Avatar of Rakurai
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    1. Rakurai 10 yrs ago


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@MelodyNoir: My not so secret crush~

Most Recent Posts

@Eklispe Aww, I'm sorry~
I could have written a short snippet on every character since I've liked every post in this RP so far, but I didn't want to make my post any longer than it already was. That... and I've gotten in trouble before with GM's accusing me of Mini/Shadow GM'ing when I offer my thoughts like that. Didn't really want to make it seem like I was some university proffesor of RP analyzing and critiquing everyone's posts xD

At first I laughed at your comment.
I can't notice things that don't exist~

But then I had a moment of silence...
And then another...
And god damn it Windel xD

Nisekoi Parrot Video
.... Please don't call me that again xD

Haha, I can imagine.
I can't say much about how things are nowadays since I've been away for awhile...
But back in my days~ There was always an abundant number of wannabe-hero-protagonist characters who were well-liked, polite, and able to solve any problem they encountered. I guess it's personal preference, but I've always found those types to be boring.

Flawed is the new black~ (Not a racist comment)
And I look forward to the complications and consequences that turn up in this RP.
I came here to PARTY~!
I didn't come here to sip tea and talk about the weather, nor did I come to sit around a campfire and tell scary stories. Gimme my Conflict!

Personally I love how brainlessly naive Mary is, and think your doing a pretty good job conveying the recklessness thus far xD I just hope KoL's nasty little surprise doesn't have an adverse effect on you portraying her.

On a more solemn note, Shakrais can offer some help to the situation.
If the baby goes SPLAT!... I can have Shakrais bribe the mother into stating that she never had a child. The baby would hence be a 'nobodies child' and considering they were flattened by a flying boulder, we could pretend the babycart just had a dog or cat inside it *nods*
Or! Or! Shakrais can make a diamond carving of the baby and give it to the mother. Not only is her baby now valuable, but it no longer needs to be fed! Double win!

@KoL Going to be examining your GM'ing very closely KoL~
I've tried the whole "Put players in sticky situations" thing in the past myself, and it always leads to drama and people quitting >_< Maybe you've got something I need to learn?... Though I suppose it didn't help that I always sprung my 'consequences' on whoever I fancied, regardless of whether they'd done something crazy or not.

Haha, I read the OoC before the IC, and was actually worried Shakrais was going to get in trouble.
Normally I'd love the challenge, but since I couldn't figure out what he'd done wrong, I couldn't exactly figure out what sort of reprimand was coming my way.
-I'm paying the guy so it's no slavery
-Doing business with the homeless is not shady dealings
-John is a human, he may be big and burly but he's not an ape-monster.... honest.

Regardless I'm actually extremely pleased that you'll be taking the 'Consequences' approach. Creativity is nice, but it's generally even better when it's thought through... plus, I'm pretty certainly I'll be willingly stepping into the minefield sooner or later. x3

Shakrais: "Look me you little plebs! I'm the tallest man alive"....
*Looks up*
Shakrais: "What the? Why is there a girl on the moon? Wait why is the moon even out.... and why is it coming closer? Oh dear. Hey Goliath, be a good neanderthal and throw me higher than the comet will you?"

The comment about idiots liking high places was not exclusive to Shakrais it seems~

On a more serious note though, it'll be interesting to see how the scene plays out.
What happens next is up to you, KoL and anyone else involved...
But personally I've always appreciated people who can't solve their own problems.
I seriously doubt that Tiamat would sacrifice Mary's life for the baby (since I'm assuming partners are worth more to the spirit than a common human).
So from a personal perspective... Mary's screwed. Hence it'd be ideal if someone else could step in and save the day. I feel that a collaborative solution improves the interpersonal involvement of the players, while also leading to better writing overall. Nevermind it'd illustrate that the characters aren't infallible.

Just my few cents... and bill. xD

@Tyrant from the West
I'm glad he's entertained at least one person. xD
Sort of need to keep his personality and gestures 'out there' since he's a solo act.

