Avatar of Raining
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    1. Raining 10 yrs ago


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Lil' enigma.

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@Rex @Fenris123

Hope you guys haven't kicked the bucket yet.
Hey there lil'mama
Misha couldn’t help but burst into a short bout of laughter. “Me?” She kneels down slightly to slap her hands on her knees. “Sing?” It took her a moment to gather herself entirely, and when she did, the young girl would stand back up and wipe a tear from her eye after laughing so hard. “I’m tone deaf, imagine dunking a heated piece of metal into a cold bath of water. The sound it makes is how I sing - which is a nightmare. I can totally have fun though, that’s what I’m all about - good luck with getting a band together though. HA… Me. Singing.” The girl gestures a bit, lifting her hand up and making a flourishing motion. She would attempt to lean on Drake, resting her elbow on his shoulder to invade his personal space. “You got a guitar? Can I hold it? Do you fight with it?”

She then looked to Fenrir, watching as he introduced himself to Drake. The young girl would then lean off of the guitar boy, opting to lean on Fenrir now. “What about you? What’s your weapon? Can you sing?” Control yourself Misha, you’re prying. Her tail would sway behind her at a slow, methodical pace - which didn’t match currently with Misha’s exuberant behavior.

As an added bonus, she would look to Fenrir, then to Drake, her violet eyes batting like a puppy.

@Rex @Fenris123
Misha let out a snort and released her tail, allowing Fenrir to examine it after determining that these people were just curious - like her. As Fenrir touched the tip, it would outstretch towards him and spin, a very subtle whirring noise coming from the jointless tail. It would then tap on his shoulder, then the other one, as if it had wanted to initiate in a sort of harmless play. Though as sentient as it seemed, the tail was likely controlled by Misha herself. "Crickey," The young girl mimicked Fenrir's accent, "I can't feel it... Lad - mate? Buck-o. Gosh, you guys just want all of my secrets - Shh!"

She beams as she glances back to Drake, watching as he removed his hat. For a moment, she contemplated wether or not to do the same. This was a new school after all, new people, hunters and huntresses had no room to get judged. Misha tugged her hood down, her dyed lavender bob straightened a neat, however there were two small horns on either side of her head, one resting on each temple. The horns had separated her bangs, which the young girl would try to fix up. "Misha Maroon Montgomery, it's nice to meetcha! I mean, Fenrir boy, and Drake... Guy. - But what was I saying? Oh! I have a thing called a brush, I don't know if you use it." She teases, letting out another snort.

@Rex @Fenris123
i am so sorry
Misha huffs once more at the boy who had requested they settle down before looking back at the collecting group. "Snow? I like Wolfie better, but it's real nice to-" She pauses, someone was messing with something they shouldn't... As Drake touched the tail, it would flinch, feigning surprise and turning so that the very tip could face him, as if it were staring intently at his person. Very gently - if he remained standing - it would pat his cheek, the metal incredibly cold on the skin.

"No touchy, don't you know it's rude? You always have to ask before you touch, buck-o!" Misha glances over her shoulder, though rather than looking upset, she looked more amused than anything. The young girl would grasp her tail, holding it close to her form as if it were an infant. "It's a secret, too - so SHHHH!" As an added bonus, she stuck her tongue out at Drake, then turned back.

As the second wolf faunus approached, she suddenly felt very pleased with how this group was growing. "Oh neat! Uh, I wasn't talking about you, but I could be now!" She chimes to Fenrir, "You my good man, have joined the best chat in your life."

@Vishtaspa @Rafiel_purewing @Rex @Fenris123 @InfiniteEmbers
Gosh, I wish editing posts notified the people - or do they? I haven't been on here for a year.
Oh? This one was a curious cat, Misha could learn to appreciate this girl... Well, she did already! "Now that my compadre, is a secret - so, shhhhhh." She chimes, lifting up a finger to hover over her lips. "Shh shh shh." The young girl lowered her hand, allowing it to rest on her hip as her tail simply draped itself over her opposing shoulder like a boa of sorts. It was getting hard to determine whether or not the mechanical tail was as heavy as it had appeared. "My semblance though? I think it's neat-o, helps me do fun stuff uh-"

Her gaze followed Azupiranu's, a brow lifting in confusion until she spotted the boy from afar. "Who? Oh, 'sup." Misha greeted, doing a brief head nod after, as a sort of friendly gesture. "What's your name, wolfie? You got cool stuff?"

She trailed off and glanced over her shoulder, eyeing the individual who had requested that they keep their voices down. Misha looked him up and down, her lips curling into a frown briefly. "Why don't you speak up, then, bub? I got two hours to waste, so I'm gonna waste it how I like."

@Vishtaspa @Rafiel_purewing @InfiniteEmbers
Misha immediately paused, flinching at the sudden comment and spinning about, almost frightened with the fact that she was approached so suddenly - and without her being the first to engage. “AHHHHHHhhh… Oh.” The young girl’s yelling settled down into a sudden realization. “Uh - yeah, totally. Actually - wait, no. Fu- Hold on.”

A finger lifted up to scratch her cheek as she looked the stranger over, taking in every little detail with a light hum. “Nice hat, bud.” She pauses, yet again. “Wait, you asked somethin’? Oh! Yeah, the uh - the tail, right… It’s my bungee cord, y’like?” Misha takes a step back and does a bit of a jazz hand gesture. The jointless tail behind her would flick back and forth, then outstretching as if it had woken up from a long nap. “My name is Misha - Misha Maroon Montgomery, but some call me M and m and m - or MMM, or mmm. But Misha is cool, I mean-” At the last bit of her introduction, she grew quiet, simply looking over the redhead girl one last time. “What’s your name? You got a neat-o lookin' getup.” Briefly, it almost looked as if she were restraining herself from prying into the redhead's very existence.

Standing grew bored quickly for her though, and to release a bit more energy, she would walk circles around the ginger when she drew closer. The tail, yet again would flow, but rather than drag along on the ground, it had gathered its senses to wave about in the air, appearing as light as paper.

As Misha stood, she could feel her mind drift away, the voices around her soon growing muffled as she simply… Zoned out. The speech that had once boomed had become a deafening silence to her, and her gaze began to blur. To her defense, she was never really that attentive as is, the speech wasn’t engaging, nor were those around her, they all seemed to be preoccupied and that crushed her very soul - and many options.

“Wooooow… I am… so bored.” The young girl muttered under her breath, a pointer finger rubbing the corner of each eye. She craned her head back, her expression growing comedically groggy as she pretended to snore, mocking the holographic image of the woman despite knowing that a reaction couldn’t be gathered.

Misha leaned her head back forward, squinting briefly at the hologram once more. “Eugh… Mmmm - Ugh.” The young girl huffs, looking rather annoyed now before she spun about on her heels and scampered off… To where? She didn’t have a clue, perhaps she’d just walk a lap around the airship to rid herself of this energy? Or, she’d just find someone to pester. But either way, she needed something to do, and there were two hours left to spare on this god forsaken airship. Her light walk turned into a fast paced shuffle, then a skip as she grew even more restless than before. The mechanical tail behind her would flow, following the girl's jumpy movements.
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