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I'd be all for it being moved to the Freeforms. I know a few people who might show interest in it being there. It would also make it easier for people to spot since there are so many rps here that this one tends to get buried.
England, while having allowed herself to be subjected to the other countries' antics and allowed Iceland to drag her out to drink, was not as sociable as some of the others. In fact, she had decided to sit near the edge of the bar, keeping a careful eye on her drink to ensure it was in her hand the entire time. Her thoughts drifted slightly, taking her back to the meeting. She was disappointed, really. Someone needed to knock America down a few pegs or maybe get his head out of his arse long enough to see sense. He was disruptive, brutish and irritatingly judgmental. And his mouth! Why couldn't he just be as sweet as Canada? Canada never gave her the trouble he did.
With a faint sigh, she looked back down at her glass. It was only her first and she had hardly taken a sip of it. She had business to do, after all. She didn't want to waste the night with a few drinks and unconsciousness if she could avoid it. And, right now, it looked like she could.

While Iceland was glad and refreshed by the visit to the bar, he was also slightly disappointed. His attempts to reach out and fix his relationship with England were met with a cold shoulder and the other nation creeping off to the corner to drink away from the group. At this rate, he'd never be friends with her! He just wanted to be on good terms with everyone, was that so hard to ask? He looked sideways at the person sitting near him, quickly recognizing her from earlier. But what country she was, unfortunately, eluded him. Thankfully enough, he wasn't too shy about asking again. "I know you introduced yourself earlier but your name seems to have slipped my mind. Could you introduce yourself again?" He looked at Macau hopefully, a slight smile on his face. He'd work his way up to friendship with England. He wasn't going to give up so easily!

Prussia was a man of simple tastes. While German beer was the best by his standards, he really only cared long enough to get buzzed. At that point, beer was just beer. Alcohol was just alcohol. He wasn't picky in the slightest and the instant he had picked up a bottle, all thoughts about how bad this could end up fled. He hadn't seen his brother in ages and while it wouldn't be a pleasant reunion by any means, he didn't care. He was fully wrapped up in the moment now and enjoying the time he was spending with his friends, drinking themselves into a drunk stupor. Nothing could go wrong at this point.
Moreover, how could Germany get angry with him? He had practically raised Germany! With all the time he invested, his brother could at least rerun the favor with some alcohol. Like, no need to be stingy. He had invested money so so could Germany. In the form of liquid gold, of course.
His focus drifted to a small conversation between France and Spain before the Frenchman admitted he was drunk. "Pffff," Prussia declared with a smirk, setting the bottle between his teeth before taking a large swig. When he set the bottle down, he slumped over Germany's couch, looking up at the ceiling. "I've been dreeenking 'ore than yeeew!" he replied with a smile. "And I feel fiiiine!" He leaned further backwards, resting his head on top of the chair. Ah, perfect. How many beers had he had? He lost count between the couple of shots he did.
The temptation of a prank was almost as great as the fear of being shanked. He never doubted that his friend was fully capable of hurting him, even when he was in top health. To put it bluntly; Spain was scary as shit. But there was also the temptation of a prank that lured him in and finally caused him to shake his head. Sure he was worried but their friendship had to man something. At the very least, he might be able to run faster than her since his legs were longer. And while he never doubted the Frenchman to run away instead of helping him, he could always trip the bastard and let Spain tear him to shreds in place of him. It was part of their friendship that meant they would all make sacrifices for one another. It was just when the going got tough, they surely had each others' backs.
We probably should skip soon.
"I don't want to let left behind here," Prussia replied with a slight frown. He wasn't actually upset or anything, he just wanted to prove a point. "You need me to get into Germany's house anyway. You'll set off all the alarms if you just break in to try to get his beer. He watched France sit down, followed quite quickly by Spain as she almost comically flopped down next to him with her dirty shoes raised up onto his lap. Oh, all of them knew that France would never take kindly to something like that. "Spain," He chided as he sat down by her head and gently tried to raise it so he could set her head down on his lap. The seat of the train could not be as comfortable as a lap, even if his was a bit bony. "And you too, France. Can't we all just get along? We're all in this together, after all. We can afford to be a bit nicer to each other."
Prussia nodded, not pushing the matter of paying. If France said he got it, he had it. He quickly tailed behind Spain as the two nations slipped through the gate, using their tickets to make the gates turn. And, without a hiccup of any kind, he had sent his ticket through and pushed on after them. The train station sure was busy but that was just natural of trains, correct? They always pulled a large crowd and even when one arrived, more people just flooded in to fill the void. At least airports had room to breathe.

