Avatar of Potemking
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    1. Potemking 4 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current One month away from SMT V's release. Super hyped
3 yrs ago
Rest in peace, Koichi Sugiyama. Dragon Quest won't be the same without you
3 yrs ago
Timeless River Sora mains unite
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3 yrs ago
Writing is a fickle process. Sometimes you're not sure what to put down, sometimes you write way more than you ever intended.
3 yrs ago
Excited to play Deltarune Chapter 2 tonight. What a perfect start to the weekend!


~ 27 Years Old.
~ Enjoys all sorts of settings, and genres. Fandom and Original. Loves writing combat, and sappy stuff.
~ Slow but steady posting schedule, and notifies you of complications!
~ Stupid funny meme guy that prefers friends rather than flame wars.

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WORD COUNT: 1,063 (+2)

Taking in Jr's assessment of the 'fatsos', Mirage had to agree with Geralt and Kamek's caution. "Considering everything that's happened so far, I wouldn't be surprised if they could fight." He added, not liking the idea of picking another fight with creatures bigger than them. Especially if they wanted to go after an obese crocodile, that just sounded like a terrible idea all-around. Even if they knew him. "Maybe the crocodile guy wouldn't attack us, if you guys know him? But, uh, that doesn't account for everyone else around 'em... Could be game over, for sure."

Ace's positivity about them startling that Lady seemed to be in good spirit, though Nadia brought up a good point on why she was running off. "I mean, yeah. Like in any horror movie! They come into view, run off," He simulated running with two of his fingers, having them 'run' behind his other hand. "Then when you get to where they were, poof!" He raised the hand from behind his fist, wriggling his fingers like he'd performed a magic trick to make something disappear. "Gone."

Mirage was pulled from his theatrics as Sakura's concern over the opinion of her homeland came into play. Hey! He knew someone who was partially Japanese! Even had her help him understand his Japanese fans online a few times. "Don't worry," He insisted to the miniaturized street fighter. "I'm repressing the hell out of all of this once we're done, I'll more than happily bury it by seeing where you're from." Not knowing particularly where that'd be, he'd be interested in hearing about it later. He wasn't too familiar with most of the world, just his small slice of it. There was always room to learn somewhere. Unfortunately, that wasn't now. Instead, Mirage found his eyes going towards the stage at Bella's suggestion. Tilting his head, he wasn't sure what that little speck of light was he kept seeing, but as Nadia brought herself forward his curiosity brought him to do the same. Though his approach was grounded, rather than climbing upwards. He stayed huddled close to one of the 'seats' he didn't identify in the dark from down below, instead trying to peek past and see what was going on.

That kid they'd brought with them earlier had seemed to make his own way out here. But something felt weird, at least to him. He'd been eager and a little cautious before, but now he was full-booking it like his life depended on it. Which it might have, since he seemed to know where he was heading. Was their exit up there? For a moment he looked back at the others, eyes still glowing even through the darkness in the room. But he quickly turned his head as the lights went out with a loud slam, eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to adjust to the sudden change, but he couldn't see jack aside from the one spotlight left up front. The kid scrambled for freedom, but quickly the harsh reality of the threat they were dealing with became far too apparent. Mirage felt frozen in place, hands forming tightly into fists at the sight of those creatures. For a moment, Mirage thought he might escape. But then that Lady appeared, stopping any hopes he ever had of getting farther.

The horrible sight of seeing the kid reduced to nothing but a motionless husk on the ground shook Mirage to his core. But what made it so much worse was seeing that Lady gesture towards where they were, causing him to instinctually stop peeking and instead hide. "Oh shit." He repeated it in his mind several times. Ohshitohshitohshit. Just what the hell were they supposed to do if she could just scoop them up and turn them into whatever that kid was now? A moment of dread and hopelessness surged through him, causing him to stressfully take an observation of the area, as if to find an alternative route. Or maybe just to hide until he withered away as himself, instead of whatever that was.

That kid had helped them, and though barely knowing the guy it was a lost member of the group regardless. First he watched a copied version of himself die, then what was more normal with Larry was absolutely escalated by a curse that nearly made him eat the butcher. And now, as Mirage peeked out again, he saw that shriveled husk again. After all of this, shadowfall almost felt like nothing. At least then he was fully-grown. Had a gun. Now? He was just small. Not someone who could fight a situation like this bare-handed, or with such short stature. What the hell were they going to do?

