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accepted. if you aren't sure of what to do starting out you'll have direction after I post
@Lauder Still open yes.

@mattmanganon Yeah they'll be up soon.
Throughout the conversation taking place inside his office Gallowin seemed to be preoccupied with a tablet in his hands. Even as he was addressed he motioned with his right hand to Kale, as if telling him to speak first. The Jedi master was tempted to stop Anari, but he was better off staying here. "I'm going to have to agree with Anari. Intimidation isn't something I can sign off on in good faith Senator, not in an uncertain case such as this anyhow. I am in favor of you speaking to the populace, however. Someone with experience appealing to the public should be fitting for representing us on the surface." He then turned to Gloopra.

"You don't seem to be acting out of anger, you look to be acting out of fear. Trust me, training my padawan has taught me that there is a clear difference. There will always be a time and a place for physical confrontation, but you must not let it be the stick that you use to bat away that which you fear. What sets us apart from the Sith is that they hold onto and grab as much power as they can, and they use that power the moment they feel threatened. It is normal- no, expected for us to feel vulnerable. These are the moments that define us." Kale closed his eyes for a moment, as if remembering something. He opened his eyes and looked Gloopra in his.

"Many Jedi have fallen to the dark side not because they grew wrathful and greedy, but because they became afraid of losing the things they cared about. The dark side became their solace, their support, and in time it corrupted them until they lost sight of what mattered in the first place." Kale raised his left hand and patted Gloopra on his shoulder. "What I'm saying is do not forget why we are here, to help these people."

The sound of his tablet being set onto his desk caused Kale to turn to Gallowin, the man stood from his desk and addressed those in the room. "I've just finished hearing Jayce's report, and I've gone over the logistics of the attack we just went through." He crossed his arms and let out an annoyed yet tired grumble. "Senator, I'm not a very patient man, if I could have secured any form of assistance, I'd have gottin' it. For now we'll have to make due with what we have. Besides, thousands of ships are entering and leavin' this planet every hour. It would take more than one ship to police em' all. As much as I hate to admit it the people we're dealing with here aren't just simple thugs. To prove that point I'm pretty damn sure they just baited two hundred idiots into attacking us. What we need right now is information. Match has gone back to his people, we'll keep in contact and exchange information. For now, our next target should be that club, Neon Glow."


Fufuro was fiddling with a bar of candy, trying to get it out of it's wrapper when Jaida approached her. "Y-yes!?" She said, tossing the treat onto a desk. She looked to the mercenary, then to a lone man sitting in a room behind one way glass. It was the man she'd apprehended at the back of the base. The other ten that had been captured were in holding cells. "Permission?... Oh right, I can give that. Sure, go ahead. We need to know how he got into the back of the base, and also who it was that got all of those gangs to work together to attack us." She opened the door to the room, letting Jaida inside.


Lahana found herself laying on the floor of the room that had been given to her. She'd changed out of her dirty robes into a fairly unremarkable gray T-shirt and shorts. As usual, she couldn't sleep. She raised a ration block to her mouth and chomped down on it. As she chewed she tried to think of something productive, but the only thing on her mind was Blank's face. She took an aggressive bite out of the block as she tried to count the squares on the ceiling to distract herself, it didn't work. A knock on the room's door caught her attention, she leaped to her feet and opened it. "Anari?" She said, surprised to see the Jedi at her door. "Weren't you in a meeting with Master Kale?"
(colab with GreenGoat)

Lahana turned around after hearing someone address her, but saw no one. Though thinking about it, the voice did seem to come from below her. She looked down, and saw a child. "Huh?" She looked around as if searching for parents, a suit of power armor in the distance moving on it's own gave her an idea. "Wait, that was you in that thing?" She said a bit too loud. A child was the last thing she expected to be in the hulking suit, or to even be fighting in the first place. The battlefield was no place for a child, she knew that all too well. "No, I'll be fine. I don't think I got your name, I'm Lahana Sunset."


She moved towards Lahana's side to match her pace towards the infirmary.

"Surta Matahari Huchson."

Lahana looked human, to her eyes, but she was aware of a few races that were not human, and yet looked human. Marks of injuries on her face, not dissimilar to those on Surta's pirates. It would not surprise her if Lahana had been some sort of raider before, or being in a rough life on the side of the law.

"Are all the Jedi like that?" she asked, thinking of Gloopra.

"Like what? Who, the Rodian?" Lahana asked, unsure of the question. Regardless, the answer would be the same. "There's all kinds of Jedi. The order used to only take kids and would try to mold them into emotionless stoics. This caused a lot of them to fall to the dark side, as they couldn't properly handle their inner turmoil."

She opened the door to the infirmary, which was bustling after the recent battle. She looked at the number of soldiers with much worse wounds than her. She'd only get in the way here, she wasn't that hurt. She closed the door and turned to Surta. "Um, Jedi now are taught to acknowledge and confront their emotions. Take from the good and learn from the bad."


Surta looked into the infirmary, before deciding she couldn't possibly get a medical checkup without getting a lot of troublesome questions. Perhaps she should invest in making a medical droid instead.

