothing. She decided to just tell her friends she wasn't feeling well, and rest in her apartment. After all the best choice after everything happened was to stay home and rest. She ended up collapsed on her bed, drinking some wine, and watching Love and Hip Hop trying to unwind and forget about the events of the day.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door, and rolled her eyes. She had downed over half her bottle of wine, so her anxiety had waned immensely. She hoped the person would go away, but the knocking continued. Damn it I told them I wasn't going out ugh! Still she got up and went to answer the door.


"Not happy to see me." Jace flashed a smile, and Ebony went to close the door, but Jace pushed her back and slammed the door behind her locking it.

"Please Jace whatever you want! All the money in my bank account, I swear I didn't mean to snitch on Devon, I was just scared I, I'll do anything you want, annything" She said the last part at this point she was willing to do anything to calm him down..and wanted to let his imagination work. She wanted to call the police, but she wasn't close enough to her phone, and last time she encountered Jace he was furious luckily he couldn't do anything to her in court.

"Oh come on you really think I'm still mad, now I'm furious bitch your gonna die. I'm going to kill you!!" Jace took a step forward, and this point Ebony stepped back to the counter grabbing her wine bottle.


"Shut the fuck up " Jace stepped forward and Ebony lunged forward smashing him in the head with her bottle. She was shocked when the bottle shattered, and it seemed no damage was done to Jace's head. "Now I'm m mad."

"Oh my god I.." Jace reached for her throat as she struggled to scream and tossed her to the ground. He raised his foot and stepped on her right leg breaking it causing her to scream in pain. He was sure all the yelling would lead to someone calling the cops but he didn't care. Jace reached down lifting her up and tossing her into a wall." I'm gonna have fun with this one..why don't you call 12 go ahead and snitch stupid bitch..you got my brother doing time!"

"Jace please.."She wailed in pain.. feeling helpless and in great pain due to her leg. She struggled to get up looking for some escape, only thing was the balcony and if she jumped off that she was as good as dead. Jace stepped forward and tossed her itno the wall causing her to start screaming for help. Jace rolled his eyes as he went to her and grabbed her left arm breaking it going as so far as to rip it off then slap her with it a couple times. "I'm gonna make you suffer, yeah bitch slap!" He said using her torn off appendage to hit her again as blood rushed frmo her, and she screamed for help.

Jace picked her up and slammed her into a wall, before raising his hand and punching a hole straight through her chest and the wall then pulled it out looking at his bloodied arm. "Damn got my arm fucked up at least I have both my arms, hope you enjoy Hell..fucking snitch." Ebony was crying unable to yell in too much pain as she lay on the ground blood pouring out she felt her life slipping away and Jace took out his knife leaning down to force her mouth open and cut off her tongue watching as blood spurted out, before finally raising his foot and stepping on her face killing her.

"Piece of shit." Jace could hear footsteps people were coming someone had called the police. He reached in his pocket putting on his mask, and opened up the balcony. " OPEN THE MOTEHRFUCKING DOOR!!!"

Jace grinned as he took a few steps back, then ran forward, onto the balcony, and lunged into the air. He yelled with excitement as he took off into the air, he had been waiting to try this and was ecstatic that it worked a super jump. He waved his arms in the air yelling as he flew through the air over the campus and landed in some nearby trees and hit the ground with a thud. "Fuck...that...was dope...now that's gonna be a fye news story." Jace didn't feel any remorse about ending the girls left, he got up brushing dirt off himself and began running off to his car which he parked a couple blocks away he needed to get out of their.
@G3njii Holy shit, amazing character, one of the best approved. Move him to the character tab!
@Subject Zero Great Character! Approved man, feel free to toss him into the character tab. Not much has happened so far, most of the action is happening in Atlanta. If you want your character can go to college there to be close to everything.
@cunfuzzler Approved! Love the character see she has quite the drug habit, lol if she wanders into the city everyone's at right now Atlanta, Luke could be her current dealer he's definitely loves weed, cocaine, and psychedelics.
Jace Williams - Atlanta, Georgia - From his house to the Trap House

Just when he thought life couldn't get any better it...surprisingly actually did. Everything that had went wrong in his life had went wrong, everyone's predictions about him that he'd end up a thug in jail had come true. Yet he really didn't care, sure he disappointed his mom a bit but her and his auntie hadn't given up on him. Besides he'd tried some classes at community college, and waiting four years to maybe get a job that paid 30-40k wasn't his idea of successful even if he didn't have that much money now.

