Avatar of Raiven Raine
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  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Raiven Raine 8 yrs ago


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my question still stands....

can i kill the DC??? ^_^
Shaine yelped and scrambled to grab ahold of the sink and then the window frame to keep from sliding out of the busted up room along with the tub.

Suddenly another explosion rocked the broken building, the concussion of the blast hitting hard from below. Shane was mostly protected by the second floor and the bulk of the messed up deathclaw, but the structure groaned and creaked as it further buckled beneath him.

More shots fired.

It felt like slow motion as the rotted wood cracked loudly and broke off in his hands and he fell backwards. He clutched the sharp splintered stake of wood as if holding onto the remainder of his once anchor could stop him from his descent. He slid, then rolled and fell out into the space below, landing hard half on his side and half on his stomach.

The kid uncurled his fingers from the chunk of wood and tried to stand up on the heap underneath him. He wobbled and fell to the side, off the deathclaw. He yelped and backed away clumsily a few steps until he noticed the beast was laying still, the shiv of wood jutting out of its eye.

The thing was beyond messed up. Its face was a wreck, its legs blown to stringy bits surrounding broken bone, a gaping wound in its gut showed partial intestines that were nearly expelled.

And that smell!

Shaine swallowed hard to fight the rising bile in his throat and backed away, tripping half over his own feet and half over the leg of a blonde man downed behind him.
it just started. im sure you could squeeze yourself in somewhere in the chaos...or wait until the current scene is over and pop in after. maybe do a couple solo posts first that set you up in the wasteland. ^_^
Note to self, don't post first thing in the morning before you've had time to wake up properly,

BAH! i keep writing that same note to MY self....but my self can't read that early in the morning and ignores it anyway.

Shaine ran through the room as the beast mauled the door behind him. It splintered and cracked easily under the massive deathclaw’s attacks. The squire knew the door wouldn’t last long at all with that thing raking against it, so he hopped up onto a counter and scrambled out a window in the back.

The kid fell out clumsily then scrambled to his feet and ran to the back of the next building, then around and into another. He had been hoping to hide from the thing, but it had suddenly turned its attention toward a movement and the beeps of a mine nearby.

The deathclaw bounded through the street as Shaine ducked through a doorway and up the stairs to try and hide once more. He looked out the window of a bathroom to see if he could get out of this building and he saw a figure crouching down below him.

It was an old man.

Shaine spoke quietly, “Hey...hey sir…?”

The creature bounded into the alleyway and up onto a broken wall, making a stack of lumber shift and crash into Shaine’s cover. He heard the beast below him roar in anger, rattling the entire structure around him. The sound was the single most terrifying thing he had ever heard.

Then the wall next to him buckled and busted. The floor caved in on one side and Shaine was nearly taken down with the bathtub that crashed into the deathclaw below.

to add pictures you need to find the picture you want, copy the image location (right click it and 'copy image location') then use the picture button above in the comment box here to paste that URL in between the IMG tags.

if your picture is saved on your own computer and not online somewhere you will have to put it on an online photo hosting site like Photobucket....then do the same steps as above.
Dust filled the air around in a massive cloud, settling slowly in the streets of Concord. Shaine wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, smudging tears and dirt over his cheeks. He knew there were raiders in the town somewhere, it was the entire nature of the mission in the first place. Knight Alexis was taking him out to observe as she put the raiders down, but they had never made it that far as the supermutant suicider came after them from the outskirts of town.

As he stood, the kid felt pain shoot up his side from his thigh to his ribs. He hadn’t noticed in the panic and adrenaline, but he had been hurt and he was really starting to feel it. His thigh had been burnt. His pants had a jagged hand sized hole exposing the burn which was blistered and red. His ribs hurt on one side, his back had been bruised where the Knight’s armor had pressed too hard against him. He had been hurt more by Alexis protecting him than anything, but he was grateful for her sacrifice and every pain reminded him of it.

Shaine took out a stimpack from one of his pouches but then hesitated. He could walk. His injuries weren’t bad enough to need it. He put it back in the pouch and decided to save it for later. He felt fear well up inside at the thought of needing to save his stimpack for...later. He was alone in the wasteland.

He moved down the street, closer to the center of town on the west side, to find a good hiding spot or something worth salvaging. Shaine only carried a single stimpack, two rations of squirrel on a stick, water, a pistol and some ammo. He wished he had a sniper rifle, but squires didn’t generally use them and when asked to be able to practice with one, Maxson and Kells both denied him. That did not stop Shaine who ‘borrowed’ a good rifle from Teagan and snuck away daily to practice from the Prydwen’s forecastle.

The squire turned down a street and stopped cold in his tracks. He started stupidly as a beast down the street shoved long claws up into a man he held up in one massive hand. The man’s screams were cut off as he was disemboweled ruthlessly. Shaine gasped and took a few steps backwards. Maybe the deathclaw was too preoccupied to notice him.

The beast tossed the body to the side, down the street towards Shaine. Its massive horned head turned and it stared right at the boy. It hunched down on all fours and prepared to run.

Shaine yelped and took off into the nearest building for cover, slamming the door shut behind him as the beast roared outside.