Personally I'm absolutely loving the way the Song Knights and their Spirits are interacting.
I'm not saying any are bad, (So please don't go sour on me if I don't list you) but...

I think @McFazzer takes the lead at the moment, since they've had the most amount of interactive spotlight time. I'm already looking forward to Scarlet's antics, and how Taylor's going to go along.
@Lonewolf685's "Don't even bother you damned Trap." is probably my most memorable quote at this time, I swear I actually heard Jormungand's tone of voice when he said that. xD
@solokolos's Sole sort of reminds me of a child whining "Mommy, are we there yet?" xD Sort of want to give him a pat on the head, and tell him that patience is a virtue.

I also feel @Tyrant from the West's Conquest deserves a special mention. Not sure why yet, but I'm really looking forward to how this... chair-thing is going to be in this RP. Never played in an RP with a talking chair before~ And I kind of like how curt and blunt his 'instruction' has been thus far. It's not really a character that stands out, but I think it's promising nonetheless.

So yeah, tl:dr, I'm liking the posts and look forward to the non-monologues which'll undoubtedly happen in the near future.
Lies! Taylor reminds me of my father~
The lonely drunk guy sitting in the corner wondering whatever happened to that thing called life?
I'm sure she's plenty chipper when she's not lying in an alley hugging her booze

I'm kidding though, Taylor looks like she'll be quite fun to interact with.
Though I'll also admit that Scarlet might eclipse her a bit in the personality department with the sassy'ness xD

@TheWindelIt's okay, history has shown that peasants are able to survive on awfully little. Worst case scenario they'll topple the royals, claiming something stereotypical like the heavens punishing the kingdom for corruption... Now that would be a rare sight for a rolleplay. People rioting and taking over the monarchy xD

Since Deadnaut and Burning are working on a collab, and Windel is being a watchful overlord...
I guess we're eyeing Alina and Solokos for a post now...
Looking forward to all that, and more!
No idea what you're talking about since I don't see Victor nor Echo in the IC~
*hint hint* xD

Doubt you're raising the point as an issue, but whenever I start feeling as if two characters are too similar I generally try to figure out what would happen if you left the two alone in a locked room. If they both react similarly or completely synchronize... yeah, lost cause xD

I mainly only went with earth because it was underpicked when I started working on my character >_<
I'm still kind of surprised since fire usually gets way more loving. Dark... well everyone likes the dark angsty emo so that's not surprising~ *Is totally not taunting people into an argument*

But damn... regrets~ I should have given my guy earthquaking powers so I could go around ruining farmers crops. I'd be able to topple a nation single handedly if I had.

Been tweaking a few things on the chart since I got bored. xD
Wasn't going to post an update until currently interested applicants were finalized, but after realizing how much of an earth-imbalance we had, figured that I'd post the extra details.

I doubt we need a balanced ratio, but considering the tourney, there may be certain advantages of picking certain elements xD

Shakrais Mahavedya

The sun had only started to peer its brilliant rays over the mountainous horizons when a certain young man proudly strutted his way out into the relatively quiet streets. Despite it being the crack of dawn, the streets were already sparsely populated with people hurrying back and forth; preparing for the undoubtedly busy day ahead. Shakrais himself would be performing centre stage later that day, and the mere thought of thousands, if not tens of thousands eyes gazing upon him sent a shiver of euphoric excitement up his spine.

“A truly worthwhile stage shall be prepared I’m sure” he stated, raising his arms high above himself, stretching them out as if he were attempting to communicate with some heavenly being. Unfortunately the only response he got from his bizarre ritual was a few raised eyebrows which quickly turned away, hurrying away to complete whatever errand they had set themselves for the day. The self-declared tyrant maintained his stance for a good half-minute before lowering his arms and huffing dissatisfied. He’d heard from travellers that the people of Bach were prudish stiff-necks, but their inability to comprehend his clearly evident intentions was simply unacceptable.