"So instead of child soldiers, you get normal soldiers instead. At least that makes more sense now. You showed some skill at the battle before after all."

"We're not really-." Lahana let out a huff. She was effectively a soldier, wasn't she? It was all she was good at anyway. She shook her head. "Some skill, but not enough to know not to charge an enemy with a weapon I don't understand. I won't be making the same mistake again." She looked at her wrists, there were marks left from where Blank grabbed her. Of all the scars on her body not a single one was the same as another, she didn't accept unoriginal wounds.

"Surta." She looked to the young girl. "Do you have a place to stay? You can stay with me if you want. I'm sure the men here are trustworthy, but sleeping alone must worry you, right?" She asked. Lahana herself took a long time to become comfortable sleeping alone, even in a Jedi temple.

Thankfully, her expression was hidden behind the face plate she wore; she was more surprised that Lahana even cared enough to do that. Turning to face her, her face still hidden behind the plate, Surta pondered her choices for a moment.

"Really? You could do that?"

"Y-yeah." For some reason Lahana was expecting the girl to flat out reject the offer. "There should be enough room, the rooms are kinda small but there's enough space for two people."

An unexpected chance, an opportunity to take. Even if she was only sharing rooms with a Jedi, being able to say she was familiar with a Jedi wasn't something insignificant, at least in her scene. While many would not consciously care, there will be that feeling, that small seed that will remember, that will correlate skill with that. If, of course, Surta had displayed enough skill.

"I see. Would I not disturb your training? Or perhaps, your master?"

"My training huh? Now that I think about it there's no gym here..." Lahana frowned and cupped her chin in her hand. "And the food they serve here probably won't be fit for my diet either. Could I make some adjustments to my regimen?. I'll have to switch to body weight exercises. Maybe some of the local food could work too." She blinked and put her hand down as she realized she was about to start rambling. "Sorry, um, no it should be fine." Lahana scrunched her brows in thought, this girl seemed a bit odd. She couldn't explain what it was about her, aside from the off-putting mask, how did she see out of that thing anyway?

"Also uh..." She wasn't quite sure what she wanted to say, but seeing someone as young as her fighting felt too personal. "If you need something? Um, ask me I guess?" Was she trying to be reliable? Was she even close?

"Alright. I do not have much, but I will accept your offer." Surta held up a hand towards Lahana. "Perhaps.. perhaps, I can even help? With your training that is. I do not know what else I can do for you."

Lahana stared at Surta's raised hand for a moment before remembering what it was for. Handshakes were so strange to her, if she needed to know if someone had a weapon there were many better ways than waiting for them to open their hand. She grabbed Surta's hand and shook it right and left before letting go.

"I'd ask you to spar with me, but the last person I asked I ended up knocking them out. Holding back feels... Wrong. But uh, the room should be number twenty eight, I'm going there now to take a shower." Lahana leaned slightly forward before realizing that bowing wasn't the right thing to do in this situation. "I'll... see you." She said, walking off.


There was a stark contrast in Kale's demeanor upon hearing Gloopra's report. He usually had a loose, calm expression, but he was clearly tense at the moment. He let Anari speak first while he processed the new information. He agreed with Anari for the most part, he simply didn't believe Gloopra was being paranoid. This wasn't something one could be too careful about. "Whoever this is someone had to train him. If there's one of them we should assume there are more. I won't rule out the possibility of him being Sith, even if it is hard to believe. Regardless, this changes things. By abusing the power of the force they can not be considered simple criminals. From now on at least one Jedi should be present on every major mission... We must find whoever is at the top of this, I fear the more time passes, the greater our disadvantage will be."
Lahana groaned as Anari helped her to her feet. Her whole body was sore, though thankfully none of her wounds were serious. An application of a little bacta would be more than enough. "Why does everyone keep... saying that?" She said, struggling to move her legs. "I've dropped from the sky plenty of times. The first time was because my parachute broke, but still, it's not that strange is it?" She was handed off to her master, who she couldn't help but avoid eye contact with. "Master, I-" Before she could speak, Gloopra interjected. She glanced at the courtyard with a stoic expression as he rambled. There were well over one hundred corpses surrounding her. She felt a faint sense of familiarity and comfort. She gripped her arm and looked to the ground. "Disgusting."

"Gloopra, right?" Kale addressed the Jedi. "Rest assured she will learn her lesson." He let Lahana go, leaving her to stand on her own power. He tapped her on the shoulder, and her body suddenly felt much lighter. "We will speak in a moment Padawan, go take care of yourself." Kale said. Lahana's mouth twitched as if to say something, but she had nothing to say back.

"Yes, master." She whispered, walking off to the infirmary.

Kale motioned for Gloopra to lead the way. "So, what is the issue?" He said, glancing at the group of thugs he had apprehended as they were lead to holding cells by a couple armed soldiers.

Meanwhile Fufuro approached both Sutra, Jaida, and the other mercenaries. "You are welcome to stay in the barracks if you wish. As for your payment, the credits have been transberd to your accounts." She bit her tongue while speaking, flubbing a word. "Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions you may have."
Alright, try to feel better.
Kale looked up into the sky and saw his Padawan falling from the sky. He shook his head and let out a sigh. "No, that's something she came up with on her own." He said.