He kept his eyes trained downward, doing his best to follow the tiny woman through the crowds as France made some joke about her height. He did have a point, though. It was difficult to spot her with the hustle and bustle of people rushing past on either side. "She's got a point," he called ahead to France, a smile forming on his face once more as she identified him as a stripper's pole. France was tall enough to see over the heads of most people and his outfit was obviously foreign. For once, he was glad to be at the back of the line since it meant there would be no quips about his unusual appearance. He didn't mind them but it was always more fun to make fun of others than be subjected to it yourself.

Suddenly, his two friends were off, moving quite quickly towards one train that had to be theirs. People began to flood in between him and the other two, forcing the gap between them apart as it seemed like the entire train station was trying to board this one train. Frustration clouded Prussia's brow as he, at first, began politely trying to enter the train. But his patience quickly grew thin as he was not given any room to board. With a determined snort, he charged forward, shoving several people aside so he could leap onto the train with great gusto, landing on board safely behind his friends. He didn't really care that he had possibly injured anyone since it was their fault for getting in his way in the first place. He didn't want to lose his friends now when they were so close. "Do you know what stop we are?" He asked, leaning forward towards the two so people could continue to flow around them without bumping into him.
I feel like Prussia needs to interact with Russia as well. The whole WWII thing will probably give them a lot to talk about.
Prussia had just begun to pull out his wallet when France jogged past him to the ticket box. Before he could protest to another person paying for his ticket, France and already paid and secured three for the next train bound for Germany. Arguing about paying for tickets was counterproductive, honestly, so he reluctantly shoved his wallet back into his pocket. In a way, he was supplying the beer anyway. He'd pay if France asked him too but he wouldn't press paying for his own. He could use the extra money anyway.

He looked down at the borrowed shirt from Germany. It had been the smallest he could find but it still wasn't good enough. PRobably because it didm''t cover his arms and the material was too thin. He'd need to dig out a sweatshirt or something from Germany's closet. That might help to cover him up a bit better and prevent situations from rising up like they had with France. He just didn't need to concern them with trivial things. "Danke, France," he declared as he took one of the tickets from the other nation. "I can pay you back if you need me too. But how about we get on the train first? I want to make sure we don't miss it."

England looked around as the group slowly grew bigger with nations like Portugal and Russia appearing, as well as another girl. England was very good about recognizing other nations but this one she couldn't say she knew right away. But the name clicked and England nearly snapped her fingers in recognition. It was that tiny little place always around China. But England never knew she was Portugal's daughter, probably because she never asked. Whenever she saw the girl, China was around and China always more important to deal with at the time. "Charmed," she replied with an acknowledging nod before turning to look at Russia. Honestly, he never struck her as a public drinker. Sure he seemed to like being around other people to some extent but she was near certain she never wanted to see him drunk. Iceland obviously felt the same way since he quickly started after Denmark, tagging along at her heels while England merely began to walk after them. Iceland was certainly a skittish nation when it came to much bigger and much more powerful countries. He had always been antsy around her since World War II. Probably because of the invasion but if given the same opportunity, she would have taken it again. Staying completely removed from wars was impossible. He was lucky it was just her and not Germany.
Yeah, Prussia would not want to be on Russia's side. But as soon as there's a sign of a war, England will probably be knocking down a bunch of doors to claim vital and strategic territories.

Are we just going to use a randomizer or something to pick who goes with who? Because I feel like we've got to plan some hilarious ones like France and England somehow ended up stranded on an island together.
Sounds good to me! Prussia would probably just stick with France and Spain or Germany, provided they were actually fighting.

Iceland would probably try to stay as neutral as he could but I'll probably have England invade or tell Russia to invade since Iceland since it would be a good way point.
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