Ever since he lost his sweet gig as a security guard, getting paid to fight people as he saw it he was pretty bummed. But the past two weeks had changed his life for the better. At first he thought he was mistaken, maybe something was wrong with his head, but it couldn't be drugs he hadn't touched weed since he failed his drug test and his PO had him sent to jail.

This was something else entirely, he'd gotten into a fight at a club while he was out drinking and someone pulled a gun on him. Bang...Bang..Bang.. He thought his violent attitude had finally landed him a poetic ending. Instead the bullets had hit him and were crushed upon impact. And well after that...he didn't too kindly to the guy and he learned he wasnt just super durable he was strong too..two things that the world didn't need with him.

So many ideas had been buzzing through his head since that day, and he was constantly testing himself to see what he could do. Just two days before he was smoking weed outside when two police officers approached him. It was like playing Grand Theft Auto 5 with the cheat codes in real life he tossed the female cop across the street and she was hit by a moving car that barely managed to stop, and then he kicked the other cop into his patrol car knocking him out and leaving him with shattered bones. He then waltzed off, he had gotten messages on his phone about how he had to report to his PO for a piss test but he wasn't particularly worried about probation anymore. Thanks to being the Hood's very own Hercules he doubted any police could tell him what to do anymore.

"This is better then winning the fucking lottery." Jace popped open a 40 he'd bought from the gas station and started to guzzle some of it down as he sat down in a lawn chair in-front of his Auntie Keisha's house.

He walked into the house hearing the news and chuckled. In other news we have reports of the two APD officers in critical condition. According to them they approached a young african american male smoking marijuana in public. What they describe can only be described as unreal. Apparently the man tossed them around like they were weightless tossing the female officer into incoming traffic, and supposedly kicked the male cop across the street into his patrol car. Both officers were in critical condition. They've both been tested to see if they were drugged but after testing clean they both cling to their stories of their Super strong thug.

"Man fuck the pigs always bitching about some shit, ain't no motherfucking cop going tell me what to do no more. After finishing his beer, he went to fridge to retrieve a bottle of Paul Mason and guzzled down 2 shots. He was feeling significantly intoxicated and decided it was time to start getting to work.

He was in the process of getting his own apartment, he still had some money saved up from his security job, and had went their to see about moving in. The rent was about 1200 a month but it was at the top floor, his own balcony, spacious enough. He had about 3000 saved up, enough to move in but not enough to pay rent for the whole year. Still he'd went ahead and signed the lease, but he needed more money then that. He wanted furniture, a TV, an xbox one, all the finer things in life. Now he had the means to get them. He went to his room and put on an all black mask he'd bought, and put on a grey hoodie.

"Ight bet one mo..thing" He went in his dresser and grabbed his gun stashing it on his person. After that he left his house and began walking. He would have taken his auntie's car since he know where the keys was but he didn't want to risk driving drunk and crashing it, not to mention linking her to what he was about to do.

It wasn't long before he got to where he was going, a drug drug commonly known as a Trap House in Atlanta. It was one of the places his brother Devon often sold large quantities of drugs to, and when he got busted they declined to help his family out as Devon had asked, and stole the rest of the money he'd stashed there. Now it was time to make amends, Jace began walking up to the house. He noted some blinds opened and closed twice, the dealers inside probably didn't take kindly to a masked man approaching.

He got to the front steps when the door flung open and two men stepped out both with automatic weapons." Fuck you want bruh, this is your first, final, and only warning turn yo ass around and leave and we won't light yo ass up!"

Jace stood there just staring at the man, immersed in his alcoholic buzz.

"Bruh do you hear him! DO you want us to blow yo brains out?! Are you fucking stupid! I will lay yo shit out right here on the front lawn bruh!" The other man spoke even more aggressively and raising his weapon to Jace.

"Bitch" The only word Jace uttered and they both pulled the trigger sending a spur of bullets his way. He closed his eyes, and braced himself for impact. Bullets from a hand gun had bounced off him but an AR. It seemed God was on his side, the bullets riddled off him and left his clothes tattered with bullet holes but his skin un-penetrated. "My turn"

Jace rushed forward to the surprised thugs, punching a hole through one of their chests, then grabbing the other by his neck and snapping it killing him instantly. He picked up one of the AR's, and kicked the door open. He was met with a hail of gun fire, and Jace went in guns blazing shooting everyone he saw. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE GONNA PAY!!!!" Jace yelled laughing as he was on a shooting frenzy, now THIS was really playing Grand Theft Auto 5 in real life with the cheat codes.

Jace continued shooting till he was out of bullets, and headed to where he knew the money was stored. "MOVE BACK G I'mma end you, don't touch the mother fucking safe."

"Oh..or what." Just as the man started to shoot Jace grabbed the safe and whipped aroud tossing it at him. The safe slammed into the man knocking him into the wall, the impact leaving him near dead. Jace walked over to him and smashed his head into the wall killing him, then grabbed the safe. He ran into the kitchen with the safe stepping over dead bodies. He snatched a trash bag and opened it up. Then he karate chopped the safe in half. Inside was numerous amounts of money wrapped up in rubber bands. He dumped the contents into the trash bag, then went back into the living room and saw the man who attempted to defend the safe recognizing him as one of the people who took his brother's money.

"Piece of shit, hope you enjoying Hell." He reached into his pockets fumbling for the keys to his car. He then went to another room where he knew he kept their drugs, and scooped up a couple ounces of marijuana as well as well as some of the Ak's they had tossing them into the trash bag. He slung it over his head, and walked outside going to the driveway, and pressing a button on the keys to start up the ex dealer's car. Getting in he reached underneath the wheel to pop the trunk, and went to dump the trash bag full of marijuana and drug money into the car. He got in, started up the car and pulled out the drive way. The shooting had been heard all through-out the neighborhood but they practically owned this place at least when they were living so no one had called the cops.

"Damn all this gas got the car smelling like a fucking hotbox." Jace briefly felt paranoid but didn't really feel paranoid about getting pulled over. Still he was driving somewhat drunk with a stolen car full of drugs, illegal guns, and money. "Fuck it" He turned the radio to 93.7 and began bobbing his head as Migos Bad and Boujee came on. "WHOO!!!!" Jace yelled screaming with adrenaline as he began speeding down the street.

"Rain Drop, Drop Top!" He sang the lyrics to the song loudly as he was headed to his next destination, his new apartment. Killed everyone who fucked up his brother check, got about 300,000 dollars in cash check, got a sweet ride although he'd probably have to dump it check, got a bunch of firearms check, and about a half of pound of weed check. Life was going to be good.
@dabombjk I just edited my last IC post to add in Harry, and mentioned your character and his actions in a way tell me what you think man.

@chukklehed LMao that's interesting but I doubt Luke would go and rob a cafe lmao.

@Cultural Titan Hmmm well they like big heists right?
@chukklehed Yeah I don't think Luke wants his name associated with any getaway cars, he's more interested in the business Alan's talking about.

@Cultural Titan This should be fun to play out.
@dabombjk Gotcha! I'll let you know, I'm gonna send Harry to Atlanta pretty soon, just waiting on G3njii to post his character first hehe. I had Luke answer the phone to talk to Alan right now so I'll see how that goes, and maybe he'll run into Kieran after they talk depending on what Alan says/does.

But yeah posted.
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