Lahana's robes fluttered as she fell through the air. She knew her master would chastise her for this later, but she couldn't waste even a moment, knowing people were in danger while she did nothing made her ceaselessly anxious. As the ground became closer at an alarming rate she took in the battlefield. There were numerous enemies, but they were being held off by both the Republic soldiers and Jedi. With their ground vehicles blown to smithereens they didn't have an easy means of escape either. She clenched her fists and focused. She wasn't very good at being precise with the force, but thankfully what she was about to do didn't require it. Just as she was about to splatter into the ground she thrust her palms forward, using the force to cancel her downward momentum and release it around her. She'd landed right in the middle of a crowd of the attacking gang members.

Those closest to her had been blown away, those close enough and not shocked enough by her entrance rushed at her as they were too close to allies to fire. Lahana spun and kicked a man in the face, he went flying backwards and into a second person. It seemed she'd crack his skull with that kick, it was then she realized that she was perhaps in a bad mood. If there was any time to take it out on someone it was now. She ran over to the truck that had been used to smash the gate and quickly moved to it's front bumper, then grabbing hold of it.

She'd noticed a while ago that it was easier for her to lift things with the force if she was physically holding it. This wasn't very useful for smaller objects, but it did mean that she was able to pick up massive objects a little easier than most. Perhaps it was the result of her strengthening her body, or it could simply be a placebo effect. What she did know was that it scared the hell out of her enemies that saw her do it. The truck rose into the air until it was above her head. She threw it straight into a group of enemies that were trying to take cover. the truck exploded... Much more violently than a truck is supposed to. Lahana tried to use the force to project a barrier to protect herself, but only managed to avoid lethal injury and was flung backwards. Apparently the truck had been loaded with plastic explosives. The idiots loading it figured a molotov would be enough to set it off.

Inside the base Gallowin was directing a squad of soldiers, having them cut off the path of the enemy, preventing them from taking favorable positions. Meanwhile his assistant Fufuro was sent to guard the back entrance of the base. Match and his guards had gathered near the front entrance and were providing covering fire for the Republic soldiers.

Back in the end of the base, alone, where the sounds of the battle were muffled and far away, Fufuro was nearly screaming her lekku off. "I said shut up!" A ragged looking man holding a blaster at her shouted. Somehow he'd found his way into the back of the base. Fufuro shut her mouth, switching to whimpering and quivering her lips. "Now tell me the launch codes for the missiles." He said.

"There aren't any missiles." She whined, her eyes watering. "And we don't even use launch codes, who told you we had missiles?"

"Stop lying!" The man raised the gun to smack her, Fufuro let out a cowardly scream and grabbed the man's wrist, then pushing her back into him and flipping him onto his back. The man his his head and lost consciousness. Fufuro tapped the man with her foot, making sure he was out.

"T-that's what you get, s-suck it!"

The smoke from the trucks explosion cleared, revealing that a small group of thugs were left, disoriented and attempting to escape. Lahana struggled to get to her feet, but couldn't move. "I think you've done enough, Padawan." Kale stepped forward in front of her and raised his right hand. Ten blasters and rifles rose into the air and pointed themselves at the last remaining gang members. One of the ten tried to run off, only for a shot to be fired at his feet. Him and the rest reluctantly raised their hands in surrender.

At this point the two people Anari had lifted from the ground were quite high up. "I think they've learned their lesson Anari, One of them seems to be crying."

(Former) Drug Factory

Lahana examined a crooked ring finger on her right hand, she must have landed on it awkwardly. "I'll tell him myself." She said, pulling the finger back into place with a pop. She wasn't looking forward to speaking with her master, but she had no intention of hiding anything from him, she owed him too much. She looked up at the person in the bulky power armor as they spoke to her. She had expected them to be more the type to not say anything unless the needed to. She took their hand and stood to her feet. "Thank you but... A Jedi is supposed to be better than normal." She looked over to the body of the twi'lek girl whose death she caused, all because she gave into her base instinct. The least she could do was get her out of here among the common criminals. That line of thought was cut short however, as Gloopra received word that the Republic base was under attack. A chill ran down her spine, her master was there and she couldn't help but worry about him. She moved to board the ship.

"You are the most high strung Mando I've ever seen." Jayce remarked as he checked on his drone above the factory. "I'm not seeing anything, we're in the clear. Let's board that ship and hurry back."

Enclave Zeta

Lahana's master rolled his shoulders and stepped forward. "Kale, mam." He said to Vreer, then stepping to the door. "It's been a while since I've faced this many, thankfully I've got some help this time, right Anari?" He said, patting the woman on the shoulder as he picked up the pace to head to the courtyard. Reinforced sliding doors opened for him and he was greeted with the sights and sounds of chaos. A thermal detonator was thrown next to his position by the truck that had crashed through the gate. Kale caught the explosive with the force, and sent it into a group of enemies.
@vancexentan There aren't any hostiles in the warehouse, it's the republic base that's under attack. The explosion came from the same ship that took Blank away. And Jayce was calling the base for support, he wasn't down.
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