This wouldn’t do. This simply wouldn’t do at all.
Glancing around the streets, the tanned youth pranced his way across the street, and slipped into the nearest alley, his bare feet stepping silently across the still cool stone path, sidestepping any unruly mess the inhabitants of this overpopulated settlement had made. In all honesty Shakrais had no ideas as to where he was going, turning corners based simply on his intuitive whims. Fortunately it didn’t take very long before he came across what he’d been looking for. A makeshift slum-like hideout made of discarded boxes and cloth. From within the sound of several sleepy snorers could be heard, each little street-rat dreaming of a life that would remain a dream for as long they lived.

A gentleman would have dismissed the sight, turning a blind eye and walking off in the opposite direction, but Shakrais was neither cultured nor polite. “Rise and shine little peasants!” he shouted suddenly, banging his fist against the roof of the little shack. The sudden racket immediately dragged each and every inhabitant of the hideout awake, many scrambling to their feet, and attempting to hide anything which might incriminate them. A few even tried to flee the scene, thinking that the guards had come along, but Shakrais stood firmly by the entrance of the shack, smiling confidently as cautious eyes retreated back into the safety of their home.

“No need to be shy my dear scumbags, I don’t intend to cause any harm to you or your bizarre little doghouse, I’m simply looking for a certain someone and was hoping you could point me in the right direction? Of course, a reward shall be dealt to those who prove themselves worthy” Shakrais declared, reaching for a pouch he had tied to his waist.

The mention of being rewarded, combined with the heft pouch was more than enough for several eager young boys to come darting out like the loyal hounds they were. The remainder of their transaction was simple enough and within an hour Shakrais was guided to the home of the person he sought…

As the street began to fill, and contestant from the respective schools began to make their way to the tournament grounds, a certain tanned youth stood above the rest…. Literally.

Standing atop the shoulders of a huge burly man that looked as if he’d eaten children for breakfast, Shakrais stood tall and proud, his arms crossed over his chest as he arrogantly looked down at the commoners who hurried to step aside before gazing up at him with incredulous confusion.
“Onwards my dear Goliath! Let the seas of filth part way as a prelude to my grand entrance” Shakrais laughed proudly.

The man beneath Shakrais’s feet mumbled something about his name being John, not Goliath… but wasn’t really in any position to complain. He’d be foul-tempered when a crazy young man surrounded by street-waifs turned up at his door. Even moreso when the man revealed he had sought John out solely for his massive physique. John; the Blacksmith would have quite happily slammed the door in the arrogant man’s face were it not for the palm sized jewels Shakrais had handed each waif, acting as if he were some old lady giving away free food. When Shakrais offered a handful of precious gems in exchange for a few hours of service, the man simply couldn’t refuse. And hence there he was… acting as the chariot for Shakrais’s more bizzare than grand scheme to gain the attention of his surroundings. They say that idiots and smoke like high places…. And since Shakrais clearly seemed to believe people were looking up at him with respectful awe… he was quite clearly the former.
I'll probably start working on a post later today since Friday's are my busy days~
Also need to do a bit of grocery shopping since the fridge looks so barren >_<

Just to note, insane strange GM's are generally more fun to play with, so I have no issue with the high ups being scary. Lone has to put up with them the most, so I'll just use them as my mining canary and hightail out of here when they start going all Hinamizawa on people.

Alcohol would be nice, Shakrais is secretly a practitioner of the Drunken Fist, and makes crazy chinesey sounds when he fights~ (Not really).
Normally I'd question what's in it for Shakrais if he pays, but he'd be more than happy to be at the bar with two pretty ladi.... wait, what's that between Cass's legs O.o
Well that went surprisingly smoothly xD
Life has a habit of double whamming me, and I guess it just happened again.

College Paper: I submitted a paper a few weeks ago and have been constantly on edge ever since because I was so sure I failed... I got 68 (which isn't that great a score, but hey I'm aiming for a pass mark of 50) but I didn't get any feedback, and that's kind of necessary for the next assessment ._.

Meanwhile in the RP world, I had all these answers ready in case there were any issues... and the submission just slipped through without any trouble... Now who am I going to explain myself to? *Sigh* (Just kidding of course).

Rant aside, thanks for the acceptance, and I look forward to roleplaying here again :D
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