That's when Nadia's words gave him an answer. Even if he was small, even if he had a lack of weaponry. One thing that was always important in his line of work was teamwork. They had a team; They had a BIG team, even if they were small people. And as revenge for that kid, an all the hell that Lady put them through, there was only one real way to handle this. Kill her.

Mirage brought himself back around, and leaned against the back of what he was still unaware of being a mannequin. Having looked around in his moment of panic, he at least was aware there were other doors leading them to areas around the Maw. "That door over there is labeled "The Lady's Chambers", you think she goes in there often?" He raised as an idea, hoping the location was actually just a room for their horrible host, and not something weirder. "Maybe we could set up a trap in there? Turn her into food with the power of one of those weird shrimp-headed things? Then bash her apart before she changes back." It was assuming she actually went in there, of course. And he could see some of the potential flaws. "She pointed this way, though. She might know we were watching. So there's a chance she'd know if we go into her chambers... Maybe there's something in there we can use against her? If she tries to come in and stop us from digging around, we can still transform her. Sounds like the best bet to me." Not like they had any reason to not go for it, right? They either sat and starved, ran forward and ended up as husks, or tried to find a secret weapon or route to the helm.

I am sure that Apri's earthen meatshield would be happy to come with her! Especially if it's to the place with all the Rock- and Fighting-types, since he's resistant or immune to most of their attacks xD

Meat shield is so rude, lol. But it's always good to not be trucking alone, especially in more dangerous places.

I figured she'd be more worried about him since he's not as prepared for dungeon exploring. Did he pack his items? Did he look over the type chart reference sheet she probably made for him, once she knew he was planning on jumping into the dangerous work? So many things to nag on and make sure he does right for his own safety. v.v
I'm sure it'll work out somehow lmao

There are countless ways you could get on Herissmon's nerves. Deface his art, prod at him during one of his egotistical speeches, tell him there's a bug in his food...

But Reina? Probably startle her into thinking an attack is going on. Or try and poke at her during softer moments. That being said, I wouldn't prank the human who's train of thought on enemy Digimon will eventually become "Alright, I'll punch it!"
Too true, too true.

Leave them to shamble away to treat their burns and poisons as the little witch enjoys her nice sunset or grotto walk. And gets work done, of course
Really cool list.

Abandoned pieces of cities, graveyards, and mystery-filled lakes! Not to mention a Beginner dungeon where Apricoatl can venture off to when she's feeling lazy and wishes to watch the sun. Too bad most of the other calming areas are sprawling with violent residents wanting to ruin her mid-job vacation.
Our trio of stocky punchy bois (of which lu can be an honorary fourth member) need their own fun sub team/group name at this point like the burly bash bros or something.

My vote goes directly to the initial suggestion. Burly Bash Bros is gold.

I love this idea. It gives us a nice little side-objective (more like two; building up the shop and figuring out Clay's past), adds a sort of mentor relationship between the two, and anything that Clay discovers while digging he can bring to the Swap Shop.

Then I guess you can say this idea is set in stone!

Fortunately the shop didn't need a metric ton of work. It's essentially a fancy stall, just made of stone in one of the more open spaces within the Guild. But business is always appreciated, and helping him out now that he's started desiring to give venturing a chance is the least she could do to pay him back for putting those little rocky muscles to use
@Lightning Fast

Sounds cool, yeah! She definitely would've saw him as a potential interest when he was down in that dungeon, and eventually discovering he was actually alive was probably super startling, but only fueled the questions she had. With him not knowing about himself, or his evolutions, it could turn into a joint effort to discover what exactly he is and perhaps see if someone like him is out there.

Plus, since he's so handy around the Guild, he probably could've helped her work on the space for her Swap Shop once he started getting used to the place. I was mostly going to disclose it to some side-character NPC rock types anyways, but having it be another player that helped out setting it up would be fun.
Looking good. Here's my character.

I didn't actually look over Bromwell's CS before making my own but he looks like a swell guy.

hope its ok just dropping a sheet outta nowhere

I ain't great at personality descriptions, but hopefully the rest gives you an insight on who she is better than it

And Draco's here now? Super blessed! Welcome friend.

Too bad (Or maybe it's good?) That our characters exist as moral opposites when it comes to a fight. I'm sure that won't cause any sort of conflict or issue, none at all.
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