Shaine turned and ran into a busted up building with Knight Alexis right behind him in her power armor yelling at him to move faster. The supermutant suicider was a little more quick than the knight in her suit, however. He let out a loud rumbling bellow as he closed in on them from outside. Shaine could hear the beast’s feet thumping into the room as he turned to look behind him in a panic. He stumbled and fell hard on the wooden floor, immediately curling into a ball as Alexis covered him with her metal frame.

Just as the Knight hit her knees over Shaine, the mini-nuke the mutie carried exploded around them, filling the room with a heated burst that knocked down a wall, blew a hole in the ceiling and cracked the floor beneath them. Alexis was pressed against Shaine and she strained to hold herself up enough to keep from crushing the kid.

The squire’s ears rung loudly through the muffled sounds of the structure cracking and falling apart around them. A choking cloud of dust swirled around the dilapidated building and made Shaine cough. He frantically scrambled out from under Alexis, who immediately let herself drop to the floor with a loud metallic thud.

He gasped at the sight around him. Blood and gore from the exploded mutie had painted nearly every surface and said surfaces were crushed or broken. A chunk of brick from the busted wall fell nearby, followed by a cascade of rubble.

The boy coughed again and pulled the scarf around his neck up over his nose and mouth as he moved to the Knight sprawled on the ground.

The back of her armor was a wreck.

Shaine’s eyes widened as he remembered seeing Proctor Ingram brought back to the compound after she had been crushed under the landslide of the cliff. She had to be cut out of her suit and she was a mess inside, her legs crushed beyond saving.

The Kight’s suit looked just as bad as Ingram’s had. His hands trembled as he touched the ruined release valve. No way he would be able to get her out. He heard her cough wetly as his hearing started to return. He knelt beside her head and grabbed her dented helmet. He pulled it off with some difficulty, falling back onto his rump as it dislodged. Shaine tossed the helm aside and looked down at Alexis.

A stream of blood fell from her mouth as she struggled to breathe. She turned her head slightly and looked up at the kid kneeling over her.

The squire stared at her with an expression of shocked fear, “I don’t know what to do! What do I do?!”

His medical training definitely didn’t cover this. That suicider shouldn’t have even been out here. This was supposed to be a safe trip. Shaine tried to breathe and think through the panic. The Knight was starting to go into shock. Her body had been crushed inside the suit and Shaine knew that no stimpack would help her now.

Alexis held a wild look of fear in her eyes for a moment as she spluttered and tried to talk. Shaine moved close and held her head against his lap, pulling her hair back from her face, “It’s okay...It’s going to be okay.” His words were just as much for himself as they were for the Knight. Her head lolled against him and her eyes glassed over as she let out a shallow breath and stilled.

A chunk of wood from the ceiling above shifted and fell next to Shaine with a loud crash, startling the boy out of his stupor. He reached down and pulled off the Knight’s holotags, putting them around his neck as he stood up.

Another chunk of wood fell and the entire building moaned and creaked around him as the remaining walls started to buckle.

The squire gasped and ran through the doorway out into the street. He scrambled up over a cement barricade as the large two story building crashed down in an enormous dust cloud and splintering wood. Bits of rubble pelted his cover, spraying across the streets in a loud hailstorm of brick and wood.

Shaine clutched the holotags against his chest and huddled in fear.
Name: X9-01

Nickname: Oracle

Age: Prototype

Race: Synth

Morals: Pragmatic

Flaws: Blind, Limp

Faction: None

Background: Produced By Institute to Aid in Retrieval missions by predicting the movements of runaways through tactical analysis, profiling, and deductive reasoning. Unit X9-01 itself ran away during its first recovery mission, having attained self awareness faster than any previous gen3. Its specialized nature makes it a high priority recovery target for the Institute, and Kill On Sight for the brotherhood. Its ocular sensors and right leg actuators were damaged irreparably in the escape.

Looks: Modeled after "Father" on the man's deathbed as a tribute to the Institute leader's contribution.

(Tahlon's character)

Name: Shaine

Nickname: Squire...a title is a nickname, yeah?

Age: 14

Race: human

Morals: Optimistically follows Brotherhood beliefs, but with a hell of a lot less racism. He often skirts around certain rules, goes places he shouldn't and ends up getting reprimanded repeatedly. He wants badly to be the best Paladin ever. "Even better than Danse." Maybe even become Elder one day. He is friendly and enigmatic and has a strong sense of loyalty to his brothers and sisters of the BoS

Flaws: well...he's a kid....so there's that. Shaine has very little actual experience on the ground, but he has been sneaking practice in with a sniper rifle, and he's really good....from far away. He often gets in over his head because of his enthusiasm for combat and to prove himself. He feels competitive with Elder Maxson's past reputation. "If he could kill a deathclaw when he was 14, then I can [do this]" He won't let rules stop him.

Faction: Brotherhood of Steel

Background: Shaine was raised by the Brotherhood, mostly. He was born in the Capital Wasteland and moved to the BoS compound for training with some other squires his age. (i don't want to look at the damn timeline right now so...he was young.) He is somewhat of a loner because he gets in trouble often and some of the other squires don't always want to associate with him lest he get them in trouble, too. He has a close relationship with Proctor Ingram, Scribe Haylen and Paladin Danse and he really looks up to Lancer Captain Kells...though the man scares the crap out of him. He looks to Elder Maxson like a father figure.

Looks: short dark brown hair. Usually keeps it shaved but sometimes it grows out. right now...it's a little scruffy. 5'1" 120 LB. Blue eyes.

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