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I would like to play as a creature, monster or beast. If this goes against any rules or lore, I will try to fix it. If I cant, I will create a normal character.

As long as it's in terms of the mutation from the background of the story it's gucci. I saw your CS and it looks good!


Angel glanced over at Abel as she sat on the counter with a mouth full of bread. There was an entire loaf between her hands. She gulped it down with some water, her feet kicking against the counter a bit. "Oh totally. I figured if he was going to kill us, he would have. He must be really fucking lonely or something." She hopped off to examine the fridge more, glancing over every now and then at Abel. Though she was starting to feel sure Jet was not going to try to kill her, she had no idea about this dude.


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. What's up?"

Roman glanced up to find some thin wretch with dark hair, licking her own blood like an uncivilized animal. She was unphased by them but probably well aware of who they were. He wasn't sure if her cockiness was some weird tactic or if she was dumb. Alaia seemed to agree she was being cocky, getting excited already about torturing her. He was still unsure what corner of Hell he had dug this woman out of. Alaia began to turn into a liquid, demonstrating her strange ability to manipulate her molecules. He chuckled as she joined the girl on the branch like a demon.

He looked up and stared her dead in the eyes, not letting emotion fall into his voice as he spoke, "If you are not interested in being chopped up like carrots for a stew, I suggest you start admitting to us that you have been stealing from our people. We'll torture it out of you either way and you're coming with us either way, so you can come down. You will also tell us if you are alone in this act. If you have any idea who I am, you know I am not very merciful."

What if the hunters aren't evil by themselves, but the supers they hunt are unlucky to have powers that are considered dangerous?

These powers could pose an inherent danger to the general populace (radiation manipulation, self-detonation, disease control), threat to national security (mind reading, teleportation, invisibility) or both.

Hunters on the other hand are lucky to possess powers that are considered "safe". Perhaps in this world supers are named after hazard level colors (green, blue, yellow, orange and red, from least to most dangerous).

Yeah that's pretty much how it would work out. However, I imagine some people with powers such as those are cooperative and agree to get trained or wear a collar that only lets them use their powers when permitted to go on a hunting mission, where they are always monitored. They couldn't have the hunters all have lame powers. Gotta fight fire with fire.
I'm down for the Hunted Supers. I always enjoy that kind of idea. I'll think about GMing it if I can create a good plot with it. Willing to take ideas! Perhaps the government only allows supers to roam free if they agree to train within a government facility and learn to hunt other supers, cracking down on not letting supers roam free especially if not trained. However, this can be a corrupted process involving unethical and inhuman treatment such as experimentation. Things like that are great for driving some supers to acting crazy or evil. This way, supers working for the government would be pitted against those who are running from it as well. Supers on either side could have their own motivations and perspectives, meaning anyone could go against anyone but this would make tensions high for sure.

I'm in

Roman had sent his boys ahead, sending them into the trees and in other directions. He had only taken a handful of people with him, considering he did not think this thief would be much threat. He was only accompanied by Alaia at the moment. Alaia was crazy enough to scare the daylights out of the devil himself.

The forest was an array of warm ambers and browns due to the autumn season yet the weather was fairly pleasant this day. The birds chirped as he moved through the thickets of branches, slicing through them with a large dagger. Their happy tune was rather ironic to Roman. Perhaps they were also excited for justice to be served. He made sure to try to keep his steps quiet, avoiding letting his shoes crunch in the piles of fallen leaves. It ended up being closer than he thought when they finally stumbled upon the color of skin up between leaves up in a tree ahead. "Look."He whispered to Alaia, pointing her in the direction.

He couldn't wait to strangle the life out of this rat. Didn't he know who he was dealing with? Not to mention, it was selfish to steal food from them, knowing he had to feed a large group of people. The little skunk was getting what was coming to him. However, as they moved closer, it became evident that the figure had a feminine silhouette. He shrugged, not too surprised. Roman debated his best tactic, hearing the footsteps of his fellow wolves closeby. They'd probably join once they heard him speak aloud. Would she try to run when they regarded her? It was a possibility. It could be that this was perhaps not even the perpetrator but something in his gut told him they had found the right person. Glancing at Alaia, he nodded to her, giving her the clue to surround the tree and approach her.
Idea is promising but I'd like more info. What's the setting? What's the plot? Is it just gonna be made up as it goes along or are there prompts for the characters? Is it merely going to be a superpowered game of fortnite or are the characters motivations and backstories going to impact the starting prompt

Second this

"Jesus Christ, Jet it was a joke." Angel retorted in response to his very serious reply. She watched him step out of the wingsuit like he was Iron Man and raised a brow, watching it fly away. "Okay. Be honest. Did you find aliens?" Angel asked him, picking up her speed as he rushed ahead of her to talk to him. She was only half-joking this time. Normally, she would not be the type of girl to express an opinion that aliens had landed on Earth before or could ever, however, she could not wrap her head around him just having all this insane technology. She watched him press his eye and hand to scanners. Angel folded her arms to stop herself from expressing how astonished and impressed she actually was. This guy was literally James Bond. He had her coming up with as many pop culture references as Abel now.

She let her eyes scope over the entry room, finding this to be at least more mundane than the alien-level technology. The house was obviously owned by Donald Trump or something back in the day but compared to the flying suit, this was comforting. She, of course, started wandering off in whatever direction she pleased, touching everything tangible. There was evidence that bandits had been here before he had found the place, missing furniture in some areas but it was clear that he boarded it up for himself at a decent point in time. It suddenly dawned on her that this was a house. Houses have kitchens which have food. Angel quickened her pace, almost pushed to starvation at this point as she began her search for the kitchen. "Jet I'm going to cash in on that food you owe me!"She called to him.

Angel had glanced over when Abel sat next to her in the jeep. He was shouting something to her that she couldn't make out over the wind. She watched him act out zipping his lips and she decided it probably had not been important. She, however, did overhear him say, "What a shit hole." Following his gaze to the house Jet was landing them in front of, she stared in disbelief. Many people sure did run to mansions during the apocalypse but quickly found that they were a hassle to maintain alone. No way Jet cleaned the whole thing. She expected the inside to be a mess.

She hopped out of the jeep and took a few steps toward the house, glancing at it for a moment then turning back towards the other two. Abel was at it again with the pop culture references of course. "So... Big wings. Big guns. Big house. Compensating for something, buddy?"She quipped with a smirk. Immediately, she started making her way toward the house without waiting for either of them, knowing they'd catch up.


Angel did a double-take, glancing back and forth between them when Jet suddenly invited them somewhere to stay. Did he expect her to just hang out with people she didn't know? Especially this random man off the street with a very badly scarred face. He could have pissed someone off in order to get those scars as far as they knew. She rubbed her own arm and stepped backward, wary of the situation, listening as he introduced himself as Abel and began to greet them with pop culture references. Angel could follow the Inspector Gadget reference but mad Maxine was lost on her brain. She supposed he kinda reminded her of the Joker from Batman but she felt it would be unwise to say so. "Yeah your look suits you too."She replied. "My name's Angel. "

She wanted one of those guns. Angel could live a smooth life and not have to worry about anyone overpowering her. It would take a second to just vaporize anyone. Not that she wanted to actually pursue such a thing, but it would come in handy and definitely be easy to give a warning shot and ward people away. It seemed like he wasn't going to just hand one over.

Whatever, I'll keep playing your game.

"Tires, huh?"She repeated what Jet had said to get away from the small talk and moved over to a broken down car nearby. "We can take from this car but I don't know how to take them off. "

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