Avatar of Patient 43Delta
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 366 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Patient 43Delta 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Getting into the skin of the Lord of the Rings book series for the 14th time, this shit never gets old.
8 yrs ago
Happy Halloween people!!! Time to scare kids shitless and deeply scar people. Have fun and stay cool.
8 yrs ago
I might not be able to post this week on account of my mother being a total Grump and my teachers being complete jackoffs. So if I take awhile to respond to posts that's probably it.
8 yrs ago
Well, it's Saturday. Time to go to my bros hockey tournament and cheer him on while discreetly looking for coins under the bleachers.
8 yrs ago
Well the weekend is here, time to sit back relaxe and get ready for the Renaissance Fair. I'm gonna preform with my LARPing group.


Hello,my name is Patient 43Delta. But you can call me Delta, my other friends do. I'm 18 and going to college at FIU and RPG'S are my passion. So is cooking. If you want to know anything else just ask.

Most Recent Posts

@Legion-114how is this?
Name: Tatak
Age:34(human years) 17 Balaho/Unggoy years
Race: Unggoy
Class: Ultra
Gender: male
Appearance: vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/halo/imag..
Background: Tatak was not always the strongest of his comerads, but he was without a doubt the smartest. He used this advantage to win games of Blast grub and wack gul by going last and seeing the pattern of movement from the scrub grubs and guls. He served honourably abourd the Song of Retribution And fought bravely during the Battle of Earth and the subsequent Attack On the Ark he received accommodation for his astounding bravery and engineuity.He received 4 Honors medals and 1 life blessing (from the Arbiter) for his bravery and 3 Purple Hearts from the UNSC for saving the lives of 3 Marines who where pinned down by a Brute attack squad. He was also offered the title of Deacon by the high Church, but kindly refused saying "It would impead my ability to preform my duties as an officer of the Arbiter." He was on leave at New Horizon when the flood came. He suited up and reported to the nearest barracks to support the defense.
Equipment: Plasma Rifle and 3 plasma Grenades.
@KatherinWinteroh.. OK sorry for not specifying that. My bad.
@KatherinWinterit says In the power thing that he can take energy and usem it for a variety of things, mostly small things. He can't make a nuclear bomb or anything, just small things like clothes and kniknaks and other stuff.
@DriveEMOutyeah I guess so...
"Relaxe its just an illusion that we see, anyone that is looking into the room won't even see the outfits. Not even the house keeper can see it I don't think." Look if you don't like it a can just make another illusion that everyone agrees on, I was just trying to help us out." Tim said with a bit of irritation in his voice.
@DriveEMOutit never actually was there it was just an illusion I made so we could tell each other apart. I just made an illusion of basketball uniforms that I thought would be kinda nice.
Name: Marc Wallace
Age: 17
Looks: creepy to look at he constantly wears a full gasmask to hide his face and an old aviators helmet to protect his head, he wears a worn pilot jumpsuit that has been stitched in many places. He wears a metal chest piece and shoulder guards. His outfit is completed by a medical brace he wears on his left leg and a cruch he uses to help him walk long distances.
Personality: Mentally tough he has no problem dealing with danger. He is often quite and gentle, but when given the chance he can be very crule and sadistic.
Faction: NONE
Back story: He was 11 when he was taken by slavers and sold to a saloon for pocket change. He worked as hard as he could, day in and day out he cooked, cleaned and tended the bar. Hoping one day he would earn his freedom, but to no avail. He worked for 5years at that saloon sometimes as the bouncer because of this he can take a hit and quickly land a crippling blow, untile one day he had enough of the abuse. He drew a knife he had taken from the kitchen and killed a bar patron who had continuously harrased and bullied him, fearing his masters rage he stole the rifle from under the counter and fled into the wastland. He has been on his own ever sense.
Weapon choice: bolt action rifle, knuckduster combat knife.
Extra info: Having a lot of time on his hands, he has become a master tool maker. He is particularly good at knaping stone into shape for tools and weapons. He constantly has a stone blade hidden somewhere on him and an assortment of stones and rare rocks that he uses to trade and make tools with.
@KatherinWinter"well then, I hope we are allowed to use our powers otherwise Im screwed." Tim looked at the rest of the team and shook his head. "Well, I'm useless completely useless." He said under his breath. He m focused fr a split second and a surge of energy shot from his body covering his teammates and opponents. They light cleared and the teams were dressed in gear. His team was wearing red Jerseys with a white fox in the middle. The other team was wearing blue jerseys with an orange lion in the middle. "OK" Tim said "are we ready to start?"
In Hunted 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Lifehey what do you think of my kick ass new